ESTABLISHED 1890 VOL. XXXVI. No. 45 t4tn aiI49 MEMBER. ASSOCIATED PRESS EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS CUNCIL APPROVE 4 CONFRECEHRE ON WORLD COURI SUGGEST S. C. A.,CALL MEETIN( OF MICHIGAN COLLEGES NEXT WEEK DISCUSS BLOCK "M" ( Approve MPans For Fall Games; Than Graham For Cup For Best Decorated Fraternity Discussion of International World court week, a national project being fostered by the colleges and universi- ties of the Uqited States, by a con- ference of all the colleges in the state of Michigan, to be held in Ann Arbor next week, was advocated by the Stu- dent council at its meeting last night at the Union. Such a conference, if the suggestion of the council is fol- lowed, will be sponsored by the Stu- dent Christian association. International World court week will culminate in a national conference, composed of delegates from all parts of the United States, to be held on Dec. 11, at Princeton. The aim of the movement is to mould student opinion throughout the country ,on the World court issue that will face Congress when it opens next month, reach a definiteagreement at the meeting at Princeton and thus firing a united influence to bear when the question comes up for settlement. Students have long influenced politi- cal affairs in other countries, but no concerted movement among universi- ties has ever been made before on a political issue in the United States. Provided the Student Christian as- sociation calls a state convention to meet at Ann Arbor, the delegates will meet with professors of the Univer- sity, who will lead discussions of the World court, international arbitration and kindred subjects. Delegates from] Michigan will carry the decision of the local meeting to the larger con- ference at Princeton. It is 'probable, according to the council, that a straw vote on the advisability of American! iparticipation in the World court will be taken on the campus.E In addition to recommending action on this subject to the Student Chris- tian association, the council took up the questions of the block "M" at the Minnesota game and the conduct of the Fall games. The program of the underclass games, as drawn up by Earl Blaser, '27, and published by The Daily, was I approved by the council. Councilmen will be present at south .Ferry field on Saturday morning to assist in handling the games. The traditional block "M" in the west stands of Ferry field during the Minnesota game will be arranged this year by a junior honorary society, the council announced last night. A letter was sent by the council to Charles W. Graham, thanking him for I the cup which he donated as a prize for the best decorated fraternity house the Minnesota homecoming week-end. Protest Action Of German Ministers (By Associated Press) BERLIN, Nov. 11.-A number of prominent members of the German Nationalist party issued a statement today expressing dissatisfaction at the attitude of the German Nationalist party toward the Locarno treaties and the withdrawal of its ministers from the cabinet. The statement declared it was the duty of all to assist the gov- ernment in obtaining for Germany recognition and equality with all the nations of the wo'rld. Pinchot Discusses Mines With LewisI PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 11.-Gov. Gifford Pinchot was here today to dis- cuss the anthracite mine suspension with John L. Lewis, president of -the+ United Mine Workers. Neither would make any comment prior to their con- ference, and it was not expected the result of the meeting would be known until after the governor's conference with Maj. W. W. Inglis, chairman ofR the anthracite operators negotiating committee, in Harrisburg, Thursday. I I k _N f! I I BEFORE THE BATTLE! The underclasses will elect their captains for the Fall games at the following times: S 01opoores: 4:30 o'clock today, in the Natural Science auditorium. Freshimen: 4:30 o'clock tomorrow,. in the IIL HOLD FRESHMAN "TONIGHT A] ANNUAL SMOKERI r UNIONI C rim inologistNfWleOVO RK Will Speak On iIl assembly Union. room of the I I PLAN ANNUAL UNION EBfSI BV BLASEI WHO SPEAKS FIRST WILL ,-EXPLAIN GAMES TO YEARLINGS YOST I'ON PROGRAM OticEr Speakers Include Prof. T. II. Reed And Vaptani Brown; Wrestlers To Entertain1 C rime CausesI Clarence S. Darrow, noted lawyer, defender of Loeb anid Leopold in the sensational trial at. Chicago, and ex-I ponent on the side of evolution in thel Scopes trial at Dayton, Tennessee, last summer, will speak on "Crime-I Its Cause and Treatment" next Wednesday night at Hill auditorium. Mr. Darrow will be brought to Ann Arbor under the auspices of the lec- tures committee of the Union. After touring the East, the attorney1 is now engaged in the Sweet case in Detroit. He has been prominent in the legal affairs of the United States PLAY THREE GRANGE AND ILLINOIS ATHLETIC OFFICIALS REFUSE TO I MAKE STATEMENT REPORT PERSISTS I 'tremendous Offer Of (iants To Take Effect After Gtame Willa Ohio; ll s hadi IIany Offers I I I i OFFERS: 000 TO. GAMES. PTORE MINNESOTA TICKETS The Athletic association an- n founces that they have a numn- her of student tickets left over Ifo the Minnesota game to be held Saturday, Nov. 21. Tfhese tickets will be held until Mon- clday when they will be placed on public sale. Until then, any student can buy them whether or not he has placed a previous application. On Monday, after all student ap~plications have been filled the remaining tickets will be dis- posed of in a general sale held in the Administration building. I ARRY TILLOTSON, Business Malager. Final arrangements for the annualisince 1900, gaining his reputation (By Associated Press) Chamerlain Calls Meeting Of Team freshman smoker which will be held chiefly through cases against corpora- CHICAGO, Ill., Nov. 11- "Red Captains Tonight; Will Use tonight in the assembly hall of the tions, including the litigation against - New MethodsUnion have beens c pleted. Leste the gas trust in Chicago, and has rep- Grnge, regarded as the greatest halft e Johnson, '27L, chairman of the under. esr of injunction and consiracy 40,000 to play thire professiona QUOTA IS 1400 MEMBERS I class committee of the Union, who 1e inludingth arngo of $4obal g ame wt the NesYora will preside during the program this the s e stike as ee f otball games with the Nw Yor '27,chairma evening, will introduce the first speak- active in Illinois politics, running as Giants after he finishes his brillian Eli Chmberai chm ante or e1at 7:30 o'clock. an independent Democrat.intercollegiate carer in the Ohi of the life membership committee of A well-balanced program withd. State-Illinois game at Columbus, Nov all team captains of the annual mem- Earl Blaser, '27, representing the Stu- 1, it was reported tonight. bership drive, which opens next Tues- dent council, will open the affair by In 1L Gak The cofrmtpersisted, day, for 7:30 o'clock eoih nro xplaining the fall games tote eyear- lacked confirmation both from Grang day fo 730 'clcktonight in room lings, that they may be prepared for AII RDffIT an atlicocilofheUirst 302 of the Union. At this time the the affair on Saturday morning. On and athletic oficials of the Universit chairman will explain the organization the speaker's program will be Coach IofIllinois. Grange refused to con Fie-in . Yot Pof.Thoms H' ifirm or d+eny the report. for the drive in detail and outline the Fielding H. Yost, Prof. Thomas H. Grange has been beseiged with of slight change in methods which will Reed, of the political science depart- ranevhasc pnesigeit be employed. The quota for this ment, and Robert Brown, '26, captain Fie More Witnesses Exanidned And Cers of every description since he firs year's drive is 1,400 new life member- of the Varsity football team, all of All SubstantIate rhle raced to fame in the Michigan-Illinoi ships r s4 w m -whomare.expected to have essages Colonel's Charges game a year ago. These offers have - w ------ been piling up since his pset o IThe life membershipcommittee has of interest for the new students. en orkng n pan fo th drve olowig te lst ~lres Kenet' A GU OV R E IDE CE Pennsyvania, when he sc d three beewoknonpasfrtediei oloigtelsadrsKent AR U OV R VIE C touchdowns and paved the',; for a for the past few weeks, and has now Midgley, '28L, will offer a number of fourth He has b ffed mor out extensive preparations selections upon the xylophone. The (By Associated Press) tracts to appear in motion pictures- for carrying them out. It is expect- Varsity quartet will then sing several WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.-Disposing to engage inprofessional otballuand ed that several new ideas will be in- Michigan songs, after which the of every obstacle put in its way by also write for a newspaper syndicate. troduced at tonight's meeting, and all Freshman band will make its first the prosecution today, the defense of John L. Griffith, commissioner of I team captains will be given an op- appearance in public. Group singing hCol. William Mitchell proceeded in its athletics in the Western Conference, portunity at this time to offer further by the entire class will close the own way to support the charges he said tonight he hoped Grange would suggestions in the way of conducting musical program, made against the war and navy air refuse to play rofessional fotball the campaign. As a special attraction two mom- service administrations, for which he no matter what alluring inducements The committee plans to have sev- hers of the Varsity wrestling team, is being tried before ,a general court r eral of the team captains speak at state title-holders, will give an exhi- martial tribunal. that if Gran ed rofei 'fraternity houses about the campus bition which will be refereed by the Rep. Frank I. Reid, of Illinois, in football his showingg would be a dis- before the drive opens and explain in captain of the team. charge of the defense, pressed his de- appoitment detail the purposes and reasons for At the close of the entertainment mand for witnesses as soon as the "Grange needs a perfect, well timed taking out a life membership to the refreshments will be served. An op- court opened. As a result, 36 sum- interference to n ble him to et Union. No attempt will be made to portunity to meet President Clarence inons were sent out for witnesses liv- away on his thrilling runs and he obtain subscriptions before next Tues- Cook Little will be given members of ing in various parts of the country will not get this in a professional day, however. the class at this time. after the court had been informed by football game. They will simply This year the organization will con- Invitations to the smoker tonight Mr. Reid during a wrangle over the hand him the ball and s to nge, sist of 40 teams of five men each were mailed to all first year students question that, if it failed to call the which will attempt to reach every a few days ago and a large attendance desired Individuals, defense would 'There it is, now se what you can Ihc il tep t ec eey'rdo.' male student on the campus who is is expected. summon them and pay all the expen- I not already a life member. The busi-' "This is the first opportunity given ses involved. "Te coll rt g in ness office of the Union has compiled the freshmen to meet as a group and It was whle the wrangle over wit- professional football. The players a complete list of such students. to become acquainted with their class- nesses was at highest pitch that the are not willing toenable risk injury stthem names will be taken from these fles mates," Johnson remarked yesterday. question of evidence to support Col- selves just to ena an outstanding and placed on individual cards, ac- "The informal gathering should aid t onel Mitchell's published chargessg.- cording to their geographical location, in fostering class spirit, in creating came up for renewed discussion. Col. and distributed to team members by enthusiasm for the Fall games, and Sherman Moreland, chief prosecuting Las T i t I the captain of each group. Team mem- instilling a sense of co-operation officer, said the testimony the court .i hers will be confined to seek member- within the class. It is the hope of was taking would be considered by Paid Dr. Dick e ships within their assigned territory the underclass committee that the him to be acceptable only in mitiga- -_ until the third and final day of the class of '29 will respond whole-heart- tioi of extenuation of sentence. MIs. ellforthi smkeras ellas orReid declared it was his purpose to]4 ALBION, Nov. 11.-The most !in- drive when all territorial restrictions edly for this smoker as well as forpressivefuneral rites seen in Albion will be removed I other gatherings of a similar nature use it as a defense. This argument The committee intends to make jto be held from time time throughout was passed over by the court, how- in years were held Monday afternoon sTe awamdstteited gtes tmak helar.tever, without any decision being for Dr. Samuel Dickie, president emer- suitable awards to the high' teams the year." reached by it or by the opposing itus of Albion college and a leading this year in addition to the annual' counsel on the question of evidence. temperance advocate. The First presentation of the Otto Hans' 14 lIa hiMem bers Five witnesses were heard during Methodist church, where the services trophy to the individual obtaining the the day's proceedings. They were were held, was packed, and business greatest number of memberships. F AT,-4N e r I carefully interrogated by the defense was suspended during the funeral All money realized through life Of N w e Op ra and when the court recessed tonight~ hours. membership subscriptions secured !;the record showed still further cort -h _urs. during the drive will be placed! M usical G roup roboration of Colonel Mitchell's criti- towards the building fund of the cism of aviation control as exercised FORDS DANCE AT UNION Union. At the present time there is !by the war and navy departments.--- a debt of $323,000 on the building. Anthony Whitmire, of the Univer- Major Gerald Grant, ;air officer as- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford and sity School of Music, and director of signed to the general staff; Cl. 0.C. party from Dearborn, and Mr. the Union opera orchestra, last night Pierce, of the air service reserve; and Mrs. Edsel Ford of Detroit t announced the personnel of the mus- Capt. Byrne Daucom, and Major H. R. were the guests of the Women's pcal organization which will accom- Harmon, on duty with air service club of Ann Arbor at an old-fash- A T J U eat nd fmiddle-west this winter. I scientist, employed in the Bureau of ballom nlast night. Accom- nwill comprise theStandards, were heard in turn.j panying Mr. Ford were Mr. and l orchetmoin'o t oro h edures n ln' adn ~ ance hod eld rite MU no --- orchestra for the 20th annual opera, L Post-graduate students from all which is the largest number in the: Mrs. Benjami B. Lovett, his over the world are attracted to the history of the show, and eight more! New Duty Faces dancing masters, and the Ford University through the facilities for j musicians than in "Tickled To Death" FuorrhEntraern.ea'te-iretion"of research offered by the new physics ;last year. ; laboratory. The enrollment of ad- An innovation in connection' with Sa sDeanC ley Mor. and Mrs. Lovett vanced students exceeds that of any the orchestra this year will be that y struction to the members of the previous year. every member of the organization will Outlining the responsibilities which 1 club and their friends who were Dr. E. Hulthen, from the University be costumed in gypsy attire to har- of Lund, Sweden, is commencing re- monize with the production. Ths I engineers will be compelled to face present in the old-time dances of search work on band spectra. Dr. feature is believed to be the first time during the next 25 to 50 years, in a our fathers. Mr. Ford is intense- Hearheo is a holder of a fellowship wo has ever been j rld rapidly becoming over-populat- ly interested in the movement I H henisaholerof ac fellowshiptha a t orchesa as ev e beedDean Mortimer E. Cooley of the for the revival of these dances. of the international educational board.I completely garbed in fancy costumes. ColgsofEgnern n'Aci Dr. R. V. Zumstein, a graduate of M~embers of the orchestra were tetreadese-hefeh-ne j the Universities of Toronto and Iowa, chosen by Mr. Whitmire from theecture addressed the freshman en chse b'Mr WimAs rm hogne ostheserd futre rolen, Re each7 and a national research fellow is con- i largest field of tryouts ever to re- gAneers yesterday morning.heROn H uron J tinuing his work on the absorption of spond for this phase of the show. The referred to the coiing over-popula- estur on light by heated metallic vapors. Dr. particular talent of each was thor-t trre world preicted b of. N. Galli-Shohat, a graduate of the oughly sounded before the final se- } . 0Edward M East of Harvard Univer- i f 1- k t, 0 V. It ,e y l- f 'NOTD SIGERWI[L APPEAR SATURDAY Will Be Schiman1iiin-Ileink's First Con- cert Here In Several Years, First Of Extra-Concert Series LEGION TO BE GUESTSj Ernestine Schumann-Heink will make her 'first appearance in Ann Arbor in several years Saturday even- ing, Nov. 14, -in Hill auditorium, inau- gurating this year's Extra Concert series. This year marks the 25th anniver- sary of Madame Schumaiin-11eink's entr ee to the Metropolitan Opera comn- pany, in commemorAtion of which she is scheduled to sing with them during the present season. In view of the anniversary tour, which she is making, the mayor of Detroit has appointed a committee of 25 leading citizens to prevail upon her to arrange an engagement for that . city. Similar proceedings have taken' place in different parts of the country. Madame Schumann-Heink has ap- peared 'many times at Americanj Legion camps and gatherings, and as a tribute to her and a mark of ap- preciation, the members of the Irwin Prieskorn post have been invited to 'he concert Saturday night as .guests, of the University School of Music. The program for this concert in- Aludes the "Delilah Aria" of Saint- Saens, Beethoven's "Ich Liebe Dich", Schubert's "Erlkonig", and HumphreyI Stewart's "Sweetheart", to mentionf only a few. Madame Schumann- Heink will be assisted by Florence Hardeman, violinist, with Eleanor i Scheib at the piano. A limited number of tickets for the entire series is still to be had at the University School of Music, as well as individual concert tickets. CAMPUS TO UNITE' IN, PEP MIEETING FRED LAWTON, '11, ANI) PROF. REED WILL BE LEADING SPEAKERS KELLAR PRESIDES 13and And (xleeCluItb Will Attend To Asxist With Singing; Doors Open At 7:30 O'Clock Cheering Michigan's football team on the eve of its game with Ohio State university, the first pep meeting of the year will be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night at Hill audi- torium. Fred Lawton, '11, composer of "Varsity", Michigan's famous march, Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the J political science department and a student to be selected today, will k speak. Both the Varsity band and the Qlee club will be seated on the stage and will lead the singing of Michigan's1 football songs. George W. Ross, Jr., '26, Varsity cheerleader, will lead cheers for the players who will face Ohio State's team on Ferry field Sat- urday afternoon. Slides {containing the words of the songs willtbe thrown on the screen, in an effort to improve Michigan's singing in the stands at the game. Fred Lawton is a favorite pep meet- Ing orator, being the speaker at the meeting which preceded the game at Columbus three years ago, when Ohio State's new stadium was dedicated with a Wolverine victory. IHe spoke at Hill auditorium last year before the team left for Urbana to meet the University of Illinois. Tomorrow night he will lead the singing of his own song, "Varsity", which he wrote while a student at the University. Kenneth C. Kellar, '26, president of the Student council, will introduce the speakers and preside at the meet- ing, which will be concluded by the singing of "The Yellow and the Blue", led by the band. The traditional fol- low-up pep meeting will be held after the close of the gathering at Hill auditorium in the tap room of th-e Unioh. Scientists Will Speak On Bible SAnd Evolution 'i _ r I . 1 I s l I [AL'S WAD DEBT ONJ Dr. and Mrs. F. Homer Curtiss will I present a joint lecture on "The Truth 1VEIHGE F SHLRfENI about Evolution and the Bible" at 8 iRGEIIU 111M N o'clock tonight in Natural Science audi- torium. This lecture sponsored by the (B3y Associated Press) . Authors and Lecturers club of San WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. - Settle- ! 1 1 _ ' I I I i l I I I ment of Italy's war debt to the UnitedI 1 States was hanging in the balance tonight as the Italian debt commis- sion pondered over the first formal funding offer to be submitted from the S American side. The American commission, at a meeting early in the day, decided to ! submit a funding proposal, and there was indications that it carried theI I lowest terms to which this govern- ment was willing to assent.1 The offer was an outgrowth of half a dozen joint conferences during; 1 which all factors bearing on Italy's capacity to pay were considered. It was dispatched to Count Volti and hisI associates shortly after noon, but at a late hour tonight- though intimation! had been forthcoming as to the action ! which the Italians would take. E Chairman Mellon nevertheless has called the American commissioners to meet again early tomorrow. Theyt 'will be in readiness to receive the I Italian reply, if, as is generally ex- pected, one has beeii prep~aredl. Francisco, is being given by the lec- turers, on an international tour. In addition to being an able speaker, Dr. Curtiss is recognized as an eminent surgeon in San Francisco, and to- gether with his wife has written sev- eral books dealing with philosophy, psychology and religion. The lecturers will set forth some of the spiritual truths regarding evo- lution and the bible in 'a scientific manner, made possible by their ex- tensive study of the subject. Two testimonials from metropolitan nes- papers-will serve to indicate the qual- ity and scope of the lecture. Speak- ing of this particular lecture,; the New YorkAmerican states, "The address of last night given by these well- known spakers was most timely and interesting to many people of widely differing sects and creeds." An ex- tract from the Baltimore American echoes this appreciation when it says "The lecture last evening was heard i E i R i } i r River SuggestsI uce Of Wafer Supply by a deeply interested audience. Both the lecturers are profouid students and present some fascinating theories in very plausible language.'- GRHM TO GIVE CUP TO BEST DEORAED HOUSE E University of Gottingen, Germany, is initiating researches into the optical' properties of thin metallic films. Mr. N. Nacamura of the University of Tokio, Japan, is now on his way to this country to take up spectroscopic research in the new physics labora-I tory. For such research as this, the' laboratory offers facilities which are surpassed nowhere in the world, it is4 JA" YY G I U 1 Y1~~~~~~. "13L V1 1 0. 01U L llV41 lections were made. The orchestra sity in his book: "Mankind At the is now rehearsing the 33 different Crossroads." According to this au- numbers of the show daily. 1 thority, the United States will have The personnel of the orchestra as reached the limit of its supporting announced by Mr. Whitmire follows: power within 50 years. In this new Joseph Neuss, '26, George Weitzel, '26, 1 order, said the Dean, the duty of the Karl Malcolm, '26, Philip Krasne, '27, engineer will be one of conservation. Edward Mosher, '28, Daniel Lashmet, - The failure of the engineering pro- S. of M., Joseph Griffith, '27, Frederick fession to take its proper position in (By Associated Press) That river water might in the ft-- MADISON, Wis., Nov. 11.-The day1 ture be drunk with immunity was a when vegetation of lakes and other; i large bodies of water yield vitamines and people drink river water without fear of germs that produce disease, may soon dawn, it was indicated to- day at the closing session of the Na- tinn l do la er o zt n- forecast by Philip B. Hadley, of Mich-: Charles W. Graham, owner of the igan, who has made extensive inv.sti- Graham bookstores, has donated a sil- gation near Ann Arbor n the Iuroin ver cup, to be awarded to the best decorated fraternity house on the river. This might come about, hIe week-end of the Minnesota game, it said, when rivers are filtered by ac-,- was announced by the Student council tin_ o a " r O t r a l c -f - .. , _ __ 3