WEDYNESDAY, NOVE IBEI, 18, 15325 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEV",l i 1 111 1 1 N W m I I I NI W 0 QWO"W - I . I !ASf E Qt5SCA 3 ,aADVERTISING A LOST 'NOTICE LOST-Gold Ergin wrist watch with a I gold strap. Name $engraved on back.! THE OSOPHICAL SOCIETY Elmner Ettinger. Phone 7842. Sul)-I Ain Arbor Center stantial reward. 48-49-501 LOST-Small purse contaiaing $10 on! Next Sunday evening, Nov. 22 at Ferry Field, Saturday. Reward.( 7 O'clock Call Alice Crosley, University 178. A FREE PURLIC LECTURE~ 50. will be given by 1 E. ~NORMAN PEARISON, V. T1. S., LO ST-A diamond from ring. Re- Pres. Mici hTheosophlal Federatfio: ward. Telephone 7039. 50. "THEOSOPHNY-AN AN SIWE.R TO TAKE~N by mistake: from Delta 011ii LIFE'S PROBLEMS" TI-doue Sturday nig~ht, new blue .I Moviles. Popular1 T/nougou~ord 'DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN j (Continued from Page Three) I Publication in the B~ulletin is constructive notice to all members of !altogether foreign in spirit and senti- the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until ment to British ideas and traditions.j 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a.,im. Saturdays). s"They hold up to public ridicule the Volume TI XWEI ESDAY, N OVEIBR 18, 1923 NuniLir 50 British people, British traditions, and ___________________ the all-British1 sense of honesty and justice, while they idealize the crook, i iversity Lecture: You can imagine the effect in thei Prof.. James F. Norris of the National Research, Council, President of East," he continues, "when the British! the American Chemical Society, will speak on "The Quantitative Study of people are ridiculed, their customs Chemical Reactivity" on Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 11:00 Af M . in the Chemical laughed at, and their humor despised,; Amphitheater. The meeting will be under the joint auspices. of the Univer- where as Americans are held up as sity and the University of Michigan Section of the American Chemical So- supermen." ciety. The public is cordially invited. F. F. Robbins, The introduction of foreign films' ___________ ,iiio te Uite Stteswoud dubt 1General Neeling, Occasion of D)edication of the HIospital ness be of great educational value to; 1 Amer icans and is much to be desired. On Friday evening, November 20th, at 8:00 o'clock a general 'meeting ,And yet 'if America can produce the' will be held in Hill Auditorium with Dean Cabot presidling, and addresses h~ype *of 'films 'which are worthy of her I will be given by Doctor H. A. Haynes of the University Hospital, Doctor and which will carry to the rest of . B. Herrick of Chicago, Illinois; and Doctor C. P. Emerson of Indianapolis, the world a true conception of Amer- Indiana. !can ideals, she can probably hold her' This meeting is of general interest and the memibers of other faculties position as leader in the film indus- and the general public are invited to attend. try, an entirely novel position of yet On Friday after~ioon, November 20th, the New Hospital will be open to I1 I MIAGAZINE men, erew aagr, l;-EPEINCED two payment men to trict mna~ger', orgay '.ors exl)Qr- oven office covering entire distri1ct. f enced on two pay lan, aso tipecal ull co-operation and protectio7n. 3offers. Write or wire today for resl Send $1.00 for supplies and _corn- proposition. State fully expe'rience. , iete information.. Clyde A. Ram- Clyde A. Ram. sey, i25-27 Operai Place, , 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Oido. t. )Ohio. U.. W{' t''aNTED I WA-NT1,ED1 0 o The Mui to you grey overcoat. Label A. P. Cook on inside pocket. Valuable keys ini pocket. Please return to 1502 Hillj St. or call H. M. Mapes, 8617 after 6, and exchange for coat left. 50-51. LOST-Black 'fountain pen with goldj banidland clip. Name on pen Cecil1 lilis, Jr. Please return to 210 S. Iii alls or call 7538. Reward. 50-51. ILOST-Saturday evening, Nov. 14, '25,1 a valuable importedl,'fringed Span.-1 iish scarf of double jersey silk; is tan on one side and combination of' tan and1 browni in a flowered pat- tern on the reverse side. Also val- uable as a keepsake. Call Sellers at 612 Church St. Dial 3843. Re-1 wardl and no questions asked. 50. LOST-Between University M-all and W}ashtenaw pair of dark tortoise shell-rimmed glasses. Please re- turn to M. L. Putnam, 1501 Washte-I naw. 50-51-52. { NOTICE TAIL4ORING Students Tailorii'g Phone 8040 Cor. N.-, Unlisity and T'hayer MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND : PRESSED, $1.2 i TROUSERS PRESSED, 20e CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING, AND ALTERING.A SPECIALTY, ALSO LADIES DRESSES 'AND COATS REASONABLE PRICES. 'Work Called For And Delivered IF YOU .have not engaged an orches- tra for your party this week end, please call 7082 between 5 and 7. Any dlay this week. 50. The lecture will be given at1142 For- est Aivenue. You are cordially invited to attend. Mr. Jos. D. Lodeesen-Grevinck, r Chairman Mrs. Marie Metzelaar, Secretary. 7 a0. I I ELSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- manent waving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room I202. Dial 4404. tf. NOTICE-Buy the latest fiction at Biddle's Book Store. 11 Nickels Ar- cade.w., f., sun. ti. ITANTED WANTED-Two Minnesota tickets. Phone 21476. Ask for J. T. Engle. i 50-51-52. HONEST Student wants full time po- sition here in Ann Arbort during Christmas recess. Call 5755 and ask for Randall. 50. WANTED-Desirable single room near 'Law building for balance of semester. Phone Robinson, 9217. 50-51-52. WANTED Fifty men to earn good money at home Christmas and Easter vacations. Steady summer 'work under a guaranteed salary' for 'those who -make good. Phone Docheray at 4147. 50-51. WANTED-Family and student laun- dry. "Call for and delived. Work guaranteed. Call 21668. 50-51. WANTED-Competent instructor in Jujitsu. Address, Box 3. 50-51-52. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. un known infnuence and,, undeveboped inspcon betw een the hours of 1:30 and 2:30.' E ugh Cabbot. W. AND. F. L. I ,_+iE ___________________To the Menmbers of the Medicail F~icul4 and Rospitni S aff and to .ledical1ha g HARTFORD, Conn.- This section Studlen~ts: was visited by another slight earth W Xork in the Medical School must close promptly at 4:00 P. M. Thursday, tremor Monday morning similar to the1 November 19th, to permit attendance upon the Annual Mlayo Lecture. one felt here last Saturday.I All junior and senior medical students are excused from classes and1 FQ- TEsection work Friday, November 20th, andi Saturday morning, November 21st FOI RET ut these student: are xpectedf to present themselves at the New University A Desirable single room near L aw! Hoscpital during these hours and to participate in the exercises given there.J Building for balance of semester. Ihugli(Cabot. Phone Robinson at 2006 Washitenaw. ______ Dial 921. 50-51-52. o i io Lee"-.Ire: FO RN-Ro i riae aili On Thursday, November 19th, at 4:15 P. M. in the :Naturail ScienceI Efor girl. Call 9362. 50-51-52. Auditorium, the annual Mayo Lecture will 1)e given b~y Dr. W. J. Mayo of j[ Rochester, !Minnesota, on "Splenic Syndromes." FOR RENT-Near Campus, four This lecture is intended primarily for the Medical School and all mem- room furnished apartment. Newly~ bers of the Medical Faculty and Hospital, Staff and students of the four decoate. prvat fa icl se in the Medical School are expected to attend. Owing to the limited ypii__________43Ca.5 ______________________50-51 Al-wrk2n teeedialScholcilaclseatt:0 o'loc thpemi thuaudrtprviegemCllhe77 geeainecaalctpofbheaudtoiumthegeera pbli canombe ttitd.I FOR RENT-Double room for boys. tendance of students. Haigh Cabot. One block from campus. Reason- able rent. 912 Monroe. Dial 8741.! Dedfication of New University Hospital: 41-4-50! The formal dedication of the New University Hospital will beheda IHill Auditorium at 8:00 o'clock, Thu~rsday evening, November 19th, with3 FOR SALEPresident C. C. Little presiding. Addresses will be given by Doctor V. C. Vaughan of Washington, D. C.,I ilck a FOR SALE-1919 Ford Roadster in- good condition. Call Thompson, 555i. (Continued on Page Eight) So. Division, Dial 8072, or Univer- - sity 204. tf. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Flat Feet Remedied by Arches Made from Impression of the tt111(1ltllti~ll1111t1ttt[11litlllf~illlil~lillii~liiiEtEEE@!!!ilIndividual Foot.iidu l F ot Frog Chikenand tea DinersLouise M. O'Brien Fray hick n an Ste k DinersFeatherweight Arch Supports Appointment by Telephone Served at ~i41 21579 It BOULEARD IN~iTANN ARBOR, 21110. Two blocks from city bus line on Jackson Road, -from noon till midnight. !=Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534. Christm a O re t imber that means money u when calling a cab !# ~ Fr Extra Passengers lide For The Price OfIa ft n g Cards { 'I Raisin Bread on Wednesday We - but carry Raisin Bread every day, on Wednesdays we make :a .:.; % ~special feature of having a large, fresh stock of it. CIY PASTRY S,4OP 516 East Liberty Phone 5501 Sample books of Personal Cards now ready and at. your service. Leave your order early, 3 LUNIVERSITY wA 1 BOOK STO'RE Dangerous :acids % .. . . ./ . .'. Cross-section of a tooth, showing Acid Decay at The Danger, Line. F--whicei cause Aci ctDecay, re-i suit from foods which collect anid ferment in those V-shiaped ti ices where gums meet teeth- Trhe Danger Line. Squibb's ) D~ental Crear'm, ~arde wth Squibb's, Milk of Magnesia,. 'safely and promptly reutral- izes these- dangerous cids- safeguards your, teeth from ~Acid Decay and relieves sendm - M WW wIII asI w Ii- wN.. AlD s-. - as 0 - CI w - ww B -r L L "- The''Ortho*phonic his Music cannot be described.- da.You are invited to hear it to- day.Demonstrations every day. - - University r usic House -~ Maynard and Williams The new way to fnis a hav AQUNA VELVA is a new preparation cretedto keep the newly-shaven skin velvety soft all day just asWilliams Shaving Cream leaves it. A trial will prove that its daily use pays big divi-. dends in face-comfort.. 50c for big 5=ounce bottle, enough to last for months. At your dealer's. 4., ititiverless.4 ;Use It regularIy 4 ~At druggists. , ENTkAL CREAM A/ode- with Squribb& ilk of AlgneskL R? 'R. SQUIBB & SONS, Chemists to the Dental and Medical Professions since 1858, n 0 1925S1