SATURDAY, NOVEMBER' 7. 1925 TTF MTCT-I!C AN DATL Y PACE FIVIM I A IL. I V I 11-1 1iN, 1..,.81 9 L "1 A-1 A X A.. a s ft ) I' + { y i ANNOUNCE HOCKEY TEAM SCHEDULES' Mct'scof First And. Second Squaids C it ipeto :1ooIDceide Class ChampionisI I 4 SOPHOMORES, DEFEATED Sohponore andl juniU: second squads of interclass hockey competed in al game at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoonj at Palmer field. The junior team de- I feated the sophomores with a score of 4 to 0. Ellen Groff made on goal for the juniors, an(! Alice Vliet 'made the other three points. Schedules for both first and second1 ,squads of interclass hockey thave been 4arranged. The games for the firstl squads are: Nov. 10.-Fresh-man vs. Sophomore; i i I I i European Women Athena Initiates jTLc oia ieTLC l na in eAMS1M A l~ I Says Miiss Quayle WO1M[EN'S DEBTE TrA ! then literar~y society will hold its : CASCIR N FED lieetesitotediy otneo eashv l iiatior. at 6 o'clock ixt CLjS -OD-O-FEL--O T CE-- Prctcalynosoia O Q~OlOflC Member's of the women's deboating Tuesday night at the Haunted Tavern. maderace i their e focei rstadscn qud fspo unvriyl~c nonej ~ V Th~ affair is to take the form of a jackets Thursday at Palmer field.i more class hockey will meet at 8 :30 Europea ofte vrdn isl dmoea flos ~atv,(inner-d nce. 'Tll: , llow i_7;,womien The new jackets are of heavy flannel o'clock this morning at Palmer field. Margaret. uyeoftMItento al; agrite Dut ten, '2, lizabeth an a iinitites: and are made in different colors for! Student service who spoke b fore ita Valknblr'Ih, '2b, Geraldine Kni ht, j 1il~ hAlvin, '26, _Nlarion Bradley, each class, in order that the teamis Any women enrolled in the rifle' group of University studecnts at a '26, The aternaltes fr this side are: j"fMl Cs l 2,Gace Eela may show theircors as well as be- lse who wish to sottdyon banquet at the Union Thursday night. ;Geneva Wheeler, '26, and Lucille Can- '29 uI~aMraEas, 29, Cletus ing more easily distiguished. Sen-I the outdoor range will meet at the It. "They have no foot hiail teamls, no iby, 26. Pagan, '2, ccilia Lee Fine, '27, helen jors have blue jackets, juniors yellow, . T. C. headquarters at 9 instead of ad n soal The affirmative team is composed of i Gey rn, , '27 )~ty1lrio,'29, spooe eadfehe re.a 'clock. or ad zed 'athletic adsi scilJosephine Garst, '26, Norma Green. '26, Doli iding, 7, Luct~ ri nitteo'2 homore ed n d freshteamsgree.a ocok cen s to parallel those of American nd.lr1' ognition. ~ i~"~-. hoaris in Little ~e~l \rE ''-am.>4 fl*became in- '-V > t u'u~relief workf <1oty f~:5 t~ewnwlien she Was! 'at~mhaa' 1 .-u'i u nBelgian 1re-F eoust~a La 'cor. P as while she ''. a I; o m: s lfE:' .' e connected j An opportunity to buy a winter hat at a remiark- ably low price in. vel- vet, Felt, Velour, Skoin- ner's Satin and Metal Cloth. Boutonnieres for wE Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas. Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret is, "GIVING ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION TO OUR CUSTOMERS." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. Because the social dancing class , l di fcm.?' nr1'1_.t relief and which was to have been given by the - >'' ~ ~' ith that as- W . A. A. Thursday interfered with Ki8 Alfred Noyes lecture, it was poste Zis w"'n-A Ann ;Arbor poned until the latter part of nexi _ lea;P a u~ the World week. The league orchestra .has been 'S.hei I' le~1'" n which in engaged 'to provide the music. eirng .'Pm] friendship _ . . .. a .- rio :~~ rtiality. The Michigan Dames will give a F ~---- Monte Carlo party at 8 o'clock this ° 'fO7 2Lu hmgladld says evening, in the Faculty Women's al Ao mse anding onI There will be a charge of 25 cents. :"Psi Come and Make :"tr ub~ DANCE and V 7iS Orchestra This L5e['i>i= 812 Delicious Lunches, Cnir ~1~in and Fountain.> Have you tried a) cX Aunt Phoebe's Fresh Hors. ;,_(ioc a ?~c and Lunchei m ornel--Coal --Coke Cats and1 Fancy Flow- ers for Dresses. Ph ones 4551 and 4552 Office, Cornwell Block f' ______________________________________________________________- ryear ilntz 32.8 S. MAIN Isin't it ofteni true, that w hen you try to think of what to give a friend, youri imagination goer lac ,; on ycU 01a(1 you can't 1 think of a sinigle thing which sounds anywhere near' likely to please her? Arid yet we all know there are iwwy (charming gifts to (lelig-ht piny woman. The suggest ions offeredi here have that tinge of smarztnes s and miodishiness which makes them lear to every feminine heart. And there; are many more in the shop'. .' Goo0 year 7trIt / versa~y Giving Great Bargains in Fashionable and Timely goods--Regular Christmas showings displayed in advance and with Prices Cut just to Make a Celebration--Now and Until Next Saturday Night. 37 Great Features Among them, we believe, there is most anything you want, with an Anniversary Price Tag that will actu- ally surprise you. GjOODYEAR'S On Main Street-Near Washington 323 South Main IN. _ . _tiE JI1 I 'tC _u3;F -11-1 '' NMI IM rm Natural Interc. at the Per fiInizfer Silk \'l yigee cotv's Set liritiit-,' 1"(if) Lapel lHower 4ili Bel 1'iiJ't ('lever Mans, l'ecfhli i Ut tfIoves Boxed (Oft l'erf'inzu's Silf ck aip et Select Greeting I.1c ' Seat.,mir e Lace Biild4'tte l'o"itt soDeirls o Pcl'y Vases Bo~edN oe ft's c' lrnc igorette o vi c Cards Now GRAYSTONE [1 _ OM DTO' Detroit's s4martest babo : wonderful orchestras - tinuous dancing. *Hi.." t; Goldkett's Victor Orcima S .. I' 1 ' you 1hav:e wino t ; A. 'if't'' ' ! rrl7' ('ri t13Ia ti!Ig ad; : ''a will wan~f;to f itsS( 0'y s(1011 i'the i'";" stt ~ Aill co ,11)l('t e. You'll1fini eo i'O #.flecards With a 7wrsonmal sent imnit h(ae 11 L' c:om i e~Ic 0ntodlav Have You Visited the Shop Shop ? F'illed Vwith ti's' m1o':t delight ful C hri lns'novelties, Ic (Ci ft Shop in vii es you to nmake. your -,ift seleitian here. You. will find scm mn Phgtin nusa a I for every 1uet erof ttie family anld fo every friend ern yeur list. AMid you 'it boie ucr esm (1 to know that; the pu ice range is wel within fthe 1-010i's5 Ut til>1nios't mocesth 1) 11 r5 . (MAIN FLOOR) «n u an E Announc't A First Sunday Matinee at 3:30 2" ,Oil -Xi fJ .'b. p ,, 6S 6. I lilt