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November 07, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-07

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tI wouldl inspire immediate act ion t0-
~ ~.XI4~~III ward that end(, and in a few years we
could expect to see schools ort this
Published every morning except Monday typle Spigng p tho hutiea
during the University year by the Board inrign up togotth
Control of Student Publications.j country~ We can nev er hope to teach

Memblers of Western Conference Editorial.
Association. -
the Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news;
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise'
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein,
Tntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices : Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 224.
Telephone 4925i
Chairman, Editorial Board ... Norman R. Thai
City Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor............ Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor............ Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor............... Joseph Kruger
Telegraph E ditor.......... William Waithour
IMusic andl Dramra.. Robert B. Hendersoni
Nighit Editors
Smith II. Cady Lecnard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thonmas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore WV. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City E~ditor~
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

the populace, at best at nuc'le11s, to
realize fully the needs of tIhc country,
and understand there, unless such
schools can b1e0for .r dto mou ]ld p~lub)-
lic opinion.
Thte process will be a long one,
haste would be disasterous. At any rant-.
constitutional growth can be safely
accom'plished, lpolitics (ca11 be imade a
generally,' rather than sp,'cifitsilly,
honorable profession, by encouraging
andi supporting such inst Bit l Ons as
the Walter I lines Page School of 1 ii-
ternational Relations. TIhe germ one
cultured, the contagion will soon
Dr. Sarnel D~ickie, pi'esident-eme(ri-
tus of Albion college has passed on
to another world. Connected with the
college for alhriost half a century, and
active in community affairs. umoil the
day of his death, Doctor 1c )iei prob-
ably dlid more to shape the diest inlt('
of Albion than any ot her mnan.
Graduat ing front there in 15i72, he'
beanie profe,,sor of niathenia Iicii in
1877 and held that chairiut il 1557,
when he resigned to become t'liaiinm
of the national prohibitijon corun iitt ('0
In 1901, lie was elected presidenit of
Albion and hel that position utitl
1921, when he retired.
The Albion educator waknal a
prominent figure in coiniunity <affairs,

1e l3. and (G. boys ane 11hiving lots w 4 H he(a ii h a
of fun. W e are havintg a game of i~r"bi ot ilr nIh ht
mfdern wariare around Tap~panlhall.'nyteae tt :5o'l i
'the men are divided into two teams, nytt er Wiii,:I,) e Play Pl dutiy
the But 1(1 itig'1vs. the rO unds. The
G'rounds have lw'en building trencthes ls~lw'et"TreLe(ho1s
all along the- Walk an'Id are said to be ~ 3aui~idi'dne sa
digg;Jing ltfitles tiniar Tap)an lball, the*
stronghold of the 'Buildings. "T I6Iii.,l,1'I t 4IVF ,HOTh
I Atl first the Ris thtought it best
Areviev, 'by Kenineth Wick ware.I
to lut ild( a searfold outside thle "
"I\'ho are you ?" sh rioks the per-
( bmild in g to proteoct their fort as
wellas titaile hem to trow lole:ed Mrs. (lubbins, the "Old Sweet-
elstucks andI shovels and things hea(," ' when onle(of the imnpossibly
upon the Gl. below. Then the wary zealous minions of the law apprehends
G .s got a hose which proved nmore her within the sanctity of heer own'
effect ive t hana liqtid tire, so that lodgings.
plan 1ha d to 1)e a bandotied. Now "Sect landI Yard!" thnders back the
I the I at (St imanitever of the doe- irate detective, whtobhas discovere'd
dletendetrs of he fo(ross to throw het' he 'ri' id wit P. pearls and d ja-
.pieces of thle roof down ipon t[eIi 0nsad(lslliz po e ~sn
G. who 11a ve 110(21 forced to dig inll etl ~ ipayiguo e oo
deepe'r because of this.a t. tnl(''t51i nrtatiitIst
weO reIot Isttl ('nou1ghi, sirtoLntte(l by
It is believed by war Corresp~ondent s hdaptdciidi t eablto
r(at the front. that the bat tle will be non a il who t )1 ' (Itlscina fora
nxrcefce yteIan athan was theIlalka a war. Th'lis is due11a0 i' rinlt l~swe i who is rea dy to
"' c'iiefly to )thle fa ct tha't thLe ciit es'-tan thai t oit, 'anyt hing iuder the sun,
(10d not. readlanyth11ing hut. the sport1s andi amtA iEzcatsold(ier, a ('00 kney
lpgo of The 1Da ilyx'n' the P. and C. L sol ti i-,a111ii a she 11- lho('hed soldi(r
I1; ,etim nex.t Isuof w hwill recore, ;ccbofis.;todcad ax ~i~
apera gona ciw.ugh nc c whre or,om l iit (leit) iott'Oand (all tof
be rel'ea ;Eed ft-om the front to write it.a
* pa~t yI pleslsi'o)

We are running bargain tables at both stores. Displays are changed
twice a week. Prices are so greatly reduced we cannot advertise these
bargains individually. It will pay you to watch them each week.
Ciah'rhms ooks

.... .

At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.


_ __-. _ _ _ _ I



Irving arniolts5O S C
704 N~. Univerity Ave. IPhone 21212

For .Mc~sUISse'd Cothing.~
'hioni 43-1It M115IV. Washliiigiom


His Orchestra
The University m lr

Gertrud e L. Baileyy
Charles Tehymer
Philip C. Birooks
Edgar Cal-ter
Eugene 11. Gutekutnt
Douglas Doubleday
Mary lDunnigan
lamnes T. Herald
Elizabeth S. Kennedy
Marion Kubik
Walter H. Mack
Lotis R. Markus
Ellis Merry
Helen Mori ow
Margaret Parker

Stanford N. Phelps
E velyn Pratt
Marie Reed
Simon Rosenbaum
Ruth Rosenthal
Wilton A. Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtlavdl C. Smith
Stanley Steifiko
Clarissa Tapson
Henry Thurnau
D~avid C. Vokes
Chandler J. Whipple
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilszke

Telephone 21211
Advertising.................. J. Finn1
Advertiiiig..............'. ID. Olmsted, Jr.
Advertising ..............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising.................. Win. L. Mullin
C;irculation................. I. L. Newman
Publhication...............Rudolph Bostelmaiu
Accounts ................... Paul W. Arnold
. Assistants
Ingred M. Alving S. II. J. ardee
George 11. Annablc, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl B~auer Julius C. Pliskow
lchnm11. Bobriuk Robert Prentiss
;eldeitW. Butzbach Win. C. Pusch
W. J. Cox Franklin J. Rauner
Mlarion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan
]aes R. DePuy Margaret Smith
Oargaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorge
Stan Gilbert 'Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth Haven Wmn. 1H. Wearne
J. E. Little Eugene Weinberg
Frank I'. Mosher Win. J. Weinmnan
F. A. Nordquist ____ ________
1'crhaps the whole bllame for demo-
cr-atic shortcomings in America can
be la id to the ,disinterestedness of her,
peoples--the greatest single fault of
self government in this country. The
timense .possibilities for corruption in
politics - sadly misplaced officials,
legislative fuddlings, and all that go
wvith it - cumbersome governmental
madchinery, hopelessly scattered re-
sponsibility---in fact all the faults of
cur governmlent, can be definitely 1o-
cat~d, regardless of their original
sources, in an ignorant puiblic.
No constitution, amendment, law, or
state+-e can so embrace the eme'rgen-
cies and requirements of posterity
and the present, as to be everlastingly
useful. Even constitutions, state and.
nation.Al, displaying the remarkable
inelasticity characteristic of, ours,
have left open chances for growth
through custom, precedent, and
,amendment far outnumbering advan-
tzige tken by a careless electorate.
AdmttelythelabTOr involved in al-
'1-- '' frth '4 ''~~ i P';uif
V 7 - <l 'V "l ake
-~~~~~~~~ 1 1''78' lvu, 'Sizen.
~ 'v'r'.tatsa,'K hsough
a - io' ~ of ntog'esmake

in 1923 was made first pres ident o1' will not, cha nge materially for q iiito santiy felt lhat s n Ito =prang in anid
the Albion chanmber of commt~er'e, stoineti me, (duet to thle amount (of work out of toits, dri lf-giitlg ot t lie suspcct- j
T1he loss of Doctor It)ickie will he it takes to tig tr'enches. eel crtintals tivith a violence tXlichz
felt not only by tihe itnstit ut ion for * *A s above r'eprtoacht'lher'e are Iinjts of
which lie worked. but also by thle na- TheB s ae dptdanod con' taiiicst ion with departei-Id(1 SirtiIs,
tion in general as an expaonolit of ftlz' OerI lg(Bonzte :wet one promiises of unselfjisli sni'mnde r en the
prohibition movement an1(dof highcer lza, pait cif the Amer icon fuzgitive, tihat the
edctoas their fighrting song, while the girl be loves mzay get hial f of Ii'e
(1.5 hae t~akn a ut~htrh(Ynkeed pounds offered forIs catp-
D-I oodle ) tune11 from one of the past; tune. It is all amiry, dllight ful stuaf',
A special session of thle loritlaleg- IIi'jiransow.trlllgaid nisngwtieitixen
islature has beenz called. It's about * * * but ditli cultt to retatlin in its lit Itsomec
tune that something wais conte t) aS--' (stur hole is that t he girle in Tam- ex'anestetite. l# is the stuff which l
sert Florida's right to Florida prlofits. botur'ine will look like the gii'ls whoto does much to mak e'thte theater the I
__warthe,____________in___eplatesatthechat'nti ugly (list inct world thItat it, is,
wea th cot nnesin he lats a teand sends tl'e audience ouit of the;
It's 0one thing to keen) one',sideals 'UInion. Ilayhlouso coirs laughting -laughing,!
hligh, but quite anot her to keep them * * * land ('veil repcatinrg some of0 the' lines
completely out of sight. ANf) 7T1l BABY --assuiredlly a happy pottent.
- ''Three Lire (Host s" is a 'heart en-
lt~llty we offer tihe followitig from ,-ncnicigyatdte niit
iC A M P I. S O P IN IO N I A nn A r btor's g reatest evening P ap e-r - '. Professor h lo llister's P lay Pro dluctionAti n n o s c m u i a o s w ll bO e of h e ov i st o i l e e ts f c u r , a d b o h an p r p i te n r -
disregardted. The n'ames of comnniuni- Itewe stetadneadrcp uto o TeCtadteCnr
.'ants will, howelver, be regarded as Ithwekithtedacan ee-Ieciofo"'eCtadteCnry
confidential uvon request. tion, honoting Presitdent Clarence C. antd an effective seasoning for the
I itt le and 'Mrs. Little, to 1)0 given Fri- j noet serious plIays which are to be
i 11E1,1U,4PO1SE OF '11111: 'T1'111, 1 (lay afternooti at the Michigan Uanion. given by tihe class later in the season.
To the Editor: Thel( affair yNil ehel)(1 fronm ::30 to ITihe'c atstanditg Iperformance of the
I evenling was given by Fred Jarrett, as
An editorial aplpearinig in Friday's a~,:30. Jimmie (Gubbins, the cockney-soldier.
IMichigan * Daily entit led "('lear thez, Old brass and( copper bowls filled Eloeta Seeley was a striking Mirs. Cub-r
Decks!" is to my m~intd toino~whttwith ant util flowers will '',) used itt bins, "who 'ated to s0e a good thing
misleading. Thle gtenteral impression thetopizi t intt IIge't away ;"'' an1 Ear'l Sawyer, as the
that one gathers from tile'a rticle isDi iamocnd's5 tci'i'ht i will play English dietect ive, was energetic, anti
tihat Colonel Mitchell is being iri i ' ncimig. Aside trilt the dance, a ltoudspotke-thoroughuly the dlear, stu-!
by a military court with the tobject of 1,41011) io will Ito helItand everyonle pfd, old Scotlandt Yard.
determining whet her tihe charges h l' iven im l)Ia)O1l'l u n bo e11i t ir. fdi to 1I *
brings are tru'e or not and tl 11hale, rs.Litle.Allmeber 1(0 ugIt t
intends to fortify his p)ositioni by Ia -attendll atnr take their hmsbands.
fresh alttack upon the idtitini,0tratioll. 'Iibm coitmian, we have dectidedt after Emnstie cuan-lin, o-
Tl.tmy h itetono wteColnlittitil t Saliy, is .Iotic°, because ofI tihe ;tralt o, will sing the following numzbers
and his counsel, but it, is niot the pur- beauty oh'its ba e tor bottotm. It also i e eia n111adtrut St
t"''it'ii ( urdmay eveniilg, Novemberr.14, as thle
pose of the trial. i5cI r -r.
T~lepurpse f th tmial s t ])iOV( * ** Iopbening. progr am of the Pixtra Councert
Thepuroseofthetril i t prve sries, oilferedtl by It'c.SchIool of Music.
first, whether Colonetl Mit chellI made l"iuds Itye now being received tI
She will be assisted by Eleanor
tile statements a scribed to him,. and bmiy It'e cttiniltrs ohfIthis depaWrt mezzt Sceri,lpiantist, and ld ot'ence Hlarde-
secndl, heter heina~in; f schwhat. is to 4)eknzown as the Walter
sectndly whthertim makng l' sellman, violittist:
statements constituitod. a breach11 of Raleigh meorl~iial slicker. I.
discipline or by tbeir' language showetd* *Iiitrane Aria..........Rossi
disrespect toward those in stt1prcit' If' the Wonteit's Loagiieh oe 110 5)10O, nRest in the Lordm (from
authca'ity, the secretariesa of the army campatign like the Senior' class we 1'tlijalt) . . endelssohn-B3arthioldy
and navy, and the Presletit, --an act tdare say they might have a building 1 Deliabh Ai'ia.............. Saint-Saens
punishable under the Articles oIf War, a lot sooner than otherwise. I1Ime. Slutann-lleink
which are the rules of conucitttfor.tilt '1 * II
army prescribed by ('omngress a-nthe it For thteir slog,"an, they tmighit us e: 1r onido . . . . . Mozart--Kreissler
Constitution of the United , tates. Btuild a H omne frtom' air Dltauhteri. I!Ave M\aria . . .....Sdubert-Wilzltm~j
However, time charges brought by ***I 1 er...................... Novacek-
the colonel are not inl the least lost OMtiss ltt sthiIsoam. ar1d111melan
sighlt of. The Presidetnt applointed la I * *

With the Old One
and get a
Ive i E ttw io-f, modlernt equip-I
mcut i it aIlig'h?,, oegiv m a its ando
t11(y, ;H'( tis'f aT ihtes on thie
c.'lmos---u'stotI itm we e:a l1 to fit ally
hieal~. We also Ma:e old harts look
lUke new.I
617 Packcar l Strieet. Phone 7415.
(Wh iere P..1. IL. Stops at State St.)


1 ,V

F -.~.'--- I

"StI t.jcIs of Pai amount Impjortance."



{ N
y " jib , r r .
1 / ,
,, f
, r , .
l ' , + ll +r
i r , ire
rf' J r ! e
! SSd


I gjl'gwj

~ ,4~ TAUCUT
Opeli Daily
14 Ari .-itiAls t1)iP.Dail
Pdut i C a t ev('m'y ]\l al di y
F~ritday. 1'i ft' 'a one-btor iles-
22~ TU In''hA'aePOe :2

Style is an important codl-
sidratonwith most col-
lege students. Our clothes,
tailored specially by R.&
W., will satisfy you.
"Dress Well and .succeed."




boai'd o' invetigation to determine,
time truthm of colonel Mitcheli's chat'
and also, as a result of thiis inivestigli-
tict), to niake r'''inetl~iJiSie-
garding tilelid visabi lit y of a ;epa r at ('
ait' servitce. 'J'liishlast is t lit' re:t:1poinit.
at issme, and iv as probablytime ofo'
Colotnel Mitt'lill at the ootseto±(T his
mlodr'am~atic Itceo satiou s wldtch t -

UIo Cobtt's

ItOOM il )j
fan Spite of' tine I'ein!i' i"is mota iaIli
p)o')v ' ao110) ain sfIl!)of)repe~tat ing the
v'orl , of Ille s< a me a taf hoz', ve mnoteI
give antotherzjo! ay by'Ca'lC ('aipheoli'
Clc12neaif s. .61y' donI't Itheseepeople
taki t, lof tim'o'idy .advie!,

116 E. Liberty

p ,

ile,' t b'i~"'lie . ieltly suited ini this anti -climax whih ,l ids
1'e~I ,n iiu effi- fair to eclipst' tl- e real chlia x,. The l3. and G. l\Vat canpaignl will lie
r'Should(time trialI t)aga i a sIibilil" t' alsi p('nihed inext I T 11111 y; t he annizi-
f''nto'' tt 'isl -tetive, colonel -ma)yfeel j 'ilm,ed t)o''1)a intive rsarytof thme late IDeadi zilch's birthi-
Io', ti i'' ''thaIn' thle United Sie' sdiii'l 'ii c' A na7 dl' w i ili has been hproc'laimedt h 1.
dii~' -UfIS' ofa (te 'E?01 or ithout a ('antry 'but., IR ise, I a t!i ,t*(CIlayby Presih humt Calvin Cool -
,r _ :) h h 1 i s e do-)-vb'jrie lie b It s e ba st. it ''rests olf I i u', ofI'yniolitli, Vit.
' r ' i t l .. s.-c'rt lg t~owl- th lild 811 1 ltii( rtIS tdIIta - -
~('i't I i i -np l's.dudpre- famnous chil iacl "r. It woulticb iatliu' 'A'ri. (Cololidige is Pre'tsidenit of the
5 tIj 'm't' ctLIII(flawv. a bit te1' pill, i1clico~I -1 IIV(' c fm i'hei~ui tt(lStatte,;l tffAmerica.-
'e 'oolanvthing colomio'I to ltaveto to ti sea(lot'ai itl-*-I
rhefe w 'nmy be definite period ,asioar l ont butrr',,:d(- LIME lilt KS
ec- ian01)1tunity lutled adzia''m. It ugl t ('chtange lhis x1v
k' 'i t ii 2 111 ii u ye O t p 1 1 i i w h y do n 't th ey n i v e ml o retOI' p e1 o p1l 0e
01ciiminS ,nationt- C(7apt. George U'. IDunmmJi., u':
,,u a hol moeso f1hhtay2''c.Aund 5 1lIIi us poets sucehigroans{
BLASTS lI'YX'IEWI I 11-'i 1 jugan h1wsmut ti wtorse
~ S T exhlmploof the To time Editor: li uihfi 'ms
e pi'stative i wh ll o you ubhih er tc'raN ow Jonats rhymes with, bones
f~otcnh oun such rtd it'uhuts eft'usim: ~trile.,, loallsat'ed *
U tsc' '! H e, anti;'in (n ou;e(td.yiy lrtiligE'S paOper (1111-j
mm n - icy of cI nin ' Mre1Cormalc=t xa11,t'lhi s coi ti it Auit Arbor' ntdis, says Rollo,
~ 'e~ f ii' With I con? If '. lT~Ohemt, itimsav ttmn itt sinmor:' stri'et s anad fewvemrholes.I
~ '' we com ti ' stab- himiself unmnovediby Ai r, 21 c( 'om'nmc's Sr'~I~ iin
Sir Tobiy i' IiV1'' Page I inging, then it is safe to infe'r t hat
- Ii~ 'mmi 11111 lations. thlem'e is not11hing itt Ihim c t ale o' T1,e mayor of New Orleans has ii-
-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " t t ''i S-ttutinielg itvd oto i i''Cti tdvit ed P resiinent Coolidge to) visit.,11111
i": - . " , ;ti~utin beng nlover. 14lst o i-s- -r-.t.r,, d

P1 _



4ti i

o- 'Z"


Fru'iestiittuSchlumaaIln -Ileilnk


r .+vs mxw.m x
_....___.s.... .._....- ...,. ....-s....--.-. .. ...e.... ....... . .

Glass Dinnerware, Pottery, Cutlcry, Carvin ; Sets,
Razors and Blades, Tools of all Kinds,
Electric and Oil Heaters.

&A~ 19 r

Ihl iebe dick.............Beetitoventi
When f110 1Loses Bloom.......
Louise Reichart;
II ai(It'ulosloin.............. Schubert
Wiegenlied ..........Brahms
M~me. Schumann-Iieink


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