PAGE FOUR THE MICHITGAN DAILY THTJR =AY, NOYF rT TTR 2. 1,425~ TWENTY YEARS LATR -7/ /% To insure that at least once in his SIlife-time, or possibly even twice, an {R Pub'lished every morning except Monday I alumnus" shall have a choice seat at, during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications, one of the year's big football gamnes, EXTRAI Harvard has adopted the polio-, of 1A Members of Western Conference Editorial giigt1ahc ts 5vaa fe XI Accrai gvn oec ca4 5SE l 4. Y,, XR MUSIC AND DRAMA The Associated press is exclusively en- i titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwises credited in, this paper and the local news pub-{t lished therein,f Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,;E Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate' of postage granted by Third "Assistant Post- master General,.ai Subscription by carrier, $3.5o; by mi, $4.00.c Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard, Street. bsns,224 Phones : Editorial, 4925;luies,224 ED)ITORIAL STAFFf Telephlone 490-5 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board ... -Norman R. That Ciiy Editor............Robert S. Mansfield( News Editor-----------..Manning Housewortlb I. Women's Editor............Helen S. Ram say Sports Editor-------------..Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor---------.William Walthour Music and Drama....Robert B. Henderson Nighit Editors Smith H. Cady Lecntard C. Haill Willard B. Crosby Thoixnas V. Koykka Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito I Assistants Gertrude E. Bailey Stanford N. Phelps Charles Behymer Evelyn Pratt Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed I,.Farnumn Simon Rose nbaum Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson l Eugene If. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair! D~ouglas Doubleday Courtland C. Smith ! Mary Dunnigan Stanley Steinko L mes T. Herald Clarissa Tapson lizabeth S. Kennedy Henry Thurnau Marion K~ubik iDavid C. Vokes Walter H. Mack Chandler J. Whipple Louis R. Markus Cassam A. Wilson Ellis Merry Thomas C. WVinter Helen Morrow Marguerite Zilszke Margaret Parker BUSIN~ESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER B~YRON W. PARKER Advertising---------------------. J. Finn[ Advertising--------------.T D. Olmnsted, Jr. Advertising-------------.Frank 'R. Dentz, Jr. Adivertising----------------..Win. L. Mullin Circulation-----------------H. L. Newman Publication.......--------Rudolph Bostelmn Acconts...............Paul W. Arnold AccountsAssistants Ingred Ml. Alving S. 1-1. Pardee George H. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker W. Carl B~auer Julius C. Pliskow John H. Bobrink Robert Prentiss Alden W. Butzbach Wmn. C. Pusch W. J. Cox Franklin 3. Rauner, Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan James R. DePuy Margaret Smith Margaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorge Stan Gilbert. Thomas Sunderland T. Kenneth Haven Win. H. Wearne .E. Little Eugene Weinberg ~rank E. Mosher Win. J. Weinman F. A. Nordquist THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1925 its graduation, the best sce'l a in thbe stadium.- Such a plan might be adopt-d withi advantage at Michigan.- Quitec as'ine from the fact that i. would ipro'ie, every alumnus with at leastA one good seat every quarter centiury. the plan has distinct merit. It wiould give the class an opportunity to hold ai - :- unioni, to which it is preblble every graduate withIiin sat riking iislt neCO would come: and it would bring back to the University alumni who (cit her because of disinc-lina tion, or i nab ilit, fail to 'attend the rce-unions at ('em- mencement time. At Harvard.. members of uaclass ais Soon a as a, rtr ctoii, ?1 separa.:rcd their 1.-001it=:y ail-e OJY return to the institution a heniured guests. At the game. the Yle-._ar- III the rear of the late Jt i,'.;u. Gof "ILE CRAD)LE SONG" Gatrgoyle we found the funniest thing thatI ,hat magazine hasr yet published. A review by Esther Merrick. j It5< w tian;ad for Paris gar ters, and A decorous and poignant little play, Sta:"-A fthat the c(ompany which made! was Sierra's "Tlie Cradle Song," Pre-, theniwa: offering torizes; forr adVer- rented for a second time last evening. ti,:;e if zt bI (olOC a eei sPnl.It is sc~ant praise to say that it trans- Tb is ;-eciria to us like askinig Itei cends anything that has been donle I lan' 011(5to ecomen a oodon the campius in some time. It de -j boot 1 egger. :F serves more. It bore some of the ear- marks of a finished produtittion and\ ON IAl1RING several of t1~c char-acterizationis were We lur e long wa.;nt ed to discourse worthy of note. Margaret. Efinger as{ on Iis 'ijee .('i jflyit anexm-the sternly comp~assionate P'rioress ple of what habit will do. e our- was a dominating figure in the first v--r e tught to breat.he of act as ;"elJ as Minna- Miller. wvhose . . 1' tOU "'Ilx ,i . ti-stehkiI'l II L1 OI 'roles "aieveai Lexui' nIiJLghIUL ill for instance we once played the partspromne Sp ci I 15ar6Ldgains We are running bargalin tables at bcth stores. Displays arc changed twice a week. Prices arc so greatly reduced we cannot advertise these bargains individually. It will pay you to watch them eatli week. Gr ahaz Im's B( )ook s At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk. SKILLED REPAIRING AV nen y oA~ thinik pci s- tniln i e 's P n Tbe' only plaee where you are sure to get the pen or part you want when y on want it. vWe carry the stock and have the skilled workmen to give you real satisfaction. II yard contest being e-horsen, inemlbcrs elo a. corpse in some thrilling dr-ama,I Lilian Bronson presented a Jistinct of the class sit in -t body ini thle finest,! andi we (Ii(in't get a way ait all because i -trsonality ini the caustic XVicaress. seats the stadium provides. At Mi-h- l of tho Fact that we jtt couldn t st op whose diratie brk in po th igan, the Ohio State or, Cuie llinoisI inhaling. With uts the ha bit seems 'to1 convent calm with happy effect.- Mar- games miglit well be chosen. ToFe be ats bad as cir garettes. We tried to i guierite Goodman's high-pitched evu- sar u h lnwudn(estiC~topm it once and gee, after about. ten berance was a disappointment. Thatr the reservation ot a blockt of seat.,jinintit es we Ilbought we would simply sh osse nsulaiiyi d on he ovted50va i ine wei- -ll 15~ou ifwedidt ak abrethmitted, but she seemed lamentably mnteb e ofte 51 -ad ating clatss of 01 ou i ° id 't-a. Thebr at m s-a indications of the p sig o 25 years a go could buy use zts. Peru a a (01I' i5 15;amtexagger-atedcii me wer-eexc-elcently birought outI In view of the fact That l11e ci 1 s c(P case, hill:e veni ( Rotf ii0oi tl1,bt by the tacial expressioin and t he 19263, through its Mtemnoril fun-i, are in the , ante Way,. Snor-ing is at tituides in the second act. The plans to rnakhe a pcima ient , n-tieria I a not 111 evil which is caused(5 merelyI changes were subrtly :suggest ed, sonmc- contribution to thle En xei-sit , it, ' this la bit;,Ithinkh how ma tv 1ro- times almost implerceptibile, but inI might be well for- the Uiivoisity. nia Rces hatve been broken lby this and every c-ase c(al-efully (lone. Mi nna Mil-I othctltia {dr~v.rr t~re# c) w ihIler's wistfulness in the firs5t, act, was Ithrough the Athletic 'association. ttothrII as(lve er(I. hc"ielie ysmtin lemr thr thus express its appreciation. 1 olt vrhv ocRrd a teexprlessionl around the mouth that was -would be even moire fitting to tnalw pet-son~s been ta ughit. ear-ly in life the 4-palticularly well (lone. The incor-' the period one of 20 years, Instead of evils of br-eathing. Well, we could go1 rigibility of Sister Marcella, played by 25, especially since the policies whichJ on like this for hours, but what's the Phyllis L-oughton, gave way to a. pas-I constitute the Memorial fund will use, we've made our point anyway. sine bitterness, and on the faces of all mature at that time. And it can Another detail we forgot to mention the sisters an added gravity, an in- hardly be denied that Michigan will was the poison ;gasses are futile un- creased resignation was visible. les heenmyhas this silly habit.. The play lagged a little towards the' have a new and adequiate stadlium hx-les il'eeen * -cd of the seond ac-t but tile interest 1 I. f j i ; .i .j , a 3oZ State St. t ri 24 HOUR SERVICE1 MAN N'S IATS CLEANED AND) Save a D~ollh-ax or More at 1;he FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Paickard StI eet. I'hiolle 7 115. (Where 1). 1. R. Stops iattate fSt.) 1 F k that time. AS IT IS SPOkE'N The only people who -will not a1dmui Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL THE PAUOLF,- SYSTEMI Unable to withstand the light of publicity and the attacks of those who object to the wholesale dumping of criminals on the state after theyI' have been sentenced by courts of 1 justice throughout the state, the ad- ministration has locked up its parole, records fc'r the months of September and October, After repeated requests, the records i have not yet been made public--seven weeks after the Sep- tember records should have been tal- lied. The abolition of the state palrole commission and the measure giving Governor (Groesbeck complete chargei of all parole cases were mistakes. T1he governor has neither the time nor the opportunity to investigate each indi- vidual case that is brought to his at- tention. There should be a special body which would have the time and the facilities for full investigation and which 'would see to it that deservinga prisoners were paroled and that other inmiates of stat^ penal institutions1 we re not (lumped back on Michigan commnuities. M;ore than one-half of the state's );ri-on population has been paroled sne1921. More convicts were re- leasEd-c from Jackson, Ionia and Mar- quetteo in August, the last month for which, records are available, than were received during the same period. that the language of the st rect U; de- cidedly not t hat of the clsst-room or written recordl are those who t-hoe to ignore the low statie in which our ordinary speech has falleni.'Studnt(s11 vho spend hours pireparinig written papers sometimes talk like morons when in a group of fanrilic' -ft-io d ,. And yet it. is estimated thaflt theor-di- nary individual speaks at leastJtou times as much hts1he writes. Ilov- many of us have looked the ot her wary when piassing a fii-nd, not . wantin g to waste time with the u sual "Well, what. do you know?" The same characte~ristics which make for force in prose must cer- tainly hold good in speech. If we de- sire that people on meeting uis be favorably impressed, we can certainly use a little of the care we urse in writing prose for the improvement of our conversation. The late Presidemnt Burton accomplished as much through the medium of his excellent speech as through many other ordinary chan- nels. Ordinary improvement, of our1 own speech could be made with little effort and would pay a.ctual dividlends almost every minute of the (lay. i i. ,i ,) . , , , i>, little ones.,IMr1. Shter-i-i not appearing as thet- phant omiof thie 11. AND G. WAR END)S IN VI('TORV, FO 11 WIN E RSI A ; atilting (ert-eneiy leor Armistice j.fa y celbrt ions.,tfhe B. and C.. De- patn ettclosest its annual fall War Witi hi it Ireat y of peace. The delega Ies wvas siuflicieiit to sustain it. "The Cradle Sgong'' was an event inI lie history of (11amat b-sfor women ini ii'- t'tiivem-sity. 1MaFsqutc inay 'rest as- scuried [hbat it has (lone somieting' iittble. *k * *j A review, by H ilda. Manyon. No woman who has played as a Child with a. doll's house or mian wh1" freni hot h sides iiet .0. Doexter to signIhas (leIli I 0(1 in ftoy t 1a,'RiOs,110 onewho the 'a oild (1 Jam ots doctiiiieiit - is inioved by I lie del icacy amid comn- 'I'lihe treaty ctaitaitabhouit whIen 0th-li- letemiess and ingenuity of linRatuiies c;ials ldecltared I lie I Grounds armiy vic- in hitIor-ia 1 or lit erary art, (-an fail I orious because of t ic opponents were to enjoy the intimlate thieater- at Y'psi- ci isq i io d for 11.0 tig mud1 i with thle 1,111 i. T hcre is at rare' fasinatilon hi flew-~ hurli iIed atI lie en emny. This. about. thIini]gs dlone on a smnall scale, ot f the wam-, '7 -'s-- a . nis asciauo auucuoeunmne PLEASE PON'T r i PATHS ON- T CAMPUS Natural Interest Holds at the GR AYS TONE DETROIT'S SMARTEST BALLROOM .7 Imitation might be tihe sincerest form of flattery, but all of us~ like to hear and dancc to JEAN GOLDKETTE'S VICTOR ORCHESTRA ANNO UNCEM ENT Opening of our first f matinee dance has been changed to Sunday, November 1 5, with an attraction to be announced in a later edition of this paper. 'join the Four 0O'clock Club " t I >t .; i t I >t .; i I I I .;i ' 3 EDITORIAL COMMENTI (The ' Christian Science Mlonitor) j It was a fitting repr-oof which Rai. say MacDonald, leader of the labor Party in the British Parliament, adI- mninisteredl to those neOwsppers which value the position of the writer -a hove. the soundness tif his cNm- k. "'I tlt itrzl- that thle whole idea of one's nam111 and 'nothing else is detestable," Itlae de.- dared in an a ddr ess to pr1essnwii at Liverpool, Eng., on thle oc(it rontiof, the last Labor- Party con!iicr-t-nce in that center. !Aradlie rimplified this conitentiomn by adding ithat a wr~itei- of pi'emiienco can comm pose ticitacimas, superficial comm o1nj:phlc' stu;ffWith- ., rulesoftewr ina-smuch as it li n the perfection of detail which not only tended to injure the clothes is the essential quality. Certainly the j and the brand new uniforms which Ypsilanti Players have given evidence L both sides had purchased, but also of this in the theater itself, with its PA thij, atetil inju~ry to thet eyes of the excellent organization, and its veryI A centhat ants. Tlhe bricks, when clean beautiful coloring and decoration. BEST ' PRICES wd nw could only break grits and( oring and decoration.- For 1lleti's UsedI Clothing. legs or- kill muon, according to the The Players opened their eleventh) PhIone 1310 115IV. IWaslaington N fudge.,- ~~season with a progr-am of one-act1. 3 JAtN Peace After Disqalificalioil plays: "Salvage" by Doris Ransohoff, ____________ When the field ,judge and the timie- "The Farewell Supper" by Arthur _________________________ keeper liothIi-saw thle iiiud on the Schinitzler, anid "To-day," ia jazz coin- birick, and ii istamitly blew their edy. All three plays were acted with tIfig W 8' flts S t~ wvhities, a. great rage swept; over the spirit, and the actor,,maintained the , KI' rttnks oif the utildimmgs horde, amid itatopeehruot.OI 1PDS b("ieevidenthauls peac'~a This wvas especially true in the first 707 iN. 1hli1-(rsity Ave. Phone 21212I de'cltaoed sonietli lug jsnore serious( play which owes much of, its sombre ~--- wotuld follow. With this in view the color-ing to the Russians, but whose ________________________ refer-ce invited the loadters of hothI toe-sweet climax escapes thei- power- armies, to D~ext er fcm- diinter, amid after fuil influence. The part of Mrs. Welch ITA I Ire influenicii-e of good c-atin g anmd was done by G race Foird with synm- I drinkinig the generals agreed to sign jpathy amid imaginiation. She caught the a peace tmeat y. tired patience in the face and gaito The terms of thle treaty c-all for the3 a woman whose life had been one fO renchecs iiear Ta ippan hi~tl to he left1 ceaseless toil an(d sorrow, anti liftedIM Ao lh a h y w r ut eo e t e w e ig t h v e n a su y o s q e t S ie ', foi- an indefintite pemiod, in c, se sor"didness to something like hero- e c u wa1rshud1ra ouagn ThsCim For the rest, the piece was well cl e t iswas aded at. the request of the Played, with nimuch feeling and, to- m e",,A I (Ir-ounda ,genteralswhopointd omtaquekidowh war~ds the end, with aquet indof Iht lien i suitli an emlergency thleflu ild- humor. c iings forc-es would always have their 11"1Ct Far-ewell Supper,'' which in- fortrtess while the Gronnds men wcmld ! trotiucrs, us to tone nmore of tihe inter- -________________________ le fotrced to entrieric-l anew. niitnable aniours of Anatol, is a difi Want flore Putblicity cult comedy to act, Join it needs thea A nt heri clause of t he treoaty at ip- Very lightest t ouch to save it from ~A1 \fT TLt it hated t ha . should warm be renewecd for b~iecoiing a vumlgar tiff between a. man 1 ~I- H I any reason, it. must be giveni gmeater and his mistress. The Player-s mmade C k1. \J1. ILNk. public-ityv, as then bat tles, bh~tI sidies I t goeth show, and almost succeeded. felt., wore hardly wort hiightinug whemi Iit could have beeni a little miore light- a s-o snilall itcmrowcd at tended. I hearted, somewhat more burlesqued, or e "Antyone could get seats on the fift~y! a little less personal. The play itselS yardl line,'' said one commnder-, "and! is wonderfully delicatearid daring, they didin't have to go to the D. A. C. and mnight have been acted with pecr-F CO L G to etthliieiter Thirstudent tcolt- Iaps a little mrore abandon. pon~s were good enough ." The last play, "To-clay,'' was of the } RA N 'hre weren't eveti utny watr ccii-- slightest description, and as such, res pmo ndte ts w ith either side," o i- quite charm ing. It w as a inono-syl- M A 1tio b v r inVk11 #ea i f t e mos oi.u e c . ao o t as oe h p l m e a o t e r .' a bmo e v e r a ffa , m r eo b yno-s ude d ,n - treatty wits that both s;ides agreetd not;mr ehns, oeoesdd though it May we show you to Loeld itity post se0t50i1 wars~. Thi- possibly more elegant courtships of settle-s ittc ittl for all a life-long' the elder generation; the. entire mood ? our IlCXJ doul dispute lietwveeii - te two for-cets. was handled lightly and with spirit. ! 1h breasted Y e d g 13Ix 'LET ti "* icy It is report1ed at a. late houmr fto. I yrKNIthE is coat? It is abso.. galil 1-iIh at aniolbleir eomphlical jon Miss Bonstelle has junst announced . lutely correct, and 1,55 1threateneI Ihe H. amtl (4. a special performance during the next1 x.,..:. . ril., n _,a it'I', - ~ 1T~ -41 I~ +t, ithec ew tweeds ",S tyle Is of Pa aount Importance." .\1. / s' I w j r 7 I % , ' ,'r/ / . ,j ,, . r i', , ' 1 _ y , r" K 11 With the breaking of the stornm of' out either style or distinction in forn disaqpprova;l of the entire system in a 01- thiought, anal just lint a namne to it, September, the records ceased being' and "if you happen to b)e Iwmc0!,i(J m ad-e public., and the administration I hangman of, your- gent-rat ion yoitne istill- witzhholding the figures on the 'r£1000 an article. fort, w-a it, vr' last two months.' I you am-eaperlrm--utkngjral Ani effort to -keep the facts under ist you woulnhot get a gina fm-it, cover rand to hush the publicity being arid you would knowv lr.,ri-eclh wellt acecc,,ded the stcate of affairs will not ( that it war; not worth agie. aidl those who are responsible. The M.Mdiolldi el tih i rt situation is bound to come to light speak ls'in hi subtecet, fom re ha i-a is= sooner or later, and when it doesI ed himself toi an emtiinence, tiretIc:oin-- dirastic chainges a-i- inevitable. The I nands competitive dc-niiaud fo)r-E VetY-, pawrole authorities would do well to thing that he now writes, froini the1 make public thieir- records at once, let position of an unknown journalist. thefct be known, and co-operate Ills protest, thernefore, camnnot lit' seetl, -ith tie people of the state in giving as anythinig hut .usht, tnd hris view is; Michigan a parole° systeni that is just indeed shamred biyall riglit-iniiided andi t safe, wiel will parole prisoners publicist"). '"I thmink suc-li au cond]it iont who have served long and faithfully of things," lie claitned fitrtheri, 'is a' beihind the walin ac lnksn.nIonna ,~n". if. 11, -.,rcc;-...1-,.,, In choosing clothes the tailoring is fully as iportant as the 9 material. Al our gazrmeni ciallyf s are spe- tailoreed by i "Dress Well and Succeed." I