j~i~N1"aY NOYIMp 1 RI, c 25 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r AGE TiIRER __ ._... c>' d Of Schlosberg J I. T. Sclilosberg of the re- _; rv~ oili c rs r,.iuiug corps addressed the 7:- ri ,, th ie Society of Ameri- can lfayclgu~r last night, on ~ '~icI ifiUIflQ i gnal Communica- ttin ui n tatg anld Tact, s: ~lr a isadress Lietitenant Schios- j ~a'~Q I he dlevelopment of sig- ralC l ~ i ~aio hog tha vari- o: w~s tliis country, laying spec- k alstes on the late World war. Hle ~ ave ~everal, examples of the uses of t- te d i erent mean,; of communication in thl~e war. The sesof pigeons in the late war, Lietean. Schlosbcrg explained, were of g -.A, iimlportaijee. In one case lie gave :gn, example of a pigeon who fcame in after ie had been traveling -10 kilometers in fo-'ty-five minutes. The pig Eon was Wvoundedl in two places an t e mesage wvas hanging to the hi1v,-:-its of the torn leg. Licut;-: lilt. Sc(.foshr poinlted out other amisof thre beneficial usel ofr,"A nothe r great <.-?advatage to signal comuictin L ieutenant Schlos-1 berg adldedV, "is the new system that ' the news ,papers are usinrg, that is, the tram ii ;a Of pictures fromn one' place to , anol her by means of the wire-I less." If(. showed that this same method could lbe usedl for transmit- tinrg mp from one place to another, wvhichl would be very beneficial in / timges of wa.r. Dancing, Classes Wi'W Start Soon lasses in social dancing for both men andl women of the University will be given this year under the super-a vision and instruction of Miss Ethel A .A. McCormick, of the physical educa- tion department. The first two class-; es will be conducted separately for mien and women; then the two class- es will be put together. The course will be held from 7 1 Aids Conservatives [ PROFESSOR BROWNVA IW ILL PUBLLS!Itoj provide for the government of te- toical Review on an equal plane with Senator Plum er's son and turned his p /p er 7 T V l lS / F ritory outside of the original ounds Wi lliam Maclay's "Journal" and John attention to them. It is thee lttes ---= ........D L R'1 OF FORAIERd COAJGRESS5 311AATY of ile i nited States. Quincy Adams' "Memoirs" as a source which form the substance of the newriahstyf::?-. oesonrw m.d gonn prprtin emnment rofessor Morisonexpess- ok }r, J t of. F~tEverel t S. rown of the phti- (Use of Senator Plumers diary- en-!PmfoftesedoriBronmae eptrePuraose(I the hope that Professor Brown MARS'EILLES, Itrane -Te king ! ecl si('e e d p r m n is at prs n;ald Professor Brown in his "Con- 1forutile editingsofethioentiremPluSer ;e hookn li'sapntI le diary but governmental service cornmdpbihslcin mSn- and queemn of the Belgians ar'rived at t a(no1:i01n a WiOa ontoIo teLusin fo h or tnPluners letters. It was with this asilstdvabrdieSua he i ua dinier i rtfe"i stitutional History o helustn~ elled apostponementoftewr.Masilsodya1 heSum lie t hy"T:,'£s-, objct in mind that Professor Brown Mann from a visit to India. They 1 Y - :so)ii ('oalu'orni-es s ad hPresidelt ia] Purchase" to give for the first time The book, under the title "'illiam wn oCmodaani h umrlf meitl o rses , ! <. i ~ tll O1S~ o t-the details of tile debateill the Sn- IPlumers Memorandum of Proceed- wto924. rdearchin amntisumer ust imdaeyfo ~rsc ters V~I cii bY iliam 1,hPliii ' Jate n thle B eckinridge bill for the i mgs in the Unitedl States Senate, 1803- .,oee nnsrpsi h o eeyatiefrslteei ,::;;,">>s'r>%.. enresercall \'('t()('angre;ss frcom New goveunent of Louisiana, thus filling 1907" as issued in 1923 as one of thveredliemamusrpos nthe ltter o r ebuery Rachlhi forule teie.is. llms ire o 119 to 1s25. what Henry Adams in his monumentalI the University of Mihgpbichgnpbia-________________________________________ _______ li°v t r'xpe "History of the United States" char- tins. Splying much' informations V'- iynrwsth esnaxru acteized as one of tie serious gaps on government questions nowhere W III~Il Srany eof the polt cal leaders of his in the parliamentary history of the else available, Plumer's "Memoran- I a n h etr; eie iiga no. The reckinidge bill was f dum" was ranked -by Prof. S. E. Mot-L 'I.i ZVccaof dOi eates in Congress, tell Uofo1(- irog, ChickenCflandu rk ies ofPusr ovratoswth.omigreat importance as being the fist son of Harvard, in the American His IM Quincy Adlams, John C. Calhoun,! I Srve a ( s iHlnry ('a, William Crawford and I i< eV ebsI (-P cncrning ther ne- "' . ,l !wee 1W ivehees (:105sirti fo.te, BOULEVARD INN 50(yndI t"ai lkPnt of the letters;Tvblcsfo city bus line on Jackson Ioad, -. 0 1 li o -' ; V a a ' ie ( l) Pr -from n o o n till m id n ig h t. fes~OP P0 i i li;' ~IIIeumher -;se ,Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534. (L tie- IitiI-51 Si t(+ u Qua lrely, cin-Ik( lc , P I l'c.rdt 'I'lbsn o ['11111l6lt1Il11111I1N11t1t111a111 1i1161e1I 11111 ionIllfllof iffllf11' Rt. lien. Arthur Meighren, consenva- -Tihe' O .svbook ,s one of a series tol L ive leader and former premier of I e >pnbi lf''1 by the missonri Historl- Canada, aided the Conserv'atives of 1 *5 50('ea uunln-' ilt -eneral edit or- I" OUR COLLEGE R RERI N ATIVE____ Cainada in downing the present Liber- sf1 of Prof. Thi i1'ai Al Mttl'i1 '00, j-O (al government b inn his oleo- lme;'d of tin- listoryj teparinent at,JA E'(NON W tion to a seat in t'e i louse of Palia- WashbJ,iEP o111i ilrity, St. Louis. R- O Smemat from the Poni age La-Pr aire di:- Thein so blstion of this book forms ILDI;A trict. Premier MacI~jenzie Kng ws, ,cains~- -in:;ir ntomirest lug story of; 200-3:40-7:06-8:40 Ratnee 1c, Sac rg t 2,5a e twoate w nhisowncfightienym he forr paris cy. "o Itrtholun1e )f to .&!\ighin-forpary cntrl. 91i win ei writingwriin hisN'; r P CK 'rIAIA- ' nultit a io tA I a] ;y of IsheLou ii- lYOU HAVE NrEVER SEEN IT'S LKE L a R u e G a nt d I@ I' n a e",i'o;~ssom' Brown ds>-. S As A R TQ ot n gif ci cn ~ up' ,A.dditional Fundos1 1the Lbia;yofCnre reistahTemsta itn (Itrae o diar1)t-'-II~rlO N Z~+1TT n ulcorntr11pl-er tg1)F1+ Pitumoi s(ral ~or from New H Ianpshli'e Funds for research work have bees from 150' to 1307. ,Senrator 'lumeni ALL STUDENTS ATa granted to Priof. C. 1). LaRue of I hco wa planr;' writa a histor'v of tieI botany department, by the Graduate t ated cales ^ud toward that eu-il A TT? j k;ipt. r i etajil daeostat of the (eleates j'j, school. The gramnt is an addition to in 1the iltdSaesSnt.,h is I the one which was granted to himer mddej, iIf h darTas I fu ir ,ae fth iayi r THURS.DA Y FRIDAY SATURDAY last spring by Sigma Psi, national found by Professor Brown Amon, 2NO .1tN'!.1 LaRue is investigating the genetics of' Iinitihe State Library in Concord, Newf 2NO .1HN V fungi, a work - which hie started ill Hlampsh ire. The Library of Congress H Sumatra inl 1918.; was notified of the discovery anti a- ( ramnged with the !tate of New Ilampl- 0O1 April 13, 1887, an Arab pearl shire to have the missing manuscr'ipt. diver remained under seven fathoms deposited in th~e manuscript divisia Iof water for 109 seconds, hin Washington., ~ r'1 ~ ' -~- ~ to 8 o'clock 'Tuesday and 'TnursmayI evenings-in Barbour gymnasium. To- tiltiII1tl IU11idi19tilliD111111111II fl iII tc MIa night and next Tuesday the classes ' Will be for women only, and next I iea en o Thlursday and the, following Thursday F resnm an Y arto Se so Year for mn only, after which both men , and women from all colleges, of the ! University are 'invited to attend. - A RB T-T A ST Dg~kO T THETRESMost of our student cusi 'nrs IDTOTT E T E j THS WE who begin in their freshmnanxr at Shlby -year and send their laundry Schubegrt1lLafay~~ayette isglits, $OC to $3 work to the Varsity cont1inueC Tlmrsday, best eat1, $-. Sat. Mat., 5CC to $2.50 that patc the whole four eCadillac, 8705 -fprctic 91h WEEK , years\they are in college. Sure- f The STUDENT PR1INC E I y, that is a tribute to the The Musical Triumiph of a Generation_______ efficiency of the Varsity Ser-W Eves. - 50c to $2.50 -- vice.= G AR RIG Wed. Mat, 50c to $1 .501 Sat. Mat. 50c to$20 Positively Last 6 Days A IE'' IRISH ROSE ' hone -4219 E Last Time November' SE19 IT NOW!x t Nights 750 to $1.50u Oon 1e 1mi3 e I P jtQ 'ue-:Thnrs &Sat. %i s. 50e and 750 1z" Woodlward at Eliot Tel. Glendale 9792I U TfWO) WgEKS ON1bY The BONSTELLE CO. In the i',oln'u Romnttic Comedy I LIBERTY AT l FI I "THE WAN"H A.s Played by V'-a T e Gallienne 11111 11111111;1111_____________________111~laSlt1W11SIdM 111t1n1I 1 " iNatural. Interest Plo at the GRAYST(C DETROIT'S SMARTEST BA Imitation might be the sincerest f of flattery, but all of uzs hk( hear and dance to JEAN GOLDKETTE'S VICTOR OR A NNOUNCEMYYEN1] Opening of our first matinee danc been changed to- Sunday, Novemb( with an attraction to be 'announces later edition of this paper. rJoin the Four 0O'clock Clui -1 ,* i k .PICK 0' THE PIGCTURES MAJESTIC KEITH VAUDEVILLE, -N OW SHO0WING(- iL DAILY MATINE. SCRE EN u XMONM 1 CjrrrTh V -J LLLROOM form ei to ze has er 15,. at inee 'l~ss MOFFIC InI ,e Co lo f- -' II s N~w Aeso -I al e n D AITON N'g HI., IT N E Y -WEI)NESD)AY, The Word' 1 l " }- Comedy Sensation THlE SPATS I SPECIAL 31t'SAC -In- Score by - "DEAF, DUMB and DAFFY" WUERTII ORCIIESr,'A. FOX NEWSI Direct Frow Its Riecord-Breaking Ihun of Twenty-e gh I at tue Garrick Theater, Detroit ONE WEEIK SUNDA.Y STARTING November 5 ,ES 2003:3 EEN S' Vf..devihle Feature wtt~k SSEN- BESSIE LOVE TA ELL faO~fl xun ,. 15sat s. us$9 ajyl Georgi B~B , 'X . : " ' t ..3 ' s; Y ' 'i _ ,r, ; ,. E -, . ) el F >, rug a ..° r' : '-, ,;; t.;, ry 1 ; , _.. , i'! ' ;' a .- p,4 %. ;' , ,, -. ! ', 0 4f . " ' ¢ ,S .^*.'1 .' 4:y 1 ] . . f 41 " Same (-:'t tCast-Samre (4re'at Produec on. A. Hodes of Motioni t LLOT 6qV r M A ~ EVE YEAR IN NEW. 1YOM~ t- ic-cause--it Is the most t«alkedt of comedy of the ag, and the, °funniest 'day ee~r' written, it thie. English lanlguage. Becau se-Everyone whto sees U. i s - fasiated by it-you- are no different from the ot-hms. Becaipe-It lhas -become draw., h)--g'room contver s ton',;ad 1w discussed- in tiele 11111-, clubls, stores, in fatct wiherecver people TO SC_£AA and ,aft)1N 4you ~ielll~iS ,job and laur-n~prbc 5 B ))etrtm se--IfT,. i c uIS% I ?:_ t'La, ,ki. i )lay they 1 Icee-mm In T W