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November 13, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-13

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it igan






Tells Mitchell Court Martial That
Paper Falsely Represented
Shenandoah iMisap
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-Margaret
Ross Lansdowne testified today be-
fore the Mitchell court martial that
Capt. Paul Foley, judge advocate of
the Shenandoah court of inquiry, has
submitted to her a prepared state-
ment which she was to adopt as her
testimony before the navy court in-
quiring into the disaster which cost
her husband Com. Zachary Lans-
downe his life.
She was one of three witnesses
called to support charges made by
Col. William Mitchell which led to his
trial before the military tribunal on
specifications citing conduct to the
prejudice of good order and military
discipline. The Foley incident came
as a surprise, and was intended to
substantiate Colonel Mitchell's dec-
laration that a navy officer endeavored
to have Mrs. Lansdowne give the na-
Val court "false testimony and retract
her former statement before that tri-
Mrs. Lansdowne, however, was not
interrogated directly as to the motive
Captain Foley had in mind when he
sent her the statement nor did she
testify that it constituted, on his part,
an attempt to have h-er give false tes-
timony. She did tell the court that
the statement falsely represented the
Shenandoah disaster and was an "in-
sult"' to her husbands memories.
Under cross examination by the
court, the witness reluctantly admit-
ted that she received Captain Foley's
statement from Mrs. George W. Steele,
wife of the commandant of the Lake-
hurst air station, an intimate friend.
She testified that it bore no signature,
not even a mark, to show that it came
from the Navy department, and that
she had destroyed the paper.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-American
loans sought by Brazilian authorities
to support coffee price valorization
has been refused by New York bank-
ers at the insistence of the adminis-
tration it appeared today in the pub-
lication of a statement by Secretary
Amounts of loans sought and the
identity of the banking houses and
borrowers concerned were not men-
tIoned by Mr. Hoover, but the gov-
ernment's interest was revealed as
that of preventing any use of Amer-
ican money to increaseuthe price of
coffee to American consumers above
a point which the government con-~
siders fair.
"The administration" said Mr.
Hoover's statement "does not believe
New York banking houses wish to
provide loans which might be diverted
to support the coffee speculation
which has been in progress for the
last year in the hands f the coffee
combination , in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Such support would simply bolster up
the extravagant prices to the Ameri-

can consumer.
Two exhibitions of the slides de-f
picting the 192 passion play of Ober
Ammergau will be given by the Con-
gregational church Sunday. The first
showing is to be for children; and
will be made at 4 o'clock. The sec-
ond will be for adults at 8 o'clock.
These slides are announced as the
only official pictures of the life of
Christ as dramatised by the municip-
jlity of the Ober Ammergau.
Mr. C. J. Arms, the Canadian lec-
turer, will explain the story as it is,
unfolded on the screen.

ALTAX MEAESURE LIEEVLABOAROI C are being mailed by the
SOBJ[ l or usinss those persons who hv v not pai
TAXME UREFOBFVN DINI9 O' ESAoARD--FORM SO[I, o tersubitif he onstllypa K 1AJBEBIN
(By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) for their subscriptions. All pay-
WASHINGTON, Nov. l2.--United DEVNPR, ngadNv.12- -mnts must be paid before Nov.
support ofUhouse leaders of the non- Four officers and 64 men, it is feared, 15, at which time deliverywillA O N1- t VII;
partisan tax bill now being framedIIt have been lost by the disaster to the be stoped and the subscribers
by the ways and means committee wsubmarine M-1, which dived in the ill be billed at the rate of five
will be sought by Representative Til- TERMt ACCEPTED BY ITALIAN waters of the English channel off STRESS FUNDAMENTAL HARMONY cents per copy for all issues de-I YOST, REED, LITTLE, AND BROWN
son of Connecticut, the new Republi-I DEBT COMMISSIONEI{S AS Start point early this morning and BETWEEN SCIENTISTS AND livered. The rate for those who ADDRESS YEARLINGS AT
can floor leader, to assure an early' "VERY GENEROUS" has not been seen since. A day long. THEOLOGIANS signed up at the first part of the UNION SMOKER
passage of the measure by that chan- search proved unsuccessful, and to- year is now $4.
bf the committee, as expected, ALLOWED 62 YEARS night Admiral Sir Henry Francis Oli- HOLD OPEN FORUM L_ _-_ __VARIED PROGRAM
Ife m itteems e xet i ver, cammander in chief of the Atlan-
son said today he would consult with c fleet, signaled the following mes-
s interest Chares, Annual Payments sage: Quote Bibical Passages Oten, Show- Large Throng Entertained By Fresh
Representative Garret of Tennessee, Increase Gradually According "The commander in chief very ing Essential Falacy In Attempt VmantRandAnd,OtherFeatures;
the Democratic leader, on a program To Final Settlement much regrets to inform the Atlantic ing To Construe Literally Games Explained
for House consideration of the mecas- __ le htisfae ta h u-r ai r~nH
ure which would assure action before Letthatt is feared that the sub- ------lytthU---
Christmas . (By Associated Press) marine M-1 has 'been lost with all That there is a fundamental unity iLoyalty--loyalty to te University,
Mr. Tilson has tentatively fixed De- WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-Funding hands duringexercises in the channel and harmony between science and re- to their awn class, to their own ideals
cember 14, a week after Congress con- of Italy's war debt to the United today." ligion was the theme of the joint lee- --was the keynote of the annual
venes, as the date for taking up the States has been accomplished. A court of inquiry will be held to- ture given last night in Hell audi- Gorge 'SE, and Rich, 2, t Willgehteal smoker of the freshman class, which
\bill in the House. No decision has An accord was reached today on morrow. torium by Dr. and Mrs. F. Home ir Rs,,ecti e tasses In I packed the assembly hall of the Union
been reached on the advisability of terms which the American debt com- Toorrow s Galaes
bringing it up under a rule restricting mission held to be the maximum bur- I Curtiss. This subject, troating "ThedTe last night. President H. Yost, Prok
amendments, den that should be imposed on the I Truth about Evolution ae Bible," BANDS TO BE PR SENT 1Little, Coach Fielding H. Yost, Prof
Sub-committees of the ways and Italian people. It was accepted by is one on which they are speaking oHnce department and Ro b o
means committee worked today on the Italian debt commissions as very tsroughout the country, under the Robley. George, '2, and George '26, captain of the Michigan football
details of general provisions already generous" treatment of the funding sponsorship of the Authors and Lee- Ricg, '2ea e r e ta, ch ove a differentpae
agreed upon by the full committee. problem. LUWERSi lvitures club of San Francisco. E. Rich, '29, will lead their classes teet; each covered a different phase
The new inheritance tax rate was not Italy was given 62 years, the same "The only conflict between science in the annual Fall games tomorrow of the general theme in addresses to
completed, though a tentative deci- as the other nations which have coi- and religion," Dr. Curtiss asserted, the first year men.
sion was reaced to make no changes pleted similar negotiations, in which 'Iamberlain Tells Team Captains "exists in the minds of those inor- morning on south Ferry field. The "We are not asking men to make a
in present rates on estates amounting to pay off an obligation calculated at How Saving Will Be Realized ant on both subjects. It shall be my sophomores selected George from a sacrifice in coming out for Michigan
to $450,000 or less. $2,042,000,000. Interest charges, be- On Life )leniberships purpose to urge a better understand- field of three candidates at the Nat- teams", declared Coach Yost. "We
ginning at the end of five years, were ing of the truth that the two may be ural Science auditorium yesterday1 are asking them to do the very things,
____- ginning atvetheeendy offfivehyearslwere
fixed to graduate from 1-8 of 1 perrecognized as basic parts of the same 1afternoon, and the first year men t e t ry liethat lake
cent to a maximum of 2 per cent in whole.- chose Rich after the freshman smoker that win on the field win in the game
the last seven years. The annual pay- Eulogizing the achievements of sci-
ments also were arranged to increase Besides outlining the change in or- ence, Dr. Curtiss deprecated the rea-a th anU100member of thesee-bolime. In athletics we expect our
I gradually in accordance with what the ganization for the Union life member- soning of the materialist, and pointed Less than 100 members of the sec- boys to come clean'-no one can vio-
(American commission regarded as ship drive this year, which will be out that his doctrine has been dis- y class were Present to elect late the laws of health without per-
Italy's maximum capacity to pay. conducted for three days next week, -carded by all true scientists who b -eir captain, due to the rain. Wayne sonally paying the penalty."
They start at $5,000,000 a year and starting Tuesday, Elliott Chamberlain, cIove that there is more than mere 'Schroeder,28, president of the soph- Lester Johnson, '27L, chairman of
Author of "Varsity" Will Endeavor advance to $80,000,000. '27, chairman of the campaign, ex- matter involved in the penonema of omore literary class, presided and the underclass committee of the Union
To Repeat Inspiring Talk With the announcement of these plained to the 40 team captains, at a life, more, even than force. The asked his class to turn out in numbers who presided at the meeting, intro-
Of Three Years Ago f terms, it was disclosed that in making meeting in the Union last night, the truly great scientist, Dr. Curtiss de- when it faces the freshmen tomorrow. duced Coach Yost as "The grand old
another foreign debt funding agree- new system of making payments on -ared, recognizes a driving causitive Earl Blaser, '27, chairman of the Fall iman of Michigan-as much a part of
I element behind all visible manfes-1 games committee of the Student cou-1 the University as the buildigs on her
BAND TO GIVE CONCERTJ ment ready for submission to Con- the memberships. The change in thte tmn il, explained the ges to the sopho- cte toeKipkedand Bltt
gross, the American commission had manner of payments is made possible -ato . cmu" one1t ileadBos
tempered its policy of collection of this year by a constitutional amend- "Evolution is simply a process, a mores and requested that they stay Michigan all-Americans, as examples
TIME IS CHANGED temeasis o lich c ollto n ofth ear by a ontit ion mechanism by means of which an away from the freshman meeting last of Michigan men who had "played the
TIMEIS HAN4~EDthe basis of the capacity to pay with mot adopted at a meeting of Union
The Ohio State P m neeting will consideal has been realized. Just as it is night at the Union. game right." In refering to the pres
be held at a o'clock this afternoon tion involved. Heretofore, in taking out a life the architect, rather than the stone Marshall J. Hungerford, 28, repre- ent Varsity eleven, Coach Yost do-
and not at 7:30 o'clock tonight, as The Italian debt has been listed in membership to the Union, a student mason, who is ultimately responsible senting the intramural department, dlared that he had never seen any
was previously announced, a - treasury records as $1,647,869,197, in received no financial benefit by pay- for the cathedral, so must there be a spoke on the organization of inter- team, anywhere, anytime play as
cording to a statment made by Iand $49x,74,654 in accrued'ing for such a membership early in supreme force directing life." class athletics, especially speedball great a game as Michigan played
the Sprincipaluandl$4astnig4,654rincaccrued Dr. Curtiss quoted from the Bible 11 The sophomore engineers already! against the Naval academy on :Oct. 31.
the Student council last night. interest, calculated at 5 per cent. The his college career. The old method, C
Fred Lawon, '11, writer of "Var-I first concession, therefore, was a re- which still prevails, however, calls for a number of passages apparently have a team organized, and the con- I In closing, the coach gave the fresh-
sity," Michigan's famous fo"tball duction of back interest charge, which five equal payments of $10, annuallysparadoxical, and then showed their es- tests will begin the early part of next men the creed of life in which he be
sity,"~~~~~~~~~~s~ta consis'stencsy.o ta,.ducionof ackintres chrgtowhchweekqu heymetsecl$arnnd.l
song and the man whose -address be- was computed in the agreement at Lfor>saytotal,'8$,andUndrhnnew'pro-stevseeandswichieerecorrnend
fore the Ohio State game three years 14 1-2 per cent from the date of the visions, undergraduate students will s a Tier temk
p ponents of evolution and showed how . Starett, '8, who were defeated "There's a destiny that mnakes us all
ago instilled a fighting spirit that loan to Dec. 15, 1922, the date of the realize the amount saved by the Union even these contribute to the proof of for the sophomore captaincy, will be brothers
swept Michigan to victory in the game British settlement, and 3 per cent on interest, cost of keeping accounts,I the evolutionary doctrine. He em- among the lieutenants who will direct N ohis w
that dedicated the Ohio stadium, will from then to June 15 last, the date and collecting, by making a cash pay- phasised the belief that the Bible is the class tomorrow. Hugh Barsanti, It'swhoeswis wayaon
speak before another Ohio State pep from which the present arrangement ment. The new provisions, as ap- an epic, allegorical of the laws of '29E, will act as first lieutenant for t w
an eic, llegricl ofthe awsof I 29Ewil actas frstlieothersfo
meeting .at 5 o'clock this afternoon in will be operated if approved by Con- proved by the board of directors of manifestation, ande he interpreted the freshmenrs
Hill auditorium. gress and the Italian government. the Union, are as follows: some of the significant and symbolic The sophomore band was organized That comes back into our own.
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the polI- ft was in the interest charges of "1. A freshman will receive a full passages in the story of the creation at a meeting following the electioniProfessor Reed recpient f te tra-
tical science department will repro- the future and in the division of the paid membership card at the end of in terms of the scientific, showing the eesterdaafternoonb The freshman iona ca
sent the faculty at the meeting held annual authorization payments, with his fourth year if he pays $35 on or ies of th s ny showing t - m quet two years ago, told the first year
by the Student council allow the provisional arrangements attached, before Dec. 1 of his freshman year, or construe literally passages intendedmpt to band has been practicing for some mmen that loyalty is a habit of mind
student body to voice its support of however, that the American commis- he will receive a full paid life mem- to be emblematic. pearance at the class snoker atpthe that is reached wy practice and advised
its team on the eve of the game with! sioners felt they made the greatest I bership at the end of his fourth year i Mrs. Curtiss continued the line of Unionnlast t. ss kbelthem to start w. class wthfist
Ohio State, after the Wolv inc do- curtailment of a creditors rights in if he pays $10 a year during the first thought laid down by Dr. Curtiss, Members of the "M" club, the junior class that ever graduated from any
feat at the hands of Nortbwu-tern in consideration of Italy's financial con- four years of his college life, provid- elaborating on several of the theories h r soc, e u uni vrs the Untdates,"rhe dny
the mud at the Grant Para stadium.hnorary societie, an the sub-com university in te United States," he de
last Saturday. dition. edl thse payments are made on or be- touched on. Following the two talks, mittee of the Student council will!Blared, "and there is something wrong
Both the Varsity band and the Glee fore Dec. 1 of each year. there was held an open forum during meet at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow morn- with any fellow who doesn't think his
club will be seated on the stage and L.A W CL2UB W ILL 2. A sophomore willreceive a full which a number of questions were ing at the offices of the council on thei own c is
clu will seadtedsingingftmesoageangsALAWB Wpaid life membership card at the end asked by the audience. In replying to third floor of the Union, whre they "Youhdeo ur n snl
t will led icher on he eat eson EAR ASKELL of his fourth year if he pays $37.50, in some of thse queries, Dr. Curtiss y"Youdeve"pIyou nesol
oneasm onirlbefreeDe.o1nothisdepreatedthe dotrine of mdernwill be given instructions as to the as you develop the institution towhich
stadium tomorrow. Slides containing suhooryercs pscatedtseottinesfo rn handling of the games and the official!, you belong," he added, in asking the
sophomore year. I psychololgists, setting forth as his badges which they will wear on Ferry fresmen to carry on the work of
the words will be thrown on the Col. William N. Haskell, chairman "3. A junior will receive a full belief the statement that such ma-
screen. The band will also give a 15 of American relief and administration paid life membership card at the end terialists based their reasoning on field in the morning, it was announced making Michigan a finer institution.
minute concert preceding the pep in Russia, who is to lecture here on of his fourth year if he pays the sumentirely unfounded premises; he esti- last night. President Little, who was present t'q
meeting, beginning at the auditorium the Oratorical program Nov. 24, will of his our ear i f h s the mated, in answering a question as to meet the first year men; asked to be
at 4:45 o'clock. George W. Ross, Jr., be entertained at the Lawyers' club of $40 on or before Dec. 1 of his junior te LANSING. Atty.-Gen. Andrew B. allowed to speak to the men who, like
ya.the ag of humanity, that it has been LASN.-At-enAnrwBalo dtosakothmnwoie
'26, Varsity cheerleader, will be on during his stay in Ann Arbor. Col- "4. A senior will receive a full paid eighteen million years since the Dougherty was reported resting easily I himself, are starting at Michigan,
life membership card at the end of his separation of the -sexes; relative to last night at his home where le was "We are all freshmen together," he
cheers. meeting of the club sometitne before th f the experiments being conducted by taken following a light stroke of apo- told them, "and I don't want to be
Kenneth C. Kellar, '26, president of his lecture in Hilt auditorium fourth year if he pays e sumnof Conan Doyle and others of the spirit- plexy.iMrt. Dougherty has been in ierely a figure-a position, When
the Student council, will introduce the Robert Frost is to be the guest of $42.50 on or before Dec. 1 of his sen- a enr t s p r er hs e mee caps
uahstic science, Dr. Curtiss stated I poor health for several months. He you meet me on the campus, speak to
speakers and preside at the meeting, the club at dinner next.Wednesday, ion year." d d that the photographing of thought was suffered a similar attack in Washing- me as you would a friend and not the
the first to be held this season. Fred and will later give a talk in the the old v o ma cane hi ol entirely possible. ton last spring.) head of the University."
Lawton will once more lead the band' lounge room, reading some of his thI sucr--iion y subcene the The Preident told of his own days
when it plays his own song, "Varsity", poems. I subscription and subscribe under the Idgayt
which he wrote while at the Unrsity-new plan if he so desires. If part Professor M c urry Outlines W ork bi s and temptations, stessing the
whcrewoewiea h nvr I payment has been made in accordance lsadtmaiostein th
city. About 415,000 ong tons of rubber wiharnemet h flq iho nL ndE o o'i influence of his family. "Michigan Is
I The traditional singing of "The Yel- were produced in the world last year, ym the formerma e ntathea I Of M ch2 an Lind Economig Survey ""emo o ual" hedelaed
low and the Blue" will close the meet- and the United States used 77 per cent amount will be credited on the new in pointing out to the freshden that
(Ing. of it. ' subscription I in the i in poin out o thefrs h tbdis
Ing.____of__it._ "Mchigan's scesi h is f Originating in 1922, through tie co-; any unclean act of theirs brought dis-

__o__cfort to support a state land economic operation of the Michigan Academy of grace upon the University.
Fourteen Special Trains ForecastSchool Of usic survey" was reviewed by Prof. K. C. Science and other state ins titutions, Captain Brown asked the aid of the
Fourten Sp cialTraindeprert- the survey has been carried on by freshmen, who have the longest time
Great Influx s Aids In Success Mberr eogrfhY , counties, and to date severa con e fore the on the campus, in creat-
OfaOf Radio Concerts I tf the coihned monthly meet- have had a complete inventory a ichign sprio sdacre th
Journal clubs last night in the Nat- o adstain rmeeypsll
At least 14 special trains will bringiwill come here from Grand Rapids Junlcusls ih h a economic and physical angle the efforts of the football team to
some 8,500 Ohio State university stu- and nearby points. Appreciations received from listen-I SenCC buiding. The work is carried oh unler threetmfintan that spirit every aturday
dentsscoresIof alumniC ms Members of the reception committee ens-in on the University radio con- Professor McMurry outlined the divis; wo ityced oh ertrenkafternon in competition with the
emno h nvest ai o- divisions, two types of personnel mak:atio~ ncojeiinwt h
m of the Union will attempt to meet all certs seem to indicate that the sue- work of the Michigan Land Economic Ing cover maps and soil maps, and a Conference, and asked that selfishness
townspeople, and Michigan alumni to incoming trains in an effort to assist! cess of the first two programs has Survey as given in several allied pa- staff economist gathering extensive and selfgreed be eliminated on the
Ann Arbor tomorrow morning for the visitors in finding room accommoda- been due to a considerable extent to pers on the subject. Chief of these relative data. All this takes the form campus.
game with Ohio State. Every possible! Mr hn 6 ooprto ie yi rrotsb o elativ
ei a o oati e it tions. More than 60 addresses of the co-operation given by the facultyreports was one by Mr. P. S. Lovejoy of intense field work, and accurate in- The freshman band made its first
sleeping accommodationi rooms in the city which have been of the University School of Music. which appeared in the Journal of formation is available down to areas appearance when it opened the smok-
is expected to be used tonight and obtained by the committee, are now The programs, thus far, have been 1Land and Public Utility Economics as low as between 10 and, 40 acres. er with two selections and was voci-
tomorrow night for an influx of visi- available at the Union, and many of liberally embellished by musical num- for.April, 1925. In this, the topic of On every conceivable kind of map ferously greeted by the class. The
tors which should be as large as that these will be used in quartering alumni hers offered by School of Music ar- the state's land classification is de- soils are plotted according to thei ,Varsity quartet entertained, and a
at soilsvyaremplotted fraccordingy btoithngirnxylophone solo and a wrestling match
at the Navy game. and Columbus visitors. tists. In the first concert given Oct. veloped from its early beginniig in practical utility; forest areas are ex- iluedsondaersgr m arl
Five special trains carrying sin- All rooms at the Union were sold 27, Mrs. Marian Struble-Freeman, vio- the period of land pioneering, through hibited according to classification of were included on the program. Earl
dents, alumni, and townspeople from out Sept. 1 for this week-end and all linist, accompanied by Mrs. Mabel the "land-booming" stage, from 100i wood, average diameter of timber Blaser, t chairman of the Fall
Columbus will go tonight over the hotels in the city will be filled tonight Ross Rhead, presented several num-- ..and2classi .tionw ch h scent stand, and density to every acre; top- ie, committe the gaestudnt coun-
Hocking Valley railroad as far as To- and probably tomorrow night. bers. Last Tuesday night, in the sec- land c nsirctio sch has ographical maps show "the lay of the mex.
gssdudrtesuccessful work of 'orpia asso telyo h men.
ledo and from there over the Ann The alumni relations committee of nd concert to be broadcast throughj the state survey. Iland", ranging from fat to extremely efrshmnts were furnished by the
Arbor line to this city, arriving early the Union, under the supervision of WJR, the musical program was offer- I The reports on the accomplishmentsi'rough; and cover maps show the ex- Union at the close of the soke.
tomorrow morning. Another train David Camelon, '27, will institute an ed by the University School of Music of the project give a detailed back- tent of improved and unimproved'
will carry the Ohio State team over innovation this week-end in the form i string quartet, consisting of Mr. and ground of the survey work, and show areas throughout the state. Other PRESIDENT LITTLE WILL TALK
the same roads, and a seventh train of a temporary alumni directory Mrs. Samuel P. Lockwood, Mrs. Pau- how great is the need for intelligent information is supplied by maps il- TO KALAMAZOo WOMEN'S LEAGUE
will brinr ailmni here from Tnledn. !which i epted1 to h f onsidr- ine Kier .anud M rs. TraL thrd: I . .. N ,a.,_ ,- _i _rn_+;trnt nf mi a- 4,,-- n~..

Our ?e the r M n.
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