PAGE POUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2G .1925 ' 4t fit. art Daily Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association' The AssociatedPress is exclusively en- Ut1,d to the utse for republication of all news dispatches eredited to it or not otherwise credited ivthis paper and the local news pub- " lisped thterein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secondl lass ,atter. Special rate of postage granted iy Third Assistant Post- master General. SulAscription by an i, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor ''ess Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDIT Ir, UIM STAFF Tat poI nie 4925 ANAG1NG EDITOR GEORGl W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board...Norman R. Thal City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield News Editor............Manning Houseworth Women's Editor...........Helen S. Ramsay Sports Editor................Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor..........William Walthour Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Snriftr11. Cady Leonard C. Hall' Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olians Frederick H. Shillito Assistants Gertrude I. Bailey Evelyn Pratt Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed L. .Fariurn Ruth Rosenthal Buckingham Milo S. Ryan Edgar Carter Abraham Satovskvr Katherine cFitch Wilton A. Simpson Eugene H. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair James T. Herald Courtland C. Smith Russell T. 11itt James A. Sprowl J. MmO Iines Ijhn H. Thurnau Elizabed ennedy David C. Vokes MKarion ubik Chandler J. Whipple Walter H. Mack Kenneth Wickware Stanton Meyer Howard S. Williams Helen Morrow Cassamn A. Wilson Margaret Parker Thomas C. Winter Stanford N. Phelps Marguerite Zilszke BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising....................... . Finn Advertising............T. D. Olmsted, Jr. AdN":lising ............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Advertising...............Wm. L. 'Mullin Circulation..... ......... L. Newman Publication..............Rudolph Bostelman Acouts.... . .............Paul W. Arnold - Assistants s Ingred .Mi. Alving . Frank IE. Mosher George 11. Annable, Jr. Julius C. Pliskow W. Carl Baucr Robert Prentiss John H. lobrink Wm. C. Pusch George P.. Bugbee Fran'l._ I. Rauner Elden W. Butzbach Thomas Sunderland James R. DePuy Win. H. Wearne yyra. Finsterwald Eugene Weinberg Oscar A. Jose, Jr. Wm. J. Weinman originally.1 The French delegation will be shown every courtesy. They may also be extended diplomatic favors. But in the actual settlement of debts, they will find that we are not as susceptible as they may have been lead to believe by American tourists. IT'S STILL OURS Every so often some over enthus- iastic speaker feels called upon to re- peat Lincoln's remark of this being a government of, by, and for the peo- ple, but seldom do they attempt to prove the fallacy of the accusations to the effect that it is not all of that in some quarters there is the con- stant complaint that this nation is governed by the few, the govermental aristocracy, it might be called. One of the tests of a democracy, however, might be the manner in which great changes are made. Sel- dom does the United States take any far-reaching action without at least more or less definitely ascertaining the attitude of the American publicI toward that action. All the people cannot be called into conference with the President, but the overwhelming opinion of the citizens at large can be determined, and ordinarily this viewpoint is given the utmost con- sideration in official circles. At the present time a great problem confronts the heads of our govern- ment, the aeronautical problem. Whether the investigation which is now being conducted by President Coolidge's committee finds a separate air department advisable, or decides pro or con on any of the other issues that they will be asked to decide, the present inquiry 'will have a bracing effect in all quarters. By this, means, the entire program of national defense is laid before the) public. Every department will be! thoroughly and completely examined., The finest experts in the country on specialized fields of national defense will testify, and their testimony will be placed before the American pub- lic. Everything having to do with our army, navy, and air forces, with the exception of those things which must be kept secret for international rea- sons, will be placed before the peo- O-A-T-D NUMBER Al 008. To All Students: There will be no classes over the week end because of the lack of janitor service. E. E. Normus, Pres. Geolog y,765: Students will please come and, get the dirt today. W. B. Opps. French, 1920: I will not meet my classes today because of a broken seat. L. L. Bell. Michigan Dames: Meeting at 7:30 tonight to ar- range fall poker party. Full attend- ance is urgently requested. Mrs. Malzie Blue. To The Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans at 7:30 tonight in Hill Auditorium. There will be seats for- all. E. F. Sparrows, Secretary. Freshman: Please call at my office for re- served seats on fifty yard line for O. S. U. game- Sloe U. Most. To The Deans: There will be no conference of the Deans at 7:30 tonight in Hill Auditorium. There will be seats for all. E. F. Sparrows, Secretary. Play Production: The class in Scene Slashing will present ,"Up in Mabel's Room" at eight tonight in the new auditorium in University hall. Standing room only. R. D. D. T. T. Jollistre. MUSIC AND DRAMA "THE CAROLINIAN" You can say that Detroit is the most madding city in the country, outside of Dublin the dirtiest, and outside of Fort Dodge the drosset. Nevertheless, it has the honor and virtue of supporting what any man- ager will tell you is the finest stock company this side of Boston, and it is Jessie Bonstelle through her ideal- ism tactfully tempered with sound business judgment who has brought her organization to such considerable fame. It is Grace George's old saying, but only too true, that God made the heavens and Bonnie made the stars. There is scarcely a talented player of the younger generation on Broadway today that has not been associated with Miss Bonstelle at some time in their career. At the head of the list, of course, stands Katherine Cornell, and it is completed by every actor from Ann Harding, Frank and Ralph Morgan, Kenneth McKenna and Gilda Varesi to Katherine Alexander and Mary Morris. Last January, in a sense, marked the pinnacle of her ambition when the beautiful new playhouse bearing her name, a theatre equipped with every modern improvement both in the auditorium and backstage, a the- atre much like the new playhouse of the New York Theatre Guild, was opened with a production of "The Best People." Since then her reper- tory has included a four week's run of "The Goose Hangs High" vndl "Lightnin'"--this to packed houses during the devastating heat of a De- troit summer-three weeks of "Little Women," "Kiki" and ' "The First Year," and two weeks of every other play on her schedule. Especially since this season in- cluded ten performances a week, she is giving her company a short rest commencing, I believe, this Sunday. This will also give Miss Bonstelle an opportunity to reorganize the person- nel of her players. Gilda Leary and Lester Vail are both leaving her to play in New York productions, while Ruth Mason and her husband, TEwin Wolfe, are to become, resprctiv(0, the leading 'lady and director of the Richard Mansfield Players in New London, Connecticut, under the pat- ronage of Mrs. Mansfield. In their places, Miss BonstlnI has engaged Jessie Royce Landis as lead- ing lady, Carolyn Tlumphreys as in- genue, and a new-Comer, Melvin Douglas, as the juvenille. The Bonstelle Playhouse, however, will not be vacant during this period, as Charles Wagner is to present there Raphael Sabatini's dramatization of his own novel, "The Carolinian," for its premier in this theatre Thursday, October 8. Sabatini, himself. is com- ing to this country especially for the opening, and Sidney flackmere will play the title role. It shounud be as exciting a first night as "The Creen Hat." TWO COMPLETE COLLEGE STORES- GRA HAM 4S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK 2m_ ..j clir, IL'I MEL 0 I In Irvingfi morts,DS C C111R1PP)IDIST AN D O T(H OPEDIST 707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 MAK E- m,, SF MANN9S LOOK A'1A YOUR hAT-1 Svergone else does! Keep it looking FIT. We Clean nd Block Hats and do! them RIG IMT. You will appreciate' your hat lone over free from odor! and in the workmanlike manner ini which we do work. We also Make and Sell Hats equal' to th best. Big stock of latest shapes a 1 w:,tys on hand in all sizes. Hats shaped to fit the head free of charge. ,a"e a Dollar or More at the FACTORY HAT STORE olo P-ackrd Street Phone 7415. (Where D. U. I. Stops at State St.)!, 1'''' mmmmwmwmmm WEN- E HEADQUARTERS FOR L. Parchment Lamp Shade Frames Birchcraft Plaque Frames Stencil Outfits Artists Materials Devoe Tube Colors Swing Picture Frames Electric Torchiers Sign Writers Supplies Paints T U rpm Vzo IV= I T. . Little I ple by experts. For the first time, the public will have an opportunity to see authentic information on the SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1925 inside of these departments. No matter what the investigation Night Edito-THOMAS V. KOYKKA committee decides, this inquiry will have an extremely wholesome effect on 'iALt MN SEND T~~hE IIOME~ Tour national service and especially Now tiat thE initial French offer in the field of aviation. And the ulti- mate decision will come, not from the for the funding of her debt to the United States has been rejected, committee, but from the American though with considerably less pomp people. and ceremony than. accompanied the arrival is "public" proposal of M. Caillaux his colleagues, the EDITORIAL COMMENTj funding conies ssions of the two gov- ernments can sttle down to the so- lution of the great question of how IN THE INSTALLMENT AGE badly this country is to suffer as a (The Boston Evening Transcript) result of her liberality during the Discussion before the Babson Insti- strained days of the World war. tue of the present widespread custom Practically every European coun- of selling a wide range of life's neces- try that profited by our generosity saries and luxuries on the install- seems intent on answering that ques-ment plan may be regarded as serv- tion with some such phrase as "very ing useful purpose in pointing out badly." The snore they got from that a good thing is subject to' abuse, America during the days when it was but regardless of discussion it is safe absolutely esse°°nt+ that they secure to say that we shall keep on living in money and supplis the more re- what, in addition to its other names, luctant they are to pay now. From may be called the installment age. the attitude taken by some of the men That there are people who will, if on foreign debt funding commissions, permitted, make the installment sys- one would th L hat they expect this tem a vehicle for reckless expendi- country to gi , tiai premiums with ture, goes without the saying, but our loans these are the spendthrifts who under The vmid i ready enough to ad- any circumstances will always be in mit that the ['nied States is the financial difficulties. The story of the banker of the world, as is amply man whose weekly installments on proven by the fact that American his purchases exceeded his weekly loans to foreign countries and indus- wage, if not literally true, may be tries so far this year have exceeded near enough the actual condition, in $1,000,000,000 with negotiations pend- some cases, to be described as twit- ing for an additional billion dollars, ting on facts. But a great number of but too many countries fail to realize people, by making a series of partial that there are certain business prin- payments, acquire many things that ciples npon which every bank and make life easier and richer, and do banker must work, and that if a na- so while seeing to it that the savings tion is to undertake the business of bank account continues to grow. banking, it must adopt the rules and Signifi-'ant in that connection is a regulations 'which govern the lending statement made by D. S. Sylvester, of huge sums of money. executive manager of the Savings Granted that these war loans were Banks Association of Massachusetts, made n tim of stress, and granted in convention at Salem. He says that that ',u debtors are so situated during the past year the people of financially that the settlement of Massachusetts have added to their their obligations is an extremely in- savings $80,000,000 more than they tricate matter, there is no legitimate added during the year preceding. Yet excuse for the tactics, that have been buying on the partial-payment plan adopted by some of .our former allies. has been steadily going on. In this connection we might compare The speaker at the Babson Institute the arrival of Citizen Genet and M. who said that "that the best way to Caillaux. Genet came to this coun- save is to go into debt-strange as it try to secure aid for the French revo- may seem," presented one extreme of1 lution, but before presenting his re- the argument. The other extreme quest to the prober government offi- was voiced by the succeeding speaker cials, he started a tour in which he who declared that "the modern pres- made an eloquent appeal for aid to sure to buy on partial payments does the Americau people, thus hoping to violence to all our erstwhile teach- force Congress to accede to his ings 'of thrift." It resolves itself into wishes. Caillaux and his delegation a question of intelligence and self-1 arrived in New York the other day, control. Getting into debt to obtain1 but it was not necess. for him to something of value may well inspire tour the country. Lengthy inter- thrift if the buyer has the commn' 1 t ! t t r k To The Deans: Don't ask me about the confer- ence of the Deanis tonight at 7:30 In Hill Auditorium. There will be seats for all. E. F. Sparrow, Secretary. To All Students: Mail addressed care of the Uni- versity has been received for the fol- lowing. All mail should be address- ed to street number, and date of birth: Zilch, Jos. Zilch, Joe Joseph Zilch J. Zilch a wl E ANN ARBOR 'arnish Inanels 'all Paper lass 'indow Shades arclhment Supplies T S WE DO PICTURE FRAMiNG 207 East Liberty St. YPSILANTI . Please trar's office Zilch, Joseph call for same at Regis- at once. Surly W. Schmidt. EI Cosmopleton Club: All foreign students (including the Scandinavian) are cordially in- vited to attend the first meeting 'of the year to be held tomorrow at five in the bar room of Lane hall. Look out for the swinging doors. John Smith, President. Varsity Band: Please meet in uniforms, full, in front of the car barns for trip to Saline to play for the weekly luncheon of the Lions Club. Winifred Wllzin, Capt. League House Presidents: Sign-out slips are due any time now. Gene. Jefferson, Dean of Ladies. La Socledath Hysterica: Meeting in West hall tonight to hear Prof. Twiniker speak on Lady Greggory in Welch. Willem Von Vasser, Pres. To All Members of the University: Please do not make paths on the campus. B. and G. Boise, Presidents. PLEASE, DON'T M KE PATH S O N T HE Quality and Taste Are Worthy of Consideration There is no lunch so good as the old-fashioned Barbe- que. Come in and see for yourselves. We serve sandwiches and drinks. all kinds of I * * * THE CHORAL UNION SERIES-ll. BARBEQUE INN Across from Literary Building. . .. . ,..__ ..._... ...... .o,,. ...e# w -. "'I VOL. 1 NEWS LETTER A IrBO(SR FOUNTAIN 31:3 S. STATE 'ST. SATURDAY, SEPT. 2F, 192j. No. 2 Masques: Short business meeting at seven tonight in the tap room. Mollie Oppenhouse. To All Readers of This Department: There will be a humor column to- day. Sir Toby Tiffin. A New York' Prohibition enforce- ment officer admitted having taken 24 drinks in a row in the "performance of his duty." Doesn't that cast a bad reflection on those who take only three or four? We'd rather pay our debts than go through all the bother of funding them. MIMES ILouis Graveur C One of the few baritones who have never appeared in Ann Arbor is thn distinguished Belgian artist, Louis Graveure, whose engagement for a Choral Union concert, December 11, is therefore of especial significance. Moderately endowed with vocal talent, Mr. Graveure is yet so con-1 summate an artist, so thorough and versatile a musician, that his public appearances never fail to delight those who are sensible to the less tangible qualities of Ene singing. Is linguistic accomplishments are really1 astonishing and his repertoire ofI songs and arias must make the most hardened veterans of the concert stage envious. Much of his undoubted interpretive genius mny ho rercd to h is 1a vtd Do your shcpping on State Street. Johnstn's-thle appreciated choc- olates. It is not too early to remind you -we make the best Punch in the city. Call 9558. A big. shipment of Bunte "world ia mous" boxed candies just re- ceived at the Arbor Fountain. The Arbor Fountain is unsur- passed for a wide range of break- fast and luncheon specials. One may get a simple lunch of salad, sandwich and milk or a full meal. The delicious waffles served at the Arbor Fountain have given them anrunusually wide reputa- tion. To try them once is to come back for more. Among our customers for our f1 moas Fruited Raspberry Punch we include the Military Ball, Pan ollni Ball, Architects Ball, Pennsylvania Club and very nearly all the big functions of the campus as well as scores of Fraternities, Sororities and Clubs. When you want punch that is sure to please THE TOSTIWICH The Best and Most Poplular Sandwich Made The Tostwich is the supreme toasted sandwich. There are all sorts sizes and styles of "Toasted" sandwiches, but if you want the genuine "Tostwich" sandwich you will find it in the Betsy Ross Shop The Tostwich does not dry out or become soggy; it will not burn .no matter hoW long it is left on the grill. It absorbs and ret'ains the heat so the genuine Tostwich is always delivered to you "piping hot." To these wonderful sandwiches more than anything else we credit our large noonday luncheon trade which has grown from a dozen or less customers eight months ago to our present daily packed house. TQG ee Ff7p F R Have y, au particu- lar a)p1ointmient for today? This is just the place to keep it. 'You can talk things: over while enljoying a light but delicious repast. *13 S. State 3sil 9558 I I A