W'AGE SIX TI-l rNMICIGAN DILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBE~R 5, 1925 __ _ x f etw u "mamma ofta.- "0 117.Ns VII. . 5 cgs j U' __ jnrrai Molenda Takes F riedmn'sPs And 'T'OT HOD'S lN9LRuwnr3, It 1eou .Idaa Toa ehv h olwn esag.v erbln camdecithelAy-eYale -te, es ieoff1 ?est oflts ofinterecthia gamionttes:gae.sTeulldi'vcyogvhd ben nefdhe ____________vernetems; day aainstPennoutanby aPennsylvaniak up 16 to lii.n When. !- Michigai ~i4~ asY agthesokeleeaw a net hamy- Sridanule11,diianoa st Butn allOthisSats haipedvoutn byetiern 24 Penyvna7 ~icg o2victory of the Nvtem ltilin ovth esern eleven Army 27, Nt reConfmereOnetopofethisdcmes.thetsnkingmot TheseeareothedscoresnofBthetaot-thet#me Navy0by Michigan W restmameso f Ilimo tanMc.NoiMchganadbetesId An a dtisC -ml ,,3 fuh ; asictorlestnadtthe sre i 63to-tesae.em gintwi, even f up. llasplyd n heW s yr;heAcus xersordiuetonocdownes. l lsn b h loesor f1 FX-IJOUNTRY TEAM LEAES ONIHIHATHE PRESS OX A7 By Jacques O'G~rad~ylo all wats the concealment of every, li~a i i~i',To 0 lliito , nd ( 1'liThebrilliant achievements of the i W01itioL" In Trini~gula i ta oite inclootaisquad liave lbeen!ii Charles1F. (Crowley, head football "'aifio~day " D(iilti~ h1eralded throughout the land, and co aeh at Columia, writing for ilt foot :ball experts everywhere are unaln- New York Timeis, ;nI jde. the following FAt'RRELL NAMES SQUA[D ,,,,imas in the their opinions that th~ejcommlent.. --_;i ch ig an eleven is not only one of the I "w1- lias tFhe g'reat esdttiiii of-- Miichigan's V arsity cross country grret team s of time year, but one of'! t?:,' ye oa . T fie po iw e r and versa- i w l e v Z : 9 o c o k t~ 2 ; , h ' rte1t t X2u 111 S e e i (nf1 e ls ''4 af o 'r trba nao where they will meet Illi- on the collegiate gridiron. Fpi]t o.4'd Milian tenill IFlo s and i Ohio in a triangular meet! If. G. Sal singer, keen football'critic z aiiist a vury good ;ey elvsen on2 Sao urday. of the Detroit News, quotes Coachli1 pi.; x (,tht Y o w has o ( 111th FCoach Farrell and Mal nager Bauick ! wsleyr of the Navy teami as saying, i mtsttmsthtee ore the Will ,ccomlpany the teani, which will]'"I want to tell you that Micigan "Fize , ,,, 'sce, a;al that, ;<>o.t know it could in order to lie thoroughly fanmiliar' with . l~l2r and the rein aarkable Notre Damiun be .played. Th'1ere is not an elemeicnt th~e layout by the time of the race. elevena of 1y12 «" of th- anae in which the Wovr7 ines~ jAfter the race the Michigan squad "Offensively amnd defensively Mich-- failed to show thei r superiori:ty." will attend the Chicago-Illinois foot-' gan is. finely balanced. 11cr attack! l'r atiiliia P. A Mas ore co~iM4on- ball game as the guests of the Illini. is versatile anad is switched to take! ly -known, Jaas nF*V.', A, and atiovnal- Leaving immediately after the game advantage of defense formations. Herj ly famnouas colunist; of thew Newv the squad will arrive in Ann Arbor defense is versatile, built to defeatI York 1World, closred hI columin early Sumnday morning, any system of attack employed by her 1 1 essay with theceiaa remark Coach Farrell has given Captain opponents." ' Ithlat "paety o ihrBur- Caillahan fthe entire week off to recup- Richards Vidm er, staff correspond-!, :a ?mk iias bre aIz eeud cro s fthe .ichi-"oa e f o h n u i s w i h h e n f t e N w Y r i e ,i c r; g:a lt ^n i h al o p s n ceived in time M. S. C. meet last Sat- porated the following in his cover of w. ii" nm-dlay, and it is hoped that he will ; the game. ',Ed Pollock, sports expert of thie have regained his early season form "ilicligait is noted for her mighty l Philadelphia. Public Ledger staff, by the time of the triangular meet. machines, bult it never manufactured { wrote the following in his sports col- Time men who are to make the trip a better co-ordinated or more how- uann of Tuesdeay. w ere excused from yesterday's prac- erf uil force than the huinm an trac tio ni I "'T he am ythiicail national chaa i- ti e b t w l r p o t a 4: 5 'c ck v i l ru h d h e N y t d y '; iie n i p 'n u fl a on a a eial today for a pace setting drill in prep- "They mnarched down the field with abu huadmls.It naoiede I aration for the approaching race. Sat- every manner of attack at their coon- from F arank:tblin hld t o h2oiover luirday's run should prove one of the. mand and that takes in practically I Anal Arbor, wee.icngns t- hardest of the season and will servej every manner of attack ever invent- B (red a first-elass 1 Na-y tin,~i& as0 a conditioning race for the Con-l1ed by football genius. The passing[ "Michigan's goal line rema,