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September 26, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-09-26

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4 ..



1P ]] .,]] ] jj // 'D ~~~glee Ty slub Nt old 1ee ac lLilli r i 0 l~en ingl,,o te CosumOtn agpjui-j./lfl
0DORMIIORIES PLAN Mdr tdnsMr Jaue~ EDRHPCMISO ~y~sNx ek~t~~1f'iihrlnsh
Says' M ount Holyok Fi'esuient~ I~ IET [OR LU~~II[B~I Tryouts for memlbershiip in the !,i 'Ie~18zh 1 h ldlru f
olle ge women of today seem in Jumping and sprinting and have taken. riyGrsCleCu ilb ed11(1i:l.ou tuetsa h n-1~Shockl
I Ca Tuesday, ~~~~Wednesday and 'Tlinirs , (5~(~ilh~ta laro
______I niny ways more ma are than women onl a more social character. Through, Melmbers of ,the leadership com- onflTuesdayl ofeMsic.fitci'aiwl e se~ilya ~ro
Uan ae ndtyar games and contests te utvt f";o ftl nvriyr.W .A. .y nrom ISholo 'ti
geeaboiyfitness and muscularl iill meet for lnen at 12 o'clock 5(h0015 f e toivr- W lifie iii studes, ROr. I.Apa hg10cm1or.a
IaieVrto l hrag emdi190"atesbdhcclivtl usino heLies ~' Wmni l ie o UQnoin'
cla CaenBr a; Matha. Cook:ry P. Woolley, peieto t eea
ldo1oe'dt I preyieecept ft.,shmen,are elgbet i'ta4
Bunilding i uvColeg, na ecn atc ordinaion, the principles ofgoodi .Moday i Newery hal. siN txcept res e"Fouri V l a t'Si ics and e Wildan
fil the Clevelanld ims.''he col-; sportsmanship; . .and grace andirThe urpose of this nuisi i ryout If the women lreer they i~end )- il naTms ecn ~n n h i n hr fi' Pereucs are quite uniike Itle rest of; mee~t at 5
OUSESwELECTorytomayndstheorevelopment of the Iwhich is undej' the chairmanship o cn o f pthirepared to nsin oe sh~torn. m-Allmity indeds Th n htigh
HsFIESae~w man e of dy risaemoe repimaginatPuo iont lrj.o ~ ~ Al~ ,1 i c to fu ~ e un hg
U p s_____ I reS c' v a p e o e e e a i n 'Ag nao th r oxtr a surr icu m acei R th Hul, 26, is to ork womnpwhcaraint rest d a e ur ellii onI e fa mil , en n I L wo en th m nt o I
than the college.,woman of t2i years, with entering women, developing I to ome who try ot. ilht emnadwmnte+rIen f1
Pasorvrosscaafarofago, when it was still the somewhatwihrcnl a eeoe ratly in them qualities of leadership, andl if for any reasoni, any one of the 5lsiit of wold (it izeni;bp will not for pract]i
the season were discussed by the wo- exceptional woman who wnt away to is dramatics. In this a professional helping them get started on the camn members of thlw club will be unable toonly be felt here, (1r in the states, lows: fre
men of Martha Cooks building at a schol. Then it was the daughter of standard is set and efforts are made pu.cniubnu iemmirsi hs lti. rou h on t the world." Jlims
huemeighl Wdholi.Ainellectual or amibitious parents, or torahi.Promnelhtoc ApproximatelyT 300 women :sged shudntiyteprs--will bec
canoe trip up the river was aiiiiouilcedt the one who had a keen desire to wr given just for fun now are a up for work with the commnission dur- jent. Lortta Cooper, '2. Paris, Se~ fl. miia lpnx has been those still
pt be gienin two vehe; .At this was not fri ghtetn edrabysthe gsaecurrent mrene nsae ehiueadw t divided ifeetinto sall slgroups which willChl iinolehldntlattii)$0 z;MccrddnlgthpstFlpr
part the 10 women in tYe dcoriitory uesiinta rismgtsaethe general development of the'me tdifrn imsfrsoiladGlee Cu ilntb eduti w'e }~eca;ocurddrn iePs illbeah
who know the least numb,r of main es IFoll prespective husbands. drama. d oiscussion afternoonsI t he Uniiversi y Girl's Glee club has I S ar. wl eh
of the other women in the house willI nray w fid n colleges I all enterprises of this sort they tMnaysmeilol tecm een selected. -
I"Nowdy fn inI n tmisondysmeetii gbe onlyetthe m __ -____
have to give a stunt. A house dance viomuen of all Types. There are more modern college woman shows moremiioitefwlle pCtltob
t oo e h l d c t. 1 0 , a f trct e.I d i aaj w o enet u d nth em o 'eni t h v e r i n t i a i v e a n d p o w r oat a k l igodwe rr e s n t , a n d t hekw ilnt k e h a t t i m 1t h e n t e en a r u t u e . ill , C e vee1 T ( 1T T1eT T
game, was also announced. Th .se l it t o moy, more from private fcul t problems than her predecessor,,I to divide the new women who signed d group hrad thieii''intial all mret- XLS V
parties wlhoeenot be the fiistischools, and many more from ted theeas xssamr lbrt up int:o sections which will meet ing Saturday at hich Ars. MilesthsgielyMahaCk h'ou ndwt.Tseomnaeornztonhnfrel.ltrinheek.Bxrcnilredarprto FrteQall3ofheid
year, as teas have been given almost as a matter of course their participa- I_____ ______ the June meeting.o teknd11srondig
every afternoon in the library ofh ii n h far o h ltehe ff flFo iirr -~~-' or e hiofsurrundng
domtr.Ms laFrcok o y active wage earning or through HV.R~ lihUR~~Alumnae Meeti TTonh~~ f orfu kn f evceta
cial director, was hostess at ai tea lifelong interest in the many public I ROiGCR E Plan Actvit e STUDENTS i or tiles10kin f eat:"
given in her office TuesdIay for the I ~ffairs in which women, married or AO TUI [TIP DPAI __
Mrtha. Cook vmn epdn single, now engage. No longer is ail- EYun u~r~ I RT
Knight, '26, is president of the drm- woman graduate confined to teaching I Cruso h lumnae associationLILIfII i
story ti year, and Marguerite Dut- I or housekeeping Both the familyGrusothAlma who are working for the League
ton, '26, vice-president. The secretary and society have gradually become Canoeing enthusiasts will welcome building aie meeting in the various J
anltraurr nt epee paiesusied to th" change and consider it as ithedlne tanthcorehofdinstru ~cti tiparts oftoheado the country tod.uiplan fall! "Our club brings togthewl rldme nd1LU C O
frTom the junior and senior lasses a matter of course. cinoepaddlngind ths haig fas actviisoad1t8hefnd omn l(iial ve tewol n
twill he elected at a meeting to be held "h~andl in hand with these changescao vibegentsyarsa One of the ,earliest events onwoefrmaloeth gives us a clearer view of~ the good MA AR
in November. Isabell Hamilton, '26, has gone a change in college life, both part of elective athletics. This is schedlule is the big fall benefit sale in the other person", :stated MXr. MV. ___________________________
night chaperone, gave a talk at the in the extra-curriculum activities and quite an innovation at Michigan e- for the league to le held next Friday I------- --
mieeting on signing out, and exlineid in the curriculum itself. The extra- cause canoeing has not been included and Saturday by the Grand Rapids ________________________________________
'te rules concerning hours. curriculum activities, the' kind ofonteahtiprgmfrsvrl association. Last year a similar sale
Betsy Barbour house heldl a meeting thing parents are thinking of when yer.MssLui ambl'n given by this group netted a consider-
the same .evening, t which the fol- ithey say that they are sending their Miss Pauline Hodgson of the physical al mut fh iwue (l
lwnofieswreece:KtirIdagtrtcolgfo"telf"areducation department will conduct Iclge Women's Club has annoumncedalwn 6 ^G"
i ofcesweeelce: athr d ite ocleefr"h ieae the course in groups of ten so that tea to be given for the classes o
ine'Wilcox, '26, president; Dorothy Al- i hi rsn om clfyteeeysuetmyrcieproa
ison, '27, vice-president; M4aian An- product of the last quarter of a cen- evteryntuen. sthimbaynrceivepheisonl
erson, '2, secretary; Hlen.lcnE& tury. Take for example the athletics. attul eento cstisvbrnofgymaheicsum

ue Schedule
or Class Hockey
.es of practice for the var-
,y teams have been posted
ar gymnasium. Senior and
oc women are asked to re-
o'clock Tuesday at Palmer
1 junior and freshmen will
o'clock. The rivalry should
th'is year as the seniors
junior women in the tourna-
last season. The enrollment
ce on Thursday was as fol-'
shmen, 27; sophomores, 27;
14; seniors, 10. Enrollmen~t
continued ont Tuesday for
1 desirous of playing.
clock on Monday, at Palmei
LcI ice for intramural hockey
of food one enjoys-
that make your meals
makes you say: "One



warnis, '2, treasurer. Tne uollowviug
class representatives were also cltx -1
en : Helen Hebauf, '26, Charlene Shi-
land, '27, Helen Wooton, '28, and lHel-I
~en Prown, '29. Plans were discussed C
for a dance to be given soon andl forI
a house library which will' be started,
Swith the money left in the treasury:
from last year.
A student governing body of 10 was
elected at a meeting held at Helen
"'Newberry residence Thursday evening.
Marian Good, '26 will be this year's,
president Agatha McCracken, '26.i
vice-presidlent, Martha Robinson, '28,l
secretary, and Marie Van Osenbrugen,
'2,treasuirer. The class representa-
tive s elected were Celestine Maloney,
'26, Marion Wells, '27, El.sie Radford,f
'2,and Mary Alice M1oore and Eliza-
beth Wellman, '29. Irene Dillon, '28,1
'was electedl social chair manf.
Annual Road Contractj
Managua, Sent. 25. - Nicaragua has'
annulled the contract with the J. G.1I
White Engineering Corp., of New
York, under, which the corporation!
has operated the Nicaraguan-Pacific
Railway since 1919.

Although good healtn and exercise
have always been emphasized, there
were '25 years ago few recognized
athletic exercises for girls. Riding,
swimming, archery, golf and soccor
were unheard of as, women's sports.
Now the students not" only do all
these but they do them well, and
athletics for women have passed be-
yond the intermediate stage of imi-I
tating muscular feats of men in high '


credit will be given and a slight fee
will be charged. The fee will be de-
termined by the number of persons
electing the course, which will extend
over six lessons. Every woman en-
tering the classes must be able to
swim. Miss H-odgson's classes will
meet at 4 o'clock, Tuesday and Thurs-
day aind Miss Campbell's classes will
meet at a- o'clock, Wednesday and
Friday. All women who wish to sign
up may do so at. Barbour gymnasium,

Your Sautisfaci.tion -
Our Personal Aini
o27 East Liberty Pwc2 !

Activity----flowig (ralcc-
--flaring line----tat is thle
secret of the youth and
beauty of the view modre.
Anid we sponsor this free-
dom in our afternoon frocks
for' college girls. Frocks
sway with hidden flares,
with cle~~edy inserted go-
e ith, - iufering capes
and petal.-like trimmings.

aa i UiI~iaitLo wua uiL

f ytiigwmnwohv o eceived freshmen handbooks may ob-
t ain them at 'the office of Miss Ruth
Deemer, secretary of the University
Y.W C. A., in Newberry hall.
All League house organizers should
report to Dorothy Cline at Barbour
gymnasium from 9:30 to 11 o'clock to-
day or from 9 to 10 o'clock Tuesday.





# #w

" I Announcement has been made of
Suleiribe for The J)ally today ait the engagement of Helen I. Brown,
the offiwehI Pres liuilding.Adv. '26, and Dr. Leslie Ritterschofer.
-Invites youi to use our service. We specialize in men's gar-
mients and woolens of all kinds. We will call for and
d celix er at your, request. Utie our Cash Cards. TIhey are

wTE Sm
See Our fDemonstrahion
ic ia.olgc I UPPLY
MiianLaboratory Supplies And Equipment
Cor'. William and Second St. 9 blo:..ks west of Campus


1 iafh',cm .... aflr_. miaa.n ..w.f eflfflf

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J, J
rlhe Carefully Chosen Gift
Expresses the Giver


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STUDNTSSecure Your Supplies f rom.
Phone ':'~.-..I Phone
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-Engineers and Fountain Pens Candies
=-Architects Loose Leaf
MtrasBooks Laundry:
____t_ Typewriting Agency
- and Pound
yStationery Papers 'Tobaccos


ic ker I srets with various
ground colors aind hand
painted (decoratiomns. $1.80 to
Bcd ILamp Shades-Silk, taf-
fetta, andl China silk, with
georgette tops in blue,x rose,
orchid and orange. $2.95 to
C1arrdlesticltis of glass, poly-
c'hroniiedCl i, pat tory, amid
lacquer finish. Some .4e nder
and ball, the ideal gift, at
$1.00 to $3.00. -

If you are one of those who are chazrmed by
exquisite ar t pieces, you will simply be fas-
cinlatedI by our Gift Shop. And if you are
buying a gift, you will, know wvhere to come.
h ere the gift has atssociations--thle sparkle of
P'aris, the my stery a nd mellowness of Italy,
t he mnechaniical ingtenuit y of Germany. It is a'
gift which, because you choose it, is reminis-
cenit of you.


Slioppiiig' Bags
R~oseville Pottery




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