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November 10, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-10

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 43
Charges Made By Air Officer At San
Antonio Are Repeated, Amplified
And Defended At Trial
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-Another
bombardment of the administration's
aviation policy, accompanied by the
lowering of bars to admit testimony
intended to justify Col. William Mit-
chell's previously published attack,
marked today the opening of his de-
fense before the general court-martial
trying him on charges specifying con-
duct to the prejudice of good order
and military discipline.
From the time court met until it
recessed tonight, the defense had its
way, being over-ruled just once and
then on a minor objection. It thrust
ar22,000-word statement into the rec-
S ords without opposition, supported
the air officer's San Antonio declara-
tion that the war and navy depart-
ments were incompetent, criminally
negligent and almost treasonable in
their conduct of the national defense, i
and put the first of its witnesses on
the stand. The latter were permitted
to testify on air service controversy
Repeated objections raised by the
prosecution as to the admissability of
the witnesses' testimony were reject-
ed by the court. It was only when
Rep. Frank R. Reid, chief civilian de-
fense counsel, asked Maj. Charles
Spatz for his opinion of army general
staff officers, that the prosecution's
objection was sustained.
The opening statement of the de-
fense, comprising 74 closel typewrit-
ten pages, was in effect a detailed I
analysis of Colonel Mitchell's San
Antonio statements on which the
charges against him were based.
Every charge he made at that time
against the war and navy departments
was repeated, amplified, and defended
on the ground that it was true and
could be proved.
"History And Development Of Trans-
portation" Is First Topic
Prof. John S. Worley of the civil
engineering department opened the
series of illustrated lectures on "His-
tory and Development of Transporta-
tion," which he will give during the
coming semester, yesterday, in room
348 of the West Engineering building.
The opening lecture which was, at-
tended by more than 100 students of
the department partially outlined the
material which will be presented in
the entire group.
The subject was divided both ac-
cording to the media through, or on
which, the vehicle travels and the fac-
tors which are present in any form of
The lantern slides which were
S-shown after the talk presented vari-
ous forms of transportation, and
aided in outlining the coming ad-

dresses. In the future, slides will be
shown of early and little known meth-
ods of carriage. The views have been1
compiled after a very thorough inves-
tigation of the history of transporta-
tion, covering more than 6,000 years.
Professor Worley, who is vice pres-
ident and general manager of the
hlabirshaw Cable and Wire company
of New York city, holds a part time
professorship. By 'an arrangement
with the University, he visits Ann Ar-
bor several days of each month, dur-
ing which he will give his lectures.
The second one of the present igroup
will be given at 8 o'clock this morn-,
ing in room 348 of the West Engineer-
ing building. It will continue the out-
line of the subject matter started yes-
terday. In order that all civil engi-
neers may attend the meeting the 8
o'clock classes in the civil engineer-,
ing department will be dismissed.




Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politi- football team, speak to the new men. "CThe Cradle Song," Martinez Sier- Special settings have been built for
cal science department will deliver Opportunity will be extended to NEW III U II U1ra's quiet comedy of Spanish convent the production by William MacPher-
one of the principal addresses at the every freshman to meet personally life, is opening this evening at 8:15son carpenter for the Michigan Union
in President Clarence Cook Little. Al- 1.9r HOPIo'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall opera, and executed with the assist-
annual freshman smoker to be held in though the President will not formal- as the annual production by Masques,; ance of Robert Woods, '28E, who also
the assembly hal of the Union Thurs- ly address the yearlings at this time, the leading women's dramatic organi-: designed the settings for W. S. Gil-
day night, it was announced yester- he is anxious to become acquainted zation on the campus. The produe- bert's "Engaged." Additional lighting
day by Lester Johnson, 27L, chairmanwith as many members of the class LEADER OF PEACE MOVEMENTSh1 tion is under the direction of Amy equipment, as well as a new act cur-t
of ty unergraduate c ieof as possible. TELLS ADVANTAGES OF Loomis, who is also direting this: ain, are being installed in Saah Cas-
i the Union. It was ProfessortReed After the speeches, a program of LOCARNO PLAN year's Junior Girls' play, and wil be well Angell hail for the performance.
who had the distinction of receiving music and entertainment will be given. repeated tomorrow evening: The author is relatively unknown in
the "oil can" at the annual gridironC The freshman band will play, and ENGLAND IS PRAISED The play was recently produced in this country, although his works have
banquet two years ago, a trophy group singing and cheering will be ___INew York with success, and is repre- achieved unusual success in Europe.
awarded annually to some mnemberled by a member of the Varsity cheer- iAsented as especially suitale to' an The story of the play tells of a found-
of the faculty who has proven himself ing squad. Then there will be sev- , a n all-girl cast. Minerva Mille, '26, is ling left at a convent, and the mfiu
a most popular lecturer and speaker eral xylophone solos, a wrestling Longer in Soviet ( appearing in the leading role as Sister once the child has upon the nuns.
on the campus. match, and other feature numbers. Joanna of the Cross, while Marguerite I Tickets are on sale at Water's
Besides Professor Reed, the commit- Smokes, and refreshments of cider A Goodman, '27, Margaret Efinger, '26, Graham's and Slater's bookstores, as
tee in charge has arranged to have and doughnuts will be served to all, Approval of the Locarno pact by the Phyllis Loughton, '28, and Margaret well as at the door this evening. The
Coach Fielding H. Yost and Robert and a general mixer held after the parliaments of the various nations: Geddes, '26, are included among the price of all seats is $1.
Brown, '26, captain of the Varsity) program. concerned in it, will guarantee the supporting players. -R It. B. .
peace of Europe for 10 to 25 years,
Samuel E. Nicholson, leader of many;
i d~~~~~~~~wrldwiepeace movements, told aniP1 1DEC T 0N I 9 O T N E
audience yesterday afternoon in Nat-,
uralScience auditorium. He dealt
With the subject: "Present Day Eu-
der the auspices of the Round Table _
F Sclub.
Fourth Speaker Of Oratorical Assoc- Morality Capable Of Meeting Present A second effect of the Locarno pact, (eremon'es Will Be Held Nov. 1 1; Official View Looks For Satisfactory '
lation Program Will Tell Of Conditions Must Be Evolved he prophesied, will be the restoration President Little To Preside Solution Of Funding Pay In j
Conditions In Russia Declares Chicagoan of England to a position of dominance i Oer Chief MeetingfNear Future
-- - in Europe. "France heretofore,' feel---T1
haHenforced her demands; but now __
CAm.ria N. Haskell, head of the Dean Shailer Mathews, of the Divin- her secrity uaranteed, she wi i Preparations are now being co - (By Associaed Press)
American Relief administration ini ity school of Chicago university, England, however, acting as one of ..l IeNed for the ddiaknof ice nejWA 1 1NTON, Nov. 9.-Members
Russia, will give the fourth lecture speaking Sunday night in Hill audi- the guarantors of that pact, will be Unversty hospital, to take place next iof the American and Italian lebt com-
csweek. This dedication which will be put i three tod i
eaoo rarainErpa afar.Terslofheld Thursday and Friday, Nov. 19 hustdyi
of the season course of the Oratorical tnorium aatt thea second sUniversity ser-j pushed, more and more, to the front hedTusa n FuaNv 9mssins p nuetor ym
association Tuesday, Nov. 24, in Hill ice, discussed "The Rising Genera- in European affairs. The result and 20, and the morning of Saturday, another effort to iron out disputedt
audh and its Moral Tasks." Nis, he vdicated, will be an easierNov. 21, will be attended by visitors Points vebhich thus fr have held off
auditorium. His subject will deal "The young people of this genera- solution of armament problems, "Eng- r
with past and present conditions in tion," pointed out Dean Shailer, "are land as a nation, being rather free of a pro i ical , eugonl an wareet o
the ovie. fced ith trmendus;and political circles throughout the war debt.
the Soviet. faced with a tremendous problem in a militaristic attitude. country. There will be two meetings While they failed to reach a con-
Colonel Haskell is today recognized ng a new code of morals to cope "In the meantime," he said, "per- in Hill auditorium, and several clusion, the official view later ex-
with the amazing development of haps a better instrument than force clinics at the hospital - pressed was that no reason appeared
s l equality of sexes. for assuring prolonged peace will be The program will open with the why there should not be a satisfactory
ican authorities on political and social He likewise cited the home as hav- discovered." That this instrument is annual lecture by Dr. W. J. Mayo, of solution for the problem over which
I con.ditions in Russia. Active service ing become a problem since the ad- an "international mind," lie intimated the Mayo clinic, Rochester, Minn., at differences existed tonight.
in Russia and other European coun- vent of the apartment house, observ- in opening his talk, saying "the 4:15 o'clock Thursday in Natural Sci- After holding its first funding con-
tries in an official capacity not only ing that "it will be exceeding difficult trouble with this world and with most once auditorium. The subject of this ference with the Roumanian debt
, in the future to induce a man to go people is that they have a 'township I lecture will be "Splenic Syndromes." cmmission early in the day, the
i out to fight for his radiators and jani- nmind;' their horizon is restricted. r. Mayo is one of the founders of the American commissioners turned their
'for the Allied powers has acquainted tors." Civilization is only the expansion of I Mayo Foundation for Medical Educa- attention to the Italian question to
him with conditions from all angles. In introducing his subject, Dr. this horizon; today men and women tion and Research established in pick up negotiations where they were
In the early days of the war Colonel Mathews pointed out the great ad- must have a world mind-they must 1915 in connection with the University left after the first formal session Fri-
Haskell participated as chief of opera- vance made by civilization during the think in world terms." of Minnesota. day, the joint sub-committee whici l
tions in the St. Mihielcoffensive and 75 years just past contrasted with that People Forget Last War i The formal dedication will take has been considering the troubles of
also assisted in operations south of made by previous centuries. He Referring to the fact that "seven place in Hill auditorium at 8:00 transfer problems and the amount
Metz Soon after he became assist- stated that Aristotle would have been years ago the world heard the news o'clock Thursday. President Clar- which Italy finally will pay resuming
ant chief of staff of the operations of more at home in this country during that the 'war to end war' had ended," ence Cook Little will preside and ad- its work.
the second American army. After the period before the Civil war, than the speaker said, "today, men and wo- dresses will be made by Doctor Mayo
holding this position for a short time would a person of this generation. }men talk as though the last war had and by Dr. V. C. Vaughn, '78M, o f; l IKhI nnrBEFORr
he was detailed as head of the Amen- "The distinction between our civil- jnever been fought. Washington, and Dr. W. S. Thayer of
can Relief mission to Roumania under zation and the old is our ability to Ti'he speaker challenged the princi- Baltimore.
IteUieSttsooadiitainmake nature do our chores. We have pie that the United States can live j Dr. Vaugin was dean of the Medi-I FIT j
a nd was late app intd aliedimmense quantities of power at our unto herself. The various parts of ca choolhee f 18.1 t 1 He d
commander to Armenia, representing disposal in electricity and gasoline the world are now so closely related, was connected with the Medical corps
reat Britain, France, Italy, and the and other explosive mixtures. But, we that were war to break out between of the army during both the Spanish'
United States. are not good enough' to use this power any of its major powers, the United and the World wars, being in charge Prof. J. L. Brumm, of the journal-
n St. tfor the best interest of society, en- States could only with difficulty keep of communicable diseases in the lat- iis] department, addressed the Col-
I with his staff for Russia, after he had tirely We haven't enough morality." out of the conflict." Iter conflict. He is now chairman of loge club of Flint on "Personality
been appointed chief of the Americandj Dr. Mathews indicated the growth Russia, the speaker characterized the division of medical sciences of i in Education," Saturday afternoon.j
Relief mission to Russia. IHe has I of a code of international morality as "rather dangerous to have at our the National Research council and the I He asserted that there are four
been awarded the distinguished ser- which is being evidenced in the pres- international back door." Speaking author of numerous books on medical' types of personalities in university
vice medal by the United States and ent generation-a thing which didn't from experience gained as the direc- and scientific subjects. students which must be taken into
is a y the Unch legios of even exist in the past. "It is a won-} tor of the Quaker relief mission in Dr. Thayer is a professor at Johns consideration in solving educational
honor. His services were also re- derful advance to think of a nation Russia in 1923-24, Mr. Nicholson said Hopkins university. He served as a problems. These are the student
warded by Poland and Roumania. - as being a moral integer. Think of "Russia has a 'Red' army of 600,000, brigadier general during the war and whose personality has been suppress-
graduated from the United States Mill- one nation admonishing another by plus a far greater potential army in was chief consultant of medical serv- ed by an unfavorable environment
taryd academy and later served in the saying, "My dear, it simply isn't done." the youth of the land past 22 years ices for the American army in France. previous to his entering college, the
Philippine islands. s Ini concluding, Dr. Mathews stated of age. However, the country's lead- A second general meeting will be idealistic student who finds the col-
Phi__ppin___sands._that he believed that the principlesj ers have said that they do not want held in Hill auditorium on Friday lege atmosphere disconcerting to his
of Jesus Christ would ultimately be I war, For this there are two good evening. The program for this meet- ideals, the student whose personality,
TODA Y ENDS LO W the center of the social structure, reasons: the country has no money; ing will include addresses by Dr. H. has been developed in a scholarly at-
when men and women will sacrifice and it realizes that were it to attack A. Haynes, director of the new Uni- mosphere and who has not had the
RA TE FOR DAIL Y; themselves to the building up of a any one nation, it would be forced versity hospital, Dr. J. B. Herrick of companionship of persons his own
Chicago,1 Eniersollythe uncouth person-
n it intrl j Rcsin Conitionsmaohe' Chicago, and Dr. C. P. Emerson of age, and finlythunoh rsn
$4.00 TOMORROW truly Christian morality. Rno soia Conditions Favorale Indianapolis. Dean Hugh Cabot of the ality which' has not been developed
"Conditions in Russia," he said, are Medical school will preside. at all.
Contracts for subscriptions to The Engineer W ilI on the mend. The doctrine of comj
Daily, signed during the first part of , jImunism was really overthrown there DELAWARE, O.-One thousand DUBLIN.--A new scheme for the
the semester, may r' aid at the rate O four years ago when the country Ohio Weslyan rooters greeted the improvement of Irish roads has been
of $3.50 today. Begin g tomorrowI adopted its new economic policy, rec-' "Battling Bishops" at the railway sta- j decided on by the Free State govern-
as previously announced,the charge At a conference yesterday between i ognizing the right of an individual to I tion yesterday on the return of the ment at a cost of $20,000,000, to be
will be advanced to $4. the Dean, of students and the chair- Iengage in business for himself. The team from Syracuse. spread over nearly three years.
Delivery of papers will bo. stopped ! men of the social committees of the tendency of late has been toward the
on all subscriptions that are still un- sophomore classes in the literary col- Iexpansion of this policy." ILLSDALE. - Perry Wyatt, 2 LONDON.-Large crowds of Dama-
Spaid by Nov. 15, and the subsciiber loge and engineering school, it was Of religion in Russia, the speaker 1 years old, was instantly killed yes- scenes early Sunday witnessed the

in such cases will be charged at the decided that the general chairman- 'said: "The churches are now open, terday while hunting near Cambria. public execution by the French of
regular rate of five cents for each! ship of the Sophomore Prom of the and the people attend services as His gun was discharged as he was three Arabs, according to advices
paper that has been delivered to him class of '28 was to be in the hands of sla. This, the country has' - cUmbing a fence. from the Syrian city.
before that date. the engineering school. I doned as a matter of expedience, the
constitution of that country guaran- ART EXHIIBIT 01SHOWS A RR AY OF
SECOND RADIO BR OADCASTING teeing to its citizens the right to carry
on propaganda for religion, or against WA TER COLORS AND E TCHINGS
P Mr. Nicholson, this week, will at-
tend the three day conference of the From the doorway of the west gal- tures have gone into just such col-
In the second radio broadcasting Next on the program is Professor world alliance for friendship through lery the three visible walls present a lections.
program to be transmitted tonight Hussey, who will discuss "The La- the churches, to tae held in Detroit, riotous flame of color which rushes There is no comparison between his
from the University station in Uni- mont Astronomical Expedition." He beginning today. In his career as a frhtil h bt t water colors and his oils; the latter
versityhal President Clarence Cook will tell of the search in South Africa in of 'peace Mr. Nicholson has to dazzle the observer with its are left far in the background. It is
Little, Dean Henry M. Bates, of the for a suitable site for a giant refract-een associate secretary of the N gaudiness. There is every possible too bad that so clever a water colorist
Law school, Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, of ing telescope that is to be used in beenassoci sertar orev N a- o color and color combination on these should use his time painting in oils,
the -Law school, and Prof. William J. mapping the southern skies. His talk toa council for tetrevetio of canvases by the Cleveland artist, Mr. but perhaps its is better so. For his
Hussey of the astronomy department, will be followed by Tschaikovsky's W'ar a ietor of the Amer- enry . er, who ma is water colors appear more informal|
i will speak. The program will be' "Andante Cantabile from the Quartet gate to the World Peace congress at e art loving pub of Ann Arbor as though le had done them in his'
given from 9 until 10 o'clock and, in in D Major," by the string quartet. Berne, Switzerland. yesterday spare moments.I
addition to the speeches, will include Dean Bates has chosen for his topic, The eye is immediately attracted to He draws his facts in a sharply
several numbers by members of the "The Lawyers club and Law dormi- a large painting across the room contrasted,' vigorous, and notably ac-
School of Music. tories of the University of Michigan." New Laboratory which is called "Wisdom and Destiny." curate manner that is remarkaly

foro Than 2a ,Policies Have Been
j Takeii Out I'nsolicited Since
Announcement Last Week
President Clarence Cook Little will
address the members of the Senior
literary class when they gather in
convocation at 3:15 o'clock this after-
noon in Natural Science auditorium.
President Little will present his views
and opinion regarding the class me-
morial fund for which a drive is now
being conducted. .
The convocation is being held for
the purpose of acquainting all mem-
bers of the class with the particulars
of the fund and plan to answer such
questions as occur to the various
members of the class. Class officers,
membler's of the memorial committee,
and representatives of the' insurance
company selected to handle the pol-
Gies of the drive will be present and
will explain the plan.
Representatives of the company se-
lectedtl o handle the money by the
University insurance department re-
port that more than 250 policies have
been taken out unsolicited following
the announcement made last week
that such policies would be written
in Alumni Memorial hall. Meetings
with small groups in organized houses
has proven equally successful, it is
reported. In order to complete the
campaign as early as possible, the
convocation for this afternoon has
been called by the class officers.
Assistant Dean
Gives Views Oan
New Class Fundi
Every graduate of the University,
it may 1)eassumed, has discharged
his legal obligations to it. He is
under no compulsion to pay more
it is not nominated in the bond.
Nor does he attempt to estimate in
money the value of what he found
here. But most of our graduates,
when they reflect that their tuition
foes covered only ;a fraction of the
expense which the University in-
curred for their advantage, are
anxious to help in the work which
it is to do for succeeding college
The plan adopted by the present
senior class seems admirably de-
signed to keep this fine willingness
from being dissipated. Among
other advantages it has two which
are peculiar to it. In the first place,
the memorial fund will almost cl-
lect itself: A saving virtue for the
officers of the class, who will be
relieved of the thankless and some-
times hopless job of hunting down
widely scattered subscriptions. Sec-
ondly, a generous sum will be ac-
cumulated by such a gradual pro-
cess that few will feel it to be a
burden at all.
It seems hardly possible that any
class will adopt another memorial
plan, without first considering this.
W. ILlumphreys.

Means of ehmmating liquor from
fraternity parties were discussed by
the Interfraternity council at its meet-
ing yesterday afternoon at the Union,
but no final decision was reached.
Delegites representing the fraterni-
ties on the. campus could not agree o
either open dances or entirely closed
dances with admittance only by writ-
ten invitation.

The question will be referred to the
various houses this week and a defi-
nite stand on the matter taken by the
council at a special meeting at 4:30
o'clock next Monday, in room 302 of
the Union. Only one delegate from
each fraternity will be present at this
meeting, in an effort to reduce the
size of the group so that it may be
handled more expediently.
Lack of a quorum prevented action
on the motion allowing the council
to transact business with a majority
of the fraternities represented, in-
stead of two-thirds, as has been re-
quired in the past. It was also neces-

I} Oi&,Tea~her~aU

President Little is the first speaker Under this head he will tell of thef
on the program. His "Remarks" will gifts made the University by William
follow the opening numbers by a: W. Cook, '80, of New York city. Dean
string quartet made up of four mem-I Bates' talk is followed on the program

T O p Feb. 11It is evidently allegorical, but its al- free of details. As a mirror of nature,
Open legory is too obscure to be recognized. his brush can hardly be criticized,
But that happily, is not the best but when he ventures into the field
Alterations involving $6,000 are be- there, for the farther one gets away of the interpretative there is some-

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