;4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ftm-*-W-Www , -.mwtww"fl6v~ WFt ntr~DAYr cNOVern 4, 19"1 For innumerable yar; ,thec, y ci everg x tthe physical trainer has been heard Pulihe eey morning except Monday during the U-niversity year by the Board inI throughout the lald; it has i)eCn ta k- Control of Student Publications.- en up by citizens from New York to Members of Western Conference Editorial Walla Walla. Each morning count- Association. less rotund, scantily clad men and 'ihe Associated Press is exclusively en- !women are doing their (Ane-two-three- titledc to the use f ur republication of all news fu'a dispatches ercited to it or not otherwisefour'according to the directions on the credited in this paper and the local news pub- physical training chart. The Daily dished therein. ___ Dozen has become an American insti- Enrtered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,I tution. But now it has been given a icig an, as second class matter. Special rate tyNeillBell whoin theL of p.osl'age granted by Third Assistant Post- otb el elwo nteLno master General. Daily Mail, says: Suiscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, "No slave in the g;leys ever work.. OffCes:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- ed harder than these deluded gym- hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. nasts. And yet they are merely strain- ing their hearts, thickening their EDITORIAL STAFF artries, and shortening their lives Telephone 4925 "This passion for exercise is the. __________last insanity of mankind; biy it the MANAGING EDITOR great cililizations built by men of GEORGE W. DAVIS giant intellect, eager purpose, sane Chairman, Editorial Board...Norman R. ThalviOn, and immobile bodies are doom- City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield! ed to go down i oblivion. News Editor...........Manning .Houseworth I Women's Editor............Helen S. Ramsay The great men of the past were the Sports Editor.............. .Joseph Kruger men who did not move their bodies Telegraph Editor..........William Walthour Music and Drama.....Robert B. Henderson beyond the minimum required for the Night Editors normal purpose of . existence: Dio- Smith H. Cady Lccuard C. Hall gee inhstSores n hs Willard B. Crosby Thoas V. Koykka genes in his tub, Socrates on his Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson couch, Napoleon in his coach, and Mr. Assistant City Editoi h Joseph Chamberlain in his brougham." Irwin Olian A.rederickll aShilliton Assistants And then Mr. Bell illustrates his (AM 3 L, TE TS'Ull)'%I aIEV'RE TORY Someone once toibi us that all stu- dent publications at Michigan were humorous, some intentionally and MUS Ic AND DRAMA THIS AFTERNOON: The Organ Re- ital in Hill auditorium at 4:15 Welock, Personal Christmas Cards-_. We have exercised great care in selecting for your approval the finest Christmas Cards obtainable from the world's best greeting card makers Select Now For Exclusive Christmas Cards Graham Book Stores BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK others -- well, just funny. This seemed to us quite logical, and we believed it j JOINT MeCOIflLCI( a A review, by Robert Ramsay. verbatim, until the other morning we It is a world of incongruity; the started thinking about it. The great queer bodge podge of every thing is problem, of course is to determine, quite patently what makes it work first of which are purposely humor- living in. We find an Irish tenor the ous, and which not, and secondly, greatest exponent of Italian bel canto.j which are the funniest. John McCormack is undeniably the Well, of course the funniest one was master of flawless singing; pure lyric Chimes, of that there was no question, expression finds its most glorious It so far excels Gargoyle, for example ! manifestation in him; music, freed that we have become convinced that t from all the artificiality of dynamics is intentional. (Granting, always, that a height of complete naivete in John; the funniest are that way on purpose.) i . McCormack. He is a singer from who' Then we came to the regular publica- others could learn much. He is per- tions, that is The Daily. This journal, we believe does not rate too high, in haps the greatest representative of a as much as the humorous matter is so school whose emphasis has been from unsteady. Another thing about The the first on tonal beauty and technical Daily is that it actually tries to be 1 perfection. He has sung with infinite funny at times. Barring these, how- beauty; there is a liquid flow of his ever, it is quite amusing, but equally tone which carries a melody through inconsistent in that vein, the delicate gradations and modula- Then we came to the yearly out- tions with an artistry that is eternally bursts. The 'Ensian, we found is too beautiful. His transitions are made long to be funny, although itsdoes without effort; the ease with which he have its bright moments. Then the passes from full voice to middle voice, Student directory. This is about its is unsurpassed in any singer before style of wit: . the public today. Like Melba, he holds the heart of his audience in his hand, PHONE 13 GOL DMANS he sings with t'hem, and delights them fTNL'iY IN SPOTS with the sheer simplicity of his un- affective delivery. His voice is not of great range. He 189 Student Directory 129 has a habit of passing into a falsetto ( NAT FACTO RY / HA&Ts D IR ECTR H E FACTORY_ WEFARE M Gertrude E. Bailey .Stanford N. Phelps Charles Behymer Evelyn Pratt Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed 1. Farnum Simon Rosenbaum Buckingham Muth Rosenthal Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson Iugene H. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair Douglas Doubleday Courtland C. Smith Mary IDunnigan James A. Sprowl lmes T. Herald Stanley Steinko Elizabeth S. Kennedy Clarissa Tapson Marion Kubik HenryLThurnau WValter H. Mack David C. Vokes Louis R. Markus Chandler J. Whipple Ellis Merry Cassain A. Wilson elen Mon ow Thomnas C. Winter Margaret Parker Marguerite Zilszke iBUSINESS STAFF r! .7nrltinn 1t l point from animal life, for it is "the animal side of man which is the question at issue." IHe cites the con- dition of the horse, the (log, and the cat, all swift moving animals who sel- dom rest and who never attain long lives. In contrast he points to the placid elephant, the caged parrot, the giant turtle that scarcely moves, and the oak tree. These live for a wide span of years, from the elephant that} usually lives to a hundred, to the oak that lives over a thousand years. "Inj LOOK AT YOUR HAT! EVERYONE ELSE DOES.I BUT- We Inake good looking Intfats and clenn your old ones to look like new. Save a Dollar or More at the Dancing Tonight And every Wednesday, 8-10 Friday, 9-1 Saturday, 9-12 JACK SCOTT AND HIS TEN PIECE CLUB ROYAL ORCHESTRA Tickets at Slater's Book Shop and at Goodyear Drug on Main Street. - C SA FACTORY HAT 617 Packar Sireet, (Where D. U. I. Stops STORE Phone 7415. at State St.) i K, , ...e ncu! _ M.n _ _ Telephone 1 all the animal kingdom no beast tha___when he reaches his top notes. It is is cursed by the desire for swift mo - BRIOWN, Chla'. L. 218 Walnut, Sa- a trick it would pay many another B OSINESS MANAGER tion makes old bones"line 21212 tenor to learn. So many of our claim- _YR ___W. ABell maintains that exercise is the BRiOWNE Charles, L. 182 Walnut, ants to the throne of the great Caruso, Advertising....................3... J. Firm rankest folly, and this undue physical Saline. 12122 barrel-shaped gentlemen, whose vast Advertising.......T. D. Olmsted, Jri . expanse of linen covers a pair of cast Advertising........Frank R. Dent, Jr exertion is undermining the very life BRI-OUN C. L. 821 Walnut, Saline, iron lngs, eam awy at eir hg Averatiing.................. L..Newman of ma i 22121 notes full forte, unmindful of the dis- Pulication...............Rudolph Bostelman force in humanity is vigorous enough BROUNE, C. Lewis, 128 Walnut, Sa- tressing result, unconscious of their Accounts...................Paul W. Arnold to endow mankind with 1,000 years line ,11222 own folly and lack of sense. They I Assistants Ingred M. Alving S. H. Pardee of life, but until man puts away from BRIAUN, Chas. Lewis, 281 Walnut, would learn much of value from Mc- George 11. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker him the childishness of exercise he Saline, 22112 Cormack. W. Carl Bauer Julius C. PliskowLatnghivocwsdspon- loben 1. Borink Robert Prentiss will never come into that kingdom BROENiE, (hares Louis, 812 Walnut, Last night, his voice was disappoint- tden W. Butzbach Win. C. Pusch which Bernard Shaw displays for him Saline, 12212 ing It lacked the brilliance, the light W. J. Cox Franklin J. Rauner delicacy, the matchless finish which Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan in Back to Methuselah.' SNORP, Effie, Besty Newberry Dx- h ]ames R. DePuy Margaret Smith has always been associated with hs Margaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorge All of which quite upsets our ter, 88888 singing. It was heavy and uninspired Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland snig twshayaduisie T. Kenneth Haven Wi. H. Wearne present ideas for longevity. How will I BRiAUNE, Charles Louis, 2180 Walnut, last night save for an occasional flash J. E. Little Eugene Weinberg the physical culturists answer such a Saline, 22211 of the real fire. Frank E. Msher Wi. J. Weinman F. A. Nordquist challenge to their religion of strength? BiIOON, Chas. Louis, 2018 Walnut, I suspect that it is as much heresy Saline, 12221 to say that one did not like McCor- I BROONE, C. Louis, 1802 Walnut, Sa- mack as it would be to suggest that !___ one was disappointed in the inaugura- ".CAMPUS OPINIONlie,-122 tion, 0or shall w ateRpbia WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, wl925 l line22iERtE o iTElbeadministration. And yet, disappoint- Night Editor-ROBERT T. DE VORE arbs wiN, however, be regarded as. ment is all I can feel. His is a type NiegntEdeitouon reuest of singing that leaves one utterly un- So you see that while it is quite moved. RECOGNITION PI'ERONAL ATAA C original in its form, it is very easy to It may be truthfully said that in The attitude of the Board of Re- mimic successfully. So when all is striving for excellence, the singer of gents in increasingTo the Editor: said and done, it is our honest belief bel canto misses much which other In the last edition of Chimes I -- that Chimes wins, by eight lengths singers of more faulty technique hve or the 1926 Summer session is one tentionally tried to poke a little fun ' s y in great abundance which gives them which may well be regarded favor- at Dr. Angell on account of the fact a more permanent claim to greatness I - o,-Fil, te poplewhoe nmesarethan mere faultlessness. In the ef-j ably, and may be considered as a that he, though opposed to football listed as being in the girls chorus of fort for perfection, interpretation goes wordless tribute to the advances that and a larger stadium, applied for ex- the Opera will not wear corsage to- lby the board, and the work is flat, he- the Summer session has made during tra seats for the Navy game. Had I day. I cause of its very perfection. The the past few years. known in advance of the vicious at- * * * greatest artist is the dramatic artist. The men in charge of the Summer tack on Dr. Angell that occurred in Yesterday we noted that there were Art, though it may have a measure of sessions at the various universities Saturday's issue of The Daily, I several gypsies in town. It seems I simplicity, is essentially sophisticated. always have an uphill fight; there is would have omitted all reference to that some of these wide awake pub- John McCormack seems to be unable eternally before them that old-age his application for tickets. licity men on the Opera found that to grasp the sensuous dramatic ap- eterall beorethemtha ol-ag r ymenon he pera fond hatpeal which a more gifted actor could. prejudice, the natural outgrowth of As a matter of fact, ho, like others there was no one around to complain His naivete is appling; like a quiet the elementary school, against a sum- who are entitled to secure extra seats, about the gypsy atmosphere which pool, it is restful until the passivity mer term. People still retain the be- was quite naturally beseiged by re- Tambourine boasts. So they imported becomes unbearable, and your soul lief that the summer school is only quests from friends who had failed to a few consciencious objectors. We longs for a storm. There are no for the dunce, the flunker. They either obtain the tickets for which they had hate to show up the boys like that storms in McCormack. The grandest cannot or will not see the real value applied. Ie gave way to this pressure but- thing in music which it has been my of a summer term for those that de- -and I was equally guilty. The fact * * * pleasure to hear was a lullaby in the sire it that students and faculty alike are Mr. Jesse I -nch Williams, holder harsh sensuous tones of Mary Garden. Messana sobbing out the Lord's subjected to this sort of pressure, of the Fellowship in Creative Arts, ar- The Uuversity maintains an Exten- . . . prayer! One misses that in McCor- sion department in order that it may which results in the loss of much time rived in Ann Arbor permanently' in mack. more completely and thoroughly and energy, is just another reason time for Pres. Little's little party, * * * reach the people of the state. The why we should have a larger stadium. thereby breaking all speed records for "THREE LIVE GHOSTS" Summer session, in addition to comr And this pressure would not be de- this office by a good month.- "Three Live Ghosts," as I remem- bining practically all the advantages her, tells the story of a kleptomaniac, of the regular session, probably does ed to purchase tickets for games. Just as we were about to start writ- a diamond tiara, an old war-horse more to spread culture throughout I do not agree with Dr. Angell's ing ourselves a letter from some spinster, and detectives up to three or the state than does the Extension de- views on the stadium situation, neither Alumnus about the stadium, because four who pop in and around doors lpartmnent, and does the job more thor- do I (agree with Saturday's communi- we thought that it would be the right with the lightning calculation of a oughly. And this is not through any cation. Dr. Angell is wrong but sin- thing to do, one came today. We are hoity-toity bed-room farce. The whole fault of5 the Extension department, cere. Ile may be indiscreet in secur- keeping that one, and it's a mighty play was something of a Broadway that division of the University does ing tickets for friends, so may I, but fine piece of writing, too. So if success, and is nearly as sophisticated everything that it is able tb do, but that certainly has nothing to do with Chimes and Garg. and The Daily keep as a stack of wheat. the opportunities of the Summer ses- the question of sincerity, and certain- on filling space with that sort of stuff Professor Hollister is opening' his shin are greater. ly does not justify a personal attack. we are going to be right in the swim- Play Production course with this opi A lerge percentage of the summer I And please note this: Dr. Angell, in Just one more big story on the sta- from the Marcins and Ishams- of students are teachers, who enroll for presenting his arguments, has never dium and i it goes-we don't mean Abie's best Shodom-Gebracht clan- the purpose of keeping up to date in resorted to personal attacks. possibly, either. and presents it frankly for the de- courses and methods. And the addi- Harry C. Carver, lightful bombast that it is. Such is Professor of Mathematics. i'the stuff the theater is made of, the tioiial knowledcge or culture that these ______the____ PeOPle take away with them is sure to As a result of the recent ceremonies necessary merange to salt his more reach a large number of citizens in CONEY ISLAND (OLLEGE iambitiousproductions later in the r t c unin oTtedito:Little, a very treasured black silk series. their respective comunitie, and to To te hood, with crimson lining, was lost s reach them in a more defiite and Good for Professor Sleator! Hi5 somewhere between Angell hall and A o e e, the riome casily assimilated manner, communication to Sunday's Daily the rest of the city. If such an art- most br cmeds of tmpssbl The other advantages of the Sum- ; clears out of the way one of the most ile has been found the finder will add s ann s cogee an is at- muer session are more readily recog- j widely-held of the fallacies that pre- materially to the commencement cere- nized; the opportunity it offers tu- I vent the consideration of the stdium monies nextJune by either comuni-faes them and on tone and dents to continue their work through problem on solid grounds of educa- ctngwthtisdpatenarrhc-teesptotenmoraltelowebook out the year, and consequently reduce tional policy. ing 21624 the esprit of the unmoral Yellow Book the number of years necessary to Obligation to the state that supports We knew no good would come of all snon the other the Puritaent h- complete a given course; the chance us? Certainly. But obligation to pro- this dressing, up and parading. Add elude Oscar Wilde's "The Importance it presents for the student who has vide, not entertainment, but education. songs: Look For the Crimson Lining. of Being Earnest" and Bernard Shaw's been forced to miss a semester or two The University is no more a part of a i* * * , * * * "Androcles and the Lion"ea! to make up that work, in order that state playground system than the A man named Hartsock was hit by he may graduate with his class; the Psychopathic hospital Let us at least a train going forty miles an hour re- One member of the freshman class occasion it offers to students of other be clear on that, lest it be said of utis cently, and although his Ford was was sufficiently attracted by these I PLEASE DON'T MAKE PATHE CAMPUS _ . ,~. r . "% r .r t ti . ''-" , , Jam/ .--. ^r'"' , ,?r v J r , ,c - ' _ ,' z Harmony Between the . Mind and Stomach Makes for 'better digestion and hence, for a better and Next time you're tempted to) "eat a bite" between meals - try WRIGLEY'S. Don't overburden your stomach --don't humor a false appetite! Let WRIG"Y'S . healthier life. Make up your mind to ear here and the rest will take care of itself. HARM O NY C ETE R IA 50S East William "Where the Best Food Is Served" stimulate a g hunger and g ready for a goo And then also, AFTER EVERY MEAL, as a pleasant digestive aid. enuine et you d meal. THE 3, 'afterevrm aI F107 d --Oqqgqllmm NaRm. gggsam-7 . . _ Menus that change continually, that have an amazing variation of tasty foods, are in no small way responsible for the fact that so many eat here regularly I i