7TTUR SDAY, NOV1,AMI3ER 5, 1925 mu-j MICHIGAN DAILY . , ... m.,. ,.T.,.. ,. ... .., ,_._,: 1)ouebnlfual IsmE Fxpress~ioni Of 'fle ~llCl'Flie -I~ajority I dl: T II 1I n FewCats 'taken 'itr Oe;a rrd 1That thec theft a"o v 'ts iAx xP U- iverit bjv uildings 1."v i7 CbcD(;bcd its ithe belief Of U1 Tiity Ofii"ils. But lut c ecourts have be.en roj~o t ad stolen infli e la,-t two wueoks, sillc.t1h"' arrest andi conviction of a De)troit 4Y 19 ro :repite I youth 0on the Charge of Si } ;iig anl overcoat, and his subse'quent se ntec (e REZA KHAN MAY LEAD 1to serve one to Five years in th,, state ______penitentiary. One of the three t(8iwn (lay Associated Press) I l~ in olt. thaa builhg.,li.; LnWon, Nov. 4.-The deposition of' thle s of Persia by the Persian left the ci(ty oil Saturdlay for Paris, N11atipintl assemibly "for the Sake of 1(cl)~~~adtcmn fcl 91he nationl~t warfare" caused no Sur'- cliei"; Tli" dis~pct.l adds th-et every--' prie htre, hut the action of Me- thing1X1wa niet and 1i 'at the City 'a lIss on ,: tirfay in overthrowing the to be 11 ' lated J f,)tathree ntgW hs as (iyntw Y,hd not been expected. The tcc t _i nof solie member of the tasg t cj~ig failyvfreec n>1~' on~ this point as coon as tWei 'I't. Caillac r5705 c et1io>); to the announced constitu-, Th T T R~NC ent : aseimbIly begins.Vex''V Plan Goer 't- l~d "ec 7t! i\Jauch", however, seemls, likely to de-! l-'; rdtr iC-I.Uovc Wiltil(1cal 31! 1 1i on Premier Reza Khan, who is M Ciii Clrou il ors of 3 re~ddas, not a strong man, but -_----_-_ M ~ ' ves. - 50c to t 5i) } if scdbnth of strategy and state-," R I 1 wed. PMat. 5rc to 5l. O Cr1 ":t. l ie l Iikely will sound public Sat. Mitt. 50c r., $::.U omriIon oni the. form of thle new goy- AB "S IRISH r ' ornl1r a'. 1Yhis, it i said, he can af- for l to do, as it is virtually certain L.AST 2 WNEEh7S he will retain all real power in Persiaj Fiilaci'rrnec: Nov. i in any Case. tha ''1CInis a rumor in London fthatg If 1 ~ngts :'sc tee5 T?. a has .seized the throne hmslf Bas leuPlye14 g. rih Iii'S & Sat. ju thi cano becofired 50cand 75c di, lspcanhno te MofrningPos Woodward at lEliot Tel. Glendale 972 (lsac oteMrigPs + F efroTeheran, the Persian capital, re-' h B N T LL O pori,- hattheforer row prnce In the Rollicking, NTOVel. Satiric Comed~y that 3the Torm erThecrownon princeck 50 -1 rthev are all z A bre ty a Chin'rese Chef. T r-' LL I...'{i ':'1#60#!##!! 1 4 .Nowr;$# i NVA§4IT' ..e-+: °F ., .. ,'dia #!1!!$i#TIl[ j HM 4ti. LL2 SL)E°, g t,1 4 '1' l . l " ii _. '* SUDAY, N4)VBER 8-- [e k 1WORL' A1 ULF OA ' A G Don't See This Splendid Mid-Week Rib-Tickling Comedy Romance ('Cause It's Funny) . , 4S._ U - .,r-t-'. w ta, . *'4flin'44'44. .4 r mm TODAY iS>a [ P R O D U\ CE!K,~1I0 1 l vw o chtan Players Headed by +'4 ' YNB11 I1.o ""44. 4l44'l44 44a,4 t~s .. ,"4flN 'ta ~.t 44 a--. .4'44'~444l ~ 4rr4444s 4t44 . '.,.C - _. .4c 4Agan4a.445.4M W404', ae.talaa f4$4tS4v.l45t4 ra ~ 11 A! viry e'i~;'yla'iy girl ini town. 71w sol ook c-t e 1ithEr's BtI5"j P'C1 and tO w fther took ii o" "r h II It I I FA NOT kom . i . gye 1 M1 4 t S i Y' y" j , ,x t'C, ..% . _ _ .rc.aaeY+ ..., .. . ;lt=. '.YTl oday 7: ,77 ",;, ti a; An engrossing story laid in that ever- fascinating and intriguing realm -- thc artists' colony. .4t~4 ' 4 4'' r 4 4 J4 4 ,' F :'.?y c , u ;, ,. ,., , a s . w, ,; . K: ' t 11 S"a ;b'! * t Std. Ie r5 .wa .' ' f i yr y "4" ',f'.("." o ,k^y"M+ar+r7'oa uN e. '.ra.isk euY avr ce? .34Lr $' +k1=atJU+'wa ia '«lsimfi+w+7tlC Nfaf i,. i4'ts sC ' ia iM rvM cTi/ I li .l1i'a ' iI/+M/ M lra w. u3 . AcNtouj-.i lI I' I _ ,w i; _. . ' 3:r ' S . Y i 5 C, fr S _. -rr ' 3 ..P {'. ' _ t' ; z s ' C v t' }b : 'V Y ' c ..J {1\ / _ J' , : , /^/lam 1 y 1; } ' -', . r ' AV ;n:, f --W; lii- .1, U R " M ' 11 1 si WILLIAM V. MONG t [A EPK,.,,. A a -In- A n absorbing Tom Gallon's picturization of "Tatterly," famous novel of studio life. I r J i{ r :lr. loll \ V2_ It TWO GEAT KEITH ACTSj -4ELD OV'ERIM At t of Asisted by JACK RUSSE1L A Brand New Novelty Program -1 I - I Exfraordiiary 111 1 AN'D A GARE AT ADDED SCRFEN lBILL COMLT I 5 -. a rtwm . . ; ri s . .4 4. ".4 -:a44,'-.'*w444 C45 a v llWA. v tf'4t4 __ l 1w n .e" .et sa r4 _..4 _.. .. .4.t.n. 44A4c14u 0" _a... . Vom, w . . ,a SW V 4,aNX.us W a 44r'e44 Read The Daily "Classified" Columns AM v ,, .. 11 0 P4- P[ SI 10 41,Tem Ft.f3..' " , - r 4aa m '4)4 ' C] SCI am,''. - - a a . s , . ®,. .. r rear ewu . s: unas .ewaw. axeae ..san. nna .ewe. ai ffJ i