JI I DAY, NOVEM l[3ER 13, 1925 rHEI MICHIGAN DAILY a 4 1La ;tifVt i{ ^; i; 1 L; as 4r a Mw r PAGE THTLE3 r iii 'iAll PrtkOf (Counitry Of ovld Curt HERS FOR TWO DAYS Fjollowring the suggestion made by the tudcnt council in its mleeting? Wednedaythe Student Christian as- soctie will. sponsor anti arrange for, a Joi Court confer:ince, composed Aerobile Success In Germany MANY FELLOWSHIP DVVNER lof DEATH BED OPFN TO STUDENTS of NPFUEMSOUGHT 4VALUED AT $1200 EACH- T 0l A hp3for French uiniversi- ties in mrore than 30 fields of study, are open to rten students here upon aplplication to Dr. Stephen P. Duggan, ;ooretawry of the American Field Serv- i uo lV eliow: ships for French IUniversi- rc El 1resc ntativco from althtol ies, Inc'., 52Fifth avenue, ew York lgsini theistate, to Ile held in 4nnj. Arbor . 11J and Dec. 1. This con :r~i:>:.>:hese;;;fellowships, not to".. .ox- -e,, y~, .: ' ":: --:E l1iillut}r ~.le tf ,rence NwAilocc apy the first two days teced a1 in umberire(vaeat,$be-i of InternlationIal xweep. Speakers from 0 n retnbefr n er e :s.11 pa its of the county will bi! w. .,:l;,:: apiai ; p rovida cd yea upes brought here lUringi the week to ad- .IllOifpoie i~ii~a~c resthe studet body o the Worlcl riirant it C u t a d t uetion- of;:America's;. ;3,-,r'u, oiflgrowth of the $ociety r Entran,;ce iiit() it unter the terms of < i~liO lii l)itE1'.: '; >:;m.;l nal understand:ing, and 1. Sweet of Cocloradlo, Kirb~y Page, I .:.b wWl ey irlcsz t1 ( c mad J 'lroffanhorsecretnaro tendt States :' and to develope a bet- World StiudenIt Christian association, I . French.Lionandiversitia io e ill give the main addresses at sev- ,Ii~tos ieno nd s ofFrnchniverascitis- cer- Iof the meetings of that week. t7 I ' tie antig fleloiws Iths telms- . noherspake r wll be brought here r 1 uthe ra tlntngaofaflalshisto Am- by the *Leal gue of Nations Non-P'arti- (. , an league, to address a gathering W.:_________ whch hywilsoso uin ht A combination of auto and airplane(, with foliMa - wings ,:lndipaimrat- ,IOB B t I /E Committees have not been appoint- ic wheels that make it equally usefuil onl land or lin the air, is beiing iman-' NE W.Y R r ed as yet, accordiing to Rensis Likert,, ufactured in Germany for popular use. It can be hioused in an o tEiia OR N W O K r'26, president of the Student Chris- garage. One of the machines i s shown.lro. ilam I.obsfthge- tian as5sociation, but will be within a j- - {ret levethsYftr [~d .VEays and will include men from of the committee and is going ahead, conlference at Princeton and will, witil c' dopart .n ,l willlevthsaer a:.vrycnpu c vtoh ihohorrigmeisn to spend ten days in New York 1r aly vr amu11ivt.JhnIwt'1h0raneet. ^results froni 1all fthe oth.er uiiiv~ler adasinto rgarding sev- ' i.1lliott '26, who was tile delegate During tile week, a straw vote xvi ' J rs ned t o ges b ri,. .llitd asnt matt e i on eto from Michigan, to the recent confer- be conducted on the campus to ascer-! d l egate elected at the conferenlce. NN,,11tile proposed University ofE one in New York city for the purpose tain the feeling of the student body;,,l41a' h frtatmto nlr ihan epdiin t reln ofarrang ingfor the IntercollegLate upon. the qustinso ths cunty's, toifitlnatteheitofuAm er- t summ lerpwhichtion toGreentond Iol Cou?"t conference to be held at entr~ance into the Worl Court. Tihe I nr;01aypltia sua-re.Pofso ob shpflo I l ilceton, Dec. 11, is acting chairman result of this vote will be sent to theI cordinlg to },lliott. making definite progress in the way ;' I x i 3 1 I t, I i y1 4 . COFMAN SENT BY S.C.A. TO WPFAK AT RINDIIFT' Many trips lhave leay been scheduled for meulbers o th:e exten- sion group, inchu iing c:neuto Tcui- seh which necessitts a ngl'iupof nearly 35 student sekr.rneet E (Byp Associated lPress) FIS1, Nov. 12... Who 1)OC:; OS.eS1 Napoleonl's (loath bed again is a qutes-1 tion1 that is makimng antiquaries forgot1 x war debts and taxes. Th'le Countess of Laperoue great granddaughter of Gener'al Montholon,1 to whom Napoleon was supposed tot harve willed his death bed, attests to l the genuinenmess of her possession by k documents duly verified by mlotaries. Prince Murat is said to h4ave the1 real relic, which cameiniztJe M'urats famuily by will from Carlimte 1Bont-' parte, queen of Naples.l Supp Qters of Montholon conitenid teat tis I. d is, only a camp~ bed to which, thle re- mal~ins of the emperor wxv e=ftrantsfer- m-ed after his decath. Now 'omies air Alneric u ialnateuir I c-olltetor on the trail of tihe "re'al" death bed. It was offe:redl fori-sale ati ifeauvilie last sme. IPec admjirers of the '"Little Co;rporal" lie- 001110 anxioas lest this pl'(cicxu 5 piece he oxIoited f rm Franco. They . tart- ed a subscription for it'; pnlruja ' While waitinlg its final disposition in' Paris, someone started a contiover~s V as to the authenticity of tie beid. The owners of two otiher ~aplo death lbeds are keeping dark;'or-'tihe inolne~nt, vaiting to See how the .conz1 troversy turns before deciding wh fat line to take. I U Ul LnllII ni UIFVL1 I lug all grouzpsof catus ativitis, according to Ezra.Youg, 2,cir larold C. Coffman, general secre- ;irran of the extension 'nitte terry of thr Student Chlristian associa--'_____ tion, addressed time father and son's NF bangquet of the Ithaca high school I NW YORK-One OYR. ofntie mst sev-r \\ ednesday night as part of the pro- Iereatqasoft : ra.r c grain of the extension dlepartment inl orded 'Tuesdaiy oii the sjmogahat fur1nishing speakers for meeting: all!i Fordham n iiversity'. over the state. Mr. Coffman is the;--- eighth speaker to be senit out this The Italian government w -ill sub- fail. Trhe eight speakers have ad-; sidize hydroelectricplns dressed four meetings totalling more --" -_______ than 2,000 people, Patronize Daily Advertis ers. Leave ouders at -Wahr's, Graham's, later's, Barbour Gymnasium, Mack &Coo', and Candy Booth in Univ. Hall. Limited issue. Pledges filled before public sale. Christmas gifts be sets of will be Let your St . yI 1 of preparations for the expe4-io during his eastern trip. } DETROIT T14 TREE THIS WEEK I! f .. " 1 _----- - -----___ i P164eying :.- { Schber Laaye af aye tatShcy xl1ii 'day, hcst et~ Sd at tt., 5cc try $2.50 The STUDENT PRINCE; The Musical Triumph of a &G-serrationi $1 per Pack Benefit Leacue Bu'ding ;, r n b, , - . g; :. '' ' 5 ,, , , . :s d- . N. ]% , . ' ' I :i . Ye P :S T. , ' . -R ' f f v y ' ' 8- r. : la 2 J' rrr a ' ? --- -- OUR COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVE MR. JAMES 'LONG WILL DISPLAY SPORTS APPAREL OF INTEREST TO ALL STUDENTS AT HOTEL ALLE ~mEL _ i I i Your o e9 0 o M ivacY to j ."l-lbotograph i ' I i , M i AD _ Eves. w - 5~c to $1.50 Wed. Mat. 50c to $3.50 Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00! Positively Last 6 Days A 'E' IRISH ROS Last Time November 14 SEE IT NOW t uutistflr la ouseTues. lhn s rs a. Mat;. 50C and m5c Woodward at Eliot Tel. Glendale 9792 TW~O "WEEKS nONLY The BONSTELLE Co. In the Molnar Ilour nijeComedy AR Played 1)y Eva [_e Calliemine ZOur Wail Paper Experience Has taught us that the way to please the women is to carry an eKiensive line, well colored, with a variety of patterns. This we have. Quaint designs for children's, rooms, artistic al1-over patterns fo:r living rooms, tapestry patterns .for dining Yrooms-in fact;- a pleasing design for every room in the house. We not only have the papers but can have them HUNG PROPERLY as well. Shuld -~d NOWiXC~U TN ,-,Ma n a g e m ie n t Saturday Special 6 19, E. Liberty St. portraits I Q~Lalit' Onr f 4Ilorai- Quality aind at Loxi'est 11erice Prices The Home of Wall-Paper and Paint 'Satisf ac'-01. Phone 4434 ('[lP SEY AND) A)1 ElUVAN ])INNER Ser-ed at All Hours SPECIAL IDINNERS 1i 6} a.m.-W pan. & 5 :30-S p.m. Varsity Inn 12 ]East William 9 0 STHURSDAY NOV. 12 FRIDAY NOV. 13 SATURDAY NOV. 14 1iluog -afhs fMak-- Splendid (-7-h istalas Presents. Dial 9313 203 East Washington St. UM9210 .. ... ,,,,...,_._,.y ,, ..._ c5w.:re w NOW NOW 'A ,l 'j/ k~J'0 The i e nis Vaudeville ;. lS 2.0 WEEK DAY MAT.- «® IVE PE E _k<, i' (iI Wivth ant ?- vtory of Califorrja . ""'°j 5 , . ' K 1 N Y i ' gyn A AL WHITE "A COUYROMANCE99 1l .f n _-'l _ a n 1r M ... -i __ _ __v-r i