THE, MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOC F'M r RR 72, 1920 F_-.- THE MICHIGAN DAILY TITVIISI)AY. NOVEMBER 12, 1925 ARMISTICE PARADE Straightens Out Railway Tangle CLOESPRGRM~For .GovernmentI M~ayor C.azzmJAW~I A (AtgO 1"81 IIHl" ;,".':> Of iMews-A3°go"iin it d va e ii ~ In Allied ?vv s {';4;.+ f Ala kan Esk mos Pro pe V~th tnp ove Iiaysj s~iwhich affords meat, hreat and Aleuts numbered 25,000 in kn archi- (tit and the ugrook, a large seal l peago extending westward 1,200 miles 0f Living Under Administration Of Uncle Sam wl ose fI-sh is sweet and nourishing.j fro~m the Alaska peninsula to 500 miles ____________________________________________________________________Blubbe-lave fat beneath the skin- f xteKar:chatkei nsulaof Asia Seattle Nov. 1.-Eskmos inabit- aen from the hair seal is bnede te pninyl SetlNv 1-sio nai-dwell in the eastern part of the ter- near where Bering strait connects the aigms a ik~nd dividing Bering sea from the rest ing ortwesernAlasa ae pospr-f ritory, where the Bear does. not' Pacific and Arctic oceans. Its popu- Bfr usasl h ertr h ftePcfcoen osyadvancing into ew wysofouch. lation of' 175 lives in huts that are living under Uncle Sam, but Aleuts,l Eskimos of continental Alaska have built on stilts, so precipitously do the occupying the Aleution chain of is-1tknetesvl tjrpin oe ides rise from the chill waters. lands, seem downward bound to annii-; and marketing the pelts. For this in- The King islanders have long been hilation, a course into which they set'j dustry they resort to St. Lawrence is- Ikonfrteonmnste av The aifcin o before this country bought Alaska konfrteonmet hylreT e aifcin and American gon nteBrn la,from Russia in 1867. seadt h 00ml tec fo arsioy and which they This report was brought by the cut- northwestern coast of Northi America market every summer in Nomie. Last ter Bear of the Coast guard when she 1on th~e Arctic ocean bletween PointI summier they found- a longshoremen's al p to s i u reached Seattle from her 37thi annual EoeadPitBrotenrhr strike on in- Nome. They fell to at c if am cruise into the Arctic ocean. Indians, ofAak that work, and for it received $15,000. he anit the other natives living in Alaska,i But the outstanding demonstration This money they spent in Nome for ' of advancement among the Eskimos supplies, largely flour, tea and sug- government control, he will leave be- noted last summer by Lieut.-dom.jarThBertoteisndrhme hind( a. record of hraving settled hun-1 William P. Wishaar, executive offier and carried 30 tons of their purchas- dreds of millions of dolars in claims' of the Bear, was that of the King is- es, including furniture. U adadjusting ts i t icucs anders.FootestpsheIngild- without resort tonl litigation. l Hisepost I ing island, t;hree-quarters of a ers are usually well fixed. lght at LUNCHi Roomi~ 338 MAYNARD will be abolished at the end of the ,nile long and 700 feet 'high, liesin their island they take the big walrus __________ year. the northern whoseotuskseaffodnivory;athehai OU OLG ERSNAIEr _- ' rrwfeinisrravnMR . M S L NGWt he0r.U.gmth.ayhos.atis ednelucen r Le1 ourftwyumsthv orcWhs okn hi et 1_ - SPORTSAPPARE 'A CLLGSTUDPESENATIV-I Th inrprissceue swe.endawihana~a noust ry, -I1 HPOTLALLENEL 1 Phone915 514 E. William THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ,- - I NOV. 12 NOV.i13s NOV. 14W - tllltillltfl tll III1fUH 1111i1liH HI111H I~llll1111 11iIIiH1M11111II11111 111 IHI IHH I~t11111#Ii#'llil #I~if li~lEi i F 4 I DRUG~S RODAKS I ---- Ii _ Statio I 16v even so much } as an instant, Locail 1epresentative1 in serving m e this week~s 1i e, rd rs I. ? 309 South Main take that. SPECIAL FLASHLIGHT and - r OUTSIDE PICTURES BY LYNDON = Your opportunity to obtain a lasting re- membrance of that fraternity or sorority house party. Also outside groups of c reunions after the games. LYNDON & COMPANY S719 ..North University Ave. Phone 45.14w. -_________________________________________ 4, Take a KODAK With You Gorgeous view or story-telling incident-every trail leads to pictures. Any Kodak is easy to work and convenient to carry, and all Kodaks are autographic. See them here-$6.50 up. You'll like our finishing ; It's right, it's on .time. Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. We have served Michigan and her Students for 38 Years. Announcing A NewGasolione corner Washington at MIGHIGAMME VALVI Service and -atisfaction mil I BI Corner of Washington and Division / rSdtiviion ill Be Yours I I Phone 2172 .............