THURSDAY, NOVLMBE'R 5. Y THE MIHIGAN DAILY PA(,F UIIUIISDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1925 PACE SFVPN _..._.,.. ..._...Ma,..._ ._._. ... .._........... ..... ADVRTIIN LASS f I OLUM F(TA IN IPEN IREPAIRING 'We skillfully repair your pen the s-me day you bring it. Wh~y send it away and wait. Rifler's Pell Shop 3i02 State Street FOUNTIAIN VE;I1 ii FOR HSAIE -Congress Inquires1 :iones,' I o sal. Rate to t I I i J RAD3;fILA 3 jnl ri 1 n;L~aNI pl latte i'A, tube ,, a,A otherc rlgent ; or ;2, Call (S'5(). equip- NOTICE . ......._..._. .mw.. F F OIh REST TAILORING !P0 [ORIiENT--Four room furnished Students Tailoring JPlioiie"8010+ apartment newly decorated, gas, Cor. N. University and Thayer h eat, and laundry privileges includ- MIEN'S SUITS CLEANEI) AND edl. Phone 4377. TRUEPRESSED, ? )e PFOR ?1=ENT--T, o large pleasant light! TROUERS RESSD, hn bi -c-ping rcooms, nicely furnish- CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING Cdfs lo rvt nrne 1 AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY Ie" doprvtenac.11 ALSO LADIES DRESSES AND . n;calls, Dial 7437. COATS l (AI RENT1--Rooms for five or six REASONABLE PRICES 'nien rat123fl. Washington. Garage Work Called For And Delivered for rparty living at house. XWe profit by your satisfaction. Tphe ink- we recommend is first a record . ink. It is the best flowintg ink an(]; will not clog; the dlelicate niechan- isin of your pen. Ask At Rider's Penl Shop 302 State Street FOU)LNTAIN PENS All the better makes including the fanmous Rider "Masterpen." Why not get our shelled serv ice with the pien you buy at the same cast. Rider's Pen Shop 302 State Street i4R t'S:" ". Tvo 12icets Northw 'est- er"> a ~am Dial 9W9)1. FOR SALE --For d tou rug.,fully equip- Iced. OcH l5,"516 or st~;p at 700 haven.3 FOR 'AL"-- On(e 1923 Ford roadster. In c oldition for Nor thwesterni trip. $100. (Call " Eppic" Phone 9217. FOR SAE-T 7, size 27. Phone 8871. FOR SALE--Gibson mandolia and mand~olin c vii. -Muisic st-and and music: standi case, $35.00. Ray Vose, 203 S. Thayer.f Read the Want Adsf IW?AINGTON. Nov. 4.---A specl lleetillg of the joint congressionalI ccam'ssion inve tigating the opera- tiens o+ l te new ,postal rates has b~een called for Monday and Tuesday to re- ceive a report of the post office de- partment showing the earnings on the various rates. Chairman M~oses has not dIecided on further proceedure after thetwo drys sessions, but the committee is ex-3 pectedl to sublmit recommendations! for permanent revision of the postal rates soon after Congress convenes.j 'IENSIANS $3.,'0 TOIDAY. Frequient ervc -43- II im 11 11. - .......,m ..-~ ~ _ -~ A ~ '~JV~9 -a- - All I)Ol)RIInr Brogue modc~s en ii !spkiy a~ t (d'Y !~'OOLl"OLK & ('0. Ann Ar~~ur, 3~ivb. Yast and Attens exclus ve y o:ar own c ,VI'l.1 ELSON BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, per- mnanent waving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 202. Dial 4404. THE COLLEGE MAGICIAN - Announcing Complete change in his bag of tricks. Entertainment for all occasions. N. D. Smith, Dial 5970 NOTICE SBUY the LATEST FICTION at BID- DLE'S BOOK STORE, 11 Nickels Arcade. FREE One shampoo with every $6.00 ticket. Price $5.00. Have treatment for scalp regularly. Anderson Beauty Shop Phone 3059 5275 Liberty 20 Years of service ATTENTION fraternities and sorori- *ties.' Try our Special Blend Coffee. Per pound 45c. TheoSchultz Groc- ery. NOTICE We pay best prices for men's used clothing. Dial 8040. Students' Tailoring Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer LOST LOST-A sliderule near engineering building. Reward. C. V. Elder, 501 W. Forest Ave. Ypsilanti, Michigan. FOR il'N'I'-Ruom for two or threec b oys $2.50 each. Alddress Box 241 1\ichigan Daily. IVANTED STUD IWN to sell insuranc e, good pay. Daily Box No. 12. - I WANTED-Position as cook in fra-j terifity. Phone 8921. - I JO±r N FN --- - - wHrI T EHO ! fSE & HA D Y ICORPORATED BROADWAY AT 40T" STRELET 144 WEST 42N° STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA House BLDGx. KNICKERBOCKER BJUILDING 84 BROADWAY-AT WALL STREET lOlAKS~ 1((OlAN SUPPLIES FO WANTED--Girl student to help carE for children and housework. Phon4 4329 or call at 1411 Wells street WANTED-A STUDENT REPRESEN- TATIVE AT MICHIGAN, preferably a popular junior or senior who it capable of interviewing and employ- ing college men during spare time. There is $400 waiting for the right man who applies to H. J. Fiedler, 411 Leidy Dorm, University o; Penn., Phila. Pa. WA.NTED-Stud nts to take orders for hand painted Christmas cards. Call 8766. t. Y£ Films l i 1' Don' Borrow-Subscribe' Todayf. Film Developing Kod aks, and Christmas Greetin CardA Sample books of Personal Cardts now re ady and at Kodak Supplies Gel Acquainted With I VANTED-Twotickets Northwestern game. Frank Sullivan, 1027 E. Huron, Dial 8124. WANTED-One' or' two, quiet refined students to work for their room. Address Box 24 Daily. FOUR Fellows to go to Northwestern in new closed car. $7.50 round trip. Start, Friday afternoon, return Sun- day. Can obtain tickets. Box 23. X74 LOST-Saturday night on road to De- troit,, a black leather hand bag. Finder please call Hathway 6594. LADIES purse left in car on way to game. Contains Detroit library card and small change. Phone 7125 Reward. LOST-Sometime Saturday night, a 1' large size Schaeffer pen and pencil to match. At-bottom of pen it is, roughened by burning. Reward if returned to Thompson at 426 N. In- galls. Dial 4917. Or call at 9251 Church, Dial 9557, Or call 106 So.I Wying Univ. Hall. Phone Univer- sity 45-M.I LADY'S brown suede fur-lined glove between Forest avenue and Ferry field. Phone 5623. LOST-Theta Kappa Psi fraternity pin. Call Palmer 3497, reward. s LOS-String of amber colored beads.1 Call 8433, reward. LOST-A Swan fountain pen and a i Parker pen without cap. Ilyte at Phone 5821. L.OST-A gold fountain pen with init- ials E. 0. J. Finder please return to '614 Forest. Reward. LOST-Small Sigma Phi pin. Gladys McMillan on back. Finder pleased f call 4917. LOST-Silver gray police dog with tanJ collar. Reward if returned to 1912 IGeddes or phone 5817. f r AMHO "WINTER ATHLETIC" UNION SUITS A knuee length, sleeveless, loos( fit, ing, knitted garment mad( of highest grade vvool anid cot. t juixed. C l 9e leI L 1\T yTYJ A DON LAND COMPANY 719 !North University Ave. Phone 4514 FILMS FILMI) DEVEL1OPING Order Your CHISTMAS zI Greetingr Cards_ i We are showing Christmas Greeting Cards to be engraved or printed with your own name. You will find many exclusive designs with senti- ~ 1I ments which will conform exactly to your require- -Select your cards now, we will engrave them and c hold them for you until December.' The Mayer- Schairer Company is widely known for their dis- - tinctive greeting cards. The. Mayer-Schairer Co., St ationers-Priniters-Office Out fitters Phone 4515 112 South !fain StreetM f aI- -11111111I{11111111l11111111{{11111[1111111111111: your service. U Leave your order early. 12' Wrl< UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE wie me ac pipe . and IWP~k +. /r + $300 'this is a neCw and original cre tloit. D)emand the genuine, CLO THING STORE (Downtown) r 1 4 f I i i# I I i M I i I 1 I f i f I I I r FLOWERS BY WIRE We are members of the J two largest florists' W..HEN Comp. Lit. and Physics 3-B *are crowd- ing for attention; when I've just- received an over-cut notice from the Dean; when my allow- ance is a month off and the stub of my check- book confesses a balance of s$9.32, give me a pipe and Prince Albert. I want to be\ happy!. 'Trouble's a bubble, they say. And I can prove it. . . with my jimmy-pipe and P. A. just never was a friend like Prince Albert. Cool and sweet and soothing, P. A.'s true-blue smoke zooms up the stemn, knocking troubles for a row of test-tubes. Never a tongue-bite or throat-parch. Just cool contentment, no matter how hard you hit it up. Give me a grate fire to chase the chill of winter nights, an easy chair and my jimmy-pipe packed with P. A. Nearby, a tidy red tin for frequent refills. I know, Brother, I know! --noy other tobacco is like it! P. A. is sold everywhere in tidy red tins, pound and half- ,pound tin hum idors, and pound crystal-glass humidors with sponge-moistener top. And always with every bit of bite and parch removed by the Prince Albert process. 1 I co-operative associations which assures you good service on orders for delivery anywhere. Shoe Repairing Shoe Shining We Guarantee Delivery. Now Is the time to clean thiat hat for the Fall Parties! No one can do it better or give you miore complete satisfactiol. Save your money and get your hat made like new at Ann Arbor Shop 625 East. Liberty American Telegraph Florists and Member F. T. D. Assn. -I Flowerday & Son Look at the U. S. revenue stam p-there are TWO full ounces, in every tits. lull 1NICKELS ARCADE PHONE 701I, Hat Cleaning Shoe Dyeing I® 1925, . .TI ynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. . :.5 LAST DAY AT- I I m