ESTABLISHED 1890 .A 94W 4F 46P It At\ t7 2 16. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 5 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS . PROFESSOR HOBBS PLANS GREENL AND TRIP IN SUMMER INTENDS TO LEAD UNIVERSITY EXPEDITION IF FIUNDS CAN BE RAISED BACK FROM EUROPE Confers with Danih Government About Proposed Exploration of Northern Land Provided that sufficient funds can be raised, Prof. W. H.H obbs, head of the geology department, expects to lead what may be a University expe- dition to Greenland next summer. Professor Hobbs, who returned this week from Europe where he has been advising the Danish government rela- tive to the proposed exploration of Greenland, stated yesterday that he is considering conducting an Ameri- can expedition to that same land. The primary object of Professor Hobbs' European trip this summer was to plan the scientific phase of the expedition which will be lead by Dr. Lauge Koch, famous Danish ex- plorer, who lectured here last spring. The expedition will start next sum- mer, according to the plans recently completed, with the east coast of Greenland as the basis of the explora- tion. A shipload of eskims is now establishing a settlement on the northern island, at Scorsby Sound, under the direction of the Danish stations and doing other work pre- paratory to the expedition which will start in July, Other Nations Aid Professor Hobbs believes that a great desirability for an American ex- pedition, to operate from the west coast of Greenland in conjunction with' the Danish exploration next summer, is apparent. For this reason he is planning the project with a view to taking several members of the University geology department with him. The cooperation of several European governments in connection with the meteorological work of the proposed expedition was assurred Professor Hobbs this summer. "The trip will all depend on whether or not funds can be raised to defray expenses," said Professor Hobbs. "I expect to ask several members of the geology department to accompany me if my plans ma- terialize, and it is possible that the project may take the aspect of a University expedition." During the ten (lays that Professor Hobbs spent in conference with Dr. Koch at Copenhagen this summer, he delivered a public address under the auspices of the Danish Geological society which was attended by a num- ber of prominent Greenland explorers and which was widely published in newspapers throughout Denmark. His subject was "The Place of Green- land in the Earth's Atmospheric Cir- culation." Academy Hears Paper Professor Hobbs Was in Germany for ten days and in England for the same length of time, earlier in the summer, and spent six weeks in Paris engaged in writing, research work, and visiting various government aerological plants. August 17 he pre- sented a paper before the Academy of Science at Paris, and on August 28 gave two papers before the British Association for Advancement of Sci- ence at its annual meeting in South- ampton. One of these has already appeared in the British scientific journal, Nature. After spending two days each in Norway and Swede and visiting the Gothenburg, Professor Hobbs sailed from Oslo for America, arriving in New York September 23. DR. HATCH WILL TEACH ZOOL991 CLASSES HERE Dr. Melville H. hatch of James Mil- likin university, Decatur, Ill., is teach- ing 'lasses in invertebrate zoologyj and entomology here this year, filling the position of Dr. Paul S. Welch who is absent on leave, studying institu- tVons of zoology in Europe. Dr. Carl D. La Rue of the zoology department has returned from a year's leave at Johns Hopkins university. While there he made a special study, of animal parasites. indsNewYok FRENG ATTITUDE City 'Different' ~I PRESIDENT L ITTLE AT UNIONMEETINC ALL 31 EN' SIETINTS TO HAVE O(PPORTi NI'ITY OF IMEETNG 1\E1V EXECUTIVE Patrick Supports Mitchell's Plan for Unified Air Service (B3y the Associated Press) New Lork, Sept. 25.-Coming here from-a country where acquaintances greet each other by raising a leg each and putting the soles of the feet to- gther; where women receive the pref- erence in all matters; where succes- sion to the throne passes through the maternal side of the family, and where only a nephew can inherit the throne, King Nana Hmoah III of the Gold Coast of West Africa, arrived to- day on the Curnard liner Aquitania for a visit. He admitted New York was "different" from the towns of I his native land. Z King Amoah who is ruler of 30,000 to 40,000 people, intends to visit sev- eral American cities. BAND PERSONNEL 15s MADE PUBI John Wanaak er appointed to student Directorship; formerly Played With Mason-Dixon APPOINT SECTION HEADS Announcement has been made by Capt Wilfred Wilson of a tentative list of members of the Varsity band and also of the appointment to the student directorship of John Wana- maker, member of the Varsity band in '20 and '21, who has returned to the University after a tour with the Mason-Dixon orchestra. The following men have been ap- pointed to head the various sections of the band: cornets, T. C. Schneirla, grad.; drums, W. V. Owen '26E; horns, Clyde R. Flory, '26M; baritone, Edward C. Gifford, '27D; bass, John W. Wanamaker; trombone, John K. Altland, '28M; saxaphone, Hilary J. Deason, '26; clarinet, Arthur R. Cook, '27A; piccolo, Walter C. Ship- ley, '26. In announcing his appointments to the band Captain Wilson stated that the list is not final for the year and that all men who have filed their names as candidates will continue to attend all the meetings of the band until otherwise notified. The tenta- tive list, excepting appointments to the bass horn and drum sections, the membership of which will be an- nounced later, are as follows: Clarinets: Cook, Rothschild, Rider, LaRowe, Gilbert, Woolley, Kuenzel, Fisher, Herrold, Burris, Schaddelee, Wertenberger; oboes: Tappan, North;' bass clarinet:Iloedemaker; rom- b~ones : Altland, Mock Weinman, Meader, Pike, Yeasting, Mosher Bonnell; baritones: Gifford, McCon- ochie, Meyer, Tomsuek; horns: Flory, Meader, Kaler, Palmer, Rich- ards, Schulchter; cornets: Schneirla, Shure, Hostrup, Wells, Paulson,BKipp, Chadwick, Stanford, Schnall, Bacon, Kasa basch, Edwards; herald trum- pets: Weekes, Giles; saxaphones Tuttle, Deason, Staubach, Reglien, Burd, Smith, Ardussi. France Starts New Offensive Drive To Adr (By Associated Press) Fez, French Morocco, Sept. 25.-A French offensive on a large scale was launched today on the eastern sector of the Moroccan front, with the ad- vance of strong elements of such troops from Misane toward Ajdir, which lies 40 miles due north. The French troops reached all their ob- jectives, occupying Djedel Kounsoun and Djedel Kouchum, northeast of Kisane. The success of the Spanish troops which landed at Alhucemas Day and the ultimate outcome of the operations they have carried on during the last ten days appears to be dependent on a prompt advance of the French to- ward the north. ARREST OF COMMUNISTS FOLLOWS PLOT EXPOSURE i a it _ , i i Is NUw FRIENL LY 31. DE JOUVENAL GIVES FRC11II ;POSITION AT LEAGUE ASSEJIBLY MITCHELL ARRIVES IN CAPITA~L:68/YEN HEARTYRECEPTION SEVERAL lIEN lRIED CITIZENS OREET VOR'tER AIR CHIEF REMAINS SILENT Colonel Declines To Talk Concerning Controversy He A rousd Over Air Defense (By Associated Press) PROGRAM OUTLINED I CABOT WILL 'PEAK I Optimism Prevals as Negotiations are About to be Opened f-r new SecurIty Pact (By Associated Press) Geneva, Sept. 25.-With negotia- tions about to be inaugurated between the Allies and Germany for a security pact, the Assembly of tl3e League of Nations today gave special attention to a friendly French gesture toward Germany conveyed in the words of M. De Jouvenal, former minister of education, that it was t1,e hope of allI that the German nation soon would be cooperating in the councils of the League. This is but one of the many phases of harmony and conciliation falling from the lips of statesmen during al great discussion of disarmament and arbitration. Speaker after speaker arose to laud the program of world regeneration through arbitration and security pacts and the reduction of armaments, which te assemplyj adopted in the form of concrete reso- lutions. The program provides first of all, for preparation by the council of an international disarmament confer- ence, the hope for which every body admits depends almost entirely upon the forth-coming security parley with Germany. Dean of Iedical School and University hlead are both Graduates of Harvard All men students of the University will be given opportunity to meet PFrey i'ent Clarence Cook Little at an informal reception which will be held at the Union next Tuesday evening, it was announced late yesterday. It will bet Open to the president's only reception men students on the campus. )ean llugh Cabot of the Medical school will deliver the address of wel- come which wll be followed by re- m arks from the President. Dean Cabot's selection as speaker is fitting in that both he and President Little are graduates of Harvard. Every attempt is being made to have the reception as informal as lpossible. It is to be a combined smoker and mixer. Th'e large assem- bly hall of the Union wll be com- pletely transformed into a clubroom with a view toward lending a more familiar atmosphere to the affair.I jleavy rugs and carpets will cover the floor, lights will be dimmed, and other alterations will be made. Refreshments will be served, along, with cigars and cigarettes, in the as- semb dy room throughout the evening. Phil Diamond's orchestra has been engaged for the occasion. Other en- tertainment is also buing arranged. All members of the faculty have Washington, Sept. 25.-A rousing reeeption was given Cl. William Mit- chell upon his arrival here from Tex- as tonight in readiness to appear be- fore the President's air board, but the aviator himseih had nothing to say concerning the controversy he has aroused over the nation's air de- fense. A drum and bugle corps supplied by two American Legion posts, and a few hundred citizens greeted the for- mer assistant army air chief as he arrived with Mrs. Mitchell. Seized by friends and admirers when lie appeared at the gate the Colonel was hoisted to their shoul- (iers and carried through the station. Among the noise he managed to make himself heard by questioners; how- ever he indicated only that he had "ceased firing" for a time, at least at the administration of the army and navy air services. Still held aloft, Mitchell was car- ried to a waiting automobile while a parade formed behind him to the crashing of bugles and drums. The Colonel, wearing a broad brim Texas hat adorned with a snake band, was jovial as he greeted and shook hands with any of the crowd. Mitchell is listed with more than a score of army and navy aviators who have been Maj. Gen. Mason M. Patrick, eheif of army air service, who is back- ing up Col. William A. Mitchell's proposal for a unified air service, in the hearings being conducted by the Presidcnt's special air inquiry board, is shown (left) with Colonel Mitchell. Rigger Attributes Shenandoah' Dias Disaster To Gas CellWeak es -been invited to attend the reception Berlin, Sept.25.-German offi ial along with all male students of the quarters do not expect that a security University. pact will be signed at the forthcom- Ths' address of welcome will be giv- ing conference to which Germany has en at 8 o'clock. been invited by the Allies. - It is believed that any arrangements which would be arrived at vbuld have to be referred to the respective governments and parliaments and that a general conference will be con- voked later for the purpose of for- I mal ratification of the pact, together with other agreements concluded by-- the foreign ministers. . Coolidge Tries to Solve Disagreement Informal discussions at the foreign Rt'eein Thotoas and Members office also indicate that the German of Board officials are convinced of the futilityl of discussing the Versailles treaty at EXPECT SOLUTION SOON the forthcoming conference. _.O (By Associated Press). Belev S it 1Wa hington, Sept. 25.-Shipping board affairs have admittedly reached W ill D eliver a critical point with the question Wwhether Leigh C. Thomas will be re- Lecture H ere tained as president of the Fleet cor- pora I ion being the issue. The long existing disagreement be- At the initial meeting of the Ora- ' tween Mr. Thomas and a majority of torical board held in the rooms of the board has developed to the degree the Oratorical association yesterday that President Coolidge has taken a hand in the situation. afternoon, Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood The board, which itself has had read a letter received from Governor ! nunrous iPnsagreements on public Alfred E. Smith, of New York, in utiestions among its own membership, answer to an invitation e endledtohas almost from the first found itself at odds with Mr. Thomas on policy the New York executive to be the with the administration. These have, climax speaker of the Oratorical as- !involved terms for sale of ships and sociation lecture course. lines, the number of ships which Governor Smith, in his letter, ex- should be kept in operation and the pressed a willingness to come to Ann relative merit of extending operations Arbor in April but he said that lie at the expense of economy. In the was unable to make a definite date at E background has stood an apparent the present time owing to the fact feeling of some commissioners that in that the New York legislature will !,delegating powers to the Fleet cor- be in session during March and the j poration, the board has in effect ab- early part of April. Further negotia- dicated some functions conferred upon tions with the Governor are underway it by law. and Prof. Trueblood said that it might be possible to have the Gover- CornellOxford nropen the lecture course in Octo- O1 C, XOE ber. Otherwise a spring date will be Il Debate Features arranged. Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, faculty I English System manager of the association, reported E--- at the meeting that over 400 reserved Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. 25.-The Cor- season tickets for the lecture course nell debating sqluad will meet a team have been applied for. composed of graduate students of William C. Dixon, '26, president of !Oxford university, here, October 2. 'the association named the following The subjet of the debate is to be: studentsao'committees A. M.Stern, "Resolved that the principles of self- 2 ci of local contests;(determination is a wholesome one." Robert Miller, '27, chairman of usher I comitee;irinA. lcn,'27 ad:The debate will be conducted ac- conmittee;IwinA2,an cording to the English, or split--team Frank P. Weaver, 28L, publicity con- system, in whic two Oxford men and mittee 2G nd Maruium Olde'2 com- one Cornell man take the affirmative o,'27 iside, opposing two Cornell men and mittee in charge of arrangements for one from Oxford on the negative. The public speaking banquet in December .deaeilbe deckled by a vote of J. J. Dunn, '281:1, was appointed , debae wil edcddb oeo chairman of the intersociety commit- tee with Robert Miller, '27, Margaret I, Pollock, '26, and M. Olden, '27, as his l Defective Flue assistants. Peter Stevens, '26, was C named assistant to the treasurer. Causes $700 Ftre Lakehurst, N. J., Sept. 25.-Failure' gone, explaining later that the con- summoned by the board which will of several of the helium gas cells in dition of the bags led hinm to believe reopen its inquiry Monday. The Col- s that a loss of helium was responsible onel is expected to take the stand the the airship Shenandoah before sheI for the swift fall the Senandoah following day. began to break up, was testified toI was then taking. CommIander John Rodgers of the day before the Naval Court of In- .__ _-- seaplane TN-9 No. 1, and Captain quiry, by James Ii. Collier, chief . George W. Steele, commanding officer rigger who has supervision over these ' of the Naval Air station at Lakehurst, regger woa"pNew Jersey, are to appear during the cells. I o kweek. Collier's testimony was in sharp( W orkFor 1,500 1 _ _k. contrast to that of a dozen other sur-; Y vivors all of whom declared that they Yearly, R eport sAw nor signs that any of the cells had failed under the enormous pies-IIItaUI Eve y xyear nearly 1500 students sure to which they had been put whem flyIrnry'Is;t the craft reached an extreme alti- are 'upplied with jobs by the student I tude of 6,065 feet. employment bureau, according to VEBTF[U V i I Despite this, the chief rigger was Mary L. Stewart, assistant to the _ positive in his declaration, reiterating Dean of Student, in charge of the >ecretary of Tresury Spys Offer it time and again, under direct ex-en of Studet, mrenmheosheWhlly Offe amination by members of the court, j Iltymen (lays rfeshhbenynadeqate and a rigid cross questioning by! For ten days this ofice has been 1 Lieut. Commander C. E. Rosendahl, filled with students anxious to enter senior surviving officer of the Shee- their applications for jobs whereby IS OPPOSED TO LENIENCY andoah. Collier said he was off ( they can partially or totally support l duty and asleep when the airship was thnemselves. We are very anxious to (By the Associated Press) sucked into the vortex of the storm. help the boys and have been quite Washington, Sept. 25.- The Franco- When he was awakened ie looked successful in placing th'em," Miss" American debt funding negotiation at No. 9 gas cell and found that it l Stewart said. passed suddenly today from the bril- was about 50 per cent. deflated and The applications contained re- liant stage of preliminary gestures lie also found that several gas cells quests for nearly 100 different kinds and ceremonies, and became a sober forward were deflated prob- of work ranging from highly special- battle with am array of 'cold facts and ably equally as munch. No. 8 cell was ized employmeit such as research figures. "100 per cent, and then some, full." I work in chemistry, to mowing lawns The transition was accomplished by Collier said that after lie had ob- and tending furnaces. These appli- presentation to the French negoti- served the condition of the bags he Ications are all kept on file in the of- I ators of a comparatively brief mem- told a fellow member of the crew in fe and when a request comes in for orandum in which Secretary Mellon, a nearby bunk that the ship was a student to do some particular kind the American chaiurman, stated the of work, the bureau can immediately American view of the French settle- find someone for the position. Many ment offer submitted yeterday. Those Regents C Mt end l msual calls are filled during the views were sharply dofind observa- L o d r year. tions as to the French ability to pay. SDean Lloyd's Worky""""""" """'"" i "It is gratifying to me to find that There were imdications tonight that ~ -~ the work done by the students has the swift turning of the corner was Resolutions of approval in appre- proved so satisfactory. I have re- regraded by some of the French com- ciation of the work of Dean Alfred ceived ninmy letters commending the missioners as precipitate almost to H. Lloyd of the graduate school as work of certain students," Miss the point of abruptness. American acting president of the iiiversity Stewart stated. members sa d however, that Finance from Feburary 27 of this year to the Miss Stewart received many letters Minister Caillaux, head of the for- beginming of the p'eser:;t senester I from eteringstuemnts ion before ist meeng oastr frnhrn were passed by the Board of Regents registration opened asking her to findawee il reith thd Thursday. I jobs for them. I' " seriousness of the t kbefore theim, yet, neither was willing to entertain More Than Sixty High Schools anysggestion of def at ethan ordinary official ;ecrecy Join Mic~hig lfantDebating Leaguesuirroundedtl te Suggestions and coin- ic iDiu ents made by the treasury secre- tary, but information trickling In response to letters of invitation year the nuiber is expected to be through time barrier indicated that I Mr. Mellon had stated tme French of- I greatly increasedl. The final (-1am-r sent out by the department of public -e e Mih i f er of an initial payment of $25,000,- speaking, more than 60 high schools s 000 and with the graduated, iucreases hiighi school debate league held last have thus far joined the Michigan May in Ann Arbor between Detroit'Yearly over a long period was wholly high school debalitng' league, sponisor- Northwestern and Ypsilanti Central.inadequate. ed by the University Extension dhivi- resulted in a victory for the Detroit 'There was the further evidence sion. The League enters its ninth schoold i;that the Americans declined to accept year in October, 1925. The question for debate this year the pictue of French conditions as All schools of the league debate is: "Resolved, that tie proposed child each year upon the same question.'labor amendment to the national con- Interscholastic debates are held in ;titution should be adopted by the two series. The first is a point win- t'nited States." I N- ning series in which each school de- -g n g p iv. <. . a.. . . ir in i (By Associated Press) Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 25.-In- sisting that the plot to assassinate the officials of the country within the next six months and set up a dic- tatorship discovered Wednesday night was inspired and subsidized by 4OurWeatherMan