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November 08, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-08

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Backfield Could Not Get Started+
Slippery Field; Lucky Breaks
Give I linois Victory


(By Associated Press)
CHAMPAIGN, Nov. 7.-Out of the
mire and mud of Illinois $2,000,000
memorial stadium, Illinois arose to-
day to defeat Chicago, 13-6, while
70,000 spectators sat through a driv-
ing rain drenched to the skin to pay
tribute to 'Red Grange in one of the
most remarkable demonstrations ever
given an athlete in America. The
.spectators waited and waited in vain
for the annihilator of Pennsylvania's
championship team to cut loose just
once on the slippery muddy gridiron
and race across the chalk line to give
them the thrill they were seeking.
The galloping ghost of the Illinois
eleven was unable to break away even
once. The famous red head carried
the ball from scrimmage 17 times for
gains of 18 yards and was thrown for'
a total loss of 26. Grange's interfer-
ence today was a mess, because neith-
er Britton or Daugherty, slipping or
sliding in the mud could get started.
Grange's outstanding achievement to-
day was a 25 yard run in returning
Lamp's kickoff after Illinois' first
touchdown. Late in the third period,
with the score tied at 6-6, Rouse at-
tempted to punt. Reitsch and Kassel
blocked it. D'Ambrosio, Illinois, fell
on the ball back of the goal line and
gave Illinois her victory.
Illinois evened up the count in the
same period as a result of three fum-
bles in succession by Kerwein. On
the second fumble Kerwein lost 10
yards and Illinois took the ball on
downs to Chicago's ten yard line. Chi-
cago regained the ball on downs and
Kerwein attempting a punt, failed,
dropped the ball and kicked from
where It lay behind his own goal,
line,rthe ball going out of bounds on
Chicago's two yard line. Britton
broke through Chicago's right guard
to tie the score.
Sloppy Gridirons
Slow Up ScoringI
In All Contests
CHICAGO, Nov. 7.-Rain or snow
swept across football fields from the
nation's capital to the western plains
today and' turned gridirons into
sloughs that disheartened even the
most valiant eleven.
Players staggered and waded
through pools of water and gumbo
that in places was six inches deep
and so sticky that few could get away
with anything that resembled a long
run. Fumbles were frequent and in
many cases meant defeat. Officials
were likewise affected, one being
forced from action. Nor were the
spectators much better off. They shiv-
ered in the blizzards and gales, and
huddled under oil cloths and slickers
from heavy downpours that in some
games continued through most of the
Wisconsin and Iowa struggled
through a snow storm at Iowa city,
the players wearing canvas gloves to
give them a grip on the ball. hg
One unidentified In the Michigan-
Northwestern game at Chicago was
literally buried in the mire of Grant
Park stadium, and had to be dug out
Before play began on many fields the
lines were not (istinguishable. The
officials were called upon many times
for measurements.
The rainfall at the Chicago-Illinois
battle was so heavy that the players
were virtually indistinguishable to
spectators, and at times the west
stand Chicago rooters could not see
their rivals in the east seats. Coupled
with the rain, which did not cease
until the third quarter, was a strong
north gale that made punters' efforts
seem puny.

Chicago Divine
Will Speak At
Second Service
Dr. Shailer Mathews, of the Di-
vinity school of the University of Ci-
can, will speak on "The Rising Gen-
eration and its Moral Tasks" at the
second University 'service at 7:30
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium.
This service has been designated as
"Athletic Night," for all the students
who will participate in the service
will be members or former members
of athletic teams.
Dr. Mathews is an authority on
theological questions and has partici-
pated in several important religious
conferences on the continent during
the past smmer. The noted theolo-
gist is author of numerous books
dealing with religious and historical
questions, among the most recent are
"The Spiritual Interpretation of His-
tory, The French Revolution, Diction-
ary of Religion and Ethics".
Aside from the main address, the
service will be conducted by students:
Harry Hawkins, '26E, will be chair-
man of the service and will present
the speaker. Egbert Isbell, '26L, will
make the announcements, Richard
Freyberg, '26, will read the passages
from the scriptures and Louis Rei-
mers, '16, will offer the prayers. A
male quartet will furnish several num-
bers, accompanied on the organ by
Phil LaRowe, grad.
This afternoon Dr. Mathews will con-
duct a forum at Lane hall, at which
time he will discuss "The Ministry,
Its Difficulties and Opportunities".
This meeting is being held principally
for those students who contemplate
entering the ministry or some form
of religious work but any one who
wishes to hear present day religious
views explained by an authority may
Aerial Attack Of "Swede" Oberlander
Is Means Of Triumph
(By Associated Press)
HANOVER, N. H., Nov. 7.-With the
giant "Swede" Oberlander starring in
a spectacular air attack that swept
all' before it, Dartmouth bornbed Cor-
nell's football forces into submission
today by the annihilating margin of
Before a crowd of 15,000, Jesse
Hawley's "Big Green" forward passed
the red-clad eleven into the worst de-
feat it has suffered in the five year
reign of Gloomie Gil Dobie. Simul-
taneously, Dartmouth by its astonish-
ing triumph over a foe that came here
with a unbeaten record lifted itself to
the peak of the eastern championship
Oberlander's bullet-like passes re-
sulted in six of Dartmouth's nine
touchdowns. Two others wer ac-
counted for personally by Ober-
lander, one on a 48 yard dash through
most of the Cornell team and another
on a one yard dive through center,
while the ninth and final tally was
carried over by a substitute back,
Starrett, who intercepted a Cornell
pass and raced 42 yards to score in
the last quarter.
Football Scores
Vermont 7, Rensselaer Polytech-
nic 20.
Columbia 6, New York university 6.
Maine 28, Bowdoin 14.
West Virginia 20, Boston College 0.
Brown 42, Boston university 36.
Georgetown 40, Lehigh 0.
Lafayette 34, Rutgers 0.
Minnesota 33, Butler 7.
Purdue 20, Franklin 0.
Illinois 13, Chicago 6.

Kansas Aggies 2, Marquette 2.
Drake 14, Nebraska 0.
Wisconsin 6, Iowa 0.
Kansas 0, Oklahoma 0.
Ohio State 7, Indiana 0.
Penn State 0, Notre Dame 0.
Missouri 14, Washington 0.
Army 14, Davis Elkins 6.
l Dartmouth 62, Cornell 13.
Yale 47, Maryland 14,
Princeton 36, Harvard 0.
M. S. C. 58, Toledo university 0.
California 35, W. S. C. 0.{


ernooii and defeated the Iowa
ven, 6-0, on a blizzard swept field.
series of line plunges by Doyle
rmon and Leo Harmon put the Wis-
sin team within scoring distance


Two 1 st Ideas Are To Be Selected
By Jury Of Faculty 1llembers
And Sub-Conititlee
Decorations for the 1927 J-IIop will
be decided by the committee in charge
frm a contest opening this week.
Competition is open to individuals and
organizations; architects, professional
decorators, and art clubs are urged
to send in their designs. Plans from
students will be given special atten-
All entrants in the contest are ad-t
vised to submit sketches, as it is
practically impossible to judge fairly
from written descriptions. Kenneth
A. Michel, chairman of the decoration
and floor committee, states that a
great number of designs are expected,,
and consequently more attention willi
be given those received first.
From all ideas submitted, the two
best ones will be selected by a jury
composed of faculty members and the
J - Hop decoration sub - committee.
These choices will then be sent to the

of the Iowa line and Kreuz, Badger
fullback went over for the only touch-
down of the game after Wisconsin
had recovered Graham's blocked punt
on the Hawkeye's 11-yard line.
Asserts That There Are Three Typesl
O Read ion To Opportunity
For Scholarship
ALBION, Nov. 7.-Albion college be-
stowed the honorary degree of doctor
of laws upon President Clarence Cook
Little of the University of Michigan
at the anhual homecoming ceremonies
here tonight.
In his speech following the bestow-
al of the degree, Dr. Little said,
"Broadly speaking there will be three

j 117), RAIN, AND 111611 WIND~ MAKE

A series of etchings by Albert Hut-Icountry. lie has never studied abroad Lewis Rools Field Goal Before Field
ty of Woodstock, N. Y., and oils and and yet is praised by all who have Is ct Vp Shortly After
water colovs by Henry 1. Kellar ofIseen his wsork. For several winters Game Starts
Cleveland, will comprise the the new I he has painted and taught art classes
exhibit of the Ann Arbor Art associ- in Charleston. So eftectivel has e (By Associated Press)
ation which will be opened to the I been that the South has credited him
public at 1:30 o'clock tomorrow in the with having initiated a renaissance of 'CICACONov. 7.-The elements
west gallery of Alumni Memorial art throughout Dixieland. conspired with the Northwestern
hail. His forte seems to be trees into eleven here this afternoon and Michi-
There will be 30 of Mr. Hutty's which he instills a subtle majesty of igan s mighty team, fioundering about
etchings, most of which show scenes i life. A New York critic has said: ielplessly i a veritible sea of mud,
in and around Charleston, S. C., and "One might susect his favorite (uo- I met its first disaster of the season
Woodstockt Critics are unanimous tation to have been: 'I think that when the Purple warriors triumphed
in proclaiming Mr. Hutty a mati er, I shall never see a poem as at (rant Park stadium by a slim 3-2
versatile in oil, water color, pastel, tree.' His use of free line is notable score.
pencil, and etching. and lends added charm to his work. With the mud almost ankle deep,
Mr. Hutty may be called a thor- It is clear that lie not only knows with;alstsayypdriving rainypog
oughly home-grown product, having but loves trees and is most happy relentlessly upon the already sogged
beenbor cl. c, Nvin hen endrin an. i mot hppyfield, and with a sharp windh blowing
been born i Grand Haven, Mich , and when rendering them." from Lake Michigan across the grid-
receiving his entire training in this 1 (Continued on Page Two) iron, both teams found it utterly im-
possible to carry on any semblance
of a football attack and the contest re-
solved itself into a punting and fum-
Ibling duel the like of which has rare-
ly been seen on any collegiate grid-,
The echoes of opening whistle had
hardly died out in the confines of the
huge memorial stadium, when Lehand
Reformer Will Speak Tomorrow On Proposal To Allow Majority Vole For Lewis, star fullback of the Purple had
"Present Day Europe and Transaction Of Business Up I booted the ball squarely between the
Future Peace" For Ratfiication uprights from Michigan's 15 yard line
--- for the winning points, the only ones
WAS PEACE WORKER WILL DISCUSS BY-LAWS to be charged against the Yostmen
this season,
Michigan tallied her two points late
Samuel E. Nicholson, reformer and C n duct of fraternity dances will be in the third qutarter, when ILewis
prohibitionist, will speak on "Present discussed at the meeting of the inter- I standing behind his own goal line on
Day Europe and Future Peace" at an farterrity council at 4:30 o'clock to- a fourth down and refusing to risk
open meeting of the Round Table morrow in room 302 of the Union. It I any chances of a blocked kick, fell
f..to. the..ground.7for a safe,.ty a.fter re-

rarmo ns Star
In Xsc nEE E TLEND HA F ,EL1 -.AL"..ND
As Wisconsin
OWA CITY, Nov. 7.-Wisconsin's
tlall team upset the dope here this ITAf



J-I op committee, and it is here that ( general types of reaction to oppor-
the final decision will be made. This tunity for scholarship, all three types
is in accordance with the new ruling are to be found in every college, and
made by the committee at its first all three demand though they do not
meeting that all decisions will be always get different treatment.
made by the regular committe of "The enthusiastic scholar is usually
fourteen members and not by the sub- recognizable early in his academic
committees. career. The qualities of initiative,
The winner of the contest will re- energy, love of truth, respect for what
ceive a ticket to the hop and in addi- is good in the past and an insatiable
tion, a suitable cash award. cravin for knowled and wisdom


All schemes must be submitted toS
Kenneth A. Michel, 733 S. State street,
on or before Dec. 1, to allow time forI
the actual work to be completed by1
Feb. 5.
M.arek, Buckeye Halfback, Injured As
Players Wallow In Mud
(By Associated Press)
COLUMBUS, Nov. 7.-Out of a wal-
low of mud, Ohio State emerged vic-
torious over Indiana in the Ohio stad-
ium here today, 7-0. Replete with
fumbles, slips, slides and splashes,j
the game afforded breaks both ways.1
None of the breaks were disastrous
and Ohio State's touchdown in the
second period was scored on a bril-
liant forward pass at the starting in
mid-field. It was the first time in the
25 year old Hoosier-Buckeye feud that
Indiana did not score' on Ohio State.
Receiving a punt on their 45-yard
line in the second period the Buck-

are to a large degree innate.
The great middle group-the indif-'
ferent-is a composite. In it are the
temperamentally inert-the lazy, the
easily intrigued, the imitative. These'
are the undergraduates who have
failed to think their problem thrqugh
to a finish. '
"The third or antagonistic group is
interesting. It includes those whose
popularity rests upon capitalizing the
weaknesses of the indifferent group.
Those who are by nature non-con-
formists and radicals are also apt to
ally themselves with this class' es-
necially if the authorities are occu-

club at 4 o'clock tomorrow in Natur-
al Science auditorium. He will ap-
pear here prior to attending the an-
nual three-day conference of the
world alliance for friendship through
I the churches to0 be held this week in
For more than 25 years, Mr. Nichol-
son has been connected with the Anti-
Saloon league, as national organizer



and as secretary of the national lea-
u' : a., t was ass tvr o t uai .y Uo


JlkILIy l U5U .1~aigU .e u ~oci a e siccre ary of
pied in a campaign to increase scholas- I the National council for the proven-
tic standards." tion of war in 1922-23, and head of the
Ile then told how the best type Quaker relief mission in Russia in
might be rewarded and spurred On 1923-24.
to greater creative efforts. Those in Mr. Nicholson is now associate sec-
the middle group are where they are, ietary of the world alliance for inter-
in most cases because they have not national friendship through the
been taught how to study or how to churches. le has been in public life
systematize their reading and their in the field of politics and public wel-
examinations. The third group, he ( fare, and in the service of the church
claimed, could be converted by closer since 1890. Fe was a member of the
personal contacts with instructors and Indiana house of representatives'
great men. 1 for four years. During his last term
He concluded that the battle for he served as floor leader of the major-
higher educational standards "will be ity party.
fought and won, not at meetings of While politically conservative

is probable, however, that the council ceiving the pass from Lowry.
will take no definite action in the Soldiers field, minus any drainage
matter, except possibly through the system whatsoever, presented a sorry
medium of a "gentlemnan's agree- condition for a gridiron struggle and
ment." numerous football experts tried vainly
P1revious discussio ns dealing withi to recall any collegiate encounter that
frater'nity dances show that there are was played with, worse, conditions
two la Cions in the council, one fv- prevailing than those that existed
oring so-called "closed dances" where ihere today.
only invited guests are admitted; and ,With a thin sheet of water covr
the other group favoring the plan .g the entire field, and with vast
whereby dances will remain open, the areas of green completely submerged
fraternity reserving the right to eject beneath large puddles of suter, the
anyone who does not conduct him- field presented conditions suitable to
self as a gentleman, the launching of a steamer rather
A vote of ratification will be given, than the launching of the Wolverine
it is believed, to a proposal introduc- aerial anl end running attack.
ed at the last meeting, providing that Skidiig and slipping in the slime
the council here after may transact and sish, kickingt at every oppor-
business with a majority vote, rather tunity, and fumbling the mud-caked,
than a two-thirds vote as at present elusive ball repeatedly, neither the
required. This plan was received Wlsverines nor ehe eWiycat icouldtap
with favor at the last meeting, and Wolverines nor the Wildcats could ap-
the vote tomorrow will be in the pmimate anything that might be
form of a ratification of sentiment termed an attack.
previously expressed. When playing with the powerful
A second question which will face wind at their backs in the second and
the council is that of providing a third period:, the Yostmen gained on
means for, changing the by-laws. At every exchange of punts, and kept the
present the council possess no machin- ball deep m Purple territory, but
cry for changing its by-laws, ( r. found scoring plays ineffectiVe, and
tain groups of the cohnci feel that the Wildcats, with the wind in their
changes should be left to the discre- favor in the first and final quarters,
tion of that body, while others feel played continually in the vicinity of
that changes should be made only the Wolverine goal posts, but found,
with the sanction of the Senate Coin- with the exception of the place kick
mittee on Student Affairs. I by Lewis, scoring impossible.
__- But one forward pass was attempted
I f)AN H"N'"T"'T1'"in"the contest and that failed. Fried-

eyes started a 55 yard march to the college presidents or faculties, but inI
Indiana goal. Clarke and Karow contacts bewteen great persons and
plunged and then a pass, Grim to Can-I youth to whom God has given the
ningham, made a first down on In- vision to see and grasp their great-
diana's 39-yard line. Karow plunged ness."
for six yards then grabbed a pass_
from Grim for a gain of 17 yards.
With the ball on the 16-yard line DRY
Grim heaved a pass over the scrim-
mage line to Cunningham. The Buck-
eye captain juggled the muddy ball, AN -SLOON LEAUE
then nestled it to hischest and passed'
six tacklers across the goal line.-
Clarke attempted to kick for the extra i rBy Associated Press)
point but the try was low, Ohio gain- ! IIICAGO, Nov. 7.--A group of fed-
ing the extra counter, however, be- eral officials, advocates and enforcers

throughout his whole life, he has a1-
ways been interested in the cause of
peace and international goodwill. At
one time he was one of the directors
of the American Peace society, and
in 1911 a delegate to the world's reace
ccnaress at Berne.
his ubhlic sneaking services have
extended into 26 states, and into Can-
ada and some of the countries of Eu-
rope. On th return trip from Russia,
after heading the Quaker relief work
there last year, Mr. Nicholson travel-
ed in several European countries and
counselled with a number of the lead-
ers of the peace movement.


(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-A loan to!

mran's throw to Flora being blocked.
And but one first dow: was credited
throughout the battle, Michigan earn-
ing the only one when Herrnstein
plougheld his way around left end for
14 yards for the longest gain of the

cause of the offside play of several o
the Hoosiers.
Elmer Marek, Ohio State's star half
back, was injured in the first quar
ter and was removed from the game
He sprained himself somewhat ser
iously, but is expected to get into
action against Michigan next week.
A gift of $70,000 from Mr. and Mrs
Edsel B. Ford, added to other larg
gifts received yesterday afternoon
was expected to raise the grand tota
of the Detroit Community Fund cam
paign to approximately $1,400,000 to

ft of the Volstead law, today advised the France aund possibly to Germany is day.
anti-saloon convention to continue its New Cod W4ave Is inpending in Wall street, in the view Despite the adverse . conditions,
fight to keep America dry and prc- of financial experts. 40,000 l)ersons, arrayed with slickers,
serve self government under the con- Due FroM WeST The belief as regards Franc; has umbrellas, oilcloth coverings and
. stitution. The report of those in _ been inensified with receipt of news other ingenious protection, filled the'
- Iclosest touch with the enforcement froi Washington that despite failure colossal, stadium to its capacity, un-
o law and their advice of prohibition i lVof the French debt negotiations, tie mindful of the steady downpour, and
problems were received with keen at- CHICAGO, Nov. 7.-A cold wave, the state department will place no oh- interested only in the conflict being
tention and bursts of applause espe- second this fall was on the weather stacles in the way of loans to stabilize waged by 22 mud-covered and rain-
.I cially hearty when the name of Mrs. charts for this section of the middle the franc. I drened heroes of the gridiron.
e Mabel Walker Willebrandt, holder of west as the temperature dropped to Possibility of loans to (iermansy is Although defeated, the Wolverines
, the highest public office occupied by a, zero in North Dakota. seen in Berlin 'dispaches telling of are still intrenched in the leading po-
el woman, was mentioned. Three U. s. Besides the cold high area in the reports of proposals to give Germany sition that carries with it the glory
- snators, the head of the enforcement niorthwest, a southwestern storm, i such financial accommodations ill of being the champions of the west-
- branch of the government, the coin- with snow and sleet in portions west New York and London as will enable ern Conference, as Iowa, the only
mandant of the coast guards, a fed- of the Mississippi, was rushing north- her to extend long time credits for other undefeated eleven fell before
-eral judge and a district attorney eastward. The center of the storm; capturing Rusian and eastern En- Coach George Little's Badgers.
comprised today's official advisors to was in the Ozark mountains. ropean markets.
the anti-salinleaguers. jA drophtoaround 20 degrees above A-H-I----, EVERETT,
A (OirSiy e n ezero in Chicago tonight was antici-tI WASHINGTON. - An amrd h trle,
A cm i .;y b1w- ween police officers pa ted, with* fair weather and~ much built in 1909, reputed to have: travel- !- + f RA T ) I

zrM_"__...,,.:+t, ., s' C!.,~+1 nrr, f" aiifnrnia

University of outner uantornia,
28, Santa Clara 9.
University of Arizona 24, University1
Wof New Mexico 0.
7tTi.vn,.oity of ?California. southern


All men interested in trying


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