THE MICHMAN DAILY TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 17.1925" TT. .M T.AM nA TY 'IVvhA RTi'? 71( ! A t 1 YLtU * S a. *uSe. x711 i iVlJV' IS:S'1. t}.1 _sS1. ifs l e) Heads Volunteers Legion Poppy Sales Result InNew Record Co-operation of University and high ;school girls, and business men, result- ed in setting a new record for the an- nual American legion poppy sale fart Saturday, accounts showing a total return of more than $2,500. This sum As $1,000 in excess of any previous sale by the Irwin Prieskorn post. The amount is expected to' exceed ?the sum that records now show as the late returns come in, there being a 'number of contributions in the mail 1which have not yet been received. Ex- penses connected with the sale total- d $500, leaving a net amount of more ithan $1,500. wvhich will be forwarded the national committee torbe add- ed to the fund for caring tor orphans. T he largest single contribution was $100 given by Charles L. B3rooks. A kreat many sums of $20 were paid for 'the poppies, among the first being Madame Schumann-Heink, who pur- b;hased a flower soon after she arriv- ed in the city Friday afternoon. ADMINISTRTINCLUB TO ORGANIZE TONIGHT11 Students ofnthe School of Business Administration will meet at 8 o'clock tonight at the Union for the purpose of organizing a business administra- tion club. The club is to be organized, ac- cording to C. Chester Jung, president of the junior business administration class, to promote interest in the1 school, and to provide a basis of fel- lowship for the students and faculty.I It will also provide a means of con- tact between the school and the com- muercial world, and will bring leaders in business to the campus to speak toI the students.I Students in the School of Business Administration are eligible to active membership in the club, according to Jung, and those interested in its aims and activities, though not membersi of the school, may be admitted as as- sociate members. Library. rIn Opened Tappan Hall i Clean, Soft and White New study and reading accommoda- tions were made available to students of the School of Business Administra- tion yesterday morning when the new buismiess admistratioai library on the second floor of Tappan hall was open-1 ed for use. The reading section of the library has a capacity for about 60 with ad- ditional desks in the stack section for staff members and advanced students. Business administration books from other libraries on the campus have been placed in the stacks of the new library. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. CI ROPDI$T AND ORTOPEDIST j707 IN. IUniver-Aty Ave. Phone 212121 That is the way you will have your things returned to you if you send them here. Try us once. The MOE LAUNDRY 204 N. MAIN. DIAL 3916 ,; U"" London now has an organization of; volunteers pledged to undertake the mnaintenance and nrotection of public utilities in the event of a general strike, objective of radical leaders.i Lord Hardinge is president of the or- ganization1. TICKET SALPES ARE FINED $25 AND COSTS, Three men pleaded guilty to charg- es of scalping Ohio tickets before Judge John D. Thomas yesterday morning and were fined $25 and costs. The men who were caught by the local police last Saturday for charg- ing scalper's prices were Marshall Coulter of Detroit, Reginald Smith of Detroit, and Herbert Edielstein of Columbus. The number arrested last week was smaller than usual, adcording to po-' t (I i : i , . , lice records. There were 16 men ar- rested for scalping at the Navy game.' GENEVA.-Co-operating with the League of Nations, as an act of cour- tesy, the American government has sent to Geneva complete information on the military, naval and air forcee of the United States. PEKIN.-The danger of fighting in the vicinity of Pekin between rival muilitary chiefs has been averted for the time being. a -lUMMItill If1111"flirui lllil ili l ill ii I Ililil iif Ifill SPECIAL CHINESE DISHES! M Have you tried them yet? They are all prepared by a Chinese chef.. Drop in the. next time you are in Ypsi, COLLEGE CAFE ANNEX 14NORTH WASHINGTON-YPSILANTt Illiti'l fl I tlt lf ilHl t ill fili lxllttlllli 1 f11ffil ill lH ttllli O- C 3 ~ ~- - 4 oi ofveeay at, the game (according to an imminent dentist) will h 'veare acd this week!'sage... the fdootball number $ , I I PA BEST PRICES For Men's Used Clothing. Phone 4310 115 W. Washington' H. BENJAMIN DttGS STATIONERY All Wool Pre-Shrunk in Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not Fade. SUITS AND OVERCOATS At Only $2350 Manufactured by I Gilbert's C hocolates or for I Your Week-End House Party 1 Lb. to 5 Lb. Boxes ALWAYS FRESH Stuf by barton benchley crosby IrosS hoover sherwood sullivant and others - cover by held -god bless m ol A. NASH The Famous Golden ku-le & Co. Tailors of Cincinnati. Phone 97364 And ask that a representative of the NASA CO. calf upon you to show samples and styles and to take your measure for a suit or overcoat of which you will be proud. STYLE, FiT, WORXMANSHIP AND WEARING QUALITIES GUARANTEED. Some of the best dressed people you meet are wearing Nash clothes. Look for this advertisement on Tuesday and Friday of eachx week. 11 Swuift's Dreg Store 01 --_ 1 y,, . ,_ ' I ' }i 340 South State St. Phone 3534 SODAS STUDENT SUPPLIES now 11111Ilil 1 HIIt tE1l1111111111111111111111t11111tttlN Nt i 1 11 [ti i ti lH 1 w ai . SPECIAL FLASHLIGHT and OUTSIDE PICTURES BY LYNDON Your opportunity to obtain a lasting re- membrance of that fraternity or sorority -I house party. Also outside groups of s reunions after the games. LYNDON & COMPANY . 719 North University Ave. Phone 4514 C ornwel --Coal--Coke Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret is "GIVING ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION TO OUR CUSTOMERS." We believe it pavs to do business in a friendly way. If you 1 Origin of College Style The designers of the Arthur M. Rosen- berg Co. at New Haven have for many years been considered the creators of college style. You will be better pleased with your clothes if made by tailors whose product is authority. Come in and inspect our Winter exhibit, unsurpassed for elegarnce of quality and design. Representative JERRY CO AN Allenel Hotel TODAY **.^ a A; : 'A g. :- I II 11- 11 Ul 11 I t1 1!aIJ I ...L.a'%.0*m. in.. . E.J' 'U..W' c