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November 17, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-17

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Major Harry Leonard Presides Oyer
New Sitting; Foley Relieved
At Own Request
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1.-The Shen-
andoah naval court of inquiry decided
today to begin tomorrow an investi-
gation of statements by Mrs. Margaret
Ross Lansdowne, widow of Comman-
der Zachary Lansdowne, that Capt.
Paul Foley, as judge advocate, under,
took to influence the testimony she
gave before that court concerning the
accident which took the lives of her
husband and 13 other officers and men.
Inquiry Is Deferred
Reconvening after a recess of a
month, the court deferred the begin-
ning of this new phase of the inquiry
at the request of Major Henry Leon-
ard, a retired marine corps officer,
who was appointed judge advocate
last Saturday after Secretary Wilbur
had relieved Captain Foley of that
duty at his request. Major Leonard
said he had not had time to complete
his examination of the record of the
court in .the previous hearings.
The new judge advocate announced
that he would call as the first wit-
ness, Charles B. Parmer, a correspond-
ent of the Universal Service, who
quoted Mrs. Lansdowne in a newsi
story to the effect that Captain Foley
had sought to influence her testimony.
This was before Mrs. Lansdowne made
her charge in testimony before the
Mitchell court martial.
Mrs. Lansdowne To Testify
Mrs. Lansdowne is to follow Parmer
to the stand and later Captain Foley
will be heard in his own defense.
Several other persons, including those
pre ent at the interyjew between Cap-
tain Foley and Mrs. Lansdowne, and
those who saw the statement Captain
Foley prepared for Mrs. Lansdowne,
which she was to adoptsasher state-
ment to the Naval court, also have
been summoned.
Captain Foley will be represented at
the inquiry by counsel. He retained
James S. Easby Smith, a prominent
lawyer of this city today.
Minnesota's 90
Piece Band Will
Arrive Saturday
Minnesota's band of 90 pieces will
be here next Saturday to urge on the
efforts of the Maroon and Gold foot-;
ball team. A telegram, received yes-
terday by T. C. Schneirla, president of
the Michigan band, announced the
resolution of students and Minne-1
apolis business men to support the
band trip financially ,and stated that1
$5,000 had been raised to make the
trip possible.
After the band arrives in Ann Arbor
at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, on a
special train from Minneapolis, it will
parade up State street to the Union
where it will make its headquarters.
Following the game the honorary fra-
ternity group of the band will enter-
tain the visitors with a smoker at the
In discussing future plans of theb
Iylichigan band, Schneirla said that I
hereafter only two out of town trips
would be made. These can be made
under the band's own finances accru-
ing from the student allotment fund.

Band expenses are startling, Schneir-
la remarked, the cost of Michigan's1
trip to Wisconsin being $1,500, and that
of the Illinois band to Pennsylvania
game being $8,700.
TOKIO.-It is understood the cabi-
net has agreed to postpone for a yearI
all discussion of the navy's requesta
for an appropriation of 23,000,000 yen.

Masques' Play
Will Be Given
Again Tonight
The third performance of "The
Cradle Song" will be presented by
Masques at 8:15 o'clock tonight in
.Sarah Caswell Angell hall. This play,
by Martinez Sierra, was given before
crowded houses last Tuesday and
*ednesday nights, and it is by pop-
ular request that it is to be repeated
The story is laid in Spain, and con-
cerns life in a convent there. The
play was given in New York with con-
siderable success several seasons ago.
The Masques production is under
the direction of Amy Loomis, '22, Pro-
fessor Hollister's assistant in the play
production department and director
of last year's Junior Girls' play. Wil-
liam McPherson, carpenter for the
Union opera, and Robert Woods, '28E,
I have charge of the settings.
Tickets are to be had at Wahr's,
Slater's, and Graham's bookstores, as
well as at the door. All seats are
Ways And Means Committee Discusses
Levy On Cereal, Beverages To
Aid Enforcement
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-Taxes be-
came involved with prohibition en-
forcement today in the discussions of
the House ways and mean committee
in its preparation of a revenue bill.
A sub-committee took under con-
sideration suggestions of Assistant-
Secretary Andrews of the treasury, in
charge of prohibition enforcement, to
impose either a one-cent-a-gallon tax
on cereal beverages or a $100 occupa-
tional levy .on brewers to .give prohi-
bition enforcement officials power to
inspect beer breweries. Mr. Andrews
had informed the committee that
power to inspect these plants was
necessary to check the "flood of high
powered beer."
Committee members also were de-
luged today with telegrams of pro-
test from drug manufacturers against;
the proposed 50 per cent cut in the
tax on alcohol. The manufacturers
argued this would encourage boot-I
legging, and Representative Rainey,
Democrat, Illinois, said he would ask
the committee to reconsider the pro-
posed cut in the alcohol tax and re-
move instead the levies on stock and
grain exchange transactions and
those applying to deeds and convey-
The committee will meet tomorrow
for the first time since last Thurs-
day, and will receive a report from
the sub-committee which has beenj
working on administrative provisions
of the new bill.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.--Twelve
cases growing out of the war time
seizure of German ships and property
about New York were indefinitely
postponed today by the Supreme court.
The action was based on represen-
tation by the claimants that Congress
at its approaching session was ex-
pected to settle the questions involved

by enacting legislation providing for
payment for the property seized.
The government has opposed the
steamship company's efforts in court
on the ground that the courts should
not award compensation until Con-
gress had directed such action and
had established an agency to make

GRAG'SFTHERColonel Haskell's
"OWhat Is Happ
UPPOSH American Relief Worer Has Directed
Fight Against Famine and Dread
Disease in Russia
Col. William N. Haskell, leading
SAYS HE WOULD NOT OBJECT TO American authority on Russian con-
SON ACCEPTING CONTRACT ditions, who will speak on the Ora-
IN MOVIES torical association lecture course Nov.
24 in Hill auditorium, has selected as
"RED" IS SILENT his subject "What is Happening in
Russia," Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood,
Close Friend of Illinois Gridiron Star chairman of the speakers committee
Says He Is iPositive Famous
Player Has No Contracts of the association, announced yester-
day. His speech will be the fourth of
(By Associated Press) the season program.
CHICAGO, Nov. 16.-Red Grange's Colonel Haskell is director of the
greatest admirer, his father, is op- American relief administration in
posed to the illustrious young Illi- Russia and last summer did extensive
nois gridiron star playing profes- work for the government. From 1921
sional football when the curtain rings to 1923 over $60,000,000 was expend-
down on his intercollegiate career in ed for the relief of the suffering in
the Ohio-Illinois game next Saturday. Russia under his direction. Assisted
Grange's father, a deputy sheriff at by a staff of 200 American co-workers
Wheaton, Chicago suburb, said to- and a host of Russians who volun-
night he would not object to Grange teered their services, Colonel Haskell
accepting any of the other numerous superintended the distributionod a
aceptingany ofm thether numeroushe million tons of food, clothing, medical
offers made him whether it was the supplies, and seeds for planting. To
movies, writing for a newspaper syn- facilitate this distribution, 45,000 re-
dicate, or any form of public appear- I lief stations were establshed in an
ance, but that he did not approve of' t
commercializing football, areashalf aslargetas the United
commerc a yzigfoo St hll States. To carry these supplies to
14Iay Leave Schooll Russia necessitated 250 voyages of a
"Every time I read in the paper fleet of American ships, the ca-rgo
that Harold has accepted a. contract mkn 000crod nteRsin
from this or that team, it gives me a making 60,000 carloads on the Russian
shock,"the elder Grange said. "II railways. At one period eleven ml-
do lion starving Russians were fed daily.
sincerely hope that he does not do When Colonel Haskell began his
this, although he has not confided in work inRussia the people were suf-
me what his plans are. I have a fering from a famine and disease was
notion, however, that he will drop out raging. Thousands died from typhus,
of school for a while after the foot- I smallpox, typhoid and other maladies.
ball season and accept one of these Risking their lives, Colonel Haskell
offers inade him i a and his assistants overcame difficul-
''I think he's entitled to 'cash in' ,ties and not only fed the starving mil-
on the opportunities his gridiron fame lions but introduced sanitation and
has brought him. It has been expen- fought disease.
sive for me to send Harold and his
brother through the university. We
are not rolling in wealth and I think' EUiTAKS W lt1T
the public would approve of anything I
Harold does." mm ana~~ i
Argument Is Expected
iWhen Grange bids hiss adieu to the H N NU ON 90 1
intercollegiate gridiron, there prob-
ably will break out the most intense (By Associated Press)
argument that sports has ever lis- WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-Denied the
tened to on amateurism and profes- WIGON Nov. 16 seie the
sionalism. A fortune awaits the fam- privilege of leaving Washington
ous Wheaton iceman, no matter what during his technical arrest and court
offer he accepts. His decisiou as re- martial trial, Col. William Mitchell
gards a career is awaited with almost tonight addressed the country at
as much suspense as his exploits on large by radio in another lecture
the field. against army and navy administration
Whether Grange has signed a con- of the national defense. His strategy
tract to appear in Miami in a football in this overcame the physical limita-
i game on Christmas, and elsewhere tions laid down by the war depart-
this fall, cannot be verified, although ment.
Grange has persistently denied these The officers, whose trial, on charges]
reports. A close friend and adviser growing out of published attacks on
of Grange declared that he is posi- the air service administration, will be
tive Grange has signed no contracts resumed tomorrow, spoke from sta-
and that Grange has turned down of- tion WCAP and told his listeners that
fers with the explanation that he the next modern air attack will be
wishes to retain his amateur stand- "much more intense than the Japan-
ing until he finishes playing with Illi- ese earthquake" which disrupted the
noi. The belief persists in Cham- "whole life of Japan" and would be
paign that if C. A. Pyle, owner of a directed against "the nerve centers of
motion picture theater there, has the enemy's territory, cities, factories,
signed a contract for Grange's ap- ammunition areas, water, gas and
pearance at Miami, he had done so of light plans."
his own accord and with the belief "Unfortunately in America," he said,
that when Grange leaves school he "we have not taken the lesson of the
will be able to influence him to play. past into consideration. In the me-
chanical future of war, supremacy
will go to the nation with the greatest
industrial resources, which means the
greatest air power. -the fleet is tied
TL ON N I to the sea, the army is tied to the
land-aircraft can go over either."
Colonel Mitchell declared it was
impossible for people to put their
Professor Tells How Study Of Per- trust in armies or navies alone", as-
sonal Interests Leads To Vocation serting that "air power must be given
- a place of equal importance, and
Prof. Clarence Yoakum of the must not be muzzled, gagged or be-
School of Business Administration ad- littled."

Topic To Be
iening In Russia",

Lecture Is First Of Union Committee
Series; Noted Lawyer Attended
Law School Here
More than 800 tickets for the ad-
dress of Clarence S. Darrow in Hill
auditorium tonight were sold at one
store alone yesterday, the first day of
the ticket sale, and there is every in-
dication, according to Robert Price,
'27, chairman of the lectures commit-
tee of the Union, that the criminal
lawyer will have a capacity audience
here. Mr. Darrow will speak on
"Crime-Its Cause and Treatment" at
8 o'clock, being introduced by Dean
Alfred H. Lloyd of the graduate school.
The lecture tonight will be the
first of a series now being arranged by
the Union lecture committee in which
an effort is being made to engage the
popular type of speaker. The com-
mittee feels fortunate in securing Mr.
Darrow to speak to Michigan stu-
dents at this time due to the fact that
this will be his first public address
in some time and that he has not yet,
accepted offers to speak at Yale, Har-
vard, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth,
and Pennsylvania. It is believed that
Mr. Darrow chose to speak to Michi-
gan students before all others largely
because of the fact that he attended
the Law school here in 1877-78, al-
though he is not a graduate of the
Mr. Darrow has been practicing law
for many years and today is consid-
ered to be one of the foremost c-j
inal attorneys in the country. He be-
came particularly prominent in the
Loeb and Leopold case and the recent
Scopes trial in Tennessee. At the
present time Mr. Darrow is engaged
in the Sweet case in Detroit.
Tickets for tonight's address which
are 50 and 25 cents, will be on sale
again today at Slater's book"store, and
the Calkins-Fletcher stores. Tickets
will also be sold at Hill auditorium
tonight, starting at 7:15 o'clock.
Accompanied by the metallic clang-
ing of a large iron triangle, ten neo-
phytes scrubbed their way through
mud and water into an honorary jun-
ior engineering society, Triangle, yes-
terday afternoon under the Engineer-
ing arch.
The following junior engineers were
initiated by the organization at its an-
nual fall ceremonies: J. A. Ardussi,
Tom Cranage, F. W. Cron, J. R. De-
Puy, D. B. Dunham, R. B. Ehlers, L.
F. Finkler, G. G. Lamb, W. E. Renner,
and H. R. Stevenson.
Following the initiation in the after-
noon, a banquet in honor of the new
members was held in the Union.
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students,
gave the main address of the evening
on behalf of the faculty. Thomas
King, '27E, extended a welcome to the
new members, while Thomas Cranage,
'27E, responded for the initiates. John
Lovette, '27E, acted as toastmaster for
the occasion.-
Forest Service .
Makes Extensive
Study Of Taxes
Nation-wide study of the forest tax-
ation problem in relation to reforesta-

tion of privately-owned lands is being
launched by the forest service of the
United States department of agricul-
ture, which recently announced the
appointment of Prof. Fred R. Fair-
child of Yale university as director of
the investigation.
A detailed study of forest taxation
will be made in all principal forest
regions to determine the effect of pres-
ent tax laws on reforestation and
timber holdings, and the conditions
that must be met in any effort to read-
just present tax laws to be fair to
land owners and public treasuries.
According to Prof. . V. Jotter of
the forestry department, there is a
rather prevalent opinion that by set-
ting aside land for forestry purposes

Tickets for the Minnesota-
Michigan game at Ferry field
next Saturday which were not
sold when the office of the Ath-
letic association closed last
night, will be offered on sale this
morning, Harry Tillotson, busi-
ness manager of the association,
announced at a late hour last
General Andrews Emphasizes Serious-
ness Of Present Situation
In This Country
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Nov. 16.-The challenge
of an unfinished task was emphasized
by national law enforcement officials,
and state and national temperance
leaders addressing the 51st annual
convention of the National Women's
Christian Temperance union here to-
General Lincoln C. Andrews, chief
of the federal prohibition forces, Dr.
Ernest C. Cherrington, general secre-
tary of the World League Against Al-
coholism, Rev. F. Scott McBride, gen-
eral superintendent of the Anti-Saloon
League of America, and others, stress-
ed the seriousness of the present sit-
uation in this country, and necessity
for awakening a national conscious-
ness and inspiring a great and united
effort for effective enforcement.
The purpose of the American prohi-
bition forces, Dr. Cherrington said,
is to take "the gospel of prohibition
to the rest of the world."
"We must enlist the moral forces
of other countries to bring such pres-
hure on their governments," said Dr.
Cherrington, "as will help free our in-
ternational border of Rum Row and
Smuggler's Row, which under the pro-
tectiondof foreign flags, are seeking to
break down our laws and defy the con-
stitution of this nation."
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-After a race
with death in a special train for
which freight and passenger trains
were shunted to sidings, Guy Wag-
goner, wealthy oil operator of Fort
Worth, Texas, was at the bedside of
his dying sister tonight.
The racing special train covered the
1,051 miles between St Louis and New
York in three hour1 less than the
scheduled time of 23 hours of the
fastest expresses on the Pennsylvania
Mrs. James A. Gillmore, the sister,
suffered a relapse Thursday from an
old illness. Three physicians and
four attending nurses decided that
her brother should be called from
Fort Worth. 'Ie missed connections
at St. Louis and ordered the special.
A limousine waiting here with a
traffic policeman on the running
board to clear the way, completed ar-
rangements and Waggoner sped to the
bedside of his sister in record time.
The trip cost him more than $10,000,
$5,000 of which went to the train
l crew, Mr. Waggoner having promised
I them that sum if they made the run in
20 hours or less.I

WASHINGTON.-Labor department
studies of retail food prices show an
average increase of 1.5 per cent be-,
tween Sept. 15 and Oct. 15.

Elliott Chamberlain, 327, Gives Detailg
At Mass Banquet; Trophies
Will Be Donated
Today will see the opening of the
annual Union life membership drive.
The campaign will officially get under
way this morning, and will continue
all of tomorrow and Thursday, closing
late on the night of the third day.
During this period the life member-
ship committee of the -Union will at'
tempt to solicit every male student
on the campus who is not now a life
member of the organization. This
year's quota is 1,400 new member:
I Final instructions were given to
nearly 200 team captains and mem-
bers at a banquet last night at the'
Union, by Elliott Chamberlain, '27,
chairman, and the new method of pay-
ments again explained. Each of the
20 teams represented, consisting of a
captain and four workers, was assign-
ed definite territory to canvass. Free
lance subscribing will be permitted
Thursday, the final day of the cam-
Explain Work Of Union
It was also ex'plained to- the Work-
ers how the Union is a connecting
link 'between graduate students and
the University; how it serves as the
headquarters for all alumni on every
occasion; how old friendships are re-
newed many times by means of the
Union; that the Union is a social club
for alumni as well as students; and
that one of the many advantages o
being a life member is the preference
given such members in the matter of
obtaining tickets for the annual
Union opera.
All of the workers were instructed
to report at the Union at 10 o'clocIC
peach night of the drive, when the en-
tire day's reports will be compiled
and marks of progress noted.
Hans Awards Trophy
The individual obtaining the great-
est number of membership subscrip-
tions will be awarded the Otto Hans
trophy again this year, which will
become his permanent possession.
Watch charms will be given to the
members of the team securing the
most memberships, and the five in.
dividuals obtaining the most 'subscrip-
tions, exclusive of the Hans cup win-
ner and the members of the winning
team, will receive tickets to a .Union
All the money realized from life
membership subscriptions during the
campaign will go towards the Union
building fund and is not 'in any way
used to defray current expenses of the
building or organization.
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Eng., Nov. 16.-The first
day's sitting of the House of Commons
provided no surprises. Winston
Churchill, chancellor of the ex-
chequer, announced that the consider-
ed debt arrangement made with M,.
Caillaux, the former French finance
minister, still is effective.

Premier Baldwin announced the
government's intention to introduce a
bill to put into effect the recommen-
dation - of the various committees
which had inquired into the claims of


Soph Prom Committee Announces
Method Of Ticket Distribution
Details of the method of obtainingI yesterday investigating orchestras for

dressed the second of the series of
vocational discussions being held un-
der the auspices of the Student Chris-'
tian association last night at Lane,
hall on the subject of "Measurement
of Personality". He defined person-
ality as "those differences in behavior
and attitude that distinguish individ-
uals" and pointed out the fact that
these differences affect in a marked
degree an individual's ability for any
particular line of work.
Throughout the talk Professor
Yoakum cited numerous examples of
personalities that he had observed in
his work, explaining how these traits
were developed and how it was pos-
sible to discover from a person s in-
terests the sort of vocation in which,
he would be happy. "Interests,!" he
declared, "are more permanent than
we once thought they were." He de-
nied the belief that ability was un-
necessary to success in business, say-
ing that he had never examined a man
holding a position of trust who fell
below the average in intelligence and

Body Of War Ace
Taken To Berlin
(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, Germany, Nov. 16.-The
body of Capt. Baron Manfred Von
Richthofen, German World war ace
shot down in the Somme area in 1918,
is being brought home. It will be
turned over by the French at Kehl,
Baden, on Wednesday and will be re-
interred with ceremonies in Berlin
Friday. The funeral train will halt a
dozen times between Kehl and Berlin
for the cities en route to pay their
WARSAW.-It is believed likely;
that Premier Grabski will attempt to
reform the cabinet which resigned
0=-Vr~eafherlA 1

several industries for import duties

under the safeguarding of industries
WASHINGTON. - The American act, but gave no information on the
debt commission hopes this week to subject. He stated merely that no
arrange a debt funding settlement i action was possible until the findings
with Rumania. of the committees were made public.


tickets for the Sophomore prom of the
class of '28, were announced by Fred- I
erick T. Beaman, chairman of the af-3
fair, at the first meeting of the gen-
eral committee held last night in the
Union. Applications will first be
made ont and filed with the commit- I

the affair. One orchestra will furnish
music, and it will probably be chosen
from the list of suitable Detroit or-
ganizations submitted by the music
Members of the decorations com-
mittee were chosen from the archi-
C ..tir annit o n 'Xnnt .e-on -

Definite action of the conduct of fra-
ternity dances was decded upon by,
the ,Interfraternity council at a spec-
ial meeting held yesterday afternoon
at the Union. The motion, introduced
by Jackson Stith, '26, president of the
council, leaves the question of opens
or closed dances to the fraternities,
hut makes each ,ea1n-afrn vnnnui-

the task of seeing that the conduct
of persons at the dance is observed
as strictly as possible.
2. All parties are to be classified
in the Daily Official Bulletin as "open"
or as "closed" parties. If the party
is classified as "open" a verbal invi-
tation is sufficient to gain entrance.
If it is classified as "closed" a writ-

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