ESTABLISHED 1890 C, 4r I fri AfN M MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI, No. 44 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS ANNOUNCEOHIOSSTATE GAME TO INCLUDE TpMasques Gives F U L ADDITIONAL MUSICAL FE IATURES O O OSU p | L FORDAILsAT DramRAT SG (1 FA New maneuvers in band drill and when the Glee club will file into posi All those who wish to take ad- II i U'fofl ~ I irtvantage of The Daily's $3.50 rate grou singing for the Ohiio S -s among the bandsmen. The band 0___ for the year must pay today. D LL game Saturday afternoo , wY IE will then play "ellowandY Mart inez Serra's "The Cradle Son The time limit s been extended none etra y oetA ompletion of the fist verse of the ('ac, edn h svig ttemutd etra y br as presented by Ma nues last night one day in order to allow more Campbell, treasurer of the University song, the band will stop playing whilM EE s A l h: stuns to take advantage of the and faculty director of the band. The the singing goes on without theyPhty is a comedy of lie n a Spanish(cheap rate. HOSTILITIES WILL START AT most important change of policy is music. PRESIDENT LITTLE SUGGESTS convent, and was produced a season Beginning tomorrow the rate 1 10 O'CLOCK; PILLOW the introduction of the University Mr. Campbell indicated that the new ' "PERSONEL FACULTY" BE >r two ao in New York with marked will be $4.00 until Nov. 15 when FIGHT FIRST Glee club for the purpose of leading procedure, with reerence to the sing-ESTABLISHED success. a charge of five cents for each j the singing between halves. ( of the "Yellow and Blue," was The Ma;ques production of the Ipaper delivered will be made and Ii I g SPEAtheamaYilunderatd direetinwofsAmy the subscription stopped.'Those RULES EXPLAINED Before the game begins the band adopted to afford the student body a OTHERS SPEAK is nd the iettin ar by thing to p today may do so will make the customary circuit of forcible realization of the quality of _ _oomis, 22, and the settings are byg pay the gridiron, then forming a block M their rendition of the college song. Villiam McPherson, carpenter for the any time during the day at The Both Classes Will Meet Tomorrow before the south stand, will play Criticism hs been made that the en- Significance Of Lawyers' Club To Union opera, assisted by Robert Daily office or send the money I For Selection of Captains To while Michigan supporters sing "Var- tlusiasm of the Michigan student I Legal Profession Discussed _._____.___ to The Daily care of the sub- Lead Encounter sity." Later, between halves and fol- body, as evidenced in their group By Dean Bates r w tf ascription department, Press I lowing the usual drill, the band will singing, is inferior to that of many A review of the performance building. Rules governing the annual fresh- again take a position before the stand, other universities. Plans for giving more personal at- f "The Cradle Song" last night man-sophomore fall games to be held tention to students, the problem of DramaIcolumn ontpagVor. Saturday morning were announced n ni rtin n IHiln tr in physical training at the University, onpaefor yesterday by Earl L. Blaser, '7 OiflI the inLaye'clban duthiniofi- l ~clm D~ E IK T 2h an of the Studentrcouncil c rn- VlIIIU D J''H LSES H Ethe imporanc leaoods,l'educationhoc'28E. In the east are Minerv FiYEAcr ohS:ccanceof the Lamont astronomical ex- Miller, '26, in the leading role of mittee in charge of the events. The rTpedition were explained last night to Sister Joanna, Marguerite Goodman, U program will be the same as that of S rKLD 1fh ,J(Nfl radio listeners who "tuned in" on the '27, Margaret Effinger, '26, Phyllis ILB fl PRI last year, and the same rules will be secondof the bi-weekly programs Loughton, '28, and Margaret Geddes, in effect. broadcast from the University station '26 The freshmen will meet at 9 o'clock Blaser To Give Rules And Purposes Bids Already Being Received For The )in University. hall. "The Cradle Song" last night play- Senator Woo(dHrie N. Ferris To Ta'k Of Fall Games; Yost, Reed Decoration Of The Two Gyms; President Clarence Cook Little in ed to a large audience. It will be On Loyalty; Attendance Of t in the morning at the Union, and the And Brown To Talk - Sketches Submitted the first talk on the program, ex- presented again at 8:15 o'clock to- 4 Is Expected sophomores at the same time at pressed an opinion that in the near night in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.- Waterman gymnasium. At 9:30 o'clock ftr hr ol eaddt h ikt r nsl t1ars the two classes will start the march OFFER MANY FEATURES $7.50 MAXIMUM PRICE future there would be added to the Tickets are on sale at Wahr's, CAMPBELL TO PRESIDE e to south Ferry field, each led by its educational and administrative duties Slater's and Graham's bookstores and ,t toas bad osiiisr cedlof the University an equally important will also be on sale at the door to- I class band. Hostilities are scheduled In an effort to explain the purposes, Accepting the same rules and regu- I third division of duties. This third night. All seatsare $. Tickets for the all-campus public st begin prompt yat 10 oclock, t rules, and regulations of the fall lations under which last year's J-Hop classification he calls personnel. " peakiig banquet, which will be held 1 this contest there will be three saw- games to the class of '29, Earl Blaser, was held, the J-Hop committee of the President Little suggested the es- *next Wednesday in the Union, will bev horses, six feet high, each having '27, chairman of next Saturday's class of '27, at its meeting Monday tablishment of a "personnel faculty" placed on sale in Slater's book store tree poles securely fastened across games, will give a general outline of at the Union decided that the admin- dens, to olc fct concern te st- OU Ithis morning, officers of the Oratorical it~ thedents, to study the undergraduate per- At opposite ends of each pole willthe tradition at the annual freshman istration of the affair next February sonnel of the University and to spend association announced yesterday.p be seated a freshman and a sopho- smoker to be given at 7:30 o'clock would be similar to that of previous their time giving personal attention1 UTickets will also be distributed more, making nine men from each tomorrow at 'the Union. Blaser will years. One of the conditions empha- to the students. through the members of the Oratorical class in all. They will be armed with stress the need of co-operation in the sized in the rules adopted is that at This "faculty", President Little board.t pillows, with which they will try to pointed out, would be composed "of Revision Of Rates (omplete; Bill The goal set for the ticket sale is knock each other from the pole. The games and will advise the class in least one of the chaperones of the individuils wh-ose special fitness Will Be Presened To House 100. it is llanned to make the ban- class winning on two out of the three the matter of electing a team captain house-parties held at the time of theienables them to judge the problems At Next ess1on quet the largest in its history. Ind poles on each horse will be noted, for the affair. hop must be a parent of one of the and personalities of an undergraduate previous years the attendance has and the class winning on two out of Other speakers on the program will active members of the organization in a way quite frequently lacking to PPROVE SURTAX RATES usually been less than 300. The fact three horses will be declared the win- be Prof. Thomas H. Reed or a faculty of the piioafuSenate those who may be excellent scholars that high school students of the state nor of the event, and will be awarded cal science epartment, Coach Field- committee on student affairs and his or administrators, thus fulfilling their c1y Associated Press) and members of the Ferris clubs in two points toward the total score of inlH. Yisn c drte ntC ch Fie wife. I proper functions in one of the other G t Pre)T this vicinity have been iivited to the the games. ing H. Yost, direcor of intercollegiate The maximum price of the affair two great spheres of University ac- WASHINGTON,Nov. 10. -e fair means that there will be many Second on the program will be the athletics, and Robert Brown, 26, cap has been set at $7.50, and members of tivities.' House waystand means committe out of town people present, the of- taro of the Varsity football team. uIftw epepeet h f cane spree, waged by ten men from s the committee believe that present Greatly increased importance of in- day voted to slash almost $114,000 I ' ec clsfgtn inpis EahPresident Clarence Cook Little will be frmteana fdrltxbr ficers fit charge feel. each class, fighting in pairs. Each r estimates of the various expenses tramural athletics in the future was more from t anu feds a tax bur- ISen. Woodbridge N. Ferris will be present and will meet as many mem- pittwr h iktPiebigsgetda rbbeb rf ap den by repealing most of the excise Sn. odbigN.FrswllieJ pair will be furnished with a hickory bers of the class as possible at the pot toward the ticket price being suggested as probable by Prof. Ralph and special taxes now in effect and the principal speaker at the banquet. pole, three feet long, which they will f th tertainment program. less than the maximum. W. Aigler of the Law school. "It cutting substantially the levy on auto- His topic will he "Loyalty". Prof grasp and try to wrest from each cloe e e The entire committee of the J-Hop would not be at all astonising." Pro- mobiles Oscar J. Campbell, of the English de- ohrsad.Thcls'giigte Another feature which has ,been.-- moieOcrJCaplofteEgshd N other csands. Te one pint to- added to the program is singing by of the class of '27 has gone on record fessor Aigler declared, "if, during the I m P ward the total score, the Varsity quartet, which is affiliated as being opposed to liquor being con- next ten years at this Universit in preparation for the drafting of a Prof R. D. T. Hollister, faculty busi- I $,0,0weesetithsprogrami npeaainfo h rfigo a rf .T oltherarclyabsi-c All members of the two lasses will with the Glee club. nected with prominent junior affairs 1,,onl were spent in this r tax reduction bill to be presented to ess manager of the Oratorical as- compete in the last struggle, the fla The wrestling exhibition between in any way.the House next month and the com- sociation, will make a short speech rus. or hi theepols,26 ee Members of the law school faculty fessor Aigler stated that "until every I os etnoti n h on oitowl aeasotsec rush.tFor thistr gle, 26efeetgtwo title-holders will play a prominent s mittee estimated tonight that it had as the representative of the faculty. 1 igh wil rbe eree, 30s6 feetart part on the program. The match will and the dean of students will probably boy and girl not physically disabled rny d 2h osltdi oncto ihteisbruhwiinteoraonfte approved reductins totalling $8,- Burton B. Sibley, 27L, will be the T w ee deedt given by Edward George, '28, statebecsuedm onetnwthhes brought within the operation of the ;72709. or slightly mre than was student speakr. , The freshmen will defend the poles, hegvnb(da ere ,sa technicalities of the major coitracts program we shall not e satisfied. I i7,0,o lgtymr hnwssuetsekr on ea ofwhi will be fastenedaheavyweight champion of the A. A. U. s proposed by the treasury. All students on the campus and fac- '29 flag. The second-year men will for 1925, and Theron Donahue, '27, This, it is hoped, will prevent any Perhaps it is not too much to hope The committee today also approved ulty members have been invited to at-i twomotftofthethflagswilst mddwegthmphflaws developing after the contracts further, that sometime in the not far the new surtax rates, for which a tend the banquet regardless of inter-1 they succeed they will be creditedI A. A. U. for 1924-25. Russell Baker, have been signed. distant future no one will be an ac- maximum of 20 per cent on incomes est in the subject of public speaking. th succeednt theywille acoreted A.7E, U.a fo 1t24-2. aRssell Baker Full representation from the uni- ceptable candidate for graduation un- in excess of $100,000 already had useen fWilliam C. Dixon, presient of the but if the fresimen retain two orteam, will officiate.r versity administration is expected at less not only the usual tests of in- fixed. The present maximum is 40 Oratorical association, extended an r hut if the fres a i two r- te fre catge the J-Hop, as all patrons and patron- tellectual accomplishment have been per cent on incomes in excess of $200,-1 vitation to all patrons of the seaso more of the flags after two 5 min- The freshman band will give angum esses will be extended a personal invi- satisfied, but also a certain reason- 000. Under the new schedule vittro to atondo the san ute periods, separated by a ten mn- ber of Varsity numbers, and group ! .sheueno Iletre course to attend the banquG&' ute rest interval, they will bp given singing will be led by one of the Var tation by members of the guest com- able standard of physical fitness has change in rates applying on incomes last Thursday night. the two points. sity cheerleaders. mittee. been met." under $44,000 would be made, the re-__ Five points are thus involved in the s____y___heerle rsBids are now being received for the The Lawyers' club and its signifi- ductions being effected by broaden- total score, and the class winning' .(decoration of the two gyms, and the cance to the legal profession were dis- ing to $10,000 each income bracket an rnOn FI NDS mini three out of the five will be declared Pigskin H olds decoration and floor committee with cussed by Dean Henry M. Bates of the calling for rates between 15 and 201 the winner of the fall games. ] representatives from the faculty will I Law school. In closing his talk, Dean per cent. Tennis shoes will be required, and SpOtli ht In meet soon to begin selection from the Bates said, "the need of an improved any contestant appearing in leatherC various sketches submitted. system of jurisprudence, adapted to oidge shoes will be disqualified. Biting, Current 'Gar' contemporary conditions, and a more oolidge kickpnt, and sluggingwillbe barrthe -Choose Cdlo s effective,rintelligent andsdisinterestedI ObNRitesHINGONNov.10.-Virtualy as will tampering with any of the' Ch oe--V administration of justice, is obviously'WAHINTONeNo.v1.-Vrtull equipment to be used. If any ofthe Brimming with illustrations, ther a a vital and dominant need of the 4Iunlimited forest lands in the Amazon I poles fr the flag rush is found to For Jackets 'hour. It is our aspiration at Michigan, A I ringlon river basin await the arrival of have been greased, that pole will be November issue of Gargoyle, campus . with the aid of Mr. Cook's munificent American capital to transform them lost to the defenders. humor magazine, will be placed on Of E3n neers gift, to be among the leaders in de- (I Officials for the games wll be M I sale this morning. The pictures, 33 veloping a sounder juristic scheme for (s Associated Press) int ruer patons, sayss men, members of Sphinx, Triangles, in number, depict the foibles of col- ur state and our country WASHINGTON, Nov10.-Leading partment of commerce commission and sub-committeemen of the Studentyh football holdin Maize and blue were selected as the Prof. W. J. Hussey ofthe which has explored the valley. council. All of these who can serve legiate youth, wit g colors for the 1927 junior engineer's a the work that armistice, President Coolidge will This land along the Amazon and are urged to do so, and are requested the major portion of the limelight. jacket at a meeting of the class held is to be done by the University in Imake a pilgrimage to Arlington ceme- I to meet at the Student council office "This Month in Shows," a full page yesterday in room 348 of the West mapping the double stars of the tery to lay a wreath on the unknown ts trirs equalstineata Unot at the Union at 8:30 Saturday morn- 1 drawing by Elbert Wyse, '28, is the Engineering building. Action was southern hemisphere, which will be soldier's tomb. The ceremony there, States The potential rubber output ing for badges and final instructions. 1 feature of the art work. The cover,' taken following the report of the dis- i carrying out a custom inaugurated by The sophomores will meet at 4:30 b'rilliant in orange, yellow and red, tinctive dress committee. here soon for the Orange Free State President Harding, will take place at ofythisareat ion fou d is o'clock Thursday in the Natural Sci- shows the equipment of "Ye Compleat The body of the coat will be blue, in South Africa. The large refracting 11 o'clock, the hour Allied and German beyond calculation; although at pres- ence auditorium to elect a captain, Football Girl" and is the work of i while maize will be used for trimming.g to the University by s e t only a labor force of 3,000 men and the freshmen will gather for the Walker Everett, '26, managing editor It was announced after the meeting R P.L otfCha wleud be one of the many tributes to be iht be recruited for work n the -n . iIIu x.ixa rxx c"c planatins same purpose at 4:30 o'clock Friday I of Gargoyle. Drawings by Fred Hill,; that, in the near future, a booth will; in making the observations at the paid during the day to those who fell in the assembly hall of the Union. At '27, William Dibble, Jr., '27, Ralph C. be placed in the West Engineering in the war. This small frce could produce only toth of these meetings, the rules of Smith, '27E, Robert Newton, '29, and building to give students the oppor- sutheInstaton. Coincident with the Presidential 21,000 tons of rubber annually, where the games will be explained, others, are included. tunity to sign up for the jackets. The ceremony at Arlington, government as the world output is 641,000 tons, Among the new features is the "Lit- order will be placed with a local business will be suspended for a mn- the actual possibilities of the Amazon AT k the Gargoyle-High School Edition," sporting goods concern. ute or two as a tribute to the ar's basin appear to be negligible. The Mc~urray a satire on the quips that fill the In the course of the meeting M. J.! dead. This will be,in accordance with report is the third of a world-wide On M ichigan Lands pages of the more youthful of the Hungerford, '2, representing the in- the desires of the President and his survey authorized by Congress. By t__ high school humor publication. Prose tramural department, spoke before cabinet, who agreed today that the boosting the cost of crude rubber to by Calvin E. Pollins, '28L, poetry by the class on the formation of a class nation could could thus fittingly ob- unheard-of levels, the British rubber Prof. K..C. McMurray of the geog- Fredeick W. Ziv, '26L, and other con- speedbalc team. As a result of the 1omsitteerhecidesfo Continue Drive serve the day. It was made clear at combine has forced this search for I raphy department will be the prcmci tributions complete the November is- talk, plans for a team were made and Until Quota Is Reached the White House, however, that Presi- areas where rubber might be grown of the Journal club of Geology and I i more than 20 students signed up for dent Coolidge was merely making a outside the ifluence of the combine. Eithe Journal club of Geo y antorially, Gargoyle announces the the sport. DETROIT, Nov. 10.- Michigan is suggestion which he thought munici- the Journal club of Geography at 7:30 i annual "Girls Number," which will be Russell Baker, '27E, president of one of the few states that has not; palities, industries, schools, and indi the Natural Science building. "The thema4sannuncbtshmdmenJ the class, announced the membership raised its quota for the American viduals could carry out if they felt so I Work and Technique of the Land Eco- of the ollowing committees: social Legion endowment und, and because inclined and had not arranged to o- L om Sdurvey n ofMh LanEillbe Rooms Available athletic, finance and sub-council. 'of this fact, it has been decided to serve the armistice signing .in anyE Professor MMurray's topic.All per-ParkerAcontinue the drive in Michigan until other way. sons interested in the subject are in- I ort S .To Speaks Dssthe state quota of $110,000 is raised. vited to attend the neeting. e ited In Union Detroit has raised its quota of vitd t atendthe eetng BeLised n U ion A . .. . ,A?.. t..i76.004; other Michigan cities have Freshman Band} 70 Freshman rhetoric classes 'were, LITTLE EXPRESSES SLUPPORT Of CLASS MEMORIAL PROJECT PRESIDENT l)LSAPPOINTED SMALL TUR NOT0T FOR CONVOCATION IN TELLS OBJECTIONS Freyberg States Completed Plans; Messer (alls For Vote, and 3Majority Faor Idea Expressing his hearty favor of the 'uarter million dollar memorial fund plan of the senior literary' class, [resident Clarence Cook 'Little ad- ressed members of that class as- embled in Natural Science auditori- um yesterday afternoon. More than 130 seniors were present at the con- vocation. President Little voiced his disap- pointment with the small turnout for the meeting early in his talk, devoting t:1e greater part of his time to a eulogy of the idea. He urged the co- operation and support of all memebrs of the class to a plan which presented the possibilities and benefits incor- porated under the system adopted. That the plan was the only feasible method of 'really giving to the Uni- versity and that the class could and should put the project across were among the points stressed by the President. Anticipating objections, he pointed out the fallacies most likely o occur to objectors, expressing his ope that the plan would become a raditional form of class memorial. To the 1926 Literary class, Presi- dent Little stated, goes much credit or evolving the schenfe and being the irst class in the- University to en- eavor to provide for a suitable and useful memorial. Ile called the plan worthy of the class and of the Uni- versity, pointing out that it set an excellent example to alumni who had never done anything for their Alma Mater since leaving school. Preceding President Little's speech, Richard Freyberg, chairman of thi class memorial committee stated the plan in full. Following the principal ,peaker, Harry Messer, class presi- dent, called for a show of hands to indicate the general opinion of the class regarding the plan. The vote showed more than 110 in favor, 4 op- posed, and 14 not voting either way. Those present were urged by ofil.- lials to go to the offices of th drive in Alumni Mvemorial hall today or to- morrow to fill out their policy blanks. With many organized houses still to be visited,. on accurate check could not be compiled up to a late hour last night of the total number of policies already written. Many are still in the hands of the students who have signi- fied their intention of backing up the plan. The drive offices will be open morning and afternoon every day this week. Union To Begn Drive For New Life Members For three days next week, begin- ning Tuesday, 200 students on the_ campus will play2a vital part in the annual life membership drive of the Union, under the supervision of El- liott Chamberlaim, '27, who obtained the second highest number of mem- berships in last year's drive. All stu- dents not already enjrolled as life members of the Union will be solicited next week for such memberships by teams of picked men. Instead of 20 teams of ten men each conducting the drive as in previous years, there will be 40 teams next week of five men each. By changing the system, the life membership com- mittee hopes to develop a keener in- terest among the teams and make each more effective by reducing its size and eliminating unwieldiness. Forty captains will be chosen who will, in turn, select members of their respective teams. Definite assign- ments of territory to canvass will be alloted each team in an effort to reach every student on the campus who is not at present a life member. The student obtaining the largest number of memberships this year will 'again be presented with a trophy con- tributed by Otto Hans, 'OOL, of the Ann Arbor Press. It will be the fifth cup to be presented by Mr. Hans and will, as usual, become the permanent possession of the winner. Faculty Members Present Papers .. . - FOur-WeatherMan 1 & 1 , c , .I,.I A olytes meeting i According to Karl Crawford, '27, chairman of the reception committee Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of the of the Union, there is a large demand 1 philosophy department gave a talk on for =rooms for alumni and their friends the philosophical concept of time last nl- ha ravlar ni..tio .h, s . also raised their quotas, some in ex- cess of the limit set. The remaining cities are now launching campaigns, and it is expected that they will real- ize their quotas before their drives nro finicthp Play At SiN oker Ishown the Library Monday and yes- terday. The itinerary started with the The freshman band, numbering 50 graduate reading rooms. The refer- pieces, will make its initial appear- ence and periodical rooms were vis- aonem ofthe freshman smoker in the' ito1 nt The nrroer method of us- 3!