PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1925 .. Judges For Extemporaneous 1 Speaking Contest Selected Judges for the first semester ext em- and upperclassmen, except those who! poraneous spearing 16ontest to be hed; have represented Michigan in inter- at 8 o'clock Wednesday night, Nov. collegiate debate. The winner will be; 21, in University Hall unde the aus- presented with a bronze plaque, anid1 pices of the auspices o1f the Oratoical a)bok will be given as the second association have been selecte~d. Thei prize. are: Prof. Thomas C. 'i~ru11lc 'i1, Crl Any phase of the general subject, G. Brandt, L. C. Croeker, a~ l t. . ana Air Policy", may be Harlan, all of the publi c slucakuc gde-- 0o f the initial speech. A par- partmnent, and C. D. 'Thorpe, ofi the tculho' phase 0f the top~ic will be as- rhetoric department. i ,ignled to contestants shortly before Try outs for the contest will be n i l the tiiforI efia sech at 4 o'clock-Thursday, Nov. 19 in rooin 302 Mason hall. Seven wil la'oli , Robert F rost .ill- for participation in the finials. Alew,- bers of Delta Sigma I ho will1 judges of the try o C '1Ti o~-'so 'er, Isles been confinied to+ wish to enter tihe >) ''oit SiSAcroad, for ccv- any day next week inz h v ; t 5 a.5sove- e cold. rooms in Angell hail. -- - Comrpetition in fthe czy te 'iit e ' stn , r i :; tiam ra had ea pop- limited to second seone.,orfre ' ,mof,000 saxannaan -e-a'xr..--x_+w- n--v--r-- .....wn.-----nr.--+ -- ----- ---- ' I' To a t 1. 'AL fU w -- .r... : .. . I 9 i e _ _ COFEE CAKE SMALL PARTY COO-KIES TI PIES CAKES "ARTS 11 DID1 YOU NOTICEI We iiave =moved to a larger and finer location. We are now able to rerve the same fine quality. You fvill also lnotice the differemi~e. )AWN IDONUT COMPANY 6 EAST WASHING~TON ROLLS The CITY' PASTRY SHOP 51 6 East 'Liberty Phone' 5501 1 /9 9 ,r J " / I ' s , S 00ra CO-- Black and tan Scotch -grain War's oe S t o r Downtown 10 8 S. Main CANDY ANIL A mum HYD A-1 " "1t ut '.a r L x EXTRA FANI OUR AIM HAS ALWAYS BEEN TO PLEASE THE STUDENTS QUALITY AND SERVICE HAS ACCOMPLISHED THIS. iTUTL' SPECIALS CY LUNCHES LUNCH ROOM 338 MAYNARD g.s~aJawinsain.a....caain.ij~, 9f.B ! PREKETES reputation for lunches that attract for their daintiness and excellency is well known on the campus. .Salads, Chop Sueys, Toasted Sandwiches, and other specials.I Our service puts an additional touch to our menu. 'You are Cure to be pleased and more than satisfied. Sgr Bowl 109 S. Main OF COURSE6 YOU'LL LIKE OUR -SECIAL TH-IS WEEK . ITS VANIL,- ' -LA, APRICOT :ICE AND CHERRY. ~-ORDER NOW. =. w b - Baal41.- b a-i Y.1 -A--n Arbor Dairy Co. - The Home of Puafre AMilk- -U- i. ~. 1r You will be re- - 9161U i11 [91iI ii11 l lara-tllitl[tt it3 8 Q1Fl~ ti 6l = VVH2ERE TO DlINE sanwchscoefrmthBabceIn Noernarr fa rThe mp yuaneyovibedtcotneswit-gadeoss 'lunch or after class "bite to. eat.' "Just Try Them." Across fronm Literary Building. We Deliver Anywhere in tihe City., warded xwith the highest goods, prices chasing quality at lowest by pur- from us, Butter, Staple Eggs, Goods Poultry and Vegetables "JUST JERSEY" ' 1 MILK PRODUCE COi. 707 Packard St. "Every day is a visit ing day." The Gakiands f PHONE 8088 2276-R 2140-j .ANN ,R.BOR, MICH. I BUYING THE'BEST i / - ._. I When anybody Chases meat here may be assured they are buying quality, for that i i pur- they that first s t.C it only kind of meat fthat I I'l *we sell. 11 lil'