T,, ESTABLISHED 1890 LY t1kan ~Iaih APRESS ----- ". i,." VOL. XXXVI. No. 40 FRESHMIENSELECT LASS OFICIALS; NINE CANDIDATES NOMINATED FOR MAJOR POSITION IN LITERARY COLLEGE BURSLEY SPEAKS Ellen Grinnell Named Vice-President, Mary Alice Moore, Secretary; Wachs, Treasurer Harlan Cristy, '29, took the presi- dency of the freshman literary class from a field of nine candidates when he received 174 of the 313 votes cast at Hill auditorium yesterday after- noon. Frank Harding, Jr., qualified on the nominating ballot, but was de- feated when he received only 139 votes in the final ballot. The election opened at 4 o'clock, one-half hour after it was scheduled, in order for freshmen who had lab- oratory classes until 4 o'clock to be present. A score of men were on their feet when Kenneth C. Kellar, '26, president of the Student council, call- ed for nominations for the presidency, and the contest was close for almost every position.. Ellen Grinnell was the victor in the closest balloting that has marked any of the class elections, when she de- feated Bernadine Malay by one vote in the race for the vice-presidency, in which 285 votes were cast. The bal- lots were counted and recounted seven times by the Student council last' night before the final verdict was an- nounced: Miss Grinnell' 143; Miss Malay, 142. Any person who desires i another recount of the ballots must see Charles Oakman, chairman of the election committee of the council, be- fore tonight, it was announced last night. The vote on the secretaryship was not so narrow, Mary Alice Moore holding a good margin over her near- est rival, Carolyn Kelly. The official count was 215 votes to 71. The posi-I tion of treasurer went to Edward Wachs, who won a 165-109 victory over George Rich. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Stu- dents, delivered a short talk to the freshmen before the balloting started, in which he emphasized the import- ance of living up to the traditions and customs of the University and of making friends, both of fellow class- men and of members of the faculty. In the opinion of Dean Bursley, no student should graduate from the Uni- versity who has not made at least two good friends, outside of routine class- room work, of members of the faculty. The "dean also mentioned the im- portance for those intending to enter campus activities next February of making at least a speaking acquaint- ance with their text-books, as either a C or D grade makes a freshman ineligible to participate in extra-cur- ricular activities.i The election yesterday afternoon concluded the organization of the Uni- versity classes for the current school year. The council was aided in hand- ling the large number of freshmen by members of the junior honorary societies. ROUND TABLE CLUB TO HENtRS E. NICHOLSON' Mr. S. E. Nicholson of New York city will speak at an open meeting of the Roud Table club at 4 o'clock Monday in Natural Science auditor- ium. Mr. Nicholson, who is now as- sociated with world alliance for friend- ship through the churches, was for- merly head of the Quaker relief mis- sion in Russia and an associate sec- retary of the National council for the prevention of war. He is attending t'he annual three day conference of the world alliance in Detroit next week and has been secured to deliver this address before the session opens. His discussion will deal with "Present Day Europe and Future Peace." This meeting is open to the general public. LONDON, Nov. 5.-The situation in Syria still is tense and apparently fraught with grave possibilities. ac- cording to reports received here to- day. IOur~e the Z" I9J .. i '4 . I J I I i 1 C I t EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS 5-----k T ickets For Game nrnTlIffff At Chicago Still PRO EJUIWD May Be ObtainedCMT COERN Although all the desirable seatsj for the Michigan-Northwestern game at Grant Park stadium, Chicago, to- morrow, have been sold out, seats in the more distant parts of the stands are still available and sell for $2,1 Harry Tillotson, business manager of the Athletic association, announced before leaving for Chicago last night. Students who desire to reserve any of these seats may get in touch with Mr. Tillotson by Wiring A. G. Spauld- ing Sporting Goods company, 212 S. State street, Chicago. There is little danger of the entire stadium being sold out, he predicted last night. CLASS FINANCES IN CO0MMITTEE HANDS1 REPORT TENTATIVE AGREEMENT IMINENT AS COMMITTEES FINISH WORK j STRICT SECRECY Observers, However, Believe Terms May not be as High as Those Accorded Belgium (By Associated Press)t WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-Substantial progress was made today towards a funding agreement covering Italy'sj war debt. At the same time, reports were current in Congressional circles that a tentative agreement was immi- President Sees New Custom In Memorial Fund The 1926 literary class has, in voting to establish a memorial fund, started what I believe is destined to be a custom of the greatest value to the University. The idea of any memorial showsE loyalty and a desire to aid in strengthening the University. The method of subscription involving payments of small amounts distrib- uted over a period of years has been found to be best suited to the average donor. The size of the minimum subscription-less than one dollar per month-is surely calculated to appeal to all, even if financial prospects look gloomy. The opportunity for giving more than the suggested amount is offered to those whose financial condition . allows them to profit by the oppor- tunity. In approaching those Glasses al- ready graduated the action of the Sophomores Appoint Four To Carry W nent. of the two joint b it 1926 literary class will be of ines- On Work During Absence Of . . timable value. It is serving the dual Louis Gilbert tees, named at yesterday's joint ses- Imal au.I ssrigteda Louis Gilberts, of the negotiators, concluded its purpose of setting standards for' work last night, but the other put ins those to come and those who have PROM PLANS DELAYED practically all of today in its effort to j already graduated. I feel that it is find solution for one or two trouble- so important that this venture Members of the financial committee, some problems, the nature of which should prove successful that it is including W. W. Donaldson, chairman, was held confidential. The latter the duty of every loyal Michigan T. L. Conlon, G. A. Nicholson, and C. group will renew its conferences to- man and woman to support it C. Smith, will perform the duties of morrow to consider fresh calculations I whole-heartedly, to encourage it in the treasurership of the sophomore undertaken tonight by experts. every way, and to make an especial literary class while the recently elect- While the policy of strict secrecy effort to apply their personal in- ed treasurer, L. M. Gilbert, is engaged on which both commissions decided at fluenme to its immediate fulfillment. on the football squad, it was decided the outset prevented a public state- -C. C. LITTLE. at a combined meeting ofwthe sopho- ment tonight on the progress of the more class officers and committees negotiations, information which leak- last evening at the Union. ed through gave rise to the belief that Little progress on the arrangements a definite understanding on Italy's socalcomiteeunilth qustonofreprtwa tat hebaisthu rac-)RESERVE OFICERS', for the dance can be made by the capacity to pay had been reached, The I social committee until the question of 'eotwas that the basis thus reach- H 9 II whether the general chairmanship of ed between the negotiators had not the affair will be in the hands of the been far below the original American5 CHO UL Uct e e c u ooLLa litearyschol o th engneeingcalculations. To observers, it appear- literar shool r the engiing , ed probable that such terms as are Courses Intended To Prepare Second school this year. L. F. Buckingham- accorded Italy may be below the termsI Lieutenants For Promotion; chairman of the literary social com-, of the Belgium settlement, thus farI LiteatFoPrnoo; mittee, with the chairman of the en- the Six Subjects Offered gineering social committee, will meet the most liberal granted by the United in conference with the dean of stu- States. OFFICERS GIVE PAPERS dents today to decide the matter. _ Negotiations will then be immediately North western Organization of a school for organ- carried on with Detroit orchestras I '1.L ized rserveiofschslbeencomple- and musical organizations in the I "a Ce . ized reserve officers has been complet South and in the East to play for the, w!T ain i ckets ed and the first session of the school affair. It is probable that arrange-St l was held last Wednesday night at the ments for refreshments will not be Stil On Reserve Officers club rooms in the made by the committee this year, -that I Armory. The primary purpose of the new, part of the budget being contributed Special rate railroad tickets for the school is to fit second lieutenants of to the orchestra appropriation. ..Northwestern game at Chicago tomor- f the organized reserves for promotion The athletic' committee headed by row will again be on sale from 3 to 8 to first lieutenancies. All courses are M. E. Nickerson, has taken full charge, o'clock today at the Union. According conducted on the conference system, of the sophomore part in the Fall to Michigan Central -representatives, in which each officer is assigned a games to be held the morning of the the tickets are not selling as rapidly particular subject to prepare and ad-I 0. S. U. football game. 'A smoker as for the Wisconsin and Illinois spe- dress the class at the following meet- for sophomores in both the literary cials, and provisions are being made ing, the subject matter following thej and the engineering colleges will to accommodate all students and perscribed correspondence schoolI probably be held before the election townspeople in one train. courses, which qualify officers for a of the captain and the appointment of George W. Ross, Jr., '26, who appeal- certificate of capacity for promotion lieutenants takes place. ed to the Michigan Central railroad to to the next highest rank. extend the stop-over privilege one day Following is a list of the courses T A dess in Chicago upon action taken by the being offered during the fall session: stT AStudent council at its meeting organization of the army, discipline Big-WThree Club In Iednesday night, was informed by and courtesies, administration, mili-I wire from J. W. Switzer, general pass- tary hygiene and sanitation, military Chicago Tonightnger agent of the Michigan Central, law, and map reading and sketching. yesterday that this will not be possi- Each of the courses will be concluded' Coach Fielding H. Yost, director of ble. Mr. Switzer's telegram says in by a written examination prepared by inecoelleiateat.hletd wil seato part: "Regret that under the rules the regular army instructor and ex- intercollegiate athletics, will speak at and regulations under which low rate aminer, Capt. I. C. Holm, U. S. cavalry, a meeting of the Yale-Harvard-Prince- one fare for round trip Ann Arbor to that all officers purusing the courses ton club of Chicago tonight. Tomor- Chicago account of Northwestern will receive due credit. row he is scheduled to give an address game cannot limit tickets to include I After the completion of the subjects before the national prohibition con- Sunday as was done at Madison and !offered in the fall session, constituting vention, which is meeting in Chicago Champaign. In latter cases greater ( the basic course, a special course of this week-end. distance and requirements of other professional subjects for each branch Coach Yost left Ann Arbor with railroads west of Chicago presented of service will be organized from of-' the football squad last night. different conditions." I ficers of the various arms. Any officer! The special train will leave at 12:01 of any grade may enroll by communi- Call For Sophomores o'clock tonight, city time, arriving in cating with the Executive officer, Or- Chicago at 7:10 o'clock tomorrow ganized Reserve unit, Armory. morning. The return trip will be made tion in campus activities, who wish to row night, the special arriving here IM o e(umo Ua' ke n try out for manager of the Univer- at 7:30 o'clock, city time, Sunday sity Glee club, may report to Kurt morning. Special rate tickets, which of 1925 Opera J. Kremlick, '26, between 4:00 and are $8.92, round trip, will be honored 5:30 o'clock today and any afternoon only on this train. A re appointed of next week except Saturday in room The Varisity band will go to Chi- 308 of the Union. 'cago in the special tonight. Two more chairmen of the Union A UDIT SHOWS FINANCIAL BOOKS opera committees and the stage man- d vernnihir nCi tnf nter nameid by -- _ _ ___ WAYS AND MEANS' COMMITTEE VOTES TAX REDUCTIONS1 FIRST STEP TAREN REMOVES MILLION PEOPLE FROM INCOME LEVY CUT SURTAX R A E Changes Include liaising Ag Limit to 21 Years for $400 Exemption on Minors in School (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-Removal of more than 1,000,000 individuals from the federal income tax roll by increasing exemptions and widespread reductions in the levies were voted to- day by the House ways and means committee as the first actual step in its preparation of a new revenue bill. These income tax exemption figures agreed upon were $1,500 for single persons and $3,500 for heads of fam- ilies, compared with $1,000 and $2,500 respectively in the present law. Other changes decided upon in- cluded: Reduction of the maximum sur- tax rate from 40 to 20 per cent. Reduction of the normal rates fr'om two to one and one-half per cent on the first $4,000 of taxable income, from four to 3 per cent on +he next $4,000, and from six to 5 per cent on the remainder. Increase in the age limit for the $400 exemption allowance for de- pendents from 18 to 21 years, in cases where children are in school. Retention of the present 25 per cent reduction in the tax where ap- plied to earned incomes of $10,000 or less also was decided upon by the committee. The first day of tax cutting by thef committee was elected to have taken more than $200,000,000 of the govern- ment's annual revenue, subject, of Scourse,sto the approval of Congress, and was more extensive than the re- duction program advanced by Secre- tary Mellon because of the increased exemptions. The 20 per cent maximum was the figure suggested by the secretary, and the committee's normal rate followed' in the main the treasury program, I which provided for a gross reduction of $300,000,000 and allotted $140,000,- 000 of this to the income rates. Early in its deliberations today the committee, after consulting Director Lord, of the budget, on probable re-G ductions in the ,government's expendi- tures, .decided to adopt the $300,000,- 000 figure as the approximate of its reductions, and with more than $200,- 000,000 of this accounted for in they income tax revisions, and many pro- posals tending for reduction of the excise taxes, it appeared unlikely that the committee would favor the treas- ury proposal for repeal of the inherit- ance levy, which yields $100,000,000 annually. Some modification in this tax, however, is expected. Senator Will Give Address 1 " Doctor Declares Chauncey Olcott Still Unimproved Chauncey Olcott still lies in a criti- cal condition in St. Joseph's Mercy hospital here, with but slight possi- bilities of complete recovery, accord- ing to a bulletin issued by Dr. F. L. Arner, attending physician to the ac- tor, late yesterday afternoon.- ' The bulletin read: "Mr. Olcott pass- Ad a restless night. General condition °_s unimproved:' Possibility of com- plete recovery not as anticipated." Mr. Olcott has been seriously ill since his performance of the "Rivals" here last Friday, suffering from a general ner- vous breakdown with a combination of heart and kidney affections. At a late hour last night it was stated by Dr. F. L. Arner, who is at- tending Mr. Olcott, that the actor was somewhat weaker, but that in all probability he will be removed to his home at Saratoga, N. Y. today upon his own request. UNION WILL G1I FRE1SHMAN SMOKER Underclass Committee Prepares Annual Yearling Gathering Thursday, Nov. 12 For YOST, BROWN TO SPEAK What promises to be one of the most: complete freshman smokers in years will be held in the assembly hall of the Union Thursday night, Nov. 12, it was announced yesterday by Lester. Johnson, '27L, chairman of the under- class committee of the Union, which ( will be in charge of the affair. In- vitations will be sent by the commit- tee within a few days to every first year student on the campus. Speakers, entertainment, refresh- ments and smokes will be on the pro- gram Thursday evening, although the gathering will be largely informal. The fundamental purpose of the smoker is to provide a means for mem- bers of the class of '29 to become acquainted, it was explained by .John- son, as has been customary in past years. President Clarence Cook Little has definitely signified his intention of be- ing present, although he will not be on the speakers' program. Coach Fielding H. Yost and Robert J. Brown, '26, captain of the Varsity football team, have been engaged to address. the yearlings. Both are certain to have messages for the new men which will be of interest. Some prominent alumnus of Detroit will also be in- vited to round out the program with an enthusiastic address. The freshman band will be oh hand to render Michigan selections through- out the evening and there will be group singing by the entire class, as well as a number of Varsity cheers. A wrestling match has been arrnged, and a xylophone soloist has been en- gaged to render a number of selec- tions. Cider, doughnuts, and cigars and cigarettes will be served to all." flhTi INP9 fflfl DIMT IS DISTINGUISNG BRITISh POET 'STATES MUSIC DIFFERENTIATES. PROSE FROM POETRY READS OWN WORKS Extracts From "The Torch Bearers", "The Highwayman" And Others Are Interpreted Attributing music to be the distin- guishing quality which differentiates ternationaly famous British poet, re- poetry from prose, Alfred Noyes, In- cited a number of his poems and works of prose to illustrate his ideas of poetry last night in Hill auditorium. His lecture was the third of the sea- son lecture course of the Oratorical association. "Music is the distinguishing quality which differentiates poetry from prose," said Mr. Noyes. "It is that indefinable music which all poets have looked up to as their essence. It is this musical quality in poetry that has made it outlive nations." Pointing out that music does not mean the surface jingle of words which has no significance nor value, he said, "it is that through which real meaning is conveyed. If you rob poetry of its music you rob it of its worth. The music of the poet is the attempt to bring us into touch with the universe itself." Mr. Noyes told his audience that people put the wrong aspect on poetry when they think and speak of It as merely a mechanical proposition where it is a case 'of sacrificing through to the more common matters of rhyme and meter. He illustrated the mechanical view by quoting the well known epitaph: "Under this heap of crumbling . stones Lies the body of Timothy Jones. His name was really Smith, not Jones, But Jones was put to rhyme with stones.t He then said that blank verse hai always been the medium of serious poetry. His Vr'st reading ws "The Ad- miral's Ghost". It told of the legend in which Drake was supposed to come back to the aid of England in spirit in the person of Nelson, the great seaman. He recited "The Wagon", a ballad of a wagon laden with clover wending its way to the sea across the Sussex downs. He did this to show that we can have a regular form of meter contrary to the belief of the modernist. A dramatic moment was furnished with the recitation from "The High- wayman". This is one of Mr. Noyes' masterpieces. It consisted largely of descriptions of the highwayman and Bess, the blackeyed daughter of the innkeeper. It ended in a tragedy with Bess committing suicide while chi- ed to her bed and the highwayman being shot dead by soldiers of te king. From one of his latest works, "The Book of Earth", which is the second book of a triology, "The Torh ear-. ers", he recited two passages. The book has for its theme the evolutions. ary interpretation of creation. Not since "Paradise Lost" has there bei so serious an attempt to interpret through the medium of poetic verse the history of man and man's rela- tion to God, critics say. "The Mountain Laurel" was also given. Mr. Noyes received his in- spiration for this work while travel- ing through the mountainous country of Connecticut. "The Old Grey Squir- erl", which he recited, told of a boy who had been born and reared near the sea shore. His dreams to go to sea were shattered and we find him as an old man in London. "The Barrel- Organ" was an attempt to paint the streets of London in the Springtime. Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, of the Eng- [ish department, introduced the speak- er. William C. Dixon, '26, president of the 4 Oratorical association, pre- # s~ided. + t I 1 ,, . 'i _, .I i . OF U I ER I Y SA I F CT R ,ager ana ns assismi wer nueuy OF UNIVERSITY SA TISFA CTOR Y theopera- committee on committees at a meeting of that group at thej Audit of the financial transactions ing to the diversified nature of the Union yesterday. Three committee of the University has just been com store room supplies. It is our opin- chairmen were appointed a month ago, pleted by Price, Waterhouse & com- ion however, that if the running in- whose committees have been function- . ventory would not be advisable, that ing since. All the chairmen will make pay of Detroit, and with a few mminor periodical tests should be made." the opera trip and will appoint mem- recommendations and suggestions, The auditors also recommended that bers of their respectiveucommittees books of the University have been de- the University should enter upon its w rom a large field of tryouts within a clared satisfactory. The report of the books a memorandum as soon as noti- few weeks, some of whom will also auditors, which was completed Oct. fled of any gift. Heretofore it has s accompany the production on its tour 13, has been delivered to the Board j been the practice to enter the various this winter, according to . M. of Regents. gifts on the books only when the Graves, '26E, general chairman of the "We have compared the joint re- transaction has finally been closed. opera. port of the secretary and treasurer "The open items in the memorandum Jams Vce '27,u ws nmed with the records of the University and record would represent the proper- chairman of the costumes committeei find it to have been prepared in ac-ties in the progess of settlement or stchosen to head the orchestra com- cordance therewith," the auditors say. transfer which have been given to the mitte Hwrd Turner.'26E, asse Unfl WWCyatty"1UU I IIILU ULILLUI 1I1L11IIU Sen. Woodbridge N. Ferris, who will- IN FIELD OF CATALYSIS be the principal speaker at the all- I campus public speakihg banquet to be I Prof. Roger Adams of the Univer- held Nov. 18 in the Union, has selected sity of Illinois outlined recent de- "Loyalty" for his subject, a letter re- velopments in the field of catalysis in ceived from him yesterday informed chemical science at a lecture in the the Oratorical board. chemical amphitheater yesterday. His The senator said he will apply subject was "The Effect of Poisons "Loyalty" as he sees fit to the solution and Promoters in Platinum Black of present day crime problems and Catalysis," and during his treatment, to the enforcement of law. He is he explained modern commercial ap- known to be an extemporaneous plications as well as theoretical and speaker and will, as he always does, ( general problems. exercise a free hand in treating his i Professor Adams is a graduate of topic. Harvard university, with a doctor's de- For many years Senator Ferris has gree, and during the World war "as engaged in politics and has made a, employed in the chemical warfare de- name for himself, not only in the partment at Washington. After the Democratic activities of the state but war he returned to the University of of the nation as well. So high was Illinois, where he instructs a number Senator Ferris esteemed by his fel- of advanced students in organic chem- low Democrats that his name was istry. Professor Adams has contri-E placed before the last national Demo- buted materially to the chemical re- cratic convention in New York city search field and has published many for nomination to the presidency. Al- well known books. though he was not nominated, he and The meeting was held under th-e his supporters were big factors in the joint auspices of the University and formation of the policies of the party. the University of Michigan section of His experience in the Senate has the American Chemical society. brought him into intimate touch with the crime and law enforcement prob- Cm lems which confront the nation, and: Ccago Emplo- s for this reason he is most capable of Must Live In City discussing them. He has long taken an interest in social problems in gen- eral. l CHICAGO, Nov. 5.-Home moving, Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, faculty day for many city employes may be' manager of the Oratorical association, a political sidelight in a change of will give a short address at the ban- city administrations. Employes un- 1 r f. , - New Business Ad Library To Open Early Next Week Furniture and equipment for the new business administration library and reading room on the second floor of Tappan hall is now being installed, ind it is expected that the room will te open for use the first of next week. As soon as the stacks are in position, business administration books from the Library and the economic library t -g MMP yy~gig ha a^ivetoy lctd tae 1ge, ,a , r i Urging that a "running inventory" University, but have not yet been re- dsn ,m be kept of supplies, the report says ceived by the Regents," the report Austin, '26, will be his assistant Com- "we have discussed with officials of says. I(mittee chairmen previously appointed the University the propriety of a per- Where subscriptions to University were Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, pub-1 Ll 'I .!