SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1925 THE. MICHIGxANv DATLY _________________________________________________________________________________________________ a.. .s.. n..e.nrl~~inW ~C'W t - - mmwww AT 3 CPM. ADVERTISINGAT3P, Library Secures Several National Reference Books I i NOTICE FOIL SALE .;. TAILORING ;FORD Touring, fully equipped. Call Students Trailoring Phone 8040 i 36o stop at 706 Haven. Cox. N. University -and Thaiyer ,XENS SUITS CLEANED AN~D ]FOR ,ALE-Gibson mandolin and I PRESSED), $1.2) mandolin case. Music standl an(d TROUSERS PRESSIGPRSNEPARIN 2music03S.Thadcase, $35.00. Ray Vase,; AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY y ALSO LADIES DRESSES AM), r 1 COATS ,l I1 1I I:,, Several national bibliographies have been added to the reference depart- ment of the Library during the past month. These contain the lists of the Christnia, i various boobs pubhhe~l i , . ey r Id inVi o al ~ Kh P vr ae a j ai-; rt11111:Ii 1111111il 111111111111iL11t11I11111111i1 over a (definite pcrioO of tin e. r ' e . provide a key to the nationil in;I -- SPECIAL CJHINESE DIS~HES~ trial pn)ducts of i..:oe argc c2ur, ~ w\ra~i A Vyt tres < t An~ i-Iave you triedi themyetis There rcare two star nddsets 0o'tC er- Ncl a ovo j.'.;Vtaken cvr i 0 e ma tr ,logahe f1 } WS 1[1(iI t.._ t1i u~ E r~i 0 'CO They are allprepare-d by a Chinese chef, - volumes each. They surrlemn ;cii l re: Ce r M i n 1i2ng 02renpy. other. Also there are Polis i, Sl:ani =h.- -- _ ---- Swiss. a-nd 1-ungar"ian bibliogi api s. Pat-ionize Daily Advertisers. . Drop in the next time you are in Ypsi. - ~COLEGE A FE 'ANNE s oG r* ,V!.eeti In n- C ~r 14 NORTH WASHINGTOIN-YPSILANTI I i1111111111IIIH 1111111i1111111J1111111111111i~ iti . % "k *'V% f% I AM 'Iftf% ^1,r a ^.cP, °rsonaI Cards inow ready and at REASO ALEJPI1ESRebuilt and second hand of all makes j a p UUUOOK m i Work Called .For And Delivered. bou ;ht, sold, rente'd, exchanged,jyo r evie Icleaned, re paired andl rebuzit1 Larg-l !est stock ,and b~est Service dlepart- .ELSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- ment in Ann Arbor. mianent waving, and marcell wavingj O. D. M ORRtILL, our specialty. 319 S. Main. Rtoomr 7Ncel rae 202. Dial 4404. 17Wc~lsAclA The Typewriter & Stationery Store W1ATCHI REPAIRING Dealer: L~. C. Smith & Corona efficient work .at reasonable prices.! :kEdw. A. Clark, 1121: S. University.,.,~~tG MANUSCRIPTS typewritten by ex- !r-- perienced operators, at DTJDDLE'S W. BOOK STrOR E, 11 Nickels Arcade.,rA b taeilso A,1_ Personal cards should be ordered now. Arits atral fIl Good work requires' time. Printing;Y and engraving a specialty. Largest' = q and finest selection obtainable. r I . .MORRILL, aIe nol;s ! 17 Nickels Arcade, is The Typewriter & Stationery Store= _____________ rti2ts! aterial THE COLLEGE MAGICIAN Announcing Complete ('aiiiv is Canvas Board change in his bag of Academy Board Stretchier Pieces°I tricks. Entertainmeunt F~e-,Tbskitted Oil Color Boxes e fo al cason.. Color in Tjube~s Art Stencil Sets e N.oD.aSmithaDiaon5970Waler (Color Boxes Clay ;Moulding Outfits .Sih il57 Stencil Outfits Oils C Artists Bltislhes I Pluue Frames SCHAEBERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St. I= Oil Colors in Tulles K(raft Kilay =t The popular place for all kinds of ==j muscaldintrumns.I.ayt We invite those interested in art work of this nature to come . I and see our slni stock. TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING I= ; Promptly and neatly .done by compe- tent 'operators at moderate rates.=Nr-3 College work a specialty for seven- 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, 207 EAST LIBERTY STREET32 The Typewriter & ,Stationery Store ANN AR BOB YPSILANTI FOJR RENT CND AT Leave your( ur W 1 11 5BOO STB1RE KO 1) ARS .: "; Lhis qualityT curing itr marcel rod an due. Now omb. Regrular $2.00 j 1.34. Calk ins - Fletcher Drug Co. Corner lEast and South University ~4 South State We have served Jficliig.-in Corner State andl Packard Stnidents for lhirly years. SO DAS F'OR RENT-Desirable front suite in private home for one or two. Phone 7973. Back of Union. FOR RENT-Rooms for, five or six men at 422 E. Washington. Garage Sfor party living at house. FOR RENT--Room for two or, three boys $2.50 each. Address Box 241I Michigan Daily. ;OR 'REINT-A very nice room fo'rj man.' $2.50 for one or $4.50 for two. tInquire at 410 North State St. LUST LOST-A blue corduroy reefer, con- taining a pair of gloves and a fresh- man toque from room B-207 or the f Botany laboratory in the Natural Science Bldg. between l and 4 P. M. Nov. 6. Reward offered for return., Call 21048, George H. Barker. LOST-Some time Saturday night a large size Schaeffer pen and pencil to 'match. At bottom. of pen it is roughened 14y burning. Reward ifI returned to Thompson at 426 N. In- galls, Dial 4917 or call at 925 Church Dial 9557, or call 106 So. Wing Univ. hall. Phone University 45-M. LOST-Silver gray police dog with tan Scollar. Reward if returned to 19121I Geddes or phone 5817. I}OST-A blue leather card case etched with gold Saturday on East University. Reward. Phone 3155. LOST-Set of drawing instruments ,. Thursday morning somewhere be- tween N. 5th and State on Ann. Call 1 3036. Reward. LOST-Glasses in' case probably on campus. Reward. Call Phila Arm- strong, 3193. GERMAN Luger 32 on Church St. A very worthwhile reward to finder. Ans. to Box 25. WANTED BOY TO TEND furnace for room and $1 a week. 321 So. Division. Dial 4447. POUR Tickets in' twios for. Ohio game. Phone 9127.E 'WANTED-Students to take ordersI for hand painted Christmas cards. Call 8766. R~ead the Want ,Ads 3) ,:as, .1 t' FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State and Wsl iigto -ts. REV. AR IlR W. STA t-astor l)ONALJ) T113 MIRMAN, M1ARGARET H. STAIR Associate Dlirectors of Student Activities 10 :30-Pastor's subject: .1Txperimenting with Life." 12:00 to 12:45--Student study classes at Wesley Hall, led by Dr. Stalker, Margaret Stein and Donald Timmerman. 6 :00-Devotional service. Robert Waterman, "Foundations: What tre We IDoinlg with Thend?" 6:00-7:00-Wesleyan Guild meeting at Wesley hall." 7:00-7:30-Open house.,e University service at Hill Auditorium. DISCIPLES Church of Christ Corner 1Hill and Tappan KENNETH B. BOWEN, Minister 821 Packard. Phoie 5146. 10:30-Morning worship. "A Burn- ing Questioni." 12:00-Father Iden's class for stu- dents. 5:30-Students' Social Hlour and lunch. 6:30-Students' Forum. 7:30-No evening service. Ufniver sity service at Hill Auditori- umI. ANN ARBOR EVANGELICAL CHURCH R1ev. A. F. Krl h, Pastor. Oct. 18, 1925. Meet with us to worship in the "Upper Rtoom" in Lane Hall. 11 :00 A. M. -Preaching service. We particularly urge studeonts to 1)e present, for there will be platters p~resen tedI that will con- cern you. ' First Congregational Church "The Chuure i of a Thousand Congregational students" HIERB ERT A IC HNSON J1UMP, Minister E. RINOX MITCJIL :1L, Jr., Uni1versity Pastor JANET lBEIIOTlI, IDirector flel gIous E ucatioii 10 :45---Service of worship. 5: 30----Student Cafeteria Sapper andi Social H-our. I G:30-F"ireside Chat. Airs. I-arvey Patton, policewoman of Detroit, will spea[k on: "WINat .I k e on Deroit Streets After Mfidnight.2 8 : 00t-Myotion picture ser vice. 'c'oin Meighan in "Comling ThrouglI.? -- _ z FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huron Street Between State and Division R. EDWARD SAYLES, Minister HOWARD' R. CIIAPIIAN, Minister of University Students 10:30--Morning worship. A group of students in charge. The speakers will be Norman Johnson, Robert MacRae and Lionel Crocker. Edward Mosher will give both a violin and a vocal solo. 12: 00-Church Bible School. Dr. Bunting, superintendent. Students' meet at Guild Hlouse. MVr. Chapman and Dr. Waterman give Bible courses. 15~:30-Friendship Flour at Guild House. Young people welcome. 6 :30--Devotional meeting. Mr. Sayles will speak on "The Three Su- preme Problems of Young People." I ST. PAULS' LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets C. A. BRAUiERI, Minister. Phone 22341 9:00 A. M.-Reformation service in German. 10:00 A. M.-Bible School. 11:04 A. M.-Reformation service in English. 5:30-7:3-0 P. M. -Student Club meets at the parsonage. Topic: "Nothing -New." Lead- er, Paul Rehmus, principal of Tappan School. ZION LUT.'IHERAN CHURCH 11 asl ilgt-on St. and Fifth Ave. E. C. STEIJilOR !, Pastor. 9:00 A. M1.---Bi'il study. 10:'0 A. M.--Morning service with serm on on, "I believe thatte t Ch i , ne ' d go . teen of the Father from eter- nlty, also trine man, born of the Yirgin .Iaary, is myi- l1ord," Another of a series of ;,erm onson t e A o t e 'C d 5:30 to 7:15-Student forum. Al- bert W. Boehringer will !ead the discussion. I UNITARIAN CHURCI Stale Street at furon SIDNEY S. R~OBINS,ifnster PHLIP F'. LA ROW#E, Musical :Director _' II ii , .1 ~'.Aubrgux0 Episcop'al tur Corner Division and Catherine Streets ,W HENRY LEWIS, hector 11. L. LOINSDALE, Associate XRS. F. W. PETERSON, Student Secretary SPECIAL ARMISTICE DAY' SERVICE 11:00 A. M. Preacher, Dr. Kirsopp Lake of the Harvard Divinity School The R. 0. T. C. will attend in uniform. Additional Church Program. A. M.-EIly Communion. P. M.--Student Discussion Class. P. M.-Student Supper. Mr. Howard McClusky will speak on: "WHAT SHALl1 WE DO WITH OUR LEISURE TIME 1", FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Division Sty 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning ser- vice; subject, "edam and fallen Man." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School fol- lowing the morning service. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30. The Reading room, 608 First Na- tional Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sun- days and legal holidays. BETHLEHEM EVANGELI= CAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourthi Ave. Between William and Patckard 9:00 A. M.- -Bible School and i adult classes.v _l 10:00 A. M.-English service. 11:00 A. M.-German service. Pas- tor's subject: "Fellowship in the Gospel;' 10:45-Morning worship. Adress by Dr. Lewis B. Hillis of New York. Dr. Hillis wvas for years one of the most popular men, at the University of California. He is now secretary of the Board~ of Christian Education in charge of recruiting. 8:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 P. M.-"Young cussion I-our." People's Dis-I I I -1 - ,. . "'; W, . . it 'II#l 4