TUJESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1925 THFP MICATTIAN DA.LY PAGE THREM 71 ,V A A . -Fr]P A r "r r VT3 7 7,077 a nWT)C"A a")7" A A 4- SEVMON TO GUIE zLD Ev' allstot fm iubd4er IJ)40 To 5 r A 'frI+e :"r Johicvecft As 'Irat Toi REFERS TO STUDEN:4TS Rev. E.' F. Tittle, pastor of the First Methodist; church in E:'vanston, Ill., a~nd voted; one of the 25 nmost brilliant{ preacher in the country by 14,000 other ministers, gave the Wesleyan guild lecture last Sunday night at the First Methodist =Eiscopal church. Taking "Now, or Never" for his sub- ject, Reverend' Tittle used a biblical passage as the underlying theme, "If ye have run with footmen> and th( y have wearied 'you, how can you con- tend with horses." H lis interrw~ca- tion of this passage pictured the trials and obstacles met during adol esence: as "races with footmen" whi'ch pre-r pare men to "contend with horses" later in life. -"As a man moves en1 In life, the obstacles become more and more numerous and difficult. A man! must run with the footmen now, if be would run with horses later. The. l e for a man to be a hero, the timeI 'be a Christian is now!" ,Reverend Tittle arguecl that the real reward of a man's life is not the right to slow dlown after a period of achievement, but the discovery of the ability to go on and on and en. "Can you imagine Theodore $1ooseyelt sol- iciting memberships in a society for making life easy?" he asked. The dlis- integration and death of the human soul would he brought about if there were no more obstacles to overcome, he declared. He also pointed out the potential power of "glass beads" as evidenced in history and in modern every day life, likening the' university letter of the athlete, the Phi Beta Kappa key of the scholar and the honorary degrees gien to scientists to the colored baubles for which uncivilized natives' 'have parted with ivory, jewels and even a large portion of Manhattan is- land. "According to modern ideas, it is better that the athlete should have a letter than a finely coordinated physical being; better for the schol- ar to receive his honorary society em-i emthan to have a keen mind," he declared.f DETROIT TETE T IS WEEK i i d r2 ! II l f I 3 i t i i t r Still i V a. I . ..e. ., .. ..... ..,... Government Destroys 31 W,,oe dn Ships 'I ECUND UEUTENANIS ' FR OLEGE-WRITINGCNTS WILL MEET TOMORROW1 Harper Brothers, New York and; the technical institutions. he . :a L ondon, publishers of.Harper's niaga- board with whom the awav Second lieutenants who are enroll- zine for the past 75 years and a book will be made up of ChrM At'* M in'zr Znn. O P(lan rnd IWilla;". b. ed in the reserve officers' class for publishing house since 1817, are once promotion to first lieutenancies will more negotiating plans for a writing meet for their regular session at 7:301 contest, on the order of the present o'clock tomorrow night in the reserve1 annual prize novel contest. Competi- offcer' lbray ad cub oom intion, however, is to be narrow4ed to offieArs'liry adcu rosi students in' a group of selected Am- Sinc th las metingof he casserican universities and colleges, while six more offlcers have been enrolled; its scope will be decidedly broader, covering prose writing of every type. in the course and applications are lDtiso h ln nld is still coming in, according to Capt...prDetalof 5tha ecplnd icue aofirst, Cprizelof $500,uctsecondsprizelofoach-0i C. Hlni, istrutor A pecil cach and third prize of $200 to go to three ing staff for applicants for commis- ;undergraduates in any of the institu-t sions in the organized reserves, to t ions entered, who, during the months' which anyone with the necessary mil- of the college year, from Nov. 1 to May? itary experience is eligible, will soon i1 produce the best piece of English: be organized. Applications will beIprs:Temncitsobeumt received by Captain Holm at the Arm- tproshelmnuse mriptha b ,submi ory.; words in length. Determination of the best worksl PARIS.-The veteran French pilot, will be made by a board of judges Lucien Bossoutrot, has broken the after some representative of the en- world's altitude and duration records tered universities or colleges has for heavier than air machines. I selected from the material submitted not more than three manuscripts. THE HAGUE.-A cabinet crisis has The institutions to whose students this been precipitated by the resignation'; tormpetiticon is open are those on the ac- of four Catholic ministers from Pre-, cepted list approved by, the Assoclaiton mier Colijn's cabinet, of American Universities, omitting The contribution winxning he h! prize will be published in Iharper's knagazine, also the right is r..sere to publish the manuscripts of the e- ond and third prize winners, as we'4 as to purchase other manuscripts in [the competition at regular rates. Rumney Resting After Operation -Mason Rumney, '07E, president of the Alumni association, is confined at the University hospital where lie is recovering from an operation for ap- pendicitis, which he underwent last Saturday. His condition last night was pronounced as very favorable. PARIS.-Premier Paul Painleve and foreign Minister Aristide Briand are anxious to reopen the debt converta- tions with Washington. Want a room? Read Page Seveu, and use the Classified columns.-Adv. 'r'I $ ;;:. ..}i:rr 'r^. . ..s. . . ..~:::; }7 }":Lr ".r:,^^v:;ir v ..ac ... .. ..,.... .. _ _ *Wooden ships built by the govarument during the war at a cost of many millions, and never in service, 1are being destroyed. Photo shows 31 of the vessels being burned bjy a salvage company off Tidewater, OP~lflfects is when boys and girls are; feet in his eyesight that could have D IflS8 ANIA [ young, and that if proper exanina- been properly adjusted at the proper Ilosof the children =n the schioolstme ~LLIIIILwere made by the state it would soon be isil o a e''l to be e! Let The Daily sell it for you thru DL into theIworld hYndicappedfoby aadd--the Classified colunns.-Adv. Surveys recently made by the eye- sight Conservation Council of America1 show that nine out of ten persons inaj' + the Unite'd States over 21 years of t a on age have defective eyesight, t 1ntvest1= 31 the proportion is even larger and that it is almost impossible to find ac Point to the fact that -when soiled articles are properly man or woman over 40 years of age - Ccar M, _manw bacteria that may be clinging to them are c wtpefceysgt_ ea F. According to Dr. Emory W. Sink, who has charge of the eye department at the University Health service, these 'GOOD DRY -CLEANING figures are not at all uniusual but only-.= fsubstantiate many similar tests. Hie Can, therefore, rank as an important health service believes that the time to remedy de-i n om uiy ENERGINE CLOTES FR Th COLEGE .-is the greatest bacteria destroyer of all known solvents in dry cleaning jSnwissilized GarmntsSlaty Cleaun Longer. Cleaning Pressinlg R~epairinlg_ 72,Garment GleaningLIN p y 4191 1 2t9 South 7 bDL.~UIUEU..E.P 'Th'. bt...Fourth Av. tQII~i QIIIII QIIl1IIII lIIIIIQQQ IIIi IlI11Q11dti f II~ I - -~IQ1IIQQQQI11il C°l, BIG, full cut, rugged a coat to ward off Winter blasts. The rich woolens, . ..* both imported and domes- tic, endow them with die..., inction as well- as comforts Ik =l111111111 ~ li lllllrlIII1~ 1111111I11111111 I nII I11 IEII 1 11111 1 1111 I11111 I11111 1111111111111111 n11111111 1 11111111 I 11111111 P R "THE FINEST" Michigan Glee Club = is presenting a peppy - a. Hill Auditorium Fifty Cents_ ' amp-, 1,- 3 . 4 You Our new Budget Buying Plan- en- ables you to buy the finest clothes made-Society Brand--on ten divided payments. Hundreds of I Schiubert ~~u Lafayette gtat Shelby ~IWIUIJWI LUI uJ W Nights, 5Ct 3 Bargain Mat., Thuirsday, best seats, $2. Sat. Mat.,,50c to $2,501 Tel. CadillaIc,8705 The STUDNT P RINCE' The Musical Triumph of a Generatio n Thanksgiving Mat. Tickets Ready= AR EV ed. - 50 to .50 G AR& C .eMat. 50c to $ 1.50 Sat.Mat.50cto $1.50 Last fight's Andience Greeted "T e 0I LLA" with Whoops and Howls of Lapugter Funniest Show on Eartib! FRIE ND4Y ADVICE: Secure Seats Early N19g1ts 75c "to $1.50 BoosellbPlayouseTues.Tbnrs&Sat. Mats. Soc andl 75c Woodwvgd at Eliot Tel. Glendale 9792 SECOND AND LAST WEEKC o Th 'O S E I t~iMolnar Romantic Comedy As Eae y IcEa ILe Gallienne AI *4 I, men are now using this new-, $3 95O0A$450 NAT LUXENBERG & BROS. SCAMPUS BOOTI2RY 3045S State Friday and Saturday, Dec. 4 and 5 Ouki style metno. a ook sent free on request B? *4 . -NOW PLAYING- service. The ' Y ,,. .,.a '.., / TIe's the High Potentate of All Comedians ! 3mg.. ='f C _ E' . A I r. . ~~~~2:0 0)-3:3 0 % )NO7 00 8 3 ~o wiL U Admuission edt 101c, 12i,) 35C ,FECILBDEAMJLLp'e a 1 *-OMINGR' in~oa Bert 4 I al pl Inaugurated by us, for the con- venience of the scores of respon- sible men who= prefer buying this way.' The "service costs you nothing. th ett ehd r this Budget Buying P'lan.' $40.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS and 0'COATS You pay $10.00 when purchased and $3.00 weekly $45.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS and O'COATS You pay $M000 when purchased and $3,50 weekly $50.00 SOCIETY BRAND SU7ITS and COACJTS You pay $16000 when purchased and $4.00 weekly $55.00 SOCIETY 'BRAND SUITS and! O'COATS You pay $10.00 when purchased and$4.$O weekly $60.00 SOCIETY BRANT) SUITS and, O'CO.ATS' Y(ou pay $1+0*00 wheni pujrchased and 5.00 weekly, .-PS -wW-*ARAIN p itIi a Nw kIi*l('iue t A lie ('atoon 13001 ©f OWl e11( ii A~~\'#w .4 l There is no added cost top you--plan prices- and crash prices are identical 3 } qr_,W AM AO"V I II !I II Ii1 IN--I - Iii 1 i