WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1925 TIIF MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE FIVE WEDNESDAY, NOYEMBp~R 11, 1925 VAOE F1V~ to V ........ .............. .........41 .............................. A ft .. ......... ... ll:::: - .:i I VA VA= MWATAMW Rai W#v TO DEMONSTRATE CHARLESTON STEP Experts In Costumes To Tea h Dtace At Wnia~ '~nn L sin Observes Wcck Of A .it fHouses Pledge To Vorld Fellowship , AMUfMK l ;Buy Playing Cards Every Y. W. C. A. in the world isT ITiCAId[, l 1tails Inie r deto the yellow observing this weck from Nov. S to 14 as ther arualweati ofworld ttllow- ship l, al pl ayer. Consequently the University orga iizatiUf is hutting ]a:hlisa Cook women will give a lun- choen at 12:30 o'clock today for thea al -h e playing (tIrds which are to 'e :oId 1:,b the 1I, a1)ranch of the 'f rican Associa'ion of University LTltr cdna a~r t ameetinr Atvomews League iazaa _.r V egeclT1 g"taa11~.t. t~turd Spec al emntiasr )onItliespirit of JuInipor league of Detroit, a group of hen Sauda f t be commlnittcee hold recently. The the week and spending Much time in women ilnt(erested in social service cards are expected 10 arrive here not PLAN NOVELTIES committee discu5s ions On thoughts of work. Following the luncheon, Miss latr than Nov. 14. There has been international relations and national; Elva Fornerook, social director of a large nmbeir of pledges already customs. Martha Cook building, will speak on taken all of which will be filled. Musical stunts, a Charleston dance The week is arranged so that a di"- the subject, "Differences in Girls." It has been arranged that all per- hail, and persons dressed to repre- ferent country is given attention every On Thursday, Miss Fornerook will ad- sons having pledged, may have them; sent unusual characters will be fea- day, and there is a special thought dress the league at Newberry house, redeemed at Bill auditorium box office Lures at the annual Women's league for each day. The leading thought Detroit, on "Modern Social Work." between 10 o'clock and 5 o'clock Tues- and Interchurch bazaar this year, ac- for the week is "God in Christ ant The Detroit chapter of tle Junior day and Wednesday, Nov. 17 and 18. coring to Pauline Bridgman, '27, nsNeedand the sub-thoughts for league is interested primlrily in help- A campaign is being carried on at chairman, of the stunts committee. each day are: Sunday "God's Perfect ing tihc physically -disabled and it di- all of the sorority houses and league Saturday afternoon and night the Revelation in Christ", Monday, "Man's rcts thle Detroit league for the handi- houses for the pledging of decks Charleston dance will be conduced. ~Need of God", Tuesday "Divided capped with headquarters at Newberry yjhich each house wishes. Personal Roth men and women will be taught Chis tendom and the One Christ", house. visits re being made by members of kildance the Charlestob wll be Wednesday "Sin and the Lordship of The trip to Ann Arbor and the talks the A. A. U. W. and samples of th'e dressed up as colored women. .rist in t e Individual", Thursday to be given by Miss Forncrook will cards are being shown wherever pos- Throughout the bazaar women Sin in National Life", Friday "The conclude a series of lectures arranged sible.. Samples ar, now on cxhibition dressed in costume wil sell special- Divsions lBetween Nations and the for the new members by the training at the book stores, Mack & Co., and ties. Dorothy Treuttuer, '28, who en- Unity of God's Kingdom", and Satur- committee of the league. at the candy booth in University hall. tertained the visitors at the bazaar day God's Victory and Our Obedi- Martha Cook quartet made its first ILetters have been sent to each mem- list year will be dressed as an old ence. appearance before Martha Cook wo- ber of the A. A. U. W. containing the -fashioned woman this year and will men at dinner recently. The person- names of five persons who are not sell potted flowers. ther women, sell- nel of the new organization is as fol- members of the association. These are gin cut flowers, plants, and candy lows: Eunice Houghton, '26, Louise personally called on the telephone, will be dressed in fancy costumes. 4UGoodman, '27, sopranos; Betty Sage, the project explained to them and While meals are being served in TO nnrii '26Ed., Marion Thompson, '26, con- pledges solicited. the tea room, which is to be conduct- rtraltos; Mary Cumings, '27Ed., coach Personal letters have, also been sent ed by Collegiate Sorosis, features in I and accompanist. to the fraternities asking that the music will be presented. Mary Lou A joint musicale is being planned house pledge as a whole or individ- Miller, '26, and Minerva Miller, '27, Football atmosphere wi prevail at I to be given by the quartet and house nally. will sing specialty songs of enter- a dancing party to which all women orchestra. The three musical sorori- taining character. Stunts of various of the campus are invited from 4 to ties on campus will be guests of honor. PAY YOUIT SUBSCRIPTION NOW. 'kinds will be performed on the piano 5:30 o'clock Friday afternoon in Bar- end the league orchestra will play y during a greater part of the meals. hour gymnasium. According to EstheP Tuttle, '27, chairman of the affair, it is hoped that this party will serve as Raisin Bread Is He lh To Join National a preliminary pep gathering for theRasn B ad I He ty Rifle Team Deoatch Ohiotationsmw o athdeay.colors of Get into the habit of buying a loaf of the two colleges, red and grey of Ohio Two women's rifle teams of theand maize and blue of Michigan. RAISIN BREAD every Wednesday. University have been entered in the Colorful favors which can be worn at We assure you that you will find ii: dei- national rifle matches this year. Th'e the game will be given to those pres- teams which will include ten women ent. Cious as well as healthy. for each team, have not yet been chos- Entertainers from the physical edu- ~sium, and zone athletic managers will mn's club will meet at 7:30 o'clock # meet at 4:15 o'clock today in Barbour tenight at the home of Mrs. George N T C Sgymnasium.-Brown at 1057 Lincoln Ave. NO-0TICE S There will be a meeting of the lead- Samples of the articles to be given ershrip commission group at 4 o'clock for the bazaar are to be brought to today at Newberry hall. An interest- Barbour gymnasium by the presi- There will be initiation of new ing discussion will be conducted on dents of 'inch house tomorrow be- members into Theta Sigma at 8 o'clock "Worthy Use of Leisure Time," and tween 3 and 6 o'clock. tonight in the library of Martha Cook the process of formulating a budget,, building. system will be explained. The Y. W. C. A. cabinet will meet Women who intend to take fencing at 4:15 o'cloch tomorrow in Newberry Today is the last day the $3.50 rate this season are requested to sign up hall. There will be a discussion of for Michigan Daily subscriptions can at once on the poster on the bulletin the purpose of the Y. W. C. A. and be paid. Beginning tomorrow the board in Barbour gymnasium. 'this its meaning in the life of the individ- charge will be $4.00. must be done at once if a place is to ual. be reserved in the class. House athletic managers will meet - .Delta Zeta announces the pledging at 4 o'clock today in Barbour gymna- Music section of the Faculty wo- of Elaine M. Herbert, '27. I- Janie Lincoln's Toilet Preparations for the v Flair and Scalp Skin and Nails THE BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP Nickels Arcade Pht one 9616 A N ARBOR uDRAPERY SOP 301 East Liberty Street 4 Call 3031 for Shades, Draperies and Accessories ,'s. Goofroar nI/versa~ 24 of the 37 Great Events 13 Yet to be Annonnced r" en, but will be picked from among cation department will present cos the best shots in the rifle classes. The tumed clog dances as well as other scores for the matches will be shot stunts. Music for social dancing wil from Dec. 27 to Jan. 23. be furnished by the Women's leagu According to Lucille Walsh, '27, rifle orchestra. In keeping with the foot- manager, Michigan should have a good ball spirit of the afternoon hot dogs chance in the matches, in considera- and coffee will be served as refresh- tion of the fact that last year the merits. University defeated the team which held the national championship. TOKYO.-The University of Chi Several matches have been arranged cago's baseball team ended its tour of with other colleges and universities, the Orient today with a 10 to 4 defeat although all of the challenges which! at the hands of the Waseda univer- were sent out have not as yet been sity team. The Chicago team wil heard from. leave for home Wednesday. it £I. The CITY PASTRY SHOP 516 East Liberty Phon6 5501 'I 9 PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. PAY YOUR.i SU BSC 11.PION i.... Let TICE'S 709 N. UNIVERSITY Furnish Your Fruit Punch For Your Parties. l r Marcelle Waving Is an Art' Permanent XWaving a Science Determine the Superior Art of the _ Lueck Beauty Shoppe 330 Maynard St. Opposite Nickels Arcade Sparkling and Fluttering Evening Modes CownS of GeorgIce. Chiffon and 1 --- - ---- . -x .1 y t Full Fashioned Silk Stockings The Beautiful The ServiCeable The Inevitable Jewels that are decidedly new are the quaint necklaces and bracelets of antique gold with medallions reminiscent of olden days. -.' 1'( T4 _ 'N \ \ e< 'kf Crefle, 1it,021V1 ,apt d1 Iil'l e r! l0 ait n i $v ?)£1 (s colinlIlo) Billiai ull ai iis, d75c 1d. (Main Floor) silver hid Pu lmps, iX10.00 Silver Rri'uuuide lips, :8I (Main I t'loor) (Ilitllring Slic e Buc(kles (Main Fleer) ("tidol] Rose inl. T:veliig Shaes (Main IFio(r) WOOL BLANKETS EVENT NO. 1-Beautiful block plaid part wool blankets for double beds, size 66x80, with sateen abound edges. We cele- brate by selling pairs at................... WOOL PLAID GOODS EVENT NO. 2-Fifteen patterns that are the newest of the new arrivals. All colors and 54 inches wide. Were up D to $4.00 yard.......... .1,U CHEMISES-GOWNS EVENT NO. 3-Envelope Chem- ises and Gowns hand made of soft and fine materials all hem- stitched and embroidered. The bodice top style, attractive and practical. Celebration PURSES EVENT NO. 4-Purses, in many styles, envelope and pouch, silk and leather lined, some hand tooled and colored. These values will actually surprise you. Buy one and put your anni- 2.98 versary savings into it..$29 APRONS EVENT NO. ii-Lucky day Ap- rons - something new - a fine idea to make for a Christmas gift. By just "pick up and put down' methods you can work several of these for Christmas. Good quality linen ..................1100u PEQUOT SHEETS EVENT NO. 6-Pequot Sheets 63x90 at a price you might ex- pect to pay for a very ordinary sheet. We will celebrate for a while at this price but they can't last long. We hope you $ get yours, each.........u$1 WOMEN'S GOATS EVENT NO. 7-Luxurious fur trimmed coats in the winter mode of flares and wrappy lines. Needlepoint, Lustrosa, Penpoint with fox, beaver and $88.Q00 squirrel, 14 to 46..... 0 QUAKER CURTAINS EVENT NO. S-These nets of ivory and biege shades and these curtains hemmed and fringed are real values. 500 pairs offer variety of Pattern Less 20/ an d P rices ............. .4S SCARFS EVENT NO. 9-Silk and, wool bright enough to please the ever increasing taste for brightness in dress accessories. Tie yours in a bow below the chin Q V fa1 BATHROBES AND KIMONOS EVENT NO. 10-The boudoir is just the place to let yourself put on the color that you like. Choose copen, blue, rose, orchid, taupe, or even a cerise ................$39 PONGEE EVENT NO. 11-To make many different things, genuine Japa- nese Pongee is used, but if lin- gerie, draperies "and dresses don't appeal, make a man's shirt for a Christmas gift. An- niversary price, per yard............. 69 HANDKERCHIEFS EVENT NO. 12-All sold out. We thought we had bou2-ht enough handkerchiefs to satisfy everyone but our two hundred dozen were gone the first day and so it is with other events- stocks fast disappearing. Get yours now. BUNNY BLANKETS EVENT NO. 13-A real blanket with a bunny on it in blue and white, edges all bound, soft, fluffy, strong aid wash- FREE able size, 10x14 inches.. PURE SILK HOSE EVENT NO. 11 - Corticelli, Wayne m it, and Holeproof pure silk stockings, black or brown regular goods that every- body is used to at $3.00 a flg pair, but now a pair t.. . 8 EUREKAS EVENT NO. 15 - "Eureka Vac- uum Cleaners," a completely new machine with $8.50 worth of attachments added, making a cash worth of $58 regular price. Will sell this anniversary for $44.50 with $4.50 down M,50 and for cash at.....E CHEMISES EVENT NO. 16-Envelope chem- ises of crepe de chine, beautiful- ly lace trimmed and embroid- ered. Choice now of yellow, green, orchid and flesh. Values worthy of a Goodyear $29 birthday party ........ GLOVES EVENT NO. 17-Heavy Double Silk Gloves, wrist length and two button style in colors white, black and brown. Gloves that were marked two dollars before we decided to OQn BETTER DRESSES EVENT NO. 18- Cloth Frocks and glistening satin ones, not content to be the fashionable black, brighten winter dullness with greens, wine reds, blues and golden browns. Metallic embroidery, vestees and ap- pliques of kid feature all styles. Valus up to fll Vau su o$49.50 .............. $ 5 0 BALBRIGGAN DRESSES EVENT NO. 19-Unusual variety of pretty styles of the one or two piece mode. New shades and new effects to strengthen the popularity of this Q new favorite of fashion U SPREADS EVEINT NO. 29--These are gen- uine Betsy Ross bed spreads in rose, blue, natural and gold. All 108 inches long. Silk: Twin Bed $8.95; Rouble .................$9.45 rn*ce*rized:I rivi" $,35; Double .................$Z.95 SINGLE BLANKETS EVENT NO. 21-Plaids of laven- der, blue, gold and tan, make these very good quality blankets, size 64x76, an attractive pur- chase if they were'to be sold at a regular price. But the DOn anniversary selling is at U SALE OF RUGS EVENT NO. 22. From our re- cently increased stock of rugs, select a- 9x12 Congoleum .......... $I%.) 9x103 Conr/olem n........$13.95 9x12 Wool Fibre.........$14.95 9x10% Wool Fibre.......$12.95 (Third Floor) BRIDGE LAMPS EVENT NO. 23-Lamps with rich, yet not elaborate gold stip- pled polychrome bases. Metal bases of cast and wrought iron, all complete with silk or parch- ment shades of odd shapes and all desirable colors. Many with beaded shades. An outstanding value.. 95 (Third Floor) VAN DYKE HEELS EVENT NO. 24-Silk hosiery with Van Dyke heels, black only, in a complete range of sizes, and qulaity, sheerness and style, that Goodyear's assure you is $2.50 value, selling for 6 a i ; Flower in Ila to1r Colrs I vn iti ; )(i l r (0ain Floor) Yomr evening gown and accessories will le brillan , fluttering and in keeping with the season's youthful mode, if you select then here. Our distinctive evening apparel takes its inspiration from the evening modes that are popular for college form als. li Il # i i