P"AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Urir1Ji'~ t~u~ xt An then he funds that there is a ' chne in thc lrrea eiwr linel., "T.'Ie notes0of auithoriity, undto) ugt~l- ot MvS Published ev ery morning except Mlondayj viRtioiRO during the U niversity year by the Board in "1"dldasiiet beie wic hiv I Control of student Publications, marked the greater pr eaching of thep s r o ar ey a s n . "'is )\D R Members of Western Conference Editorial pato agl asn.Ti RM Asoito.unavoidable shadow on the religionsd t TheAsscitedPres s eclui~ly n-ministry in time diff sedtldoubt alid- goraleae,"aith r l (.1'n teC- TeAscaePrsisecuieye-Iintellectual confusion."liidviTON IGHT: ~"'ie Cl n h a titled to the use for republication of all news ;girl 11as ;<.he went Hneri for the thlird - dispatches credited to it or not otherwise!I These are the main thoughts il < tix ll ar'y" by John 11Willaard in the Wli credited in this paper and the local news pub- ariltrte yD.Hno nr-imne. tE~8~''Iw~ isethriply to the Archbishop of Canterbury',,* * * "ly teii.. ( Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, criticisma of modlern sermona1s. Andl iTe l"). and!Gv. war is progressing [HE ('AT AN 1Irj 1FIVANAlly" Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate( I:C AN "IlECN of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- there is undoubtedly goodl foundlation sltlllly. ()f (ourse thee wlta 3no eiwbSr'oiTfi master General. f ightinagtiuring miost of yesterdlay le j A re,by Sr oy Tffn Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, for Dr. Hlenson 's statenments, for his'I $4.00.. belief in the present ''decay"' (f tle caulse of (,he( rain,i but that only adds t Well, wtinter has come again, antit Offices- Ann Arbor Press Building, May- ss~l'.leo' h ansatd ihi h nwadia ni"u nard Street. ministry. {.lsele eoeteri trewihi h nwadri n Tl Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 2I214. 1 Religion has not fadedl, it never will, however, the generals on both sides Cat antd The Canary." Such things, for man is a being who must, have a =sscalbl ed for conferences of strategy. applarent ly are unavoidabile. The p~lay I EDITO1RIAL STAFF religion regardless of his social statuis. I IBoth campis are thinl~ing seriously, of appearedl again last nighlt at the Whit- Telephonle 4325 But many cannot accept, the theology transferring the front to State street, ney ad thr'illed at few, amused oth- __________that the church wouldi give them. It where they believe the trenches arI Ci5, an(d gav e the b)oys in the gallery MANAGING EDITOR is too impractical, too vague for thlem ar suerin, ecasenteytauedug GEORGE W. DAVIS to accept. outs of various sizes. o lanyracopiehve grand ime Ciiiain hs p-g-sd i The t raffic along this highway ChairmtnsEditorial Board.+.ishNormanTRe Thai Cit..NomnRty Ediztor ..........oert .Mnfed ep adbud ntels fifty ywould aid last to the baittles5, it is also ti haeMs ik n"h i News dito .......... Mnnin Houeworh 'thoughet. Neither sidge is willing toI vats'' Walter Hlampden, and thlcn Women's Editor---------...Helen S. Ramsay years whlile theology has almnost stood Sports Editor-------------..Joseph Kruger stll anhs ote eyn the iOfii itit iveON, however, so things showvs like ''The Cat.'' Perhaps this Teerp do. .. ,.... William WaithourStl.Mnhsgtnl yni h< Music and Dramra.R..lobert B. Henderson; Stage where he accepts,; blindl~ ixlyrman 'etymchth sm,(as eeieI atil lry poori')ecaiise Night Editors has becomne so well educeate(d thlat lie; particularly if thle rain keeps upi. ot the t \'pe of lay, hit lheretofo re we' Smith11. ady ecxiad C.Hall must first ask thec why aud wvl"'EforAei. ~ ~ ~ ~ hv lwy ileeihthrsi Wmilrd1..CCrosby Thonras V. Kykka U inA.in1 'o tete ffihig d G d y i b ym chaetc et a e al a s beivd h t D rs i Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson The teachings of the Bible xwiil- Imysteryipimis the tightoig (laylprouc Assistant City Editors ways lbe lip-to-elate, but fromtitime to more I hanl eight hours, thus makink Whmytevritplastwecabot folproowha. Lewin Ohian Frederick 1-. Shillito time theology, the science of religion, it quit(e siilurior to other and pre -I might have been a real thIr iller. Assistants ms ervie ~vious Nwe r' =of siiilar nature. Tbhe Gertrude E. Bailey SWanford N. Phelps ms ervsejsa veyhn We should like to see it withi, sy a C harles Behrymer Evelyn Pratt else is rev isedl, to keeplup liwith it he aui o fhtI sdsi etn Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed i vI t lolgti no oe on thidiate company, juszt; to he fair to I;. uckinghamSionR Rsth baRosenthali Can of we blame f the wopreachierngam Rth Roenthl Canielllset' yeh i encellently, seveaecceild tl. ac-11 r.ti l'l 5 book.bok Tb''ilt ueneaaee Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpsonclvringay:hos'teptisb- Eugene 11. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair changing?' We assumei that lie is ili- cor-initg to luutlioiil i('5oil both the eeiIIiiai511,thpotsb'- Douglass Doubleday Courtlaw'i C. Smith Bidn n h Ionssds e hnteaeaesokpai Mary Dunnigan Stanley Steinko bued with an overwthelmnin~g dosire to iiliiaidte ronsie.trtaiteavtrgepek lyn lames T. Herald Clarissa Tapson help his time and hs p'ole*t* * I acet quite logically wo trkeed oult, and tlizabeth S. Kennedy Henry Thurnau ~ii~POet c Marion Kubik David C. Vokes vate thiemse'lves or else he wvould not A CO NT U113'! still ha fflin:g until thlit clii'sax. Walter H. Mack Chandler 3. Whipple g notemns~3 l striliITiiei ieo oe g Louis R. Markus Cassami A. Wilson goit"h iisrlei rand hr Sa ie0li~iC ~mt h o iiaiiy is heratlded by uiltr'a- Ellis Merry Thomas C. Winter ( first at a. uaniversity , and tOlien at a iarouind loose inl this town il aiing. for naive pr'ess ay tents * s. being a metro- Helen Morrow Marguerite Zilszke i theological school. If lie hopies to do Ithe bozo who call invcut ia noiselets )1 noe.Tir ousi~yh Margaret Parker I y ~~~[i~,~i _, - ~a.Lny tr~ e inf i'..JIo r . .t hV' In n onn a,12t .o k.,,,._ ,,..... ... .. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER. 8, 1925 P Valle Spe00I ar , 0gains We are running bargain tables at both stores. Displays are changed twice a week. Prices are, so greatly reduced we cannot advertise these bargains individually. It will pay you to watch thema each week. G Craha m's Boks At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk. . .:... SKILLED REPAIRING getting what you want when you want it. When you think pens-think Rider's P'en ShopmThe only plaee where you are sure to get the pen or part you Wvant when you want it. We carry the stock and have the skilled workmen to give you real satisfaction. II , q, I' "I f i I 302 State St.' if i _ ยง tw.,. :BSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising.......... ..... .. J. J. Finn Advertising............T. D. Olmnsted, Jr. Advertising..............Frank R. D~entz, Jr.I Advertising .................Win. L. Mullin Circulation............... H. L. Newman Publication. ........... ... Rudolph Bostehuanu Accounts ................... Paul W. Arnold Assistants Ingred M. Alving S. H. Pardee *George H. Alnnable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker W.Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow TI . lBobrink Robert Prentiss iden W. Butzbach Win. C. Pusch 'W. J. Cox Franklin J. Rauner Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan James R. DePuy Margaret Smith Margaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorge Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland TI. Kenneth Haven Win. H. Wearne E. . Little Eugene Weinberg P rank E. Mosher Win. J. Weinman F. A. Nordquist __________ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1925 7- Night Ed itor-W. C. PATTERSON TO NORTHWESTERN\ What may undoubtedly be called one of Michigan's greatest teams yes- terday suffered defeat at the hands of, Northwestern. The Purple, consider- ed weak, toppled the nation's best from their throne of supremacy. To Northwestern goes all praise; perhaps Michigan's was the stronger teamn, perhaps- in another contest the Wolverine might conquer, yet in this game Northwestern rose to topmost heights and upset the most conserva- tive of predictions. Northwestern,- the underdog, Northwestern,-a Con- ferFence weakling, Northwestern,-be-! sme'ared with mud anti slime, North- wsestern has 'risen as in a dream to' overthrow the undefeated Yostmen in the middle of their march to national glory, Some will say that it was only a technical defeat,~ some will contend fession of faith in sonic sect and hope against hope that sonic thay hie may say from his pulpit what ho sincerely believes and has often sahid to It'e more liberal of his 'fellow studcents .I Youth is optimistic. His earlier etducat ion has inst illetd in him an unbelief in the ideas lie now has to give to his scantily tillted pews, -almost the, same idieas that his grandfather listenetd to withi so xntth interest. Is it any wonther the poor preachier is intellectually con fused and not so undoubtedly convinced as he might have been half a century ago? But the motdern preach,?-'s attitude -is not that also a sign of progress? The old time minister- acceptetd just as blindly as the blindest of his flo~c. while the present (lay "minister is a thinking mlan who attempts to tdelve aj little deeper. But he is restriecied too much by a sltw moving church coup- cii. Before the church cain hope to r 'o th t g l e e a w en t e re-l of its preachers fired great congi'cga- tions with religious fervor- for weeks instead of for momient s, it must male a mighty rejuvenation in its tdoctrines. To live, it must progress with the rest of humanity. j CAMPUS OPINION Anonymnous colinuni'..ations will be disregardedl. The names~ of comnnmuni,- 1 would sugest ill conjmuct ion with P'olish I it courIIse in I'le dealf and dumib be given (1nd( that the 1fe suhplied xvith books printed iin this taguag'e (oelsec that 311'. Bishop put some, moei' lights there'; o that We strug;glin~g are forceod to t6i4' Htat place Io l beable 11) ioail t lie CLOUD'1)Y 'ill l ,ie hinalii imagin't ionl is a wvon- 'dci ul thing. The otlher day we xvvereG staning at a spot: marked X onl the camipus ad miring the clout! effects. Thei e were twio fellow stutdents with flU 'I 1 i f ' liI A lte case', i'5 irot l t'epla yer is IY New Yo(,rk acta'ut s. The thIiin g we quest ion is I I ;: thel ty appi.arled in this pairtie- 1u1,1r play in that cit y. ITher' is a ver-y definite technique conecteti- withi the presentation of Ihese iiiystery lpla ys ; suislelse, imlii- cation, feari, are I-cltdepiced o in a imore or less conventional iua ni'. All with the puirposetot excitingan(! baffling an audience. 11' thlis is tdone convince- ingly, it gives onie a thiriilling e vening, fille'd withIi nyst ery and terrori; if it. is not it gives. one a Soi L of sickly JYe'(]- ing, a ;ii a.l'I'w mi rthiless lauigh ;. It h' (t('ild("( iihilI';Isalil. Anm when it'sI all1 over yenu sa vo' a s;igh of relief. It has the same effect upon you as Itbe end of a. long p'iiless j ske, followed by an enipt y silence. The g allt'ry gods are the best thea- i-ricah thermometers, If a piece is worthwh~ile, or at least convincing, they are loudest in their appilause or miost court eons in their silence;, if it is poor~ they are the loutdest in their iceers and cheers. Last night they were quite audible. Oh, well if winter comies MRis RO(AERS> Famne has lassoetd Will Rogers. I-I has grown to be all Aimerican institu-I tion. He is our untflieial ambassa-1 dor, frtm Bull Dlurhami tobacco to the Zeigfeldh Follies and His Highness, the Pr'ince of Wales. Once a cowboy on an Oklahoma rainch, once a hobo, tnce a newspaper slavey, lie has risen' to a position unique on our stage. He is quoted and patronizetd by every syndi(cate in the country; he is fea- tured in the largest andi most portent- ous revue on Broadway; he stands in our literature as an animated, subli- mated Mark Twain. AWAY With the Old One and get a NEW HAT I We Jlie the mos~t modern equnip. ni.n ed 'fr numbling Collegiate lhats amaail Buoey ar~ te ow 11,^ ' values onl tley ('ii il ut-- ('ist out Inade m41114 to fit anly lwa d. Wie also ake 0ld hants look like new. FACT ORY HAT 617 I'aear~l Street. (Where I). U. IL.Stops) STORE Phuonie7115. at State St.) *24 HOUR SERVICE . - Frog, Chicken anxd Steak Dinners Served at BOULEVARD INN - Two blocks frome city bus line on Jackson Road,- from noon till midnight. - .Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534. W e d n e s d ay N g h I A little relaxation in thc mid-' die of the week is good for anyone. What could be more enjoyable than a few hours of dancing at Granger's Acad- emy? The music, as on other nights, is furnished by Jack Scott and his 10O-piece Club Royal Orchestra. We are sure that you will have a thoroughly good time. Dancing Wcdnicsday , Friday), SaturdaD CAPS 1 i 1 . a ts will, however, confidentrial uw To the Editor: I regret to see that say's soundl criticism John McCormack s Tuesday night has drivel as appearetd Opinion" column th though the atidience tain Your crrr'mnt be regarded as ~ - Iywer lu ahpn ton requ(eMt. ari~lll widaodh~p - I ed to col e IIon the hiorizoln. At Iir.st C" I TW we t hiongm I it looko'd like at ho t dogt, the Iother.I fellow sA hI it looked like a *jzeppelin to him. 'Well, every muan tof Mr. Robert Raul- iIII own likes. 1 to the effect that When it got nearer it appeared tot aug poorly ltast I us like the dragon at the end of last calle or tithsuer I year's Opera. One of our group re- in ;irkecd that it looked like a prlofile) of in fue '( amps toolidoge.,t"lie third suddenly cried: 15s rxlorniig. AI-- '"Why look att that cloudl. It's just e~ Sediiiee to sus- ' the shape of a gt'and piano!'' Well, ,dent, in fcec~arinug what do) you do in a case like that- thirilh'd the Mira- Anyway we hereby swear off looking singe qr 1)1ocm-i is' at weir'dly shapetd clouds, discemui ing Ni list** thtiat it was a far better team that lost ; haty 'mocst of us are ithan that that won, but the fact re- ute this muatchless ma<tet n won. a Aen d te t rue Mlich igan mian andI omnwill mot make excuses, will net grtnr'ble, btut will take thme defeat 0' Al ichzigan men anmd women are ex- oteo t tahke defeat, with that same tirlc 1 .o slP. ortsmanship that has al- o wy c haracterized Michigan teams aind Michigan men. Thie eleven men who battled for ;sixty minutes with the Purple gave thiei r all th at Michigan might win, but haiglost they are of too fine mettle to leak4 for excuses. Having lost to Nor >tliwestei-n, those men will enter the remaIining games with a greater dter! ination to win, hut they should net be a~c ;sked to win to redeem them- V aelves,----by their actions in the game th~ey redeemed themselves beyond any 11'e11are that mortal Judge can ask. To Northwestern went the victory, a ,ndI to Northwestern goes all praise. M.rich iganz admires the sportsmanship of thce Purple, and hopes to mieet it nimymore times on. the gridiron. To l ortIwestern,-Michigan extends her cong ratulations. No leass a person than Dr. H-ensley IHens on, Bishop of Durham, who, whenc> Canon of Westminster, was the mot' popular preacher in Eng- hI. wlhas aduli mitted that there is a real have observedthtiat; thle great lri hI Thie D aily sprung at nice little joke tenor' gave anm excerlil.,Iy d11ll1ettoil nAm Arbor in go'ntral ye'sterday cert. when people phonetd for scores, there ITo begini with, the parogra m tiv wrt-u kit ally. wh(-n they didh give otut one of the vilest ever pe1,rpet ,raed pon the final score, people who calledl an audienee sunpos'o to pus_;-. .., kilt- thioug-htt it xx as -a joke, sical intelligence. We who hnroxv N'r.- IMcCorimack's suplremnely beautiful iii -- All we hav e to say about the game terpr'tations of Ilamithel and] Mozalrt, ycstertday is--Ther'e ain't no Cool. and his finely artistic-; s iigh (oftht1e* I* c lieder of Schubert, Scbhumanmn, Blralli ue!IP ERSONA1~L FE l, (JN ALI PERSON AL and Wolf, were nauseated by tic' IU- t (111 F : Afteri'nch research we of monentities oi his progi-am.. hImi~- !i~u xe fountd that one of the stones has tock, Perry, Dickson. and II irb lra I wuapedt o ther.re is a, straight line in =hope for, oncet' made us i'tjoie ll tt the Plait tio'on. Flurry up amid get ''asistig a 'tis'' IbatckSto that you bold up your faint. j Furthermiore, Mi', ',e'rie a in very poor' voice. Nn uhmpr'etj tud - l litc- poltilation of the Republic tof listener, wi thuo'uttnieniori'.7,, umust have1 I oi ig;al in thlie census of 19)20 is 5,- wondered at his reput at ion. I is, voice 62t3,6 10, exclusive of the Azores. This sounded fatigui~ed and conustricted, 10i uuar hue of great jiport ance and value N igh notes wveire aco-ompi ished vi t to so f outr rca deut's but it doesn't manifest difli(oh ty amduid hodked ii uel t iii I A.es tiisin the s ig htest. the clear, ring ing o'111,lily of o(t her EThe rca son weTreinaurked about it is Iyea-r's. 1