'AGE EIGHT W h 7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1'+U'm N'Tt im A V _ vA 4.un i.l!z 1ST l oog THE MICHIGAN DAT! Y 1~~T LPN7ehA .iTn' 1I t Lp J, J vr' U~.VJ1t JOn J.y? Doctor W. I Mayo of R( Baltimore, Maryland. This meeting will be other Faculties are invit Freshman Lecture: The third frshmen l man Gymnasium, Thurs and 5 P. M. This require training classes and othe Fidiers, lDedcationi of lnii The following are re In Iill Auditorium Thurs N.i. Amos H1. Mortimer Bishop Robert J. Cooper Ennis H. Corley Andre i. Cortopassi Francis B. Fralick Carl L.. i les._:. C. R. Rit sshofer PloasU-report to Dr. C 7:30 P. M.", Faculty, Guest, Meber Thye folowig sectin Dedicaq~ Exercises Nov. MeditqaVFaulty andG MMJ h State Med ic UVtP~rs VtY aculties--* to Senior Lteary Stud Those who have nots do so at the office of the n' day this week between S To Members of Seior Ed There will be a Senir 18, at 5:00 P. M., TappaIi Freshman Engineers: Professor H. C. Ande gineering, wil address th in Room 348. Every fresh Business Administration1 Mr. Burke of the Kn talk on "Time and Motion Room 304 of the Union a students in Management, i be interested in this line o To Presidents of All Camyi All fraternities, soror space in the 1926 Michign The Michganensian office i To Treasurers of All Cam All treasurers shouldj at the various banks whr To All Graduate StudetsI .,There will be a moeetir 109, Tappan Hall on Wedn of organizing a Graduate K Nonley 3 Public Lecture: Dr. Helen Woolley, P troit, will speak at 4 P. M. School Auditorium. Dr. W the Nursery School to the The Laugh Ri "Two Gentlemen of Verona": I ]J2usic .A ndDr m OF IILSections I and II of the Shakespearean Reading classes will presentDr m OFFCIA DOLITu scenes from "Two Gentlemen of Verona" Thursday, November e "19Y, e9, at 7:30 ron udfmPgFu) P. M., i h uioimo University H-all. This recital is open to the gram.thnednamPCarles Fliorob Continued from Page Seven) -.public. L. ict. gamI TenaesCaryesMoris, a- ochester, Minnesota, and Doctor W. S. Thayer of Frosh Glee Club:per but in our minds they have no separate existence. As actors they do The next rehearsal will be held tonight in Rooml 308 of the Michigan not concern us. They are simply of general interest and the public and members ofUno.BigMciaBngbkswtyu.Rhralillstfm etoatn.Hugh Cabot. Uin rn ihgnsn ok ihiu eera ills rm Eben Cabot, Epraim Cabot, and Ab A oatn.seven to eight. IKurt J. Krmiick, Manager. E bi Putman.** ctrinHgeefrmnwlbegvnnwae-University of Mitligan Land: 3ICciG " ARTIS lyur anHFriay, Novemer 19thbegiand20thater- The regular weekly rchearsal of the band will be held at 7:30 P. M. A New H-aven paper carries the an- >mont includes all freshmen in the regular physical Wvednesday. Every bandsman should be present and in his place at 7251 nounzcement that H-arry Burnett, one :rs that have been excused from these classes. P. M. T. C. Selneirla. of the founders of The Puppeteers and Geo. A. May. I a graduate of the University in 1923 ______________ University Women-Womn's League is conducting a sries of marionette dversit y Hospital: Mliss Margaret Elliott, Assistant Professor in Personnel Management, classes in the Little Theater of Yale gested to act as ushers for the dedication exercises ( will give a conference on Personnel Work for women, Wednesday, Nov. 18th, university. at 4:15 o'clock, in Room 408, Main Library. Women from all classes are Mr. Burnett is studying with George day and Friday evening, Nov. 19th and 20th: nie t ted Pierce Baer this year. Southard T. Flynn inie oatn. Walter A.Festrmacher Marie van Osenbruggen, Cairman, Vocation Guidance Commnittee. I- MurrayE. Goorich :15- Ajitnal Mayo lecture given by MuirayER. Goric Botanical Semilnar: Dr. W. J. Mayo in Natural Science Cal1.HbrBotanical Seminar meets Wednesday, November 18, at 4:30, 1173 N. S. oirum Win. A. MacVay Bldg. Paper by C. G. Kiukarni-"Inheritance studies of the white cap in 4:4--Rehearsal of Palmer ('ristan Dean M. Richmon yellow dent corn."~ B. M. Davis. choir at Congregational church. _________________________ .):0-Discussiomi of experiments on Carl W. Swanson Ui S. Niaval Reserve Force: .""Color Contrasts" and "After I- Davi M. eeksages," room P162, Natural Science arleton B. Pierce at the Auditorium not later than The regular weekly meeting of the University Unit will be held Wednes- building. GeogeC.AdeAsisumt o heDen. day, Nov. 18th, at 7:30 P. M., in the R. . T. C. Drill Hall. Lee. 7 :005:00-Daincing classes for men, ___________________ L Barbour gymnasium. iof Michigan State Medical Society: 7:3-Scenes front "Two Gentlemen ns will be reserved in Hill Auditorium for the La Sociedad lisp anica: of Verona," presented by sections 19th and 20th: There will be a short but important meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica I and I of Shakespearean reading ~uetsSec 3 Ros toQ.this evening at 7:30 in Rooms 30G Michigan Union for the purpose of dis- classes in University Hall. Guets-ee.3,Row A o . tibuin th letue tckes.Marshall I. Levy. 8 :00-Formal dedication of the new alSociety-Sec._2,_RowsAtoR.LUniversity hospital at Hill auditor- -See. 4, Rows A to R. ScbadiudBae m. George C. Adie, Assistant to the Deant. S7:15aat the Union. 10 :0-Union' life membership cam. ___________Regular meeting Wednesday 71 tteUin gaign workers report at the Union. , D. A. Hlolm. _________ ~nts: I j a MONROE.-Mayor Gilmore and the signed an application for the Memorial Fund may1 RoundtlU Club: city commission recently approved M'emorial Committee in Alumni Memorial Hall anyI Special meeting Round-Up Club, Room 306, Wednesday evening, Novem- the proposition of establishing a mun- A. M. and 5 P. M. Harry C. Messer. ber 18thi, 7:30 P. M. All members are requested to be present. icipal court in Monroef under a spe- 0. W. Williams. cial act of the Michigan legislature. lucationa Class: _______________ WINDSOR, Ont.-Windsor will vote r Education Class meeting Wednesday, November Polonia Literary Circle:De.7owhtritfvsteD- Hall, Room 109. Every one urged to be present. Polonia Literary Circle will meet tonight at 7:00 P. M. in Lane Hal. trocit-Wndsoretbrigeavproj e- Erni Shml~zSec. Mr. John Wedda of Detroit will speak. All interested are invited to attend._______________ J. W. Kimek, Vc-rs I PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. rson, Head of the Department of Mechanical En -__________________ ie Freshman Assembly this morning at 11 o'clockGO N j imn holdbepesnt W ATSC. 0. Wisler, Freshman M1entor. N~otices to appear in this column must Ai y La h r Go s _____________________ be lft in the b o at th e Daily office 131: provided for that purpose before 4:00 131: o c'ock receding the day f isue i-Owens Machine' Co. will give a very interesting "-e tee i zStudy," at the regular assembly this evening in WED)NESDAYSeths quality bult tt 7:30. This assembly while given primarily for 11:004-Prof. Jamies F. Norris speaksBiladCrFos s open to other students on the campus who may in the Chemical amphitheater.BiladCrFos f work. Wm. It. Arnold.' 4:00-Dr. Helen W{ooley speaks .at Un-. Pocket Books -___________________iversity high school auditorium. pus Organizations: 4 :1-,Iliss Margaret Elliott conducts a conference on "Personnel Work at our store. ities, and campus organizationrs wishing to have for Women" in room 408, Library., nensian must contract and pay for space at'once. 15~:-0-emiahl meeting Ink honor of is open every day from 2:00 until 5:00 o'clock. the late Hon. Levi L. Barbour at I Eb r a h & o o Forrest Heath, Organizations M4anagr. Betsy Barbour house.L'b r a h &n C . :00 -Polonia Literary circle meets in j pus Organizations: Lane hall. 20-02E LbrtIt make sure that their signatures will be honored 7 :0O.8:40-lDancing classes for wzor- e accounts are run before writing checks. en Barbour gymnasium. Forrest Heath. 7~:15-Scabbard and Blade meets at n___________ the Union. l_ in Education:s 7:J0-Mr. Burke speaks on "Time a Ei!EEamIIII and Motion Study," room 304, Un- w g of all graduate students in Education in Room ion. WN Clb om36 no.A Go at Hias Little Brain P'ower-mn zsday, November 18, at 7:00 P. M. for tire purpose 7;30-La Sociedad Hspanica sleets in Wi am 111.Ellis, Chairman, Committee on Organization. X7:3-Les Voyageurs meets in the cab- nu J Ia ii 1 hata Stomach!" 110 :41-I'iion life n nberstip cam.- HalIan sychologist of the Merrill-Pahner School of Do- paign workers meet at the Union. ~lI o a otsSoahyucudsr e o i Wednesday, November 18, at the University High I ""will 1~ f ' rolyssubject is: "The Educational Value of ' 20,-wimn n clshnc Chl n oIsHome." 1:0-Simn dcaiteIsOn-ly a Mttnhed eats like a Goat-anything--any- chid nd o tsdrill, open to all faculty members, 0' onwc Mayelle H. Whitney. under the tutelage of Coach Mann. ie-anywhere. it 'lYu ri hudbe more tana Bme.Bt i ttllttlit111llt111{ tt11IlN t {{11111111U t11t1111 ill1 1111 11°,w al am will function properly only in proportion to the consideration J N _ Its a reatcon enie ce t w;THE TAVERN'S rations are balanced to suit the need EEKbe able to purchase all your =~ of healthy students. Eat regularly and forget your stomach.E dairy ~suppliesatn place. Two meals a day for $5.0}0, three for $6.50. Tickets uair aL neR bought today at this rate will be good for an entire week. la _In fte ad a tg s o We also serve single meals and short orders as before. I ~buying them here. H Ilhl -' I iiE -'Nm £1 U gym, S $2.24)a-n wonder- I ml UIIL ..Corner tate andlashingto U1EilIll I TYPEWRITING- Of Repomts, TliesNc, and Notes. P'rompt and aic('frif wOrk, nand all thle service th.a14 g:; vmii it, Also typing Sippll -s of all kinds. 4744 1111 S. 4:MVIERSITY 4741 .A K A 717 u7 __ ' -- -LL;-3 e®bdllgS tddmd 6LDat6dCxrS2.,efd68S F3J 1nr62.. A6 91'5831 .d 879,9 AW-9-ln."S1 r: G$' t" $ -- - S.. aww PRICED LOW The low initial cost of a Frog Brand Oiled Slicker may easily create underestimation of the high quality. No better waterproof coat is made. But few equal Frog Brand for good looks. Col- ors are the very latest vogue. The hang is just right. The hardest kind of usage mnakes little impression. Cut irntire very last word in current styles. A Frog Brand Slicker, considering the pro- tection it offers to health and good clothing, is probably the best bargain in feminine attire today. Get YOUR Frog Brand Slicker before thq next shower. PENU1~iNE OILED) SLICKERIS Sawyer's Frog Brand Slickers are genuine oiled slickers. In four colors for women- red, green, blue, and coral shades. All progressive i' A I( ®r college stores car- /1 ~ry Frog Brand Slickers. If your dealer is not sup- BR plied at present, send his nanme- to 11. M. Sawyer & -Son, East Cami- bridge, Mass. I,' isi -I., / / / ':1 /a Jlj 4 y . .,. { _. W(L II r . .. . . :, ;,,,u -~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'-- - - - - - - l'l SWhen you feel you want "Just a taste"r ofsmehn-- VTake a bIte -of WRIGLEY'S -- let Its soothing, flavorful re, freshment appease your desire. Let it clear your mouth and throat and calm your stomach. SThena your real appe- tare will be stimulated and the stomach made ready and willing to take care of your next r-egular meal Alo s t "FE VR SPECIAL PRICE Nlgl-lts, rchestra.. Balbay, Ist '8OS .ows Rejmaima ler . ...... . GaljoV1 .......... WVEI). A\T) FRI )AYI s. ~, $1.111. Gal. .Ally Ann "Arbor in thei of laughiter over this f l PlayI of the age. pr I