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November 11, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-11

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
Thi# University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 -p. nm. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays).
Volume V1l WEi)1ES!)A , NOVEMBER 119 1925 Number 14

GERMAN BUSINESS M ENu ANTICIPATE GREA TER I MANCHESTER, Eng.-At Bellevue The fossiize skull of a two-horned
zoological gardens in Manchester a beast that probably walked the earth!
C OMVMER CE '14ITH R USSIA B Y TRADE A GREEMIENVT woman keeper, Mrs. Lambert, enteredl on cloven hoofs millions of years ago
a section of the tiger's den to clean Is the latest discovery made by an
-- 7-17 r~ ~it, but forgot to close the trap doorlAsiatic expedition.
shutting off the section containing a
:..:.. ..,g r. The beast pounced on her from P IAY YOURI SUSCRPINNW
<"};};:: ..:{;.:;:::::::::..::.::..::. ::::"::;?':"<.}} r?}bhind?; and:.withinoned blow oofblitof fore-r


Membentrs of the Adnministrative Board, College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:
There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board on Thursday, No -
vember 12, at 4: 10 in Dean Effinger's office.,
IV. I. Huphreys. w
University Women:
Attention of all women wvho make up committee or membership list
is called to the proper procedure:,
1. Get Eligibility Blanks from the Office of the Dean of Women.
2. Make them out in triplicate and leave them for checking, after wrhich~
they will be sent to Dean -Bursley.'
3. Give no names to The Daily or to the Point System reporters until
your Eligibility List has been returned, marked approved, by Dean Bursley,
Chairman of the Eligibility Committee.
G.race Itteliards, Assistant Dean of Women.
.T otice to O'wners of Dogs:
Hereafter dogs that become nuisances upon the Campus, in so far as
possible, wil be taken in charge by authorized employs of the University,
and held for their owners for a period not exceeding ten days. During
such period, dogs may be redeemed on proof of ownership and payment for
care at rate of fifty cents per day or fraction of a day.
E. C. Pardon, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds.
To All Students:
All students having difficulty in choosing their vocation or life work,
and who are not progressing so well in their studies, will have an oppor-
tunity to talk over their problems personally with faculty men and business
men of the, various professions. It is important that you 'report at Lane Hall
this week for appointments.
Hours:-Wednesday, Thursday, Friday-4 to 6 P. M.
Hlarold R. Williams, Ciman Vocational Committee.
Engineering Mechanics III Students:
The Thursday, November 12th, lesson for Mr. Menefee's 10 o'clock E. M.
III section will be paragraphs 146 and 148 in the regular text.
F. N. Menefe.
First Year Businiess AdministrationMen:
The first year Business Administration men will meet with Dean Day,
Wednesday night at 7:30 in Room 306 Michigan Union., It is essential that
every man be present.
C. C. Jung, Pres.
Freshmaii Engineers:
Professor H. C. Anderson, Head- of the Department of Mechanical En-
gineering, will address the Freshman Assembly this morning at 11 o'clock
in Room 348. Everyone should be present.
Every b'rbshman Engineer who has not already filled out mentor cards
should call at my office, Room 320, and do so at once.
C. 0. Wiser, Fresmnan Mentor.
Organ Recital:
'Palmer Christian, University Organist, will give the following program
in Hill Auditorium Wednesday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock:
Festival Hymn (Hagg) ; Meditation ("Thais") (Massenet) ; Mat in
Provencal (Bonnet); Prelude a "L'apres-midi d'un Faune" (Debussy) ;
Rondo, "Soeur Monique" (Couperin) ; Prelude and Fugue on Bach (Liszt) ;
Esquisse, No. 4 (Schumann) ; Liebestod (Tristan and Isolde) (Wagner).
Charles A. Snk, Secretary.
University of Michigan Band:
The Varsity Band will please mt-et in full uniform at the Armory on
'Wednesday evening, Nov. 11th, at 7:00 to take part in the Armistice parade.
T. C. Schneirla.
Faculty Women's Club --Gardep Secin:
The November meeting will be held Wednesday, Novener 11, at 113
Fair Oaks Parkway with Mrs. Carl V. Weller 2:30 o'clock.
Amanda Everett.
Women's Educational Club:
There will be a meeting of the Women's Educational Club on Thurs-
day evening, November 12, at 7:30, Room 109 Tappan Hall. All women in-
terested in education are urged to come. Miss Cleo Murtland, Associate
Professor of Vocational Education, will speak.
Dorothy Kiefer.
II Crclo Itallamo:
There will be a regular meeting of I Circolo Italano Wednesday even-
ing, November 1, at 7:30 o'clock, Room 202 South Wing. All members are
urged to be present.
Francis Boring, Presidet.
I. 0. TI, C.:
All members of the R. . T. C. will assemble in the Drill Hal at 7:00j
P. M. tonight to form for the Armistice Day parade.
L. M. Bricker. !
There will be an important business meeting of Mimes this evening at
7 o'clock in the Mimes theater.
Robert Henderson, Pres.
Geological and Geographical Journal Club:
There Will be a meeting of the Geological and Geographical Journal Club

on Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 P. M. in Room 436 N. S. Building. Pro-
fessor McMurry will speak on "The Work and Technique of the Land Econ-
omic Survey of Michigan." The ladies of the faculties concerned are invited
to attend this meeting. A cordial invitation is also extended to all others
who may 'be interested in the subject of the evening's discussion.
Walter A. Ver Wiebe, Secretary. j
There will be a meeting of the Craftsmen Club at the Masonic Temple

I 's:
4. , .

Plali;an.:l seale4I slaiaonery. Show your school spirit. Write
I howl:e on paper distinctive of 3Licimig'an.I
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German business men are building high hopes upon the prospects o f huge commerce with Russia, open-
ed up by signing of the trade agreement between the two countries. Ger many sees Russia as a vast market
for its manufacturers; and the Soviet expects in turn, to be able to dispose of great quantities of raw materials
in the, Rhineland. Photo shows Litvinov (left), assistant commisar of fo reign affairs, and Count Brockdorf-
Ranzau, German ambassador, shaking hands after signing of the pact, I n Moscow.

Are always reliable. 'We carry all sizes.
Use them for best results.
Eberbach & 'Son CO.
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Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 P. MW. for the purpose of organizing the
Degree Team for the ensuing year. All Master M\asons interested in teami
work :are especially urged to be present. Tryouts will be held at this tine.
E. McLay Crosby, Pres.
Westerner's Club:
There will be a meeting of 'Westerner's Club Friday, Nov. 13, at 8 P. AM.
at Harris H-all. Election of Officers, so all are urged to attend. Everyone
M1argaret Smith, T. P.
Black Quill:
I There will be an import ant meeting of flack Qwill IWTdnesday evening
at 7:00 in Betsy Barbour p~layroom. The new members will be pledIged at
this time, and all 01(1 members are expected to be present. The meeting
will be adjourned in time for the Masques play.
Hleleni Whipple, President.
Canididates For Freslintani Band Drum Major1:
All persons who desire to try out for dirum major of the Freshman
band report at Ferry Fiold at 4:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
G~ordon Packer. i
________________________ 7 :30--Fores4 ry club inieets in room~
H TS GO ING ON F-13,- Natural Science building.
7:30-1 ircolo Itahilano mltsi
Notices to a Ppear in this columnu must room 202, South Wing.
be left in the how at the Daily office 7 :30-Business jueeting ofI'lli Sigma,
provided for that purpose hcfo-e 4;00oo
o'clock preceding the day of issue. i room L-242, Natural Science build-.
WEDNEDAY Ill0-Pi Lamiiblda Theta, meets h1m
11 :00-Regular fresxuiian engineering; ro 0,MrhaGo ulig
assembly in room 348. S 1i5- Mdsilues presents ' TUle C(radle
4:0O-6:00- Open hiouse kor stadeunts ats Song" in Sarah. Saswell Angell hail.
Harris hall.
4:15-Organ recital by iPalmner C hris. ; iTHURiSD1)AYV
tian in Hill auditorium...... .... i1.2:00-Faculty swimming and calls-
7 :00-Black Quill meets in Bets~y thenics dIrill under tutelage of
Barbour playroom.i Coach Mann, union pool.
7 :00-%. 0. '... C. dr:Imiamid bugle ;I4:4,,-Palnmer Clhrisiau choir re-
corps turn out for Armistice (lay hearsal at Congregational church.
celebration in uniform at Rt. 0. T. C. '7:30-Ge~ologicail and G~eographmical
drill hall. Journal club meets in room 436, Na-

tural Science building.
7:30-Annual freshmn msmoker
the Union assembly hall.
8 :00-Sociology club mecets ait Al
Phi house, 1830 bill street.




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