Inauguration Section L 41P tgan ~akziki Inauguration Section VOL. XXXVI. No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1925 TIWELVE PACES PRESIDENT LITTLE INDICATES POLI CIES a A -A- Points Out Need Of "Humanizing" Education Outlines Ideal Transition From High School To College, From Absorption To Digestion In College Work, From Digestion.To Creative Efforts, And From Undergraduate To Alumnus u Makes Suggestions For Reorganization Of Student Body of, S the ultimate object of higher education to train youth merely to utilize successfully the existing conditions of life, or is it to train it to,attempt to build the future of our civilization? There seems to be little need for hesitation in deciding that it is the latter. No leadership and no progress for humanity can come from a people or from an institution content to expend all their energies in utilizing the existing physical, mental, and moral conditions of their surroundings. Policies for a state university therefore must come not from all the people of the State, but from a group of men who are giving their lives to show the State how to educate itself and its people. The people of the State must trust these men absolutely and hold them rigidly responsible for the fulfillment of that trust. A State is born when its constitution is adopted. Its' period of infancy may extend for decades or even centuries. It may never-as a unit-go to school, become educated and progress in self con- trol and self criticism which are essentials of growth and development. Its attitude towards its duties and obligations may remain as unformed and as primitive as those of a three-year-old child. It may even remain in the cradle discovering and playing with its very absorbing industrial "toes" without ever evincing the slightest desire to assume further intellectual tasks. There are such States. Michigan is not. one of these. It never has been and we firmly believe never will be. From its very foundation it has'wished its people to be well-equipped intellectually. There is evidence on all sides that the wish was not for merely cold, material efficiency but rather for a point of view which would bring self-respect, self-control, and a sense of high ideal- ism to its citizens. In realizing this wish by the generous expendi- ture of material resources for its educational in- stitutions it is, perhaps without being conscious of the fact, showing that the State itself as an en- tity-as an organism, has become hungry for self- improvement and for the assumption of the higher obligations and duties of humanity. In such an atmosphere it is not difficult to face frankly certain truths and to attempt to derive from them, principles which may guide our poli- cies. This I hope to attempt in the course of the time at our disposal. T III 'first matter of importance is the "human- izing" of our higher education. By this I roughly mean the shifting of emphasis from sub- jects taught to the individual student. The lack of sympathy shown by our system of higher education towards the boy or girl during -their various periods of transition from one of its >hases to another is a matter of prime importance and of immediate concern. Leaving out of our discussion for the present the critical periods en- countered during primary and secondary educa- tion, let us for a moment take up that most in- spiring group of human and inhuman activities known as "admission to college." Some day, in what we hope may be the not too distant future, those' wj:o are obviously unfit to profit by the op- portunities of a college education will be, in larger numbers than at present, detected and discour- aged from entering. Under the present system we are so negligent that the vast majority of fresh- men before their appearance on the campus have never been seen by an official of the University. The University has received a standard blank containing their high school record-itself a com- pilation of grades known to vary considerably under the influence of the personal equation pro- vided by pupil and teacher. So uncertain and alluring are the elements which go into the awarding of such marks and- grades that I have often wondered that graduate students in educa- t4'n nhsi-~ninm or nsvchnnov ave failed to util- mentally equipped for college training. It is un- doubtedly true that most certificates of this type are honest estimates. There is, however, every possibility that the offspring of an aggressive par- ent who holds a position of political power, may at times be seen with a more rosy hued halo than the child of one who has no particular influence upon the future of the teacher or principal. This is a necessary situation in any community, but as such, should be recognized and discounted rather than essentially ignored as at present. The written examination, another refined in- strument of torture, is also looked upon with great favor by, most institutions. A written ex- amination is usually the amount of information wlfich can under unnatural conditions caused by nervousness, be unloaded in legible form by the student within a limited period of time. The re- sult is then numbered and handed in to be cor- rected by a group of men, centrally located, whose chief recommendation is familiarity with the pro- cess of grading on a mathematical scale the written agony of students whom they do not know. If we were asked to trust a boy or girl with several thousand dollars of our own money for a term of years, we should selfishly desire to have a personal conference with them before accept- ing' the proposition. If we were going to give them a similar amount of public money we should as a matter of duty, have to make at least an equivalent effort to judge their qualifications. Add. to this the fact that the hopes and life work of parents and friends may be based upon the fu- ture of a given boy or girl and we are forced to certain conclusions concerning our'handling of th sub-freshman. First: That the present method of admission, resulting as it does, if one considers recent fig- ures based on a large number of our colleges and universities, in approximately 33 I-3 per- cent "morality" during freshman year, is wasteful and cruel. Second : That it is good business and good humanity to spend more time and money in in- forming ourselves concerning the maturity, hon- esty, financial responsibility, fixity of purpose, and strength of character of the applicants for admission to college. Third: That the establishment of methods for acquiring such information must, for a time, be frankly a matter of experiment and research. A BEGINNING in this direction was made by us at Maine last year. Personal con- ferences were conducted for prospective fresh- men, at Maine schools. The-University sent as interviewers, only men whose human interest in, and judgment of, boys and girls were proven. These men, on the basis of the conference gave each candidate an approximate rating in the qual- ities above mentioned. They tried to determine whether the applicant was decisive, frank, inter- ested, and fixed in purpose. They inquired into his plans for finai'cing his college course and his reasons for desiring to come to college. They in- sisted in doubtful cases that he seek the advice of parents or guardian in these matters. Time cannot be taken to go into further detail, but the blanks filled out by the examiner contain an esti- mate of the applicant's ability, which opinion I believe will be more clowely correlated with the student's record as a freshman than will any other single test at present in use: Students qualified under the present scheme for admission were not excluded. If they seemed unfit for college the interviewer advised strongly against their coming and outlined a course of action which he deemed advisable. This information was given to par- ents or guardian and the decision left to them. The responsibility was thus also placed on them, where it properly belonged. Unsolicited commun- ications from the principals of several of the larger schools stated that marked improvement in attitude toward school work, with resulting ad- A CONTINUATION in an acute form of the transition period from school to col- lege is met with on the arrival of the freshman on the college campus. Like a row boat thrown blindly from a wharf he islikely to be completely swamped by the tremendous confusion of his en- vironment. Three years ago we tried at Maine for the first time an experiment which we have called "Freshman Week." It has been continued at Maine and adopted by many other institutions. ,The freshmen who have been offiially admitted are required to report on the campus one week in advance of the upper classmen. Fraternities and sorrorities, by agreement, do not "rush" dur- ing that period. The freshmen are divided into groups of not more than twenty individuals. Each group has a faculty leader and an assistant leader. Each group is given headquarters in some college building-usually in a class room. Whenever their schedule does not require them to be elsewhere they are required to report at the room assigned to their group. There are two major objects of Freshmen Week. The first, already' hinted at, is to give the fresh- man a chance'to hear about the organization of the university, the aims of the particular college in which he is registering, the customs and tra- ditions of the student body, the methods of tak- ing notes on lecture courses and on reading, and the method of taking a written examination. He also receives demonstrations covering the use of the library, the whereabouts of the offices of the administrative officers, and of the college buildings in which his courses are likely to be held. These are all efforts toward orientation. The other object of Freshman Weekis to give the university a chance to learn something more about the freshman. With this in mind he is given a careful physical examination, a general nental test, and specific tests in English, and in mathematics, and chemistry, if desired. On the basis of these tests he is assigned to either ad- vanced, intermediate or elementary sections in the large introductory courses in these subjects. His evenings are taken up with meetings or so- cial events which are aimed to make him well acquainted with the members of his own small group and to give him a larger circle of friends among other members of this class. It will not be of value to go more fully into the detail of the program at this time. Certain general effects apparent after each of the three years experi- ments at Maine may, however, be nientioned. First: The almost complete disappearance of the "lost" and "homesick" feeling which, if it does not actually drive students away, seriously interferes with their adjustment. 'Second: The oportunity for freshmen to be- come a unit as a group and class before being rushed off their feet by returning upper classmen. Third: The formation of habits of regularity and mental activity instead of drifting rudderless and stern first up to their college work. Fourth: More intelligent distribution of stud- ents in the introductory courses. The tests given, although not ideal, are a far more satisfactory basis for judgment of ability than are examina- tions taken at some period in the past, or than high school records which at times are three or more years old. It is true that to conduct such a "week" in a large and difficult undertaking. Trouble and time are, however, in themselves no arguments against it if boys and girls are aided by it. An objection on the grounds that an institution has not enough faculty members fitted to lead such groups of freshmen may be temporarily valid, but is in itself one of the greatest arguments in favor of a needed change. THIRD great transition period is more t and more becoming a matter of importance in the shaping of curricula.' It occurs at that viduals. This criterion alone is sufficient to re- move it from the universality of application which characterizes the first two transitions. The ef- forts towards the establishment of comprehensive examinations tutorial or preceptorial systems,; honor courses, and indeed of various fields of con- centration and distribution are all interesting and valuable steps in the direction of separating the sheep from the goats and in precipitating the crisis of the transition as well as in dealing with it while it is in progress. Such efforts are, or should be, considered as being frankly experimen- tal. They are, however, logically conceived and should be continued, encouraged, and expanded wherever possible. T IlS change is one at present given little attention in our curricula or administrative methods. It is not of importance to the majority of college students for they will never experience it. It is the step from the correlative and inter- rlative stage just referred to, to that of research and creative work. Some are to be found who, in the early stages of undergraduate life, show an inherent desire for and devotion to creative work. Others have to dig through a mass of pre- liminary subject matter and undergo a gradually built up power of correlation before they develop the undying spirit of research. No matter how the result is attained, however, the product is pre- cious-beyond almost any measure. Such mdi- viduals have at the moment when the spirit for research has its birth, graduated from "college", as an institution, and have become a part of the eternal fellowship of scholars. I wish that there might be in every 'university, a great hall, many panelled and that on each small panel might be written the date of "birth" of a scholar-a student at that university. I should not wish the date of his physical birth but rather that on which he turned from the routine procession of students and took up the tools of the builder. Further than that I should never write upon the panel the date of his physical death-for as an influence and force in the furtherance of human knowledge, once having lived he can never die. It should be a happy duty of all our universities to remove such research students from the rou- tine of course work. Why bother them with "concentration and distribution" of knowledge or with this or that requirement? They have found the spring from which the sources of these mat- ters arise,-let them drink of it as fully and as deeply as they will. p INALLY, there comes the great and difficult transition from college to the life of an alum- nus. Here ordinarily there exists a break as stupidly and as poorly dealt with as is that between school and college. The average graduate at- tempts to apply the information which he has ac- uired during his college work, to some field of human endeavor. He finds, however, that the rules of the game are all different and that the "pill-feeding" of the well organized lecture and recitation system is no more. He experiences a sensation of "great smallness"-if we can use that phrase-that is a big first cousin to the "lost freshman" helplessness. He feels the need of the chance to recognize some method of behavior common to his position as a recent alumnus and to his past experience as an undergraduate. He searches, and he finds-first-athletics-football! Men he played with or saw on the playing-field only a few months before. Does one wonder that he grasps that interest and clings to it like the hand of a long-lost friend? Second-he finds some sort of physical or mental relaxation which formerly was available to him, club-life, golf, squash, evenings "a la motor" and so forth. Dur- ing his workiin days he tries gloomily to fit ready-made mental clothes on a most abnormally e shaped job whose humpy shoulders and too large t legs refuse to conform to the standard garment writing, journalism, editorial work, history, eco- nomics, physical training, hygiene, public health, care of the sick, and other similar fields are the parents and relatives of the particular "boy or girl" college activity which is their personal friend. Students must be taught to be at least polite to the elder members of the family and must be en- couraged to allow mere acquaintance with such members to ripen into real friendship. The uni- versity should later enroll them as new alumni, as corresponding, and' contributing members of the departments in which their interest lies. General- ized and unrestricted giving by alumni appeals to a magnificent sense of loyalty, but giving to one or more of some fiftyor one hundred specific objects outlined from year to year as needs of the unviersity by those in charge of its administration, will do much more. The factor of loyalty will remain unchanged, but to it will be added con- tinued interest in some special field of its active work, and a definite and ever increasing desire to keep informed and awake mentally in the progress of that field. Together these things will com- bine to give to the alumnus a "hobby", a child for his old age, and a feeling of permanent invest- ment in the training of boys and girls who could and would understand his interest and appreciate it personally and genuinely. There will, of course, be some alumni who prefer to give to all of the 'university's needs and who are willing to leave it to the authorities of the university to distribute the gift. These would not in any way be pre- cluded from giving by the fact that the needs are individually outlined and classified. This matter is, a step on the road towards taking the alumni into the confidence of those administering the uni- versity-a step in my opinion sorely needed in many institutions. The second thing which can be done to make the transition from undergraduate to alumni ex- istence more natural is, insome respects, more radical. It involves two admissions. First, that the student should spend his summer yacations profitably, and second, that he should in some way be fitted for some type of unselfish social service. In my opinion, every student should be obliged to submit to the university authorities a plan of his summer activities. The plan should' be suf- ficiently detailed to enable the university to know fairly well how his time would be spent. A signed statement should be filed with the univer- sity in the autumn as to whether the plan' had been carried out,-its success,-and if neces- sary, the reasons for its failure. Those who for no valid reason spend their summers in idleness should have that fact recorded,-those who use their summers in constructive work should have that fact recognized as one more proof of their fitness for continued public trust and confidence as a student much of whose education was being paid for by the tax payers of the State. In continuation of. the second point involving steps to fit the student for some social service, I believe that every male college student who does not need to use all of his summers during his undergraduate years for earning money to defray his or some dependent's expenses, should devote one or more of his under-graduate summers to boys' work, to care of the sick, or to work without pay in some charitable or benevolent organization. Essentially the same program with the possible addition of care of young children as a valuable field of activity, should be followed by women under-graduates. These programs would make the transition from the under-graduate to the alumnus status more easy because in using the summers wisely, nat- ural contacts with the world outside of the uni- versity can be built up and because the training in social service gives the student a way in which he can, apart f rom business, enter the intimate life of the community in which he will settle after graduation. These things would also be obviously in the nature of character builders and a step in