THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1925 THDE MICHIGAN I AILY 4. Specialatimn And firiia3d i u Thre;tell ritis Sub Shrw ' eath Of .68 In 'Mystery Fl s y .ipy7'i ' , : ' ® r_ :4Y ~ .alt f.":ci A % URGES CN SERYATIISM (By A "s'xiattd Pres~s) POSTON, Nov. 18. -A,;r'' 'danger of lbe,;ingIraoi-,+ d1 it o onel Ot $peclatdion and )??,lion, . C. (*sw~a:o*icoi Miller, Federal esei ehoad el1- ber and wvidely koner~msd dared here Lust niht wUhv 'that the time ihas eer yi(?i'> 4rapaly i2 : v servatism to ]uucslll~ Speaking T. efo, o lieow lI aiid's banking and iindlustrigl l dcfs rathGe Commnerce clllh~ rli aser,_u td .t . 1v-, per before had such l surpltys ol float-??"' ' lng credit been ava:ilabh!le nexec -s, f(4. the requiremenmts of comzmerce, gr-- - culture and hi. uetiy. In t his sit ca- British naval tion, he saw potential (di tnit Oi uGEnlshchnel declared that the Federal R'''ee 1-ic dcgn banks now should hol flUQ r Il 1 2-nc dekhun i1 experts are endeavoring to solve the mystery of th e sinking of the submarine M-1 with 68 aboard, Photo of the craft, taken shortly befor e it began its fatal cruise, shows ill its . . Course plotted lo c ihemc and ioituse to stand as -life peevr for spoon-- lator's. Asserting that a coisidlera])le vol- ulme of credit had been ab)sorbedl in .land speculation in somue parts of the country and speculative building opl- erations in others, he described thoe as some of the dangerous spots in the present situation. "There is evidence," he continued, "that a section of the public is losing i its bearings and be1)0mg drawn into the arena of thoughtless speculation. Cheaper and more abundant credlit than the country has ever known on so extensive a scale, is giving them aid and encouragemnent. It is time for a hait lest a speculative frame of mind should be engendered which3I might in time invade the field of lg itimate trade andl industry." ". r own To Review Roosevelt Papers Prof. Everett S. Brown of the politi- cal science department will review the Roosevelt-Lodge letters at the next meeting of the Republican club, which Will take place next Tuesday even- ing at Professor 'Brown's home. The meeting was-to have been held tonight, but has been postponed. LE BOURGET, France.-The French pilot, Lucien Bossoutrot, set a new record when he reached an altitude of 11,500 feet. PAY YOUR 'SUBSCRPTPION NOW. FRESHMAN [LEE CLUB INSTRUCTED IN SONS Holding its first rehearsal since or- ganization, the Freshman Glee club, received instruction in Michigan songs last night. under the tutelage of Otto Dock, '27, director of the club. More than 40 students successfully passed the trials which were held for membership last week.. fBUCHAREST.-Roumnania is urging Czechoslovakia and Jugoslavia to hold an early conference of the Little Entente at Belgrade. PARIS.--Thiegrfndcross of the Legion of honor was best( wed upon Msgr. Bonaventura Crretti, papl nun- cio in Paris. Read the Want Ads ~jCharming Vanizette knited underwear and jt silk hosiery in latest Parisian modes and 4 Oshades offers you remarkable opportunities \ forattracnive icome in spare moments. No money or previous business experience re- quired. Full particularsincludingcolorillus. trations gladly sent upon request. JIritC-> aVanzette Corp., 202 Dartmaoudthst,Boston,Mass. I DETROIT THEATRES T HIS WEEK I - I bf Sckhbrt 'o~ Lafayette a~ts,,t 5cShelbyig Lo$ LUIUI~I Nigts,50Cto $3 Bargain Mat., Thursday, best seats, $2. Sat. Mat., 5oc to $2.50 Tel. Cadillac. 8705 14th WEEK The STUDENT PRINCE. The Musical Triumph of a Generation Thanksgiving Mat. Tickets Ready Eves. - 54e to $2.50 UARRICK Wed. Mat. 54c to $1.50 Sat. Mat. 54c to $1.50 Last Night's Audience Greeted TL with Whoops and Howelsof Laughter Funniest Showe on Earth!R FRIENDLY ADVICE: Secure Seats Early Bonstelle Playhouse TusIhr St Woodward at Idiot Tel. Glendale 9792 SECOND AND LAST W1UEK 'TheiBONSTELLS CO. In the Molnar Romnantic Comedy "tHE SWAN" As Ptayed by Rva Le Galliene With every suit ordered from the. English-.American tailoring cdr potation. A 1 guaranteed line of imported and domestic woolens. "Custom Tailor of Imported Woolens." 619 WILLIAM Long-DistanceL. puts the buy- er and seller in direct corn- mnunicatiofl a n d avoids nlisun der- standings and delays. Its use means .quick and economi- cal action oan orders. Long Distance is Personal and MICHIAN BELL = PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AOW.'l _ i J 'STARTING TODAY 5 - 4 i ; F j w, :. .. 1 ,ViLL ...urmw I GREET THE NEW ST-AR! iWig Keith Feature I , Laurel Lee A T B 0 I -Aso- Van Bibber Comedy WI E STLE R" Other Big Features rAO0LPH ZUKOR It iA, 7 N ae d. . .r ti mm Aga* AW4 K-1 11 I I 1.: { II o il