WVEDNESDAY, NOV1"TNDER 18, 1,925 fl-IE MICHIGAN -DAILY _... a _ _ _ ... / P1 DJIIINON- PICTUrES HELP UNITED FIRST TEA.MLES S OENLINER 1 . 3 i LIVERPOOL4, Eng--Aerica i :Q,11V 0 .tj~il t P181 -l rlyconlquerinlg the 0world . Not 1l 1~ 1iS100) nAm 1- 'Fo ( T ive Three Addresses! Germany sought to do it, nor aEnhgr- eh) }(,t hold11O< 10( the li~ iljcs oBsns andl withi her mercantile marine car (( th~ai. 'a X Zeaandsh is a t~iySitet ying her commercial prestige to cv O gn1 1 r1g,' 2 hC ta ol cry part on the globe. 1)tai(;c III Oil i liv-i . iIaia.The FIRS'I' TALK ~''~~'IO*(1V t But in place of Bismiarck for G 8A10UeOhdl olan hi h the BrtishTmpKreTtheORROWt -SL s'o i'th of lrimy'was not 0c1lebratedl in many and the commercial captains of . , thBiismpr,_heUitdS(res!Ci'et BIr it a i. Dri.' W. M. Leiserson, who holds the hsCiali haln.Trogrhr, z" 1 Asra ~Also pr ition of impartial chairman in the ' movies, she is Americanizing the!An / u irai ftucre, and who is the final judge of In a little home in northern TLug- e ;e:Vy ilni 5 iOW n Iin that country3- disputes arising Between employers in :land-a horny where there are no now ±'( P 'factor momo eim3pOr - >M ministration. "Have you ever met Torn Mix?" ant as }1 c-use of this tian the movie. Ninetvy-fi l: cetoth li5 The first of this series, which will reaches Anerican Cusieins i P C o hefim ordsifh ini C 1 otBritain, 99 Per teonl Woldsfirst steamless trartlsatlan tic be delivered toniorrow, as a portion It developed that this. young Brit- ~tlS hw nteBiihepr of the business policy course, is en- ish boy, whose schooling had ended: are ( aerican origi. ry'ti ratio is fialtl l voyage, fromn Swedlen to New Yi title d , " P la n n in g L a b o r R e la tio n s )J w h e n h e w a s y e t sc a rc e ly o ld e n o u g h 1n e a rly Ith e s ein e fo r Tra n c e , Ita ly , j p iro p elle d b y D ie se l e ni nr e s. It h a s staPl c .O n D. 3 , h s u b e t w l ' t oe a, c u d n m eo t ofh e S rc c , E l n l - ia d ,e l w r s( al v t r A a- be, "I-low to Deal with a Union-the states in, the Union, was intimately; Me ico Prii, Argentine, Brazil, and - S- - -° - -°-Technique of Successful Bargaining",Ifamiliar with the larger cities of Amn-'Jpn meia houhte(.lill py , i'SII''17 ~ 1 aa.Ae~ctruhtec*ea A '1I1and on Dec. 10, lie will speak on ; erica, could relate vivid instances of h«:7sa bet t~r cohanee of inlpressing "What Employers Can Do About Un- the Civil war and the days of the herself uinon the rest of the world -- -- I emlyen. "Forty- niner s," knew many of the Am-; than did aen tih alchs-amis. emlyet".~rican customs which d(iffered from. In addition to his duties as the !im-i bjc artil cairan n lbordisute inthe English, and had a general though I ~~4bef parialcharma i laor isptesinsomewhat erroneous conception of IBz t the rest of the world isoh the clothing industry, Dr. Leiserson is Uie ttsgorpy obos e~~n iei fls hys head of the economics department of Untd Sae.ega h . study of the problem of immigrants was being held, and inquiries here eading_ a camp: ignn to conllbat the inte nutra dl.proved that in all parts of the world Amei can TiiCvt monopoly, speaks of0 Dr. Leiserson also contributes fre- America is instilling her ideas, cus-; "thle netessity 1for str'ong action to1 i quently to magazines articles on in- toIns, and concepts into the minds of i sii htile Amlerican str angle-hold 't dustrild problems. In the September , people through the media of movies, ithiroughIout the empire, and to dispel issue of the Atlantic Monthly, Dr. Lei- "The average New Zealandler," saidI the sinister and liernricious influencesC I M r serso i discussed labor troubles under a representative of -that country, ; f thiese filmrr" whlichi, as he says, are thetie, Prblms oranImprtal"knows nearly as much about the Un- (Continued on Page Seven) Chirtuan-Frome the Docket of an In -_______ dutilJudge." In this article- Dr.- Leiserson relates some of the prob- lok lems ihich he has to judge,, and from his experiences, he points out this fact, which seems to be rarely seen wt in these days of labor disputes: "How- R ~ta fotq g 1 liner is being prepared for its 4:. S. S. V ripsholm, 23,500 tons, is 2kas you see, but they are dum- ILLAdpresentsin , c, 5 .d/. "' ,. rJ11.®". "'. ". "'.rG 'Y<.+"". Y.I".I". / . ".%%". ".I. 11.O. "r/.I"1.d. .r .erJ",r0"'I"''. vv: "J.a O.yrCd".!..0".,,o" ever Uiter theLc .OniLi1cLs between ern - ployei's and wage-earners, I have found it rare i'ndeed that anyone con- cerned in them consciously wanted to do the wrong or unjust thing. TheI conflicts came because it is so difficult 1 to tell what is right in these indus-~ trial affairs. The standards by which employers, managers, wage-earners, investors, and consumers measure in- dustrial justice are not the same. And until a common standard is attained,: none of us can be sure that he, knows whiat is right and wrong in labor re- lations. But out of the hundreds of disputes decided every day in many of our industries, a common standard of l industr'ial justice is slowly being~ achie'vted." PAY' YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. ^ { "A ] V " -'tom°/ j rt.*ru i t r h . , , lr,.l;l .2,.s" i. T HE Curtaiii S5:00 Shanrp BERT RAM C. WHITNEY pfreseonts '~%~TH4 OUTSTANDING DRAMATIC EVENT OF A DECADE 00 Success of Two Cont inents ex a CLEy as produced one. year at Empire. -,,ndGarick Theatre~s Ne.w Yor Z1ow0ai 1 S thkldye r' n Eglnq Curta in 8:00 Sharn) 11fall Now - Lower Floor, Balcony-FIrst 4 Roeis ,$220, Next 4 Rona, (>l;iainar er $11 M! $f 9 r t /A CH S I-S i I DETROIT THEATRES T HIS WEEK I I f,,,V,.y. . Schubert Lafae ayetteNhlhs ta to ob3$3 y Bargain Mat., Thursday, best seats, $2. Sat. Mat., 50c to $2.50 Tel. Cadillac, 8705 40th WEEK/ T S DE T P'1NlThe Musical "Triumph of a Generation Thanksgiving Mat. Tickets'Ready A 1 Eves. - 50c to $1.50i SARRC Wed. Mat. 50c to 51.50~ 4 Sat. Mat. 58c to $1.50 Last Night's Audience Greeted ,THE O iLA"7 with Whoops and Howls of Laughter Funniest Show on EarthI F l'RIENDILY ADVICE: Secure Seats Early Q ,Ilht 75c'to $1.50" Bonstll® layhuseues.Thnrs. &Sat. t ~Mats. Soc and 75cE SECOND) AND LAST WEEK The BONSTELLE CO. In the Molnar Romantic Comedy 1,"THE.SWAN" As Piayed by va Le Gaienne Quick, Comfortable Service . is what we furnish to the public at small cost. On shopping, excursionsk or making a round of social or busi- ness calls, you can travel in ease and comfort, and as speedily as you wish by simply hiring our Red Top Cabs. Large or small cars provided, and all perfectly equipped. Red Top Cab Co. I ; ' T * .a i '! - tSjf$ yti' al V L _. J nG ,' __ __ ._. Self Addressed Stiped LFuivc+lo7,e I i",b 'iC hck. ::: Pick '0 The Pictures Keith Vaudeville FLHVLB UE T r,1EOUF /A\L DGFR1fE1DJUA~f AAN~ " W d" __ 'iiase N dura1 Humorous Incidents C LX f~~~ iI~N~~WhIichl We Thin of So Mutchi B~ut Talk of the Least- DAILYMAIINII ]°:3 Complete Shows including Stagn Feaiures "WEKAY P . lidEPRICES I a 3 ' r4>;; ' '' ' --NOW SHWA I N.l--- He orrwedHis Neighbor's Wife She Was So Sympathetic- Keith Feature 'WILD BEASTS OF INTERNATIONAL BRNO JAZZ REVUE With (* 7)( THlE BAND OF ALL NATIONS -1 LNLTC-N:ED anid MITCHELL & ECKE1IT "t= :FOR TWO"jj- Nights* 7:0.8:40ain Foof 5e,, Il oly i'