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November 04, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-04

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NVED717.SIAY, NTOT,'lNT~F~v 1,9

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Pesident until
3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays.
Volume Vi WEDNESDAY, NOVE+MBER 4, 1925 Number 33

Crew Of Flaming Steamer Called Heros And Cowards

According to reports, the license for the purpose of anticipating the
agreement saved more than $6,000,000 new requirement wiich growth pro-
in annual charges and expenses dur- duces.
ing 1924. It also shows that only l it ao hown that the general
at an immensely greater expense, in i 1 ! n ahl to reach further
the organization and maintenance of zri o ruc :;u!)je(t, s ofilee and build-
a costly technical staff of its own, in ai1er t n:tati oery and forms,
could the Michigan company approxi- :id too, an~l other similar matters,
mate continuing the service it now re- whi. altho at first sight appear
ceives through the centralized re- small, uWer heless oier a fertile
search, development, engineering and field for substantial economies
patent staff of the American com- thilugl t it use of the best economi-

:Notice to All Faculty Members:

At meetings of the Regents held January 10 and April 25, 1919, the Board
made the purchase of an annuity in the Teachers' Insurance and Annuity
Association of America, a condition of employment in the case of all mem-
bers of the Faculties thereafter engaged except instructors of less than three
years' standing, with whom such purchase is optional.
Members of the Faculties and others connected with the University
can obtain at the office of the Secretary of the University full information
concerning their privileges and responsibilities with respect to life ann-
ities. Specimen policies, rate books, and reports of the Teachers' Insurance
and Annuity Association are on file for distribution. Ask for Mr..Buckley,
Assistant Secretary.
The University will contribute equally with the member of the Faculty,
within certain limits, to the provision of the old age annuity. The faculty
member thus purchasing an annuity receives under such conditions 100 per
cent upon his contribution plus 4 per cent per annum on the entire sum in-
volved, and these accumulations are non-forfeitable to him in any case.
Shirley W. Smith, Secretary of the University.
Fraternities and Sororities:
All fraternities and sororities desiring to receive copies of the 1924-1925
Scholarship Charts, should send in today to the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, Room 2, University Hall, a list of their officers for this year.
J. A. Bursley.
Freshmen Lecture:
The second freshmen lecture in Hygiene for men, will be given in Wa-
terman Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, November 5th and 6th, at 3, 4
and 5 P. M. This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical
training classes and others that have been excused from these classes.
Geo. A. May.
Women Students-House President's Supper:
On account of Mr. Alfred Noyes' speech, the supper to House Presidents
and to the Officers and Senior Representatives of the Women's League will
be at 6:00 P. M. instead of 6:15, on Thursday, November 5th, in Barbour
Jean Hamilton.
University Women-Northwestern Game:
All women students planning to attend the Northwestern Game are
requested to sign immediately in the office of the Dean of Women, and pay
the fee to cover the expenses of the chaperones sent by the University.
All women students planning to motor to this game must make their ar-
rangements with the Office of the Dean of Women promptly.
Jean Hamilton.
University Extension Advisory Committee:
There will be a meeting of the Advisory Committee on University Ex-
tension Service today, Wednesday, November 4, at 4:00 o'clock in the Uni-
versity Extension office.
W. D. Henderson.
Public Lecture:
Professor Henry J. Cadbury of Harvard University will lecture at 4:15
today in Newberry Auditorium on "Scenes From the Early Church."
This is the second of four open lectures on The Acts of the Apostles, to
be given by Professor Cadbury under the auspices of the Michigan School
of Religion.
L. Waterman.
Graduate Students:
Will the following graduate students please call at the office of the
Graduate School at once:
Miguel B. Afable Colin C. McRae
Kikusaburo Asa Raymond W. R. Maier
Philip M. Barr Ruth S. Melamed
E-Tsung V. Chang J. W. Hollywood Monaweck
John M. Detwyler Edward 1H. Potthoff
Lloyd H. Donnell Mitsuzo Tamura
William L. Everitt Hale Tennant
Emerson F. Greenman Earl C. Yates
Frederick R. Harper Yeh F. Zung
Hugh W. Hetherington
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder.
Freshman Engineers:
The regular Annual Election of class officers will be held at Freshman
Assembly at 11 o'clock this morning in Room 348.
The mentor list is now posted on the bulletin board outside of the Dean's
Get the name of your mentor as early as possible this morning before
coming to Assembly.
Everyone should be present this morning and fill out cards for Mentor
Reports. Every freshman who for any reason cannot be present should call
at my office at once and fill out these cards.
C. 0. Wisler, Freshman Mentor.
Business Administration No. 131:
All sections will meet at 9:00 o'clock Wednesday morning in Room 206
Tappan Hall for lecture.
C. B. Gordy.
Public Speaking 31:
Mr. Carl Brandt's class in Public Speaking 31 will meet with my class
in Lane Hall auditorium Wednesday evening at 7:00 o'clock to review
"Acres of Diamonds."
Lionel Crocker.

Many of the savings effected in the
operation of the telephone service in
Michigan under the license contract
service to the Michigan company have
been the result of research- and de-
velopment work.
In the introduction to the exhibit
it is stated that it is the duty of the
centralized staff not to wait until the
Michigan company finds itself ham-
pered and throttled as a result of the
expansion of its business to a point

c: l aplpitanue that comes to this comn-
pa y thh Impli ed practice and
the cmin!lat ed purchasing of the re-
quit enut o~f the re- sstm
7 ~m m ci' Ih rate case heal'-
in' ty'Wre I te public. t ihit icS c()mmniS-
Sm' i is as:Kili d for Nov. 5, when
K vm wl si : .e v l. t action is
to 1 ;I n i resi to the Michi-
gan1 >!11 cinmany':s pr ':Mut ation or
1 hi :unm ''~s u lick ns:a contmact ser-
ties. Temepione company heads have
indicat d tf'i des( foire 10' ai early de-

where the existing apparatus and cision in tiv' rate case.
methods are no longer adequate to
handle it, but to always look ahead head the ('lassitied Page-it pays.

What fire did to S. S. Comanche off the coast of Florida while she was bob
with passengers. OAy one nian was lo
Magazine Writing:
See University Hall bulletin board for schedule of individual confer-
ences instead of class hour this afternoon.
Howard P. Jones, Instructor.
Production Management Assembly:
Mr. R. S. Perry, production manager of the Hudson Motor Co., will
speak on "Daily Organization Problems Confronting the Production Ex-
ecutive." The meeting will be held in the Union this evening, Wednesday,
Nov. 4, at 7:30. All interested are invited to attend.
Charles B. Gordy.
Tau Beta Pi Candidates:
The examination of the recently elected candidates for Tau Beta Pi
will be held in Room 273 of the West Engineering building at 7:00 11. M.
Wednesday, Nov. 4. The use of one reference book will be permitted.
T. W. Barlow.
University of Mihligan Band:
The Varsity Band will meet for its regular weekly rehearsal Wednes-
day, Nov. 4, at 7:30 ,. M. Members will please come prepared for drill.
T. C. Schneirla.
Economics Club:
Tile next meeting of the Club will be held Thursday evening, November
5, at 7:30, in Room 306 of the Michigan Union. Dr. W. M. Leiserson will
speak on "Experiences of a Labor Arbitrator."
I. L. Sharfman.
Botanical Se'iinar:
Botanical Seminar meets Wednesday, November 4, at 4:30, B173 N. S.
Building. Paper by E. G. Anderson-"High non-disjunction in Drosophila."
B. JL.Dvi.
La Socieda Hispanica:
An important meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica will be held at 7:30
o'clock tonight in Room 318, Michigan Union. New Moinbers will be initiatied
and refreshments will be served.
Loran G. Bartley, Pres.
"Cercle Francais:
The next meeting of the Cercle will be held on Wednesday, November 4,
at 7:30 in the Cercle Room. An interesting program has been arranged.
The President.
Prescott Club:
The first regular meeting of the Prescott Club will be held Thursday
evening at 7:30 in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. All students of the College
of Pharmacy are cordially invited to meet their fellow classmates.
C. C. Glover.
Scabbard and Blade:
Regular meeting in Room 319 at the Union Wednesday at 7:15.
D. A. Holm.

ind from Jacksonville to New York
LANSING, Nov. 3.-Services ren-
dered the Michigan Bell Telephone
company under its so-called four and
a half per cent license contract with
the American Telephone and Tele-
graph company, since 1922, are out-
lined in a seven volume statement and
record filed with the public utilities
commission, in accordance with the
commission's recent order. The in-
formation was ordered by the commis-
sion for consideration in the Michi-
gan company's application for a rate
increase, and in the city of Detroit's
appeal for lowered rates.


Something to remember :i1ich an by. Come in and see our new
line of jewelry, pennmnts, pillows and memory books.
DIAL 4744 1111 S. TNIVERSIT DIAL 474


11 -M.

F Ml

[3TDEN___ __

Notices to app ear in this column must
he left in the box at the Daily office f
provided for that purpose before 4:00
o'clock preceding the day of issue.
9:00-All sections in Business admin-
istration 131, meet in room 206, Tap-
pan hall, for lecture.
11:60-Election of offieers at freshman
enginering assembly, room 348.
14:15-Prof. Henry J. Cadbury of Har-
vard university lectures on "Scenes'
from the Early Church," in New-
berry auditorium.
4:15-Palmer Christial presents or-
gan recital in Hill auditorium.
7:00-Polonia Literary circle meets in
Lane hall.
7:15-Scabbard and. Blade meets in1
room 319, Union.!
1 7 :«y0-Sagi aw club smoker, room 304,
7:30-La Sociedad Hispanica meets in
room 318, Union.
7:30-Alpha Nn Literary society meets
on the fourth floor of Angell hall.
7:30-Cercle Framncais meets In the
Cercle room.
7:30-Les Voyageurs meet in cabin.
4:15)-Prof. Roger Adams of the ini-
versity ;of Illinois, speaks in the
Chemical amphitheater.
7:30-Christian Science society meets
in Lane hall auditorium.
7:30-Economics club meets in room
306 of the Union.
7:30-First regular meeting of the
Prescott club, room 303, Chemical
s:00-Alfred Noyes speaks in Hill au-

No article 'of apparel has been so medt
accepted by ALL of the colleges as
Brand Oiled Slickers.
Most of the college women are wearing
them-for several reasons. The price is
low, no better waterproof coat is made,
wear well, look well, are stylish, and abso-
lutely rain and sleet proom'. d1;,1!
Women's innerent shrewdness for good
value explains the popularity of Frog Brand
Oiled Slickers.
Sawyer's Frog Brand Slickers are genuine
oiled slickers. In four colors for women-
red, green, blue, and coral shades.
All progressive
psI or college stores ar-
.00O Slickers. It your
dealer is not sup-
plied at present,
send his name to
H. M. Sawyer&
H.M-awyerSon, East (yam-
bridge, Mass
:.U.:.i. . .i"


Polonia Literary Circle:
Polonia Literary Circle will meet tonight at 7:00
All members are requested to attend.

P. M. in Lane Hall.

J. W. Klimek, Vice-Pres.
Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today.

Gen. Sun Driven
From Stronghold
NANKINK, China, Nov. 3.-Reports
received here indicate that Marshall
Chang Tso-Lin's Manchurian troops
advancing south from Hsuchow, haveI
captured Pengtu, on the railroad
about 100 miles south of Hsuchow
where the Chekiang forces of Gen-
Sun Chuan-Fang were concentrating.
Gen. Sun appears to have established
a new defense line at Mingkwang
about 20 miles below Fengtu.


Two New Members --
Added To Faculty
Two new instructors, W. H. Perry *,.
and G. S. Barker, are in the philos- .
ophy department this year.-
Mr. Perry had his bachelor of arts #lllllllllll llitillllllli1111111lil9 illili lllill ll l llllllllllll illi1
degree from Syracuse university, a !
bachelor of divinity degree from the Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners E
Union Theological seminary at New I
York City, and a master of arts de- Served at
gree from Columbia university. He
also attended the graduate school at '=
Cornell, and the University of Mich- IBOULEVARD INiN
igan in the summers of 1921 and 1922.
After further study at the Hartford Two blocks from city bus line on Jackson Road,
Theological se;ninary, Mr. Perry went from noon till midnight.
to Adrian college, where he taught for
five years. Mr. Barker came here aft- ISpecial attention given to parties. Phone 6534.
er three years at Oxford university. t m0 i t!I [1611101tE1ilE13 ll i lllilllilllilllllillt 1 1lltlr

Natural Interest Holds
at the
Detroit's smartest ballroom. Two
wonderful orchestras provide con-
tinuous dancing. Home of Jean
Goldkett's Victor Orchestra.
First Sunday Matinee November 8
at 3:30
Dancing Nightly Except Mondays.

Keeps Tour Hair Iat-
Rich-looking and Orderly

IF your hair lacks natural gloss
and lustre, or is difficult to
keep in place, it is very easy to
give it that rich, glossy, refined
and orderly appearance, so essen-
tial to well-groomed men.
Just rub a little Glostora
through your hair once or twice
a week,-or after shampooing,and
your hair will then stay, each day,
just as you comb it.
Glostora softens the hair and
makes it pliable. Then, even stub-
born hair will stay in place of its
own accord.
It gives your hair that natural,
rich, well-groomed effect, instead
of leaving it stiff and artificial
looking as waxy pastes and creams
do. Glostora also keeps the scalp
soft, and the hair healthy by re-
storing the natural oils from which
the hair derives its health, life,
gloss and lustre.
Try it! See how easy it is to
keep your hair combed any style

you like, whether brushed lightly
or combed down flat.
'If you want your hair to lie
down particularly smooth and
tight, after applying Glostora,
simply moisten your hair with
water before brushing it.
A large bottle of Glostora costs
but a trifle at any drug store.









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