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November 11, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-11

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M~ayor Campbell TO Accpt Crnin
Trophies Presented ity By
War iDep irtiieii(
Formal acceptance of two German
guns, trophies of the late war, pre-t
sented to the city of Ann Arbor by
the United States war department,
will be made by Mayor Robert A.
Campbell, after the Armistice day pa-
rade of all military and war veterans'
organizations has r ,ched the end ofa
its line of march tonight, Th:;e
trophies, one a 105 m.m. gun and the
other, a 76 m.m. minewerfer, have
been obtained through the efforts O' of
the local American legion post. and
will form a part of the proposed pa-r
Arriving at the court house, the R
terminal of the procession; Mayor
Campbell will deliver a two-minute!
address of acceptance on behalf ofl
the city, and the guns will be placed
on the lawn, the site of their tempor-
ary location. Preparatory to thir ap-I
pearance in the parade the guns werej
redecorated in the R. 0. T. C. paint
At the conclusion of Mayor Camp--
bell's address, the "Star Spangled
Banner" will be played while the uni -
formed troops present arms, after,
which the procession 'will disband.
Co-operation of a great many mihi I
tary and civic organizations has been,-
assured the committee in charge, and
it is expected that it will be one of
the largest parades ever held in the
city for such an occasion. There will_-,
be three bands from the University Geologists studying the
participating, with the possibility of river once turned, think that
another band organized among the ;

;< < _ < > : > t < <:
.r.'>"; ~ 'oM -.


Architect Exhibit
Of Detroit club
Will Showa Models




- -- - - - jThree models of architectural com-I
position will be shown by the arch- I
History Of Tr nsporatioit Shown BBy itectural college at the architects ex-E
Lantern Slides At A Lecture hibition held under the auspices of
Given To Engineers the Thumb Tack club of Detroit,
which opens at the Detroit Museum
TO LECTUR E IN FUTURE of Art tonight. The exhibit will be
comprised of models by architects'
from all over the United States.
Completing the outline o[ the lec- The models to be shown from here
ture course which he will give on are: "An American Colony in Fin-
"The History and Development of land," by Dorothy Eggert, '25A;"A
Transpovtation" during the coming Hospital Group in China," by W. G.
semester, Prof. John S. Worley of the Chan, '25A, and "A Water Front De-
civil engineering department, gave the velopment in San Francisco," by Thh
second illustrated lecture on the sub- Dinwiddie, 25A. These models, which
ject yesterday morning in room 31 wer done by the students last year,
of the west Engineering building.
In the first talk given Monday, the
subject was divided according to the
factors which are present in any
form of transportaation, and the mced-
ia through or on which the engine of:
carriage moves. This division was
'dvanced and clarified by a diagram-
atic presentation of the outline.
The lantern slides shown at yes-
terday's lecture gave a pictorial re-
view of the history of transportation.
Those first shown presented the-early
forms of human and animal carriage.
In contrast, ths latter views display- s\>x
ed modern methods of transportation
as symbolized in the high speed pas-
senger train._a":
Future lectures will be illustrated
with some rare and unusual pictures
Professor Worley stated in an inter-
view after the first lecture. Among
these will be views of boat models
constructed more than 6,000 years ago
As a part time professor, he visits
the University several days during
each month. In each of these per -
iods lie will deliver two lectures. The Iee s o ri-a
next group will be given on Monday,
Nov. 30, and Tuesday, Dec. 1. l chlo
Government control of mail tele-
graphs and telephones in Italy show f F your hair lacks natural gloss
a profit of nearly $2,000,000 this year. and lustre, or is difficult to
keep in place, it is very easy to
give it that rich, glossy, refined
and orderly appearance, so essen-
tial to well-groomed men.
Any Furniture Just rub a little Glostora
through your hair once or twice
Broken at Your aweek-oraftershampooingand
oua1 ust as you comb it.
ouse rty Glostora softens the hair and
makes it pliable. Then, even stub-
Let Us liepair It. born hair will stay in place of its
own accord.
It gives your hair that natural,
Quality and Workmnanship) rich, well-groomed effect, instead
Guarantee~dof leaving it stiff and artificial
looking as waxy pastes and creams
do. Glostora also keeps the scalp
soft, and the hair healthy by re-
B. HARDING storing the natural oils from which
the hair derives its health, life,
218 East Huron Phone 3432gloss and lustre.
Try it! See how easy it is to
keep your hair combed any style

are being exhibited by special invita-
tion of the club.
The exhibition of compsitions of
the college is now being -shown i n
cities throughout' Europe.
Rat experts estimate that it costs
England 70,000,000 pounds, or Nabodt
$350,000J,000 a year to feed its 'rats.
This is the food charge and does not
include the damage done,
Flat Feet Remedied by ArYie6s
Made from Impression of the
Individual Foot.
Louise M. O'Brien
Featherweight Arch Supjor;s
Appointmeni byrTeleppbo
410 South Division





"dead" falls at Grand Coulee, Wash., ove -'which, it is believed, the Col
in. the course of centuries Niagara Falls m y ymct a similar fate.


downtown musicians Board Of Regents Approves Plan Ihas gained nany friends for the gar-
tdens and it is desired to extend it
j'[ 1Ts For Enlarging Botanical Gardens so as to keep up with the growth of
___________K____ the hospital and other parts of the
444FI T TAR i 1 ill[ rSU niversity.
Plans for the expansion of the bo-mental means, and for the introduc- Thse interested in gardening, bot-
tanical gardens through contributions tion of valuable plant novelties. any, and horticulture are asked to
of an auxiliary organization have been At present the United States de- communicate with Prof. H. H. Bart-
k f the Re or- approved by action of the Board of partment of agriculture is maintain- lett of the botany department, in re-
Captin Bicke ofthe esere. O- ard to the new plan in order that
ficers' training corps has recentlypub- Regents. A society to be known as ing a plant introduction service which, tnames can b placedon the
!shed the following orders, which the Michigan Botanical Garden asso- at aios times has had explorers n oll. Before the plans are made defin-
have been approved by President Clar- ciation is being formed, the object f nearly every part of the world. The r.te. those interesred in the garden
cito i en fre, h bec fiUniversity is a unit of that Service!ie hs neese ntegre
nce Cook Little: (a) Cadet officers which will be to assist in the main- a ,i atcipate int t wr. ar, urged to make any suggestions
will be appointed from the senior, ,ance and expansion of tie Urn- portant plats have lately leen re that they may contribute to the sue-
tennc ad xpasin f he ni :potat p lnt hve atlybenes-oh ewpoet
Class; (b) cadet sergeants will only versity botanical gardens. I ceived from China a other parts oss of the new project.
be appointed from the junior class An It is proposed to have several class- Asia. This work will be continued
cadet corporals from the sophoirleb es of membership and although the n an enieged scale, as it is im- TSINGTAO, China.-The troops of
Class; (c) vacancies will be tilled by detaHs have not: 4s'yet been arrang- 'portant both to the depsrment of ag- Marshal Chang Tso-Lin are in general
competitive examinations from thosed, it has been suggested that the riulture and icigan that aretreat in consequence of the arrival
eligible; (d) examinations and recom- following kinds of membership be testing station be maintained here. I at isuchow of the forces of Gover-
mendations for appointments will be provided for in the new constitution: At present the botanical gardens nor Yueh Wei-Chun, of Honan prov-
conducted and made within the com Patrons, sustaining members, annu- furnish plants for decorations to the ilce, who is an ally of General Wi
panies; (e) this will in no way affect al members, and occasional contribu- University hospital, to the reading Pi-Fu, head of the movement in the
present holders of commissions and tors. Patrons of the organization will rooms at the Library, and to the Yangtse region against Chang Tso-
warrants. I be those who contribute a large sumj main University om:es. This service Lin.
Uniforms will be worn at all drills' of money at one time, thereby'be--
unless excused by the professor of coming life members; sustaining aIfiiillIfHllHIllIllIIII1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIilliltilhi
military science and tactics. Students members will contribute substantially
appearing at drill without uniforms, without being classed as life mem-
unless excused by the professor of bers; annual members will flay low -{"
military science and tactics, will be annual dues which in the aggregate, aipsThorough Pasteurization
eaked absent. if the member ship is large enough.
Absences from drill must be made are expected to be the main support if t r rduct fT he
up as the professor of military sci- of the organization; those who help ."J
ence and tactics directs, before credit With single gifts of money, plants, orwW
for the course may be received. imaterials will he listed as occasional A nn A rbor D airy Com -
Tle R. O. T. C. headquarters drill contributors.
hall and immediate surroundings are The new plan is patterned after *i*
designated as a military post and that by which several of the most pany its
proper military courtesy must be ob- successful eastern scientific Institu-
served by members of the corps with- tions are partially financed. The aij 1I . the
in this area. vhere is a formal organization made s
Mixed uniforms will not be worn. up of people, among whom it is hop- =_ l
Students wearing their uniforms must ed that there will be many students, =risks of contagtono an
,.wear them as a whole and not any sufficiently interested in the progress
separate part thereof. Cadet officers of botany to contribute money and= 1 - Ir n n n
will report any violations of this reg- effort to its improvement. The ideaI=
ulation which they may observe. is to do things for the garden which-
are not feasible now because of lack
of funds. Under the plan it is hoped -
I ! that the area of the gardens may he
DAILY CALLS FOR TRYOUTS I increased, more research work subsi-
dized, and more collections obtainedI =
All men interested in trying through exploration. It is also plan-
out for The Daily are invited to tined to have more annual flower shows
a tryouts' meeting at 4 o'clock and exhibits.
Thursday in The Daily offices, Both the state and the University
Press building, on Maynard I will benefit by the organization. A
street. The Daily offers practic- center will be nrovided in a region .°A
al training in reporting, editing, Ijwhere new plants can be tested be-
headline writing and other fore being introduced into commer-nA r or D a rCo .
phases of journalism. First cial fields, a center established not -
semester freshmen are not elig- only 'for technical research work but The Home of Pure Mrilk
Ible. I also for the development of popularly
interesting new plants by eaperi- ' i li liililI1 11t11If 1lIIlIIlillliilllllllllillilllillilllillilllllllllllillllll 1
The Story of the New Phonograph
as Only Been Half Told
Now Comes The
You have been hearing these days of new types of phonqgraphs of -various makes. If you have seen and heard
them you are probably convinced that they are a great improvement over the older and former types.
However, "YOU AIN'T SEEN NOR HEARD NOTHING YET!" In a few clays the NEW BRUNS-
'WICK PANATROPE" will be on display in our store. This instrument has carried the new idea of reproduction
far beyond anything yet announced by other manufacturers. In fact, it has harnessed the power of electricity and thej
vacuum tube.
We can't describe it-except to say that it will surprise and delight you with its entirely new and different tone

Pknand Orderly
you like, whether brushed lightly
or combed down flat.
If you want your hair to lie
down particularly smooth and
tight, after applying Glostora,
simply moisten your hair with
water before brushing it.
A large bottle of Glostora costs
but a trifle at any drug store.


dJ k
/17 ...

~..and then he
changed to Blackstone



Smoker's "Static"
(HQw to avoid it even on a foggy night!) I

The first few puffs came sweet and clear.
Then interference set in. Half way
through, all he got was a harsh, "static,
taste. And then he tuned in on Blackstone.
Now he gets his smoking-clear and
sweet-every night and any time during
the day! Blackstone methods assure per-
fectly-made, firm-ash cigars-always free-
drawing, even burning and extremely mild.
There are bigger cigars, if size is what
you seek. But at Blackstone prices it is
impossible to make a larger cigar of such
choice tobaccos. Blackstone was a fine
cigar 52 years ago. It was even finer io
years ago. It is at its very bestm-odlayj


Finest tobacco
crop in years
-in your



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