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November 19, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-19

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19, 1W


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Amy Loomis, '23, Director Describes
Work At Class Meeting; Urges
All Women To Compete
Tryout dates for the Junior Girls'
play, were announced at the junior
mass meeting held yesterday after-
noon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
The following dates have been set byl
Amy Loomis, '23, director of the play
and Irene Field, '27, general chair-
man; Dec. 9, 10, 12, 16 and 17. With
the exception of the tryouts held on
the morning of Dec. 12 all the rest
will be held from 3 to 6 o'clock.
Miss Loomis addressed the mass'
meeting and urged every junior wo-
man to try out. However, as the play
involves great, mental strain and hard
work, she cautioned the women to be
certain that they could stand every-
thing and give up all personal enjoy-
ment for this short period. "In re-
-turn for this we assure you a very
good time and much interesting ex-
perience,sand a play that will rival its
In discussing the tryouts Miss
Loomis stated, "Of course we are very.
critical of your appearance. Height
and weight is especially important, 1
and whether you are the type that can
be used for a man, or for a woman,
the hero or heroine, the showgirl or
"Your talking voice will also be1
consideredin the tryouts, you may be
planning to try out only for a chorus,
but give yourself a chance, you may
have just the voice we are looking for..
This year the songs and singing of
the play are going to be heavily
stressed and all tryouts will be re-
quired to sing. However when you
choose your selection please do not
use the old standby, 'I want to go.
back to Michigan' because that is
definitely barred."
It is suggested that groups of five
women try out together to relieve the
embarrassment of the situation. Each
must have a prepared recitation, a
prepared song, and a prepared dance
which must not occupy too much time.

Pay Tribute To ETS uNPlan Stunts For Will Teach Women
Late Benefactor \W LSwimming MeetU Basketball Game TCES
Of CollegeWOMe NOT
OfC llgOWm n10 BENEFIT Diving, dashes, relays, and a life H IE FECE [IGN University women will have an op-
________n__ bL 1(511 UIfi --I -- portunity to receive special training -
Mr. Levi L. Barbour of Detroit who( Tickets for the bridge party to be the intraiural SWinuinog 1 be held Futuristic posters of French design in basketball in the classes to be hel Wyvern, junior ionoray society,
died last July was pall the tribute fgvnfr h eei o . ~ ~ i f teWmnsIadbih oo obntoso a- the first part of )c cemuewr ill t he Y.estbehl Wyrnjuir ooar oct,
d M.tJuyA. ool.tfgiven r - ny-' An 1 t e houses and bright color combinations of var Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4 o'clock will hold a regular meeting at 7:15
being one of the few men Who held league, Sat. Nov. 28, at Martha Cook have alr, aIy signed up for the meet, ious kinds are to constitute the dc- in Barbour gymnasium before the o'clock tonight at the Chi Omega sor-
his wealth and riches as a public building have been placed on sale for and other houses and zones are urged orations for the bazaar tea room this opening of the interclass and intra- ority, 1503 Washtenaw avenue.
trust and turned over his resources to all University women. It has been to sign up as soon :u possible. Any year, according to Anne Gilbreth, '26, mural basketball season the second
educaton, by lrol. Artur L. Cros, deemed advisable to limit sorority numbero fi Womnf rom ah house chairman of the tea room. The tea semester. The course, open to all All women who have charge of sell-
of the history department at a memor- houses to one table apiece until all may enter, and for each woman en- roonp is to be conducted on the order: women of the University who have ing candy in the various houses are
ial service held yesterday afternoon at the reservations from the league tered in the meet, the house will re- of a French cafe. Women dressed as had no practical training in the game. asked to send in reports to Florence
Betsy Barbour house. houses have been turned in. This was ceive one point. The points of women men apaches in bright colored blouses is the first of its kind ever given at Wertel, 7717, as it is necessary to
Professor Cross told the fletallS of done because there are a number of entering Irom their league houses will of red, yellow, purple and green, and Michigan, and has for its purpose an take inventory at least once a month.
Mr. Barbour's life, as a Unversity sorority women in league houses and go to the zone in which the house is wearing black trousers will serve, equality of opportunity in interclass
student and regent, a realtor and to allow two tables to each sorority located. Ten points will he given for Appropriate music will be played and intramural basketball for women Miss Jean Hamilton, dean of wo-
lawyer of Detroit, a traveler in the house might exclude some independent first piae in each event, seven for and stunts given at intervals during who have received training in high men, will address the assembly of
Orient speaking four languages, and women who wished to play. second, and five for third the meals. The same practice that schools and elsewhere and for those Ylsilanti Nomal at 9 o'clock this
as a publi worker on the state board Merchants on State street have been The free style will be the length of has been followed in previous years who have never played before coming morning.
of correction and charity. generous in furnishing decorations the pool, 20 yards, and the relay race, of having every sorority give up one to Michigan. A poster has been placed
Norma Bichnell, '2G, presdelt of and prizes so that all the money de- with four on each team, will be the meal at their houses to eat at the tea on the bulletin board in Barbour gym-, The poster contest for the Wom-
the Women's league, poited out the rived from the sale of tickets will ssnme length. Each woinan eniteruig room is to be followed again this year. nasium and women interested in the en's league and Interchurch bazaar
thorough confidence of Mlichigan wo go for the benefit of the Women's'tie divi g ('8contest Will be oxpected to Lunch, tea and dinner will be served course may sign up for it. If enough will be extended to 4 o'clock next
men in themselves as thre result of league.execiite llShr- ti ffcer(f, dives.I a- )0both Friday and Saturday at the fol- sign more classes will be scheduled: Monday.
Mr. larbour's confidence in them, and The list of patronesses includes: diion to the competitive events - w- lowing hours: lunch, 12 to 1:30 in addition to those on Tuesday and
the desire to be worthy of that COIco MissJ ean Hamilton, dean of womieii, men of tibe University will take part o'clock; tea, 3:30 to 5 o'clock; din- Thursday afternoons. Two advance classes in riding
fidence as two reasons for t lb Mrs. Amy Hobart, assistant dean of in a life eaving contest, and also in nr, 5:30 to 7 o'clock. have been started. They meet from
of Milchigan women to Mr. irbuwom, Miss Elva Forncrook, social l stunts. Noon quiet period, sponsored by the 4 to 6 o'clock on Wednesday, and
exclusive of the build ing:s thenscve dir(etor of Martha. Cook build ing, -------------i For the first time in 20 years, a wo- University Y. W. C. A. will be held from 4 to 6 o'clock on Friday.
Myra Finsterwald, '26, fi'resiident of the Miss Ruby Howe, social director of All women of the Pchocli af Music man has registered for civil engineer- from 12:30 to 1 o'clock today in New-
Women's Athietc acmat ion, express- Betsy Barbour house, Mrs. Louise are invitedi to the Svnphonic league ing at the University of Texas. berry hall. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW.
ed the great need that lkn'bour gyn- Hastings, social director of Blelen supper t(o i 11hd at 5::0 o'clock to- -
nasium had supplied to women in Newberry residence, Miss Lila Ierger, day at the School of Music. A fee
providing a center for all women's Miss Lila Reynolds, Mrs. E5. B. Ved- of 25 cent 10r members 8n( '5 (eits
activities as well as the department der and Mrs. R. Johnson. for non members will be ('arged. A R EA L EN TER TAIN)T IENA T FOR HO. E C07 EZRS
of physical education.
Yi-Fang Wu, a Chinese Barbour
scholar represented the Oriental wo- SATURDAY NIGHT
men. "Opportunity and obligation,"
she reflected from President Clarence OU ipRE 'I r
Cook Little's statement, "should OUR REPUTATION "THE FINEST" icigan Glee Club
realized; w'are obligated to the Uni- HE F NS c ia le C u
versity as an institution, to the coun IS TO BE LIVED UP TO-RATHER THAN IN A CONCERT
try or race from which we come, Ian
to Mr. (arbour's idleal in forming theI
scholarships, the furthering of educa- RESTED ON. Hill Auditorium-Seven Thirty Fifty Cents
tion of women in our home countries."
A bronze tablet will be placed on --_-
the front of Betsy Barbour house, ac- -
cording to a statement made by Miss
Fandira Crocker. Esther Austin, '26,
ara resident of the dormitory described
the Betsy Barbour parlor, furnished LUNCYHURO M 33AMAY ARD
3with collections of Mr. Barbour's fur-L CO3 MA


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A Touch of Color


Makes the New Gloves Smart
You will find the winter gloves quite the most delightful accessories
to make your wardrobe gay. A bit of stitching. The tracery of flow-
ers. Novelty cuffs in red, green, tan, or blue. Against backgrounds
of kidskin, suede, mocha and fabric. In all the new shades, mod-
erately priced.


Will be open every even-
ing until 8:00, except Tues-

Why not have a new hat by
getting the old one cleaned?

Suede Gloves in the slip-on
style and the novelty cuff with
color combinations. In various
shades of grey and brown.
Priced $4.00.
Chamoisette Gloves in a variety
of shades to harmonize with
every costume. Unusual cuff
treatments. The practical glove,
$1.00 to $2.25.

Capeskin Gloves, in light weight
with colored cuffs, $2.95 to $3.50.
Washable Slip - on Capeskin
Gloves, $3.25. Fur and fleece
lined, $3.50 to $10.00.
Novelty Kid Gloves for dress
occasions achieve smartness by
clever perforations and embroid-
ery designs. All shades, from
$3.25 up.

The cost is small

and the

days, for marcelling
all beauty work.
DIAL 8878


improved appearance more
than compensates.
Let us do it!
Ann Arbor Shop
625 East Liberty



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Natural Interest Holds
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wonderful orchestras provide con-
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Graystone Dancing Nightly Except Monday
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