ESTABLISHED 1890 I4k Ar MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 6 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEM3EfR 27, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS NAVA9L INQUIRY COLLIER SAYS BA(1S FAILEID BEFORE SHIIP FOUNDERED; TOLD CREW MEtMBER, TESTIMONY DIFFERS Board Adjournment Expected Monday; Anderson To Gihe Evidence Immediately (Hy Associated Press) Lakehurst, N. J., Sept. 26. - Chief attention of the naval court of in- quiry here was directed today to the testimony of the remaining survivors of the airsh-ip Shenandoah as to the condition of the helium gas cells just before or at the time of the wreck- ing of that craft. One witness, James H. Collier chief rigger, who had supervision over the cells, created a mild sensation late Friday with the statement that there was a failure of several of the gasS bags before the ship foundered. It was the first testimony of this character to be adduced and was in direct conflict with that of a dozen or more others. Collier, who was awakened from sleep just before the crash, was very positive in his declarations. He saidi he was satisfied when he awakened and saw several of the bags deflated about 30 per cent that the ship was doomed, adding that he so told an- other member of the crew. UNION REGISTRATION Students who have not regis- Itered at the Union to obtain their membership cards or re- new those of last year may now do so in the student offices on the third floor beginning tomor- row. The registration, when the4 committee abandoned its offices in the main lobby yesterdayj noon, was nearing the 5,000 mark, being well in advance of that a year ago. Membership cardIs will be necessary for all Union dances, use of the swim- ming pool, and occasionally for I general admittance to the build- I I ing. UNION WILL LIST ROOMS FOR GAME[S Life Menibers Reserve Acconirnoda- tions for Last Three Football (aames and Spring Occasions MANY ON WAITING LIST Due to the fact that the house rules of the Union require that pref- erence be given alumni life members over all ,others desiring room ac- commodations there on special acca- sions such as football games, Com- mencement and the May Festival, stu- dents wishing to engage sleeping quarters for their parents at the time of any of the big football games here are advised to see the room accom-. -_A,+-_i~vr xhih * wil o.b nared I Opera Chorus Will Take Up Fall Practice Resumption of rehearsals for the Union Opera, which were started last spring, will begin tomorrow. The } chorus try-outs of last spring will start rehearsing again tomorrow and Tuesday with the cast rehearsals continuing at a later (late. The new candidates who reported for the first time last week wilbe called from time to tinme'.he following men are eligible for continuation of the Opera work tliis fall and are urged to report to E. Moitiner Shuter, dirr eior, at Mimes theater, Monday and Turda: as specified. The following m1en should report at Mimes theater at 4 o'clock on IMon- day: Richard Laurence, '2L, James Cole, '28, T. J. Dougall, '28, R. F. Price, '27, M. K. Skadden, '26E, 11. C. Armstrong, '26, A. A. McKinnie, '28, Paul Ginsburg, '28, Ford Stoddard, '27, E. L. Davis, '26L, F. L. Stevens, '26, W. M. Iload, '27, Ben Boyce, '26, H. Lathrop, '27, W. A. Childman, '28, James Murphy, '27, W. F. [1enallack, '28, D. A. x .artlett, Frank Blymer, '27E, V. C. Wall, '28, ). H. Howe, M. L. Ireland, '26E, W. J. Dodge, '271, R. E. Miller, '28, Lester C. Curl, '28, D. A. Howell, '26. The following men are requested to report at Mimes theater at 4 o'- clock on Tuesday: Iarold Dudley, '27, Forest Heath, '27, M. Whittemore, '27, T. C. Winter. '28, sR. T, 1)i nca o, '26, A. C. Bishop, '28, J. V. Brady, '26, C. A. Wilson, '28, D. L. Allen, '28, 1). Sawyer, John Reimers, G. T. Burke, '26E, R. V. Donahoe, '28. NEW OFFER TO H1US, Will Continue Sessions in llope of IReaching Formula Favoirable To Both ParCLes TO RECONVENE MONDAY (By Associated Press) Washington, Sept. 26.--The French and Americans commissions consider- ing the funding of France's war debt will meet again Monday and it was indicated that Finance Minister Cail- laux will have a new of1er to make then. P l t ; , I T CLEMENTS LIBRARY GEITS RARE, TRACTS O1F EARLY[IHISTORY VALUABLE 17111 CENTURY BOOK PURCIIA)ED RECENTLY IN I'lliLADELPIILA Army And Navy Pilots Enter Pulitzer International Race i MAPS DISCOVERED Inlaccuracy Cau sed Boundary Dispute; Franklio' flal IHveAvoided It If ,.' laami nown { E 'd ward Vinslew's "New England's lalander", published in 1647, one I of the rarest of books relating to early American history, has been pur- chased for the William L. Clements Library from Dr. A. S. W. hosenbach G of Philadelphia. This was announced W at the regular quarterly nmeeting of N the C'onmitte oIf Maniagement of the....... ;, William L. Clements Library Friday. - This tract was an iimpo itant part of early New England history of a seriesig u ini a plolit ieo-religious quarrel whch gr'eatly excited our forefathers. The W. L. Clements Library has long! since owned all these tracts save this one, and for many years efforts have been made to secure it. When the opportunity arose to acquire this copy from iDr. Rosenbach negotiations were -> entered into whch have resulted in- the hook taking its place on the shelves of the William L. Clements t > Vi wrary. Dr. Rosenbach will be re-: memibered as the greatest of Ameri-- can hook dealers, whose Ilurchases in bokdalrs, whse purhasaesinh; W ith the army and navy represented in the Pulitzer international L jondon st k inerkevan tebro thht speed race by planes as nearly alike as the designer could make them, su- London b)o0k market and brought to this country a book which cost . premacy of the services will be decided by the pilots Lieut. Cyrus Bettis Rosenbach $35,000, the highest price (left), army, and Lieut. Al Williams, navy, who recently set a new world's ever paid for a single item of speed record in the plane he will fly in the race. Anericana. In addition to this the Library an- nounceS' that it has secured a large collection of American imprints be- fore 1x800 and a collection of 60 rare i ipamphlets relating to the American ! Revolution, which supplement its al- U R ready fine collection in this field. rfwe committee also announces the - discovery in the Library of tiree Weed-end 'at l'att4'rsoo Like 0iven Annal Freshman Banquet to be Held maps of the greatest of importance. to .Discussion of Policy; Ac- 1 At S. C. A. Tavern; Initla These are a copy of the first printed tivities Considered Meeting of Yearhings map in.America to appear in any at- -- , las, that. by John Ruysch, which was cOFFMAN GIVES REPORT TICKET SALE LIMITED printed in the 1508 edition of Ptol- RTSL e'my's Geography. Another is 'a copy ' of the Martin Waldseemuller's map Yesterday afternoon 25 members of At a meeting of the freshmen ban- of the world of 1507, containing a the cablinet of the S. C. A. journeyed I quet committee on Friday at Lane representation of America. But Wald- to the Fresh Air camip at lalterson ai final preparations were made for seemuller's map although executed lake for a week-end conference to ds- th yuhir buh t fhsl h idnn SUBMARINE CRAS5H TRAPS 34 SAILO RS ONLY THREE OF CREW SAVED WHEN COASTW1SE LINER RAMS S-51 GAS IMPERILS MEN Captain of "City of Rome" Reports Navy Boat Showed No Lights I'util Too Close BULLETIN Boston, Sept 26.-A radio mes- sage to the Charlestown Navy Yard from the scene of the dis- aster of the submarine S-.1 said that attempts to raise the craft by pumping compressed air into her had failed. An effort would be made, the message added, to raise the boat by a sling under her stern. (By Associated Press) Boston, Sept. 26-Tho Submarine S- 51 lay tonight in 23 fathoms of water a few miles off Block Island while men from other ships of the navy were doing their best to learn wheth- er any of the 34 men on board were alive. The submarine was rammed last night by the Savannah Line steamer "City of Rome." The only members of the crew of 37 rescued by the steamer were three seamen who were landed in Boston late to- day, one of them in bad shape. These three men held out little hope that their comrades would be found alive, for they said chlorine gas had been teleased in the submarine. They awed their escape to the fact that they were near the conning tower and floated out. A diver sent out from the U. S. S. Camden reported that he had been unsuccessful in his attempt to communicate with the crew of the I submarine. 'He found a large hole in her port side near the conning tower. The S55 1"came from the sea- side, said the graphic radio report of Captain John Thiel of the 'City of Rome,' with no side lights showing. Was near the ship when the side lights were switched on. Struck for- ward conning tower. Sub sank at once. Only three men saved. Being taken care of. All passengers of Tome...... . Tr mL111 ..u.11 ented__ ."f modto lit ce willD ie p uu More than a half a dozen survivors 3 were called today for re-examination. by the Union a few days before each The re-examinations conducted Fri- . of the important home games. day developed some rather sharp con- The 49 bedrooms in the Union were flicts as to the sequence in which the all engaged for the week-end of the ship broke, but this was not consid- Navy game by alumni holding life ered unusual, taking into account the memberships at the time of Com- stress of the time and the different mencement week last June. There is locations of the men on the craft. still a list of more than 30 life mem- There was agreement that the ship bers of the Union awaiting the pos- actually broke in two forward of sibility of cancellations of lodging ac- amidships, but wether this happen-1 commodations for this game. There; ed before or at the same time or are just seven rooms left at the 1 after the control car fell furnished Union for the O. S. U. game and eight the main points of differences in the remaining the week-end of the Min- narratives. nesota attraction, all of which are Although only one session of the certain to be taken by life members court was arranged for today, Judge within the next week or so, Homer Advocate Foley was hopeful that the Heath, business manager of the Union) remaining survivors who have been declared yesterday. here since the first of the inquiry "Several thousand rooms could be could be heard before adjournment so disposed of by the Union during the that Monday might be given over to three most important home football the examination of Lieut. J. 13. Ander- games," Mr. Heath stated, "but it son, the only survivor whose story would hardly be expedient to have has not been told.. such accommodations when it is tak- Additional testimony indicating a en into consideration that this would! failure of gas cells in the airship only be six days every fall, the Fri-1 Shenandoah was given. August C. day and Saturday of the three big Querenheim, one of the survivors said agames The lodgings at the Union he saw one cell in the after part of cams h e ldint te nion - - -could hardly be maintained on such R o e . K h i p ln i ttlefi en ted." Ir _ _. Members of the French delegatih and their expert advisors spent limo of today and will be busy again t morrow morning in an at tempt to pr duce a formula for a settlement tl will more nearly conform to l American view as expressed yestc day by Secretary Mellon. There are serious difficulties vet : nM the year before Ruysch's, was not st hprinted until the 1513 colition (If I i Ptolemy. Tmhe Library, however, it willt be seen, has both, Waldseenmller! at was the man whose suggestion in he 1507 resulted in the naming of I -r America after Americus Vespuccius instead of after its real discoverer, t to Columbus.- cuss the questions of policy and or- I panization to -be carried out during the coming year. Rensis Likert, '2CE, president of the S. C. A. has drawn up an extensive program which will be concluded about 3 o'clock today following a short discussion by the member's of the cabinet. Last night around a blazing ~1 i t77 10 t. a C C l I 7 l 9 i the ship deflated before lie heardte l.l 1 apierprsadpopct~ c-. e a basis as this, and so we are obliged The third ap is the first represen- c cracking of the ship. to take care- of our life members firstIbe surmounte. The meetingsover tation of the City of Mexico and the tivities were outlined by all the n i "It is possible the ship had broken to e ofn oure 'emers ist tea cups are to continue, for Mr. Mel- te thirof mepis theicrst epres hers of the cabinet for their aticulao 1~Qur in every instance where 'there is an j GufoIcrcwih perdi o at frame 105 before that time,"uer- unusually arge number of applica- lon believes that it may Ilnvieo an thef etter by the Spanish conqueror, departent. oy ilcCtullogh, enheim- said. "It would have been tions for rooms. At such times other j opportumity for a formal exohange of te t by the E c eror seatsent sr ry ofCthloY. . lilctfometherasound ta iw that is uual hltu.Crtez, to his master the Fminperor tate stuodet secr(tary of thec Y. M.' ific me to hear a than the bi football games, the May harles V. The Library has long had i C. A.addressed the conference regard- f ay." Festival and Commencement, accom- the Venice 1524 edition of this map, ing some of his organizat ion plans I modations are generally always avail- and wanted the Nuremberg edition and Ila rold C. Coffman, general secre- age." ASI I CONINUESalir It has try of the S. C. A. rendered his re-I MgLRooms are available at the Union prm cred he ear earitn, which Pa to the members of the ahinet. CO MSSO E LN Inwseuedth erie dtin wihPOO t h mmer fth abutfor all members and their guests at TO IlTPIIL it ettira rmj~ eodITi onn ln rt eds orii~ rAMPA1I9 f all mers ep nd suh eci usal oc !EdCM I VLLIffr mater4ially from thie second IThis mnorniing Iplans are to lie dis- all times except on such special oc- relr'semtation. This work was print-i cussed regarding a joint conference. LIlN asions. Unmarried women guests It ed at the little south German town of j of the cabinet with the saff of the ItPscannot obtain accommodations at any (y Associated e Nuremiemg. All three of these maps Y. M. C. A., which is to be held at theIc teriSp.26i eea o mi-eoned evMr Hehsaidopewhichapis(ayWA ssng ociaetd6 -Te;e-Iare (of the greatest of rarity in the Fresh Air campnmext week-nd. Af-j (tny Associated Press)ie hwvr~uleead lilcaa Washington, Sept. 2. -Thle wcl-colet o m eicanaadreth {ter dinnera short netig l eh bnesawMoun- regulation in accordance with the come accorded to Col. William Mit- ,colecto ( Arican a. wereis- te o rlu rieet wl )held taut Landis, commissioner of bosrballle chell upon his arrival here last night i covered by Prof. L.C. arpinski as the concluding event on the pro- opeedthsAee'iauLeio'scan-anmommthe loose nmaps which came graum. pan for i 150 egion'soafn Students are applying at the Union from San Antonio was continued ta- i the he Va w ilhrary According to the president, the cab lgo'$50,0 o eofth dev d ar t night at a barbecue -arranged tm ist. i for its 17,000every day for accomodatons for their nor The feast was rocee This Library, it will be remembered, met personnel has iot been decided legion's $5,000,000 endomer nt maaer. ecause tohe i cs ots arch doiwn Pennsylvania avenue. was acquired two years ago and has upon definitely as yet, but will e Bieas nthiatin c toayn te d beginto handlethe number of appli- The Colonel, former assistant army (nily just begun to deliver its ready- for publication eairly this week. it tsesditr-air chiefand an outspo doenhrriic oI teauresr "he as enthusiastic today it them cations, a list of suitable rooming airiian an ots, oke c1 01 Another discovery of considerabilers he said, "as you were in the days houses about the city will be posted open carriage, with a bugle corps interest made within the last week at 1917 and 191 when they were march- a few days before the Navy, . . U., from an American Legion Post lead, the W. L CT ments Library is a e - Decrease; Board lug out to.h w." thnyiayrane and Minnesota games for the conven- ring the way. A group of police in ly identified state of the John Mitchell Ability Evident The fund is to provide food, cloth- ence of all students. cviviliangarb brought up the rear. ma) ot North America of 1777. This in and est oi fotime cildren - Seated with Mitchell in the carriage was the map on which Benjamin whosfathiers were killed or dis- I Graduates Lead uhwere four members of time Forty and Franklin and tP other Ameican IFewer electionh cianges have been abe during the Wrd EWar.tight, of the American Legion lay- omii oerS at Paris n 1783 drew made this year than in former years __________ngth __________ Late Enrollment ground. pe bouidaies of the ne"l idepemi is the opinion of Registrar Ira A. --~ d'mtn tUnited S ates. Because the edi- Smith. Eastern Chem ist Lion of the map which they used was During the two days set aside for Enrollment figures continued to Foo b Scores decidedly inaccurate, they drew in- making election changes, 828 filed re- Added To Faculty mount yesterday with the late regis-ssbe boundaries which resulted in uests for changes. Eact xat r I tration bouioanis2whshursultesianuesstforchanes. xactfigures on! tration of 32 students, and the regis- fifty years diplomatic wrangling with last year's changes are not availale.'1 W. L. McCabe has been added to tration of 53 the day before. The to- Notre Dame 41, Baylor 0. C rea Britain. If they had seen this Many substitutions have been made tal enrollment of the University as a Oberlin 7, Albion 0.! state of the map, which is a French necessary because of the fact that in lug department. Air. MciCabe gradu- result is 9,345. I Western Reserve 14, University of edition and in all probability was in the literary college announcement, ae from the. Colleg ofDuring the last two days the Grad- Toledo ;. Paris at the time they would have geology was placed in Group IH of and Architecture in 1922 amd received uate school has led in registrations, Pittsburg 28, Washington and Lee 0. avoided one of the principal errors i the University curricula; it should his master's degree the following 36 entering that school; while 29 en- Syracuse 32, hobart O i which resulted in the fight over the be listed tnder Group I. Some de- ., Von t cian after tered the literary college. Pennsylvania 32, Ursinus 0. fight over the northern boundary of partments also classified a greater Le nanquCL wnict is Lo De ea on 4 yWLBURN away SUnAF'' i Friday night Oct. 2 at S. C. A. Tavern. President Clarence Cook Lttle will (By Associated Press) head the list of speakers and will ad- Washington, Sept. 26.-The steamship City of Rome should dress the entering class for the firstI have remained on the spot un- time as a group separate from the less urgently impelled to leave whole student body. The other speak- after ramming the submarine ers will be drawn from the leaders in I .S-51 last night, Secretary of the campus activities who will talk on Navy Wilbur declared today. The conduct of the captain of m ers of vital interest to first year Ithe City of Rome,the secretary men. ! added, would be inquired into in Tickets will be available to all ,connection with the investiga- freshmen on the campus until the l tion that would be ordered and limited supply of 200 tickets are ex- if it was found that there had I tausted. The comnmitte felt that by I been any criminal act or negli- limiting the number of tickets, they ],gence on his part action would would be able to secure a group who be taken against him. were most anxious to promote the I____________________________ spirit of their class and to make the class of '29 an organized unit. Tick- I As soon as word of the collision ets may be obtained at all the book- was flashed on the air in'the early stores and at Lane hall until the sup- hours of this morning naval vessels ply has been sold, therefore, those ' were hurried to the scene from, every who wish to attend should apply for port within reach. A seaplane pilot- their's as soon as possible after the ed by Lieutenant C. S. Ihawkins ho- sale opens tomorrow morning. cated the submarine early this after- The following committees are in noon through air bubbles. The sub- charge of the arrangements: program marin S-1 quickly marked the posi- committee: Paul Kern, chairman, tion and as soon as possible divers howard Palimer; decoration commit- were sent down. tee: oenjamin Fulghum, Justic Weav- Captain Thiel had sent word that er, Wynn Wakeman; ticket commit- the "City of Rome" would reach Bos- tee: Clare Weber, Thomas Watson, ton about 2 o'clock, but it -Nwas not Marshall Boden; advertising commit- juntil 3:30 o'clock that she docked. tee: Milford Vanik. 'The three survivors of the sub- V_ _marine, Alfred Teitar of New Bedford, Dewey Kile of Peoria, Miss., and 'Parliamentarians 'Michael S. Lira of St. Louis were the Plan Discussion first to come ashore. .DsThey were able to walk, but one Of V'orld A ffairs was said to have heen in a -rius condition when pick-d up hy Hie steamer because he had been nearly (ByAssociated Press) overcome by chlorine gas and had New York, Sept. 26.- Nearly 200 considerable water in his lungs. members of 41 parliaments of the: Another of the men also had water in world are expected here this week his lungs, but the third suffered end as delegates to the twenty-third merely from cold and was floating on conference of the inter-parliamentary his back when rescued. They were union which will be held in Washing- in their bunks when the crash came. ton from October 1 to 7. Questions concerning the cause Describing the body as an uiofficial and responsibility for the sinking or parliament of parliaments, Arthur the submarine S-St off Block Island Deering Call, director of the confer-; were talked over by officials of the ence, who opened New York head-I Navy department today. quarters said the program would in- I Secretary Wilbur, although he elude the discussing of international,[ made clear that he was not criticiz- year. fie comes TivILgU teaching two years in the chemical engineering department of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology. 'Western Air man Killed In Crash Columbia 59, llaverford 0. Brown 33, R. I., State 0. Rutgers 19, Alfred 0. Bowdoin 7, St. Stevens . Lafayette 20, Muhienburg 14. Minnesota. The map used by Frank- number than could be accommodated uin and the British Commissioner Os- in courses. wald gave an improper location of the The fact that election shifts are source of the Mississippi. Had they comparatively few this year, Regis- used the more accessible French edi- trar Smith largely attributes to the