0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY'' 'Works By Keller News From Other Colleges !Anhuffy TorrBeI (Contiluu&d trcamPage One) University of Colora~t.-- E+.ager to 'delay in tlho receipt of tickets, the1 Perhaps~z no less notable is the work t attend the Colorado-Utah game at -Ace of seats for the Michigan game l ~l*Y~ ~lr h a )~lvr Salt Lpike- City recently a commimttee; Nov. 14 has been postponed until flvr byreceived lby art critics all of students from this university at- 'aturday, Nov. 7. IBecause of the rn- over the country. Of his work there tempted to charter a box car for the usually heavy demand, not more than !will)be1 - oils rnd ;0) water colors trip. o;1± ticket can bie supslied tV a nyone l reS(fC They expresed their willingness student, of which nractie ally alaesae to the general agent of the railroadl alonil the Medierraneant. Many of < his pieturgs were painted under 'the to ship as live stock, miules, cowsV,; V~n'versity of Oklahoma-Pre.. W nfun.; Sans mser hihi jackasses, or anything else the agent l". Ilizzell last we ek anniiouncedu that ril'feF ts2 ii."Wht illis oil painlt- might wish to label them). This a four- year-(course0 leading to the do- -I1ttlr bn# worthy, however, was i asislent that.:,roe of bace(lor'iof scleltce ill IIIb1C m gs. A "t',rhb]eill bot r interstate commerce Ia ws forbade'IIr !] ities a dil; ist ration, will be of-;el. isIL e aa dreonto In 1;a Ii is z lty, ( 'iovia a ;d, before cx- the chartering of a car for any group fered at theo university for the first,____________ of passengers unless the luridl the per It one n,, xt fall. The course will bec- capita charge provided by railroad o ffered in the dchool of busi-ness and ing sides. lA (5-~inhlbtC representing tariffs. will trpa'c- odie managerial adbs-1h ulc1 iiIi-((IOaii5( ness uiases f thesubject to lth, c x- the stateclie, ;ud euivriyt Oregon Agricultural College.---Mlany clu ,ic of the technical and on,-inlecr- orgalhizce ibe course. colored pajamas were the SensisIon ;- at the homecoming celebrations at i Oregon Agriculural college. A - jama parade in which bohnet i lU ld -li I"0 , -l 'women participated was the fe Lture T A E I ~ fL A E University of Illinois; Two rifle Get a New Wlatch. for Your THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~STNDY O ME,12 hibiting in New York city. This i a more careful, almost classical, man-, Keller is not an intellectualist nor a iing 'throug;h Nov. "1., thewest gallery speaks very wvell for his work as: ner are especially lovly oem~- theorist. IHe gives the appearance of of Alum,,i Memorialil will be OPJw ol western artists, }ai~~~~~~~~~nting direcl rmntr atcfo rld. ,n westrn rtitslike singers, feel that ! biaues a careful a;rrang;ement of fruit"P~ cl rmntrpriAfo 81t 'lc uigw, ularly in his water colors." (lays an rom 2to ) o'clock on press notices frm New York are es-. and slowers wvith a c hariniutIly accm- lBeginning tomorirow and contirun- Sundays. sential before one can hole to attain!- dental background1." success in the West. "The artist is thoroughly tralined New York critics have this to say and convincing. There is a grcat (:eal for him: !of clear observation ini his wxoik and "Mr. Keller's still lifes, painted in Ian entire absence of affecition. Mr. ..1 IN 477 7-77'77, '?' " " ; : S'i. IIT'S CO IN WITNE Week Sun., Nov. 15 Starting Wed. and fri. Mats. THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMEDY SENSATION ONCE A WEEK.: 0 it is usually necessary to have your clothes laundered. We will do the work for you arnd return your things in perfect condition. T he MOE LALTNDt- 204 N. MAIN. DIAL 31 11 9 * ., .. __________________________________________________________________________ - -.---- AT THE ARCADE TODAY Old-Fashion-ed ITime Pece Inivestigate tlhis TRADE-'IN ISA1 EPL AN1 ! Visit. ouir store today and isllng your old watch with you!. You'll ie surprised at the liberal allowance we'll make on it town.rd:; the piir ha :, of a new, up-to-elate Bulova 9trap Watch. (orm ,° ]3', wf f romIt,;s 2: -Week RuI Matle Ca:rrick 'hairef, 1)eoit. T ! a? s Si e xfl n'. ieii " e r Ste i 11""Ad i SCH LANDER & EY RILD Mail Orders Now Seat Sale Thursday, Nov. 12. ®I1 3I MAIN ;I'I'I{aET f Natural Interest Holds f ' at the GRAYST -N'%TE DETROITS SMARTEST BALLROOM Imitation might be the sincerest f ofrm of flattery, but all of us like to hear and dance to JEAN .GOLDKETTE'S VICTOR ORCHESTRA ANNOUNCEM ENT Opening of our fii'rst ilwe dance has been changed to Sunday, November 1 5, with an attraction to be aimounced In ra later edition of this paper. "Join' the Tour 0O'clock Club " NOTE SP3ECIAL PRICE Nights-Lower Floor, $2.20 .Balcony--First Four Rows, $1.65 From Fifth Row Back, $1. 10 Wednesday and Friday Matinees at Lower Floor, $1.65 Balcony, $1.1 0 2:15 P. M. Gallery, 50c ! 1a v v " " w "w w " v ry a1 ..4 DrV Ir i M WU t --. Y A dv. momm I - -M ;,,4, EZ: rrFa . Irs:' . r i' z s; s ,r , . STARTING TODAY' M . r1 v~u Barry Herself Could Nrot Have Va ped -This Fbng! Bus, Oil! Boy! What He Would Have lone to Hiero ALL HAIL. IHIS ROYAL !IGI-NESSTHE SOVERIGN OFL SH-RIEKS I a z ~ r~t. a~domn~m Iwra i Rebuilt and Second-hand of All Makes Bought, ol~d, Rented, Exchanged, Cleaned, Repaired and Rebuilt. .. <<, ,, ,,, "v w >l ', .. ADINGSMA CHINE.S,OFFICE SUPPIES rr't 0 1it nats~r~n co ely )ves }e i~ as~IyANpw~(1J, xn heaNselvl 4t m Rwflck smat, fun rom1" . ticoy. Lpve . e i,1 L+ t" ' q *;;, w:: , } ^ ?} '1 Y4 ~ f, ' t\1 'c: 1. L E d hr J n r ° s,- :< J .. if l, S 4. '' : ; \\ ' . ^'- ! ; log ft 1 F . 1 .. f . t _ 4 } * P .. S.Y4 "k v _ , t ' i s - rT--'- s\ f 1 f, y , j / / j, l f J , , f , l "" ti ' is i ,,, ..- N 0. D. MORRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADE The Typewriter and Stationery Store Dealer: L. C .Smith & Bros. and Corona Typewriters. s' , Q w f ' : ' 1}t ( !1 .+. YYTf'aa II I 1 - - i W~eL ___ON HT .65, $2.20 Seats at Box Office a f~illsThe '. ,+aif Grt eat 'Laughs 4 fA Romance Mafary COMEC ATTEND SU SEE THE KING IN A ***GREAT ADDED BILL *** K ETI II-VAVI)EVILI E ,EA , , GEORGIA MARIL OF F MISS BEBE MOFF IC & COa >- r :3"MOD)ERN SYLPH[ONY OF (101IAIL, MOT1ION AND S -XD" JESTER'S CAP A JNDAY rAJS and hL {' xic n _. -.+-, A 1ADULTS, 50c I 1 A -FT XT 1 4 " . *~ alsoU a ADULT --'f V