WEDNESDAY, -----_--_ -E-.bER - - 1925 THE MICHJGAN DAILY A 3 PJ ADVERTISING AT 3 F, M Yanks Seek Adventure In Trackless Jungle In P'lane .._.. NOTIVE TAI LOUING Stident Is Tailoring Plhone 80.10 Cor. N. University and Thayer MIEN'S SUITS CLEANEI) AND TI )USS l tES:1 9, 0ce CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY ALSO LAI)IES DIISES AND COATS IfEASONABLE PICVS 1Vork Called For And Delivered ELSON BEAUTY SIIOP. Lanoil, per- manent waving, and marcell waving our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room 20'. Dial 4404. THE COLLEGE MAGICIAN Announcing Complete change in his bag of tricks. Entertainment for all occasions. N. I). Smith, Dial 5970 j OPPORTUNITY FOR COLLEGE girls to see Europe. Chaperoned party being organized now. References given. Write to 'box 22.' FOR STUDENT washings to do at 101 ,RENT D;EIRAIILE Front suite centrally lo- cated. Private home. Suitable for tea,-hears, University employees or Grrduate students. Phone 22234. l' Oi EyNT--' our a partment newly licit, and laundry room furnished decorated, gas, privileges includ- Rising demand for Amiericain "!,to(-.._ mobile tires in other countries set i. Fat Feet Renedied by Arches the United States rubber export to itl e fron impres.of ulCthe more than $5,000,000 in a recent lhi tdlut PooL mont, breaking all previous records. Louise M4. O'Brien A machine that will cut 50.000 ;\epoit. riei t by Te1ephone for "all-day-suckers" an hour has bei 21579 invented.- _14) South Divihsi ANN ARBOR1 MICH. SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR I)AILY ANN ARBORDR A EY SKOPP 301 East Liberty Street Call 3031 for Shades, Draperies andAcessoie I S cii. Phone 4377. i t 1 ENT-- Two large pleasant light hlvacekeeping room1hs, nicely furnish- ed lirst floor private entrance. 114 N. Ingalls, Dial 7437. FOR 1 IENT-- Looms for five or six Se at 422 E. Washington. Garage for ht rty living at house. %V INTE D si'U)DENT to sell insurance, good pay. } aily Pox No. 12. WANTED-Position as cook in fra- ternity. Phone 8921. WANTE---Girl student to help care for children and housework. Phone 4.329 or call at 1411 Wells street. WANTED--A STUDENT REPRESEN- TATIVE AT MICHIGAN, preferably . --.. " W.,)AAAbq V CV A I. a popular home Phone 21668. Student or fain- capable of ily washings. Washings done sepa- ing colleg rately. - mre is$ iNOTICEman who BU" the LATEST FICTION at BID- P1ill.Leid IPEenn., Phi D)LE'S BOOK STORE, 11 Nickels _ Arcade. FREE E FO11 SALE- junior or senior who is interviewing and employ- e men during spare time. 400 waiting for the right applies to H. J. Fiedler, y Dorm. University of ila. Pa. FOR SALE -Tux size 27. Phone 8871. Five young Americans are pre aring to Ay into the jungles of Dutch New before by white men. The expeditio i is being sponsored by the Smithsonian route from Chicago to San Francisco is by air, fiom there by boat to the jumping are shown: Left to right: P. A. Hamer, mechanician; S. A. Hedburg, historian; ITOyte, photographer, R. K. Peck, second pilot. Guinea, penetrated only once institution, Washington. Its off" place. Plane and crew Tony Yakey, pilot; Hans S. lure Of Road Calls Vanguard Of Hoboss For Annual Journey Gold production in South Africa re- cently has been handicapped by a shortage of 12,400 native laborers in the mines. iU One shampoo with every $6.00 ticket. Price $5.00. Hlave treatment for scalp regularly. Anderson Beauty Shop Phone 3059 5275 Liberty 20 Years of service LOST LOST-A sliderule near engineering building. Reward. C. V. Elder, 501 W. Forest Ave. Ypsilanti, Michigan. LOST-Saturday night on road to De- t'oit, a black leather hand bag.: Finder please call Hathway 6594. LOST-Bunch of keys with small leather strap on ring. Dial 21414. Reward. LADIES purse left in car on way to game. Contains Detroit library card and small change. Phone 7125 Reward. ALPHA IOTA (AI) sorority pin set with pearls. Reward, call 4546, 522 Monroe. LOST-Sometime Saturday night, a large size Schaeffer pen and pencil to jmatch. At bottom of pen it is roughened by burning. Reward if returned to Thompson at 426 N. In- galls. Dial 4917. Or call at 925' Church, Dial 9557, Or call 106 So. Wing Univ. Hall. Phone Univer- sity 45-M. LADY'S brown suede fur-lined glove between Forest avenue and Ferry field. Phone 5623. LOST-Theta Kappa Psi fraternity, p i. Call Palmer 3497, reward. REWARD for return of notebook lost on campus Friday morning. Call Jean Black 22259. LOST-String of amber colored beads. Call 8433, reward. LOST-A Swan fountain pen and a Parker pen without cap. Iyte at Phone 5821. Read the Want Ads FOR SALE-Gibson mandolin and mandolin case. Music stand and music stand case, $35.00. Ray Vose, 203 S. Thayer. ~EIT EAMS TO MEET TO1DAY IN HANDBALL Eight teams clash today to com- plete the first round of the upper bracket in the interfraternity hand- ball tournament. The matches to be held today are: Alpha Kappa I ambda vs. Delta Sig- ma Phi, Tau, Kappa Epsilon vs. Phi Mu Delta, Sigma Pi vs. Sigma Chi, Phi Gamma Delta vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon. The 42 teams entered in the tour- nament have been divided into two groups, the winner-,in each division to play for the championship. The lower bracket teams are now begin- ning the third round, but the other section has been held up for the past week by the failure of the eight teams to play off their matches. The Intra- mural department did not disqualify the teams but decided to allow the I matches'to be played today. Each team is composed of four men, two for the singles and two for the doubles contests. %.Those repre- denting their team in the individual matches are not eligible for the doubles team. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3.-The Un- 1 iversity of Pennsylvania football 'team, today counted up the casualties as a result of the'Illinois tornado that swept over Franklin field on Satur- cay. The list was not long nor serious. Left End Singer came out of the Red 6range clash with a sprained ankle, Right Guard Butler had a jaw so sore he cannot eat. The team 'physician has not yet diagnosed the cause. % Right Tackle Sieracki, who had a bad ankle when he went into the game, received a bad kick on the leg that is giving him trouble. (By Associated lrems) that the ."hard guy" who will scold ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 3.-The old- a uniform on the East Side in New type hobo may be motorizing himself ork usually forgets he has a hip int a"flvvr h,"butinicaios i pocket when yanked from the rods ino a iv b butindicatinsniby a lanky "hick" chief of police in the southeast are that the veteran' Tanktown, North Carolina. railbird is yet extant; and, at this Then there is the contrast-the time has commenced his seasonal youngster making his first trip and peregrinations southward. just beginning to dolefully doubt he Already the great tattered vanguard will ever break the envious record of is on its way. The mode of transpor- tation is somewhat varied-some the famous "A-No. 1." clinging to merits of the rods and There is the card and pool shark, blinds of the fast limited, while the with or without his "roll" secreted in' majority content themselves with the his underclothes. Also the bo who's old "side-door Pullman" -better going to make his killing bringing it known as the box car. over from Bermuda. There is the From way stations near and far other type who will confine his al- come reports of a heavy southward cohoelic endeavors to personal con- trend of tramps; and from all direc- sumption. Others will work the old tions. This year seems to find an un- con game. usual proportion of them with the I But the most harmless and truest to Florida fever. the old-type species is the genuine Starting in August from the far vagabond, who only answers the call northwest, for instance, Weary Willie of the wanderlust, in many cases the soon attaches a boon buddy, and be- plain home-town boy who is out to fore the change is made in Chicago see what he can see. there is a clan of several score in a -- single box car. By the time the itin- Walking stick farms are not un- erants reach the far south they have common in England. To obtain a become almost a legion. !right-angled handle, the growth is Vicissitudes may intervene, how- pegged down along the ground, and1 ever, in which eventuality the small from this reclining stalk the sapling town is faced with th'e problem of shoots upward vertically. housing a number excessively beyond the foresight of the planners of 'its calaboose or little jail. In this case the unwelcome are usually escorted to to the town's limits and thus put to CHIROPODI)ST AND the irksome trouble of hopping the l ORTHOPEDIST next freight. 707 N. Unhiversity Ave. Phone 21212 Being of a heterogenous nature and type, the object of these perennial mi- gratories is widely dissimilar. There is the "bad egg" type, as he is re- ferred to by his fellow travelers. This type "hips gats" and has police rec- ords; many are wanted by the au- thorities and not infrequently are de- tained en route, mostly without gun-; play; for it is a curious experience Candy M BOXES I to 5 Lbs. Gilbert's l to 5 Lbs. Martha Washington (Fresh Every Friday) TICE'S 709 N. University Wrapped and Mailed Every Wednesday The smallest, st cornact ostorta beLE orelwith #1(ow Standard 1(yboard- -- 1% THESE decisive advantages have made the New IRemington Portable the predominant choice of students everywhere. Then too, it is excep- tionally durable. It is simple and easy to operate -in fact, with very little practice you'll soon be- come a fast typist. And its work is so clear, even; and beautiful that you'll take real pride in your essays, notes, and in those letters home. Call and let us show you the many outstand- ing features of this new machine and explain our easy payment plan. Price, complete with case,,$60. Geo. S. Register Student Representstive 604 E. Madison St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1"I j .THE REMINGTON CO. Detroit, Mich, ReiAgVoral Christmas Greeting Carda sample books of Personal Cards now ready and at your service. Leave your order early. DANCING at MASONI C TEMPLE Every Wednesdaq Night 8-1Q Music by Al Strauss' "9IICHIGAN COLLEGIANS" Tickets on Sale at CAMPUS LUNCH 6ic Per Couple Christmas shoppers get this way,!. Save your fiends timemoney and health by sellin them ouril. box assortede graved and hand colored Kmas cards. ourspare t/me sel/i will pay, well. Specimen box and full in- formation at Editors Office or write for approval offer. H H NoveltyCo 40 E.19thNY r" 9 UN IVERSITY W A2BOOK STOR s.m...:.... i Post Tavern TAKE TIME TO HEAR THE New Electrically Recorded ht MlsWCeCOrds 2955 Oh! Boy, What a Girl Croon a Little Lullaby Sung by the Radio Franks 2970 Sweet Man The Original Charleston Isham Jones' Orchestra 2965 The King Isn't King Any More The Farmer Took Another Load Away! Hay! Hay! Carl Fenton's Orchestra 2958 You Gotta Know How I'm Knee Deep in Daisies Park Lane Orchestra 2950 You Told Me To Go Brown Eyes, Why Are You Blue Carl Fenton's Orchestra 4 I 1 R.:,