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November 05, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-05

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 39





0. S. U. GAME
Request Sent to M. C. R. R. for Extra
Day Stopover in Chicago on
Northwestern Trip
Endorsing the plan of the senior lit-
erary class to establish* a $250,000
fund to provide a suitable memorial
to the class as "a contsructive idea,
offering great possibilities for the bet-
terment of the University," the Stu-
dent council, at its meeting last night
at the Union, recommended that the
plan be fully explained to the senior

With more than 100 policies
written, the committee in charge
of the 1926 literary class mem-
orial fund will start its house to
house canvass today. Senior
groups will be, met in each or-
ganized house on the campus
during the next week.
Owing to the lack of a com-
plete staff in the committee office
in Alumni Memorial hall yester-
day, many who came in to take
out their policies were turned
away. Representatives will be
in the same office today to sign
up all who will come in. Per-
sonal communication with each
senior will be established during
the week in order to put the fund
drive more than 100 per cent.





class at its next meeting. Change is Made so That Students
"Inasmuch as there seems to be a May Spend Saturday Morning
great deal of misunderstanding among In Chicago
members of the class as to the true
nature of the plan," the motion passed RETURN SATURDAY
by the council reads, "we recommendf
that the subject be fully explained at Because of the fact that many stu-
the next meeting of the class." The dents attending the Northwestern
idea was suggested by the senior lit- game Saturday are desirous of spend-
erary memorial committee and has ing Saturday morning in Chicago, the
been approved by President Clarence Michigan Central special will leave at
Cook Little, the Board of Regents and midnight tomorrow instead of Satur-
the faculty of the literary college. day morning as first planned, it was
Ask Longer Stop-Over announced today by railroad repre-
In addition to endorsing the senior I sentatives.
memorial fund, the council sent a re- The special will leave Ann Arbor
quest to the general passenger agent at 12:01 tomorrow night, arriving in
of the Michigan Central railroad, ask- Chicago at 7:10 o'clock Saturday
ing that the length of time allowed on1monning. Returning, the train will
the stop-over privilege in round-trip leave at 11:50 o'clock Saturday night,
tickets sold for the student special to
Chicgo or he orthestrn amearriving here at 7:30 oclock Sunday
bextgnde othedNor t present, sta-morning. Special rate tickets are
dent special tickets are good only good only on the special and cannot
until midnight Saturday night; the le used on any trains leaving Chica-
council requests that this time be ex- go Sunday. !
tended until midnight Sunday night. The return trip is being made sev-
It is expected that the decision of the eral hours later than originally plan-
Michigan Central on the request will ned in order that students may spend
MichianCntralonrtherqueinthe evening in Chicago. Regulations-
be announc ao6Passed aommorning.n of the interstate commerce commis-
The counici l' als o' sed a motion, ion, however, prohibit a longer stop-
directed to managers of moving pic- over than. this in the case of reduced
ture theaters in Ann Arbor, request- fares toa local poit.a Chicago is a
ing that Michigan's most popular local point on the Michigan Central
songs, including "The Victors" andlines.
"Varsity," be played by the theater linTe special train from Ann Arbor
orchestras at some time during the i
performance. This was customary in wil be dey of 12 parsy
adtwo day coaches. The Varsity
the past, but the custom has been al- band all men and women students,
Towed to pass into disuse during the faculty members and townspeople I
last few years. I will be accommodated in the one train,
Announce Pep Meeting although the women will be in sep-
The chairman of the committee on arate cars. Another special train of
pep meetings announced that'the first night
pep meeting of the year will be held from Detroit.
the Friday night before the Ohio State Tickets may be obtained at the
game, in Hill auditorium. A complete I booth in the Union lobby this dfter-
list of speakers has been secured and noon from 3 to 8 o'clock. Railroad
will be announced next week. I agents will in all probability be at the
George W. Ross, Jr., '26, Charles Union tomorrow afternoon as well.
Oakman, '26, and Thomas Cavanaugh, The special round trip fare is $8.92.
'27L, were appointed to constitute a Lower berths are $3.75 and upper
committee to investigate student gov- I berths $3.
ernment .at Michigan and to draw up
a resolution, directed to the proper '
university authorities, requesting JI 11111 INIiai B ID S~
greater power for the Student council, I IJ rI CE D 'V
especially in cases pertaining to stu-
dent discipline. I TRIP TON IOlfTUISlTrHf
A motion was passed and a copy 0
sent to the Ann Arbor branch of the_
Detroit Automobile club, requesting Co
that it co-operate with the Ann Arbor Chicago Association Will Hold Dance
Chamber of Commerce in erecting at Drake Hotel Saturday
signs on M-17 and elsewhere directing ,-
ing tourists and visitors to the cam- Following the offer of the Chicago
pus, the stadium and other points of Alumni association to entirely finance
interest. Following the present route, the trip, it was announced yesterday
tourists passing through Ann Arbor that the Varsity band will accompany
on M-17 see only one corner of the the Michigan team and rooters to the
campus and miss' all of the major Michigan-Northwestern game Satur-
buildings of the University. 'aMy. Leaving Ann Arbor at 12:01
Ten men were elected to serve as a o'clock tomorrow night on the Michi-
sub-committee, designed to assist the gan Central special, it will arrive in
council in its work and to fit the Chicago at 7:10 o'clock the next morn-
members for service on the council ing, and will make its headquarters at
itself. the Drake hotel.
In addition to these men, the presi- Saturday morning the band will
dents of the junior literary and en- stage a Michigan parade with the aid
,gineering classes and three men ap- of students who are in Chicago at that
pointed by each, and the presidents of time. After luncheon it will leave for
the sophomore literary and engineer- the Grant Park stadium so as to be on
ing classes and two men appointed by the field at 2:30 o'clock.
each, will serve, bringing the total Following the game the band will
membership of thebgrouptottwenty- return to the Drake hotel, where the
four. Chicago alumni body are giving a
A I N vidance for Michigan students and grad-
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Approxi- uates, at which band members will be
mately $35,000,000 annually is being special guests.
spent by American manufacturers in Between 9:30 and 10 o'clock, the
research work, te ,United States band 'will give a concert in the Liberty
Chamber of Commerce estimated to- magazine studio, which will be broad-
day, and probably $500,000,000 annual- casted from radio station WLIB.1 1.

to m
of i
I wo

Although showing slight im- IWASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Chair-
provement, Chauncey Olcott lies man Oldfield, of the Democratic
near death in St. Joseph's Mercy T Inational congressional commit-
hospital here, according to word tee, declared today in a state-
coming D[ ls from his bed-side late ment that elections yesterday
last night. [ lmade it clear that the pendulum
The world famed Irish tenorI had begun to swing away from
OTand actor was taken to the hos- the Republicans and indicated
LION A1VISES SURTAX CUT pital when he became suddenly INTEKNOWN POE the election of a Democratic con-
BUT OPPOSES FURTHER ill Friday night while playing at A Ngrss in 1926 and a Democratic
EXEMPTIONS the Whitney theater. At the hos-iN THIS MCNTI president in 1928.
EXEMPTIONS pital Dr. F. L. Arner, his physi- I SCOUNTRY The statement says: The
cian, pronounced him to be suf- sweeping victory of Democratic
HOLD HEARINGS I fering from a combination of AT I ENDED OXFORD candidates at the polls yesterday
affections of the heart and kid- makes it more apparent than
lidge Agrees On Further Increase neys, and said that his "cond- rever that the pendulum has be- I
Of Treasury's Estimate tion is critical." Olcott passed gun to swing the other way. The
a "bad night," hospital attaches Has Contributed To Leading election of a Democratic con-
Of $30&, 0QO0f said, and after showing slight Magaznes Since gress in 1926 appears certain, to
improvement in the morning, be followed by the election of a
(By Associated Press) again faced danger of a relapse. Alfred Noyes, English poet who has Democratic president in 1928." c
ASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Desiring The actor reached his 65th gained international fame by his a
ake the maximum possible reduc- birthday July 21. works, will give the third lecture of It
s in taxes, the House ways and the Oratorical association course at 1fr
ns committee today asked the 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium.r
(ir0,0which0hastouprese adital AL Ao'ca I iloac opnyhim Here.aTODAYrENDS Ir
sury, which has suggested d limit His wife, who is a reader of poetry, S9 1 T r 1,i NDSd
$on0,robbleovrnsent additin-J 11.Gl[ will accompany him here. I I
on probable government expen- Mr. Noyes, although an Englishman 1 a
res and receipts for the next fiscal by birth, is well known to American LUW NN RATE a
r so it can, determine for itself R N OVEM BER audiences. He has lectured in the
far to go in cutting levies. United States at various intervals
his was the committee's first move, during the past 15 years, and has Applications Received In Three Day p
n it started work today on the given courses at Columbia and Yale Drive Surpass Prevous 1
al preparation of a tax reduction Underclassmen Elect Captains Next universities. Yale has bestowed an Records 0
after more than two weeks of Week For Annaul Clash On honorary degree upon him. His wife
lic hearings. South Ferry Field is an American girl. Before her mar- 2375 Y ARBOOKS SOLD
hile Secretary Mellon proposed riage she was Miss Garnett Daniels, d
the government'sannual income (aughter of Col. B. G. Daniels of the
reduced by not more than $300,- PRECEDE OHIO GA ME United States army. Students desiring to apply for the I
000, committee members feel it Graduate Of Oxford 1926 Michiganensian must do so to- I
be possible, on the basis of late Freshmen and sophomores will meet Exeter college of Oxford university day if they wish to secure the book e
mates, to go beyond this figure.'in the annual underclass Fall games was where Mr. Noyes received his edu- at the rate of $3.50. Pledges may be s
sident Coolidge inclined to a simi- the morning of the Ohio State game, cation. He was a skilled oarsman signed from 8:30 until 3:30 o'clock r
view. Nov. 14, on south Ferry field. The while in college and also wrote poems at six tables on the campus reserved
Committee Intact date has been advanced one week this aside from his ordinary academic for this purpose, and from 3:30 until
Il of the 25 members of the com- year, due to the fact that the Con- duties as an undergraduate. At the 4:30 o'clock at the Michiganensian ti
ee were present today at the first ference cross country meet is being Ifirst publication of his verse in the office in the Press building.
ts executive sessions, and indica- held in Ann Arbor the morning of the 'London Times he was still in Ox- Applications for 2,375 yearbooks t
s were renewed that representa-; Minnesota game and the coaches have ford. were filed with the Michiganensian' t
s of both parties would work to- requested that the change be made in Leaving college he decided to de- staff duringh thmree day drive last
er to draft a non-partisan meas- I order to avoid conflict.I vote himself to the writing of poetry ek. Although this number far sur- e
in time for presentation when Earl Blaser, '27, chairman of the I exclusively. His task was difficult at passes the figures of similar drives in a
gress convenes Dec. 7. 1 Fall games committee of the Student I first for he had no substantial in- former years, it is thought that, 4ue
'nder a program of procedure ap-' council, announced last night that the Icst for he had no.suest at -to the inclement weather of the per-'
ved today, the committee will three customary events will be held on e toLonon DiM iod, many who intended to subscrib
ile the income taxes after- setting this year. Investigation of the games aneglected to do s
goal for total reduction. Secre- conducted by other universities failed tor, Blackwood's magazine, Outlook, The price of the 1926 Michiganen-
Mellon recommended a cut in the to disclose any new ideas for competi- Fortnightly Review, Atlantic Monthly sian will be $3.50 for those who have t
:imum surtax rate from 40 to 20 tion between the classes that would London Nation, Standard, The Book- signed pledges by today and make t
cent and reduction of about 50 improve the events held here, and man, McClure's magazine, North payment prior to Christmas vacation.
cent in most of the normal rates, consequently, the obstacle race, the Alnerican Review, the Forum and After Christmas, the cost of the book
opposed increased exemptions. cane spree, and the flag rush, will be many others. will be $4.00. The reduced rate fora
surtax suggestion has received run off once more. The classes as aI manyoteryA. i this year's Michiganensian is made d
siderable support among commit- whole meet only in the flag rush, as A series of early poems whic cov- possible by the increased sales whichS
members, but many have urged the obstacle race and cane spree aremy are counted on by the staff. The boo
ater cuts in the normal rates and both contested by picked teams of t recognition for him in the United will be as good as last year's, mem-
eased exemptions men each. es They were: "Silk o' the bers of the staff state.
Captains to direct each side in the Ine,"aThe te;"gh Campus booths will be located at
7ASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Concentra- analcma ilb lce et Kine," a love tale; A Night at Cmu otswl elctda
ASIGON o. .Cncnr-annual combat will be elected nextI St. Helena," a Napoleonic suy Barbour gymnasium, University hall o
Son tax reduction and appropria- week and each captain will appoi ntItHena" a Nploisud;B borgmsuUivstyhl
bills as reedtoayat anpin- hiskownd lieutenant. The team o "The Barrel-Organ," which recalled lobby, Angell hall lobby, the Library t
bills was agreed today at an in- his own lieutenants. The teamKipling's m" lobby, and at both ends of the diag-i
nal conference of Republican enter the obstacle race and cane spree aympt w "Te B o"; onal.a
lers as the tentative legislative will be selected by the captains, with mde "Highwayman,"anarrative ork; He i e ce e nhor nwr
gram for the House in the coming the advice of their lieutenants. Each jran s "ory "Tgn Seen, Old
ion. of these events give the victor one aomn wok "The Foer of Pld
eLongworth of Ohio, point and each of the three flags inJapan Thyme" published under one title rep-
o has been designated speaker by the flag rush counts one point, mak- resented Mr. Noyes at his best. In
Republican caucus and was Re- ing a total of five points. The class this work he wanders off into the
lican floor leader of the last ses- taking a majority of these points is world of fairyland and dreams. "The__
, returned to the capitol today and the pinner of the games.
d conferences with leaders of both Blaser will explain the purpose andG "Drake" a long blank verse 1e
ties.~~"Dak" therulsnogthbgaeskt teefesheIepic, ILetters Arrive From Alumni Praising
ties. m the rules of the games tio the fresh- has been hailed as a monument to Numbers Given Last Week
man literary class election at Hill I the British nationality. His "Tales
auditorium this afternoon. He will be the Mermaid Tavern" express the President Clarence Cook Little wills
essisted in conducting the various spirit of England in a period of great give the initial address at the second
events by Wilam Tman, '2 expansion."''The Enchanted Island" program to be transmitted from the
the aldson, '26,I th StudentVst council, and obl Glenn Don-,naer and "Sherwood" were exceptional University broadcasting station from It
iuiuiiir ~ VI I~h~ adsn,'2, arit fotbllmaagr.SIII ~ ______________works, according to critics. 9 until 10 o'clock Tuesday night.
Mr. Noyes did not confine himself Other speakers on the program, repre- 1
VASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Two joint Comimittee Sets entirely to poetry for several times I senting the different phases of Uni-
he made innovations to write prose. I versity interests, are Dean Henry M.
-committees, selected early in the TteOnce he wrote for The English Men Bates of the Law school, Prof. Wil-
rat a plenary session of the Italian tof Letters series a biography of Wil- liam J. Hussey of the astronomy de-t
3 American war debt commissions, ,[ r119271J-H p11liam Morris whom Mr. Noyes had partment, and Prof. Ralph W. Aigler
nt to work tonight in an effort to greatly admired. His lecture pre- of the Law school.-
'elop the details of a funding agree- Pending confirmation by the Dean I pared for American delivery "The Interspersed with the talks will bes
nt. of Students, Feb. 6 was tentatively set Future of Poetry" and an article in musical selections by members of the t
istinct phases of the problem of as the date for the 1927 J-Hop by the the Fortnightly Review "Acceptances" faculty of the School of Music. Num-d
ling with the debt, which is ap- committee at its first meeting, held were also examples of his prose writ- bers will be given by a string quartet;
ximately $2,138,534,000, were as- last night at the Union. As usual, the ings.I led by Samuel P. Lockwood of the
ned to each of the two groups to affair will take place in Waterman Time and again Mr. Noyes has been School of Music. Mrs. Grace John-c
ilitate the negotiations. The mem- and Barbour gymnasiums, connected called a traditional poet both by men' son Konold of the same school willo
ship of these committees and the for the occasion, with an orchestra in who have admired and those who have sing several numbers.t
rk they are to do however, were h hal criticized his work. He himself has The program sent out from theI

t disclosed, although, it was made Men to act on the seven sub-com- said, "There are certain possessions .broadcasting station last week caused
own that they would meet not only mittees were selected as follows: dec- for us, certain inheritances that we numerous letters of favorable com-r
ight but again tomorrow, probably orations and floor committee, Kenneth must accept from the past or perish". ment to pour into the broadcasting
'ly in the day. I A. Michel, '27A, chairman, Howell In a review of Edmund Gosse he says, office. One graduate from Gowanda,
Russ, '27, and Floyd S. Park, '27P; "We cannot break away from the N. Y. writes that "waiting for the bandc
r eRBands fmussc 7andreflsh,,ast.to start playing the 'Victors" was just
rmed OfI like waiting for the kick-off on Ferry
Lee C. Fowle, 27D, chairman, and Since leaving the United States fiel . waing the kcoff on Fe
B ruse 1a rra 3S David Reel, Jr., '27; guest committee, years ago, Mr. Noyes has produced field. Hearing the program was like
Victor E. Domhoff, '27, chairman, and two works which have been outstand- going to a pep meeting."
French ColumnsH. Leroy Selmeier, '27Ed; favors an4l ing. "Waters of the Sky" and "The
--- program committee, Ben Friedman, Book of Earth". In the latter book' '28 Committees
PARIS, Nov. 4.-Armed bands of '27, chairman, Robert W. Wilkins,; the poet takes for his theme the evo- (J
uses are harrassing Frenchncol- '27M, Lester F. Johnson, '27L, and lutionary interpretation of creation. . W ill Meet Today
ns and prowling within the shadow Domhoff; publicity committee, David There are ten parts to the latter book.
the walls of Damascus, cutting the Reel, chairman, and George M. Stan-' Committeemen and officers of the
lroads and doing considerable other ley, '27E; invitation committee, Har- ;sophomore literary class will meet at
mage. Their actions corroborates ley J. Bell, '27E, chairmlan, Rus , -176'c0ckG Rig TOn rORTH91ofthe
emnier Painleve's recent declaration Wilkins, and Henry S. Maentz, '27. Union to discuss arrangements for
rA "serious events are occurring in Maentz will have charge of the booth ; orI OI 1AU the Sophomore Prom to be held Dec.
ria." committee. PLUS u I 1LL OB"I 11. Plans for the Fall games will
The arrival in Paris of General Sar- Bell was selected as vice-chairman ialso be made, and a date set for a
1, high commissioner in Syria, who of the J-Hop, Stanley as secretary, Students who will be unable to fol- general class meeting the latter part
s been recalled, is awaited with and Johnson as treasurer.hs of this month.
disguised anxiety by official circles. low the Michigan squad to Grant Park
The French foreign office has no report of their subject with recom- adiu next tay's aine s
_, '- wn. nmi a fr' able to follow the team's activities as i LONDON, Nov. 4.-London today is

rittenden, Chaffee and Gould Chosen
Presidents of Remaining
Three Classes
George S. Channer, '29E, Victor
rittenden, '29D, Walter Chaffee, '29A,
nd Clayton Gould, 29P, were elected
o lead their respective classes at
reshman elections held under the di-
ection of the Student council yester-
ay. The freshman literary cliass, the
ast to organize this year, will meet
t 3:30 o'clock this afternoon in Hill
John Gilmartin, '29E, finished see-
nd in the contest for the engineering
residency, receiving 118 votes against
63 for Channer. The election, which
pened at 11 o'clock yesterday morn-
ng, continued past noon, and the vote
n the minor offices was greatly cut
own when many of the freshmen
were forced to leave. Jamison Wil-
ams took the vice-presidency by a
arge majority, George Pond rolled up
ven a larger vote for the secretary-
hip, 'and Donald Smith won a close
ace for the position of treasurer.
Pharmnie Ballot Close
The balloting in the freshman elec-
ion in the pharmacy school was close,
with the exception of the contest for
he secretaryship, which Mary Bowen
ook unanimously. In addition to
-ould and Miss Bowen, the class elect-
d Dorothy Campbell, vice-president,
nd Lucien Allison, treasurer,
The freshman architects selected
Chaffoe .as their leader after a close
ace with Robert Bechtol, which was
lecided by two votes. Harriette Stone
won the vice-presidency, Virginia
Gies was unanimously selected secre-
ary and Byron Snow will fill the Posi-
ion of treasurer.
The freshman dental class, the last
o meet yesterday afternoon, elected
ticket including Crittenden as presi-
ent; Edward Shutts, vice-president;
tewart De Vries, secretary; and
Loren Scollay, treasurer. D Vries
nas the unanimous choice of his class.
Freshman Lits Vote Today
The doors of Hill auditorium will
pen for the freshman literary elec-
ion at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon, 15
minutes before the balloting starts,
and will be closed at 3:45 o'clock.
Members of the Student council, as-
3:30-Literary college at Hill
sisted by men from the junior honor-
ary socities,bwill hande the crowd.
Perforated ballots colored pink as
were those used yesterday, will' be
handed to each freshman as he enters;
noe ballots will be distributed within
the auditorium.
Men students will be admitted only
when they are wearing freshman pots
with the black buttons, the insignia of
their class. Members of the upper,
classes or freshman classes of other
schools who a'e found voting will be
suspended from the University by ac-
tion of the Senate Committee on Stu-
dent affairs, in co-operation with the
Student council.
Freshman are requested by the
council to be seated as near the front

of the auditorium as possible, in order
to facilitate the handling of the bal-
lots. No spectators will be admitted.
Freshmen who are on probation will
not be allowed to run for office.
Any objections as to the handling
of the election or any requests for re-
counts must be made to the president
or the election committee of the Stu-
dent council tomorrow. All ballots
will be kept so that an accurate re-
count can be made if necessary.


Albion Will Give
Degree To Little
ALBION, Mich., Nov. 4.-The big-
gest crowd of Albion college alumni
that has visited the Methodist cam-
pus in years is looked for Saturday,
the occasion of the annual Albion
homecoming. There will be a reun-
ion dinner of the"Albi-Onions," grad-
uates of the college up to the class of
1908, Sturday evening, with Joel R.
Moore, Detroit probation .officer, .as
The Stanley Kresge gymnasium will


ly is^ being saved in, the conduct of
industry as a result.
® i it i dy/5 w ly " .

Th an il eaeChicgolate
Saturday night and is to arrive here
early Sunday morning. At the begin-
ning of the season the band manage-
ment planned, to make only those
trips which it could finance alone.
Hwencver.h because of the offer of the

weazjRe 1 l-&



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