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November 05, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-05

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tions to the University, each in its;
'"lr ' Mr(Itrinaatig111 turn, but it is not cocksureness to say
- tbat the plan pre;ented by the class M U SIC
durI e ersyy oorring eCyt tMonday of 1926 is a bigge and better thing /
during the University year by the Board in IU X IT ! AND
C riri of tudent' Publications. than has ever been proposed before, YEA '6I!
even when considered on a propor-' YEA SMITH! D R A M A
As i of Western Conference Editorial tional basis. YEALAFAYETTE!
Classes have boasted of winning We are riting today under the
-he Associated Press is exclusively en- class ganes, of outstanding literary reaenearue eJESSE LYC WILLIAMS
tite to the !se for republication of all newvs !gr;Ieatest handicap. We are blue be-
dispatces credited t ait tr not otherwise lights, and athletes, but of what more yond words. Because of all this Mr. Williams, peculiarly enough, is
credjied in this paper and the local news pub* all-inclusive and constructive Entity1 .
lished therein. wiagitation for a Rolls gallery, we were much as you would picture him, tall
1will any class ever be able to boast
bos forced to have our photo taken. Mir- i hth ssedr ihafc
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, than of the memorial proposed for the dr in that he is slender, with a face
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate rr r a nuh u naAa
of postae granted by Third Assistant Post- class of 1926? rors are bad enough, but an actual deeply lined and hair a mat of thin-
mpicture is too harrowing.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail * * * ing grey--a newspaper man for all
$+.0. ANEROUS WeHonc arTAthao othe world. Life that has turned the
omces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May We once heard that a definition of
na Street. orial, 49; business, 2124. Outsiders attending fraternity par- news went something like this: pinched schoolmaster once of Har-
- _--_ ties of the present day at the Univer- If a dog bites a man that is not yard, now of Yale, into a soured and
EDITORIAL STAFF sity cnnot understand the singular news, but if a man bites a dog that weary pedant has niade of Mr. Wil-
ungentlemanly fashion in which such is news., Well, using that as a work- ad
Telephone 4925 affairs are conducted. There is, there- ing definition we believe that the fact' liars a merry Andrew. Everything
fore, an ever widening circle of mis- is something of a joke; the theater,
mm-that Rollo has been behaving per-.
MANAGING EDITOR information in other localities regard- fectly for about three days now, is with its ridiculous gamble, most of all.
ing the nature of not only the fra- news. In the mornings he seems rath- An earnest, efficient, pencil-and-
Chairman, Editorial Board.. .Norman R. Thai'ternities, but the character of the er eager to start in fact so eager, that
City Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield ofteeae osati ats aeta pad reporter from a Detroit paper
News Editor............Manning -Houseworth members of the student body. he almost removed the door of his was in the room asking his well-or-
Women's Editor............Helen S. Ramsay From the earliest recollection of home yesterday.deadinerofusinhefutre
Sports Editor.........Joseph Kruger hoeysrd.
Telegraph Editor......... W illiam Walthour students now on the campus, the n'a- Perhaps it is Dagon's influence. He dered line of questions on the future
Music and Drama...... Robert B. Henderson jority of fraternity dances have been is a very big car, and quite a bit older of art and "L'Irlandesa Rosa dell'
Smith Cady Night EditorsI disgracefully conducted. Failure to than Rollo, though you wouldn't think Abie" in America, with Mr. Williams
Willard B. Crosby Thortas V. Koykka restrict attendance by invitation leads it to look at him, and no doubt his patiently expanding his premise:
Robert T. DeVore W. Cal:n Patterson to crowded parties of which a "stand- upatientencexpasmadganismprs- .se:
Assitan Ciy Eito ~ oomonl" sgn oul bemac quite obedience has made an impres- His latest play, "Lovely Lady," has
Iri laAssistant Cit d r hlito ing room only" sign would be inae-r sion on our little friend. What ever H1 ,ts aLfeyLdy a
Irwin Oltian Frederick Hl. Shilhio igso norlittl ren.Watee just closed miserably in New York,
Assistants curately descriptive. The congestion 'it is ,we hope it keeps up. ist onlyo theabth manaer hark,
Gertrude E. Bailey Si.anford N. Phelps is ja small drawback, however, com-1* * , his only work that the managers had
Charles . Behymer Evelyn Pratt***
Mare Red paredto the harmful effect caused by regarded as sure-fire aid his only
Philip C. Brooks peMadi Reedo The Prince of Wales is reported to failure. Such is the manner of Broad-
L. i/arnum Simon Rosenbaum hepesence of literally dozens of tin- hav faln .f hislre.horsestagain.r NoBwad
B~uckingham Ruth Rosenthalhaefleofhihrsmin Nw
Edgar Carterkg iltonA.shmpson known, uninvited persons, who tale1 io fn e hs s g N way and the season: in a month that

We arc running bargain tables at both stores. Displays are changed
twice a week. Prices are so greatly reduced we cannot advertise these
ns iivIualy. t will pay you to watch them each week.
Uraha s ooks
At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.

- Wa~ -.- -


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We carry the stock and have the skilled workmen to give you real

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1 IIUL Rill L news.


Eugene it GutekunSt Janetinir
Xuen I.'Guekn~ Jne Sncari advantage of hospitality to overdo
Douglas Doubleday Courtland C. Smith a1It seems to us that they elect a
Mary Dunnigan James A. Sprowl themselves in cheap and vulgar con- M .
ames T. Herald Stanley Steinko ductI14ayor over in Detroit about every
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Clarissa Tapson few months. This of course makes
Marion Kubik ,Henry Thurnau As a result, the organization giving
Walter H. Mack David C. Vokes things exciting and keeps lots of
Louis R. Markus Chandler J. Whipple the rqarty suffers fctr the deeds of the money in circuation, and lots of
Ellis Merry 'assam A. Wilson ;great uninvited, outsiders who happeny
iIelen Morn ow 'homas C. Winter otherwise unskilled labor occupied, so
Margaret Parker Marguerite Zilszke to attend such affairs take away with we guess, it is a good thing on the
them a feeling of disgust, and the I e.
BUSINESS STAFF whole University eventually is lower- e de, s
Telephone 21211 ed in the estimation of many whose however when you think of our sister
respect it would do well to hold .
BUSINESS MANAGER firmly.'republic across the waters. They d0
BYRON W. PARKER Some groups-too few, unfortunate- about the same thing on a larger
ly-haves scale. The whole damn government;
Adrertising.................J. J. Finnjbeen risking unpopularity by walks in and out in France as if it
Advertising..............T. D. Olmsted, Jr. guarding their own, their guests, and
Advertiing ..... .. .......Frank R. Dentz, Jr I yeeagm o rsnr ae
Adertii...............n. L. -Mullin the University's interests by limiting (Ire ad on hany, we w
Circulation..................H. L, Newman their dances to desirable people, and w ne andy, we woulin-
Pbl n..............Rudolph Bostelmate lend sert at this point a cut of Mayor John
Accounts ....................mPaul W. Arnold although the difficulties attcni Smith (where have we heard that
Assistants limitation are almost insurmountable . .
Ingred M. Alving S. H. Pardee us Ustn ame before?) dressed as the spirit of
George Ii. Annable, Jr. Loleta G, Parker because of University custom and 76 carrying an American fag in one
W. Carl auer Julius C. Pliskow usage, some progress l'as been made.
John 1-1 . obrink Robert Prentiss hand and a cigar in the other. Under-
Elden W. utzbach Win. C. Pusch Nothing but commendation should °neath we would have the words:
W. J. ('x Franklin J. Rauner be gtanted the organization that man- "ecth *'ETTu, Y aU hE TH R
Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan c "LA AETTE YOU ARE THERE!")
Tames R. DePuy Margaret Smith ages an effectually "closed" party. ' . . .
Margaret L. Funk Ruth A. SorgeiOf course the idea of this system is
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland For, as every one knows, they are sim-
T. Kenneth Haven Wm. H.Wearne ply excluding only the particularly that when they have so many new
. E. Little Eugene Weinberg plyeexcludignonly theanarttcunarly
+rank E. Mosher Wm. J. Weinman undesirable individual who tries to governments, no one organization can
F. A. Nordquist _force his way into a place where he is Ia on graft on a large scale (see
not wanted. you subtract the cost of expenses for
the election, the city has really saved
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1925 Gary recently gave a big welcome to quite a lot of money
a former mayor-who was returnino- A 1 - +n + .
~ditr-LONAD CHAL I romthe 2-111 L)i1UCLilitIL CCPSL~i CLi~ ind ouforthebroasid-wa gn

has lost the industry above a million
dollars. Plays take such chances; the
leading man may be in love, the in-
genue down with a cold; the opening
night may be rainy, or the critics dys-
peptic. In any case, with the desper-
ate competition among the seventy-two
odd playhouses, these gentlemen of
the evening may ruin a production
instanter by a single stroke of their
And there is the whole craze in the
scandal sheets over the New York
smutmania - always a healthy sign,
after all. For such ribaldry, in "What !
Price Glory" and "Outside Looking
In," "Desire Under the Elms," "The
Cradle Snlatchers," is part and parcel
of their texture, and inoffensive be-
cause so closely woven in the woof of
their themes.
In "They Knew What They Want-
ed," however - which Mr. Williams
assisted in awarding the Pulitzer
Prize - and even more so in Mr. How-
ard's recent "Lucky Sam McCarver,"
with its whole gallery of perverts and
prostitutes, this constant layer of pro-
fanity becomes repulsive and revolt-
ing, a pose of a naughty boy with his
eye on the box-office.
Recently Mr. Williams - all this,


w - , 1v ras1 LU11116 And boesidie that, it keeps thne citi-
Night E -Ea xpenitenti. The oation zenry in general amused and happy,vited to the three hundreth or threeR
-Cmay be explained by the fact that hie and it sure helps the struggling thuadhpromne o'Ai'
"All the real kings of Europe wat sentenced for violating the dry dailies, thousandth performance of Abie s
r , sa t o live ill that great re- law.* Irish Rose" in New York as a guestr
Sui, te United States. What of the charming Miss Nichols, receiv-
(1tie UniteduStitularhatHaving thus delved into the mire of ing a souvenir pencil and this great
1 i t e co rpar h CAMPUS OPINION political controversy, we shall con- dogma: the piece, for all the critics'
Anonyrmous communkations will be dude with tie uniquely original re- villification, is a masterly work, writ-
F e ili rd a I regarde I The name of communi- mark that the trouble with govern- ten with economy and skill, interest-
rtiiO ifk nyioencu-I arts will. however. be regardedt eoomaadskllantret
confidential uon request. ment in this country today is that ing only to the submerged nine-tenths
trysi - and bring happinessnone of the better sort of men go in but touching all the vital themes of
0' misery to thousands. He is far
NOW IT'S UP TO US ! ! ! for politics anymore. In th'e good old father-mother-sweetheart love. All
i'iore paiverful than any crowned {
S ITo the Editors: days it was considered an honor to be this for the broadside.
k,(_ and yet I understand lie livesapulcsrntToyifamns
:r. .aetli understand l .e lives Your editoriial of Tuesday morning a publc servant. Today if a man is And conversely, even as Mr.- Wil-
regarding unruly crowding in theater elected Mayor of any place he has a liams has also awarded "Anna Chris-
ailfon . of Spain.rhadte ti
entrances is most timely and much hard time getting anyone to play tie" with a Pulitzer Prize, he consid-
appreciated. If we can devise a meth- poker with him. ers Eugene O'Neill's "Desire Under
AND SHALL LEAD THEM od of preventing this sort of jamboree, the Elms" one of his lesser triumphs.
The day of the oak tree, the rock, it will help everyone a lot. ( Anyone who wants a snap course Somehow he failed to be caught in the
the drinking fountain, the class bench, You carry a suggestion about using come to this office and we will put you enthusiasm of the Greek tragedy -I
the entrance light as class memorial the side exits for entrances, which on Ifwise immediately. Nothing but pretty the point is unarguable - and could
will soon be gone In their place we the' face of it sounds feasible. How- pictures from a magic lantern and the find flaws, rather, in the murder of
will find monuments, not to the in- ever it does not meet with the approv- I prof. is simply a scream. The class the child as the climax. Any Hearst
dividual classes; but to the Universi- al of the state fire marshal's office just dies laughing. paper could tell him that the lovers in
ty, not to advertise a particular set of to do this. If a number knew they Lots of people know of it already. life would have killed the husband in-
numerals, but to aid in the upbuild- ( could enter these side doors, they It seems there are some 315 in the stead!
ing of a great institution would be waiting outside of these class and on the first blue book there Experimental theaters, again, may
The spirit behind the oak tree, the various places and thus block off the was only one E and about 65 As. be . . . experimental, but his interest,
rock, andi the others was commend- exit room. That is the reason that we * for the most part, runs to 42nd street.
J'le; the practicality of the objects are so strict about this ruling, for if We don't seem to be able to write And on Broadway producers must live
themselves, however, is somewhat we let in two on one :night, the fol- our name very clearly, so we weren't i even as butter-and-egg men. They
doubtful. Not that they were not and lowing night would find a crowd at assigned a seat in the course, but we I are harrassed creatures, these man-
are not appreciated, but because a each of the exits.-j sit far back in the room. So we miss agers, poor for the most part, up one
university c,.nnot go on forever re- I However, a remedy can be found all the wise cracks, but the Professors season and down the next; it is a
ceIving little knickknacks from every somewhere surely. Putting on a comes back after the class is all over weird business, the theater, and art
graduating class. The evolution of squad of men big enough to handle and tells us how funny they were.- for the most part has to creep in as a
the university has necessitated a cer- the Polo grounds does not do it, as It sure is a swell course-Besides we shadow.1
ta i evolution in everything connected we have discovered. Your columns got an A. 1 There were other things to talk of:
with the university, and there is noth- 'devoted to the matter will aid greatly, * * * Carlotta Monterey and Elizabeth Ris-
ing outlandish in the suggestion that and in addition, we have a plan that LIMERICKS don, these charming people, and Mrs.
class memorials, in addition to con- should work out satisfactorily, pro- i XII Mansfield with her repertory company I
veying a certain amount of class vided. of course, that the student body A big politician named Smith in New London, Colin Campbell Cle-
spirit and appreciation, should also be desires to allow it to work out. We Was a wow, at least so went the ments and Professor Campbell's play, I
of some practical value. And surely will break the crowds up 'into a series myth "Beggarman," which the Mimes are to
no one would dare to brand this as of units by the aid of ropes (securely He soon became Mayor I present in February; to this prince of
conmmercialism,-is it -not a better fastened), and as soon as one unit is But what do we care a man, this newspaper man, this mner-
memorial for having some reel use, in, another will be released. This pre- For we really know nothing of 'ry Andrew.
for the benefits that i will undoubt- vents those in back from jiamming thith. -R. B. H.

F #M
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We iiauike good lmi4n1 h xP and clean
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Save a lDollr or More t1 the .
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tinuous dancing. Home of Jean
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First Sunday Matinee November 8
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edly bestow on fut re classes?
If the evolution 'of the University,
along with the other universities, will
be admitted, who would ask our
senior classes, supposedly the most
progressive of them all, to fail to
recognize it and act accordingly? The
1926 Literary Class Memori.l commit-

j their way in ahead of those who are
entitled to enter first, and puts the
crowding up to the smaller units who
will be crowding no one but them-
selves and the doormen employed at
the theater. I really think that after
the system is tried out a few times,
to become "workable," tIbat it will


tee, by its approval of a $250,000 Me- fathom the problem and that everyone
morial fund to be created through the may come into the Majestic for any
sale of twenty year endowment insur- show and find themselves entering inj
ance policies, for nominal amounts, a greater degree of comfort.;
to the members of the class has taken Any suggestions will be heartily,
recogniz"nce of the advances of the welcomed, and the aid of your paper,
lniversity, and of the necessity for in assisting us to govern the "play-
corresponding advances in the actions boys" is earnestly solicited. Anything
of the students of the University. The that we attempt is successful only to

* * * I* * *
There! we knew we could write a THE BrAR
poem about Smith some time-and we
found a word to rhyme with it too-- There are stock companies . . . But
And that ain't no myth, either. when an organization presenting a
* *I new play each fortnight, giving its
Yes, that last rhyme is pretty bad actors a fourteen-hour day and its
but how do you know we don't lisp. audes a cinema-hor pynducts
Well, we don't, but that's none of your s n,
affair. /. with such amazing success as compli-
* * * " cated and as elaborate a phantasy as
In about twenty years the Universi- Kauffman and Connelly's "The Beggar
ty will ;get about a quarter of a mil- On Horseback," it deserves capacity
lion dollars from the class of '26. By houses for weeks on end --houses
that time they will probably need it to which Miss Bonstelle for her infinite
build the new Literary building to re- pains and, if you will, very sincere
place Angell hall, the oldest building idealism is not receiving

excellent and the special tailor-
ing by R. & W. adds a distinct-
ve appearance to' the article.
"Dress Well and Succeed."
TU a Euce


The quality of our coats





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