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November 03, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-03

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OI~T SIEM IA nd Vassar Women Are 'cvise Junior Girls' W Tyvern Announces
rjjOINV E rIdRereete A IauurtinPlayvCoummittee List New Membership
F b t. li ~ W4~ ~C (omi ttees for the Junior Grls ' Wven, honor ary junior soity for
M____ ~rs. J, 14n Bilfit, Vassar, lmnunat untlineI'tn o; ,~~ rvse nI h i ~- o'c a lce h olwn o
s F cnics in Coliege Curricula entlits as follows: rena Field, msen into membership: Marion Ku~i,
Compare .Iieilg'ai's Paint Limits With ________I_________gncral chairman; Jeanl Kyr. assist-' Agnes Sheldon, Mae Keller, Dorothy l
bO i, Ohio Sate Universityi ant. 'ilie coiiflritee ass.isting 11 theMlomo, alneSiln,'ee
And Vassar College Mas Agnes Wells, social director of! stands for heredity and euthenics for AgesI airmlan will a so iclude Ane LoieHm rysEthrTt
Helen Newbrrv residence in 1917 and': eviromen~ft.' Sheldon, Helen uthl, andl Margret te, Harriet Donaldson, Myra Finster-I
The special courses to be acene cal.wlMroeMieNraSu.
14P IT LO E cig(eno wmna ~icl in i the curriculum of euthenics are : IBusiness-I Ilen Reece, chairman, ]f( at ais
1191.:, wai present at t.e inauguration ads taDvi.
norrtofnouho Mihgnschemistry and nutrition, phlysiology, Florence Buttoiph. lDorothy Currie, Mae Intaino hs ebr iI
Inodrt idou o ihgnsof President Clarence Cool: Litt psycologyandteonomis. these Jmembersn will Lcind
(po sycoogan ~cn' cs.Klar ous 'unprys ucnaheld at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
point system rated with those of other' yesterdlay. MViss Wells, who) ispres Mrs. Bliodgett feels tha t women's; Sherwood, R11thI Hirschman, Esther atBty aburhue
universities, and to obtain any points sor of mnathem tics and (ean ofwo-' education must be thought through: Tuttle, Alda Wber, Dorothy Allison, i______ ________
which could be profitably adopted, in-' men at Indiana university, received her in modern terms if it s to effect; anrd IIelen Edwards. t
quiries were sent to 12 colleges by I ..a Mcia n 9M ndP..p deeply the oncoming generations. Publicity -Lee Kennedy chairman; Ten Houses ,"el
the oint syst m oo mitte of the astonom in 924.This means a rerouting of its courses, Frances Rudehl, Louise Rittenhouse ~' ~
Women's league. Reports were re- "Astronomy is a very interesting accenting wiomlen's needs spiritually, Louise T'urne, Carolina Paull, Janet L/~~ o Ldau
ceivd frm tree:Uniersiy o work and presents an especially wide initellectually, physically, and poiti- Sinclair, Mary Baret, Marjorie :Mill-_____
Ived, fomStte iesiyU nVers-i edf'wrsni otooiclr-cally and a correlation in the cure ic- r. ilarriet DonAldslcn, and Margaret Candy has been distributed in tenI
sa olg.Isearch," said Miss Wells. "Thle only uluum of scientific knowledge and its Purdy.hossntecap, bsldfi
The limit of 14 points which the fault with women in this work is that 1 practical application. Thle Vassar Advertising- Helena Knapp, chair- the benefit of the Women's league.
Women's league allows seems gener-Ithey are not suficiently interested in plan proposes a reharting the al- I Tan; Catherine Kelder, Margar°et All other houses interested in doing,
ougncmaio ihohr xm mteaisadpyist ne h ready existing curriculum and the Reed, Marv Kent-Miller, Lucille this may get candy between 1 and2
o.N o te on ytmwsds field, which is increasing in import- formation of a department of euthen-i W1ash, Marion r Kuik, Phoebe Morse, o'clock Mondays or by special ap-
incl No therpoit sytem as ds- cs. New courses will b)e iulroduced Eleaanor Verdier, 1 is Kahn, and Mel- pcntment through Florence Werteli at
covered whih listed the activities "ac-i ance inl the scientiflec world."71.Iadiontocdythboh
codn otmoayadpraetISpeaking of her work. at Indiana into the curriculum, andl laoratories dl Platt.71.Inadtodocdythboh
divisions. According to the Michigan) Miss Wells said: "Womlen students at of child study will lbe added. A sum- Prpris1n nd aly hi- locristpertn'ae n
system, permanent activities are those' Indiana have somnething in coon- 101mer course of post graduate grade man; EvelIyn Muriilray. Mary Alshlous, bluebooks.
; lvich last throughout the school year,) with those at Michigan. We have will probably be openedl this sumlmer. lAijar ionl Leland, Saita Davis, Alice - --.-- -
"Whle hedutes f emprar ativ-Ibeen working for a new dormitory Smith college joined Vassar in this Fld -kc, ('cneveve Bull, Myra Flster- New England's best concert singer,
thie tex tie ovempsore ar iodc ofv for six y as andl have finally aceon- new department, and there it is call-'IWald, ?,7d Helen Ituss.gid ra eM s El no Fow s, fI
tis xtn oerashrtrpeio shfo eorarmjutesdic a r darepartment for co-ordination 01: costunms-Ahina MHier, chairman; (East Kingston, N. I., entertains auri-
time. pse u ijs sMcia EiyCoelDrtyIl~x ,r ecnsi h vnnsaddie ;
According to the report Ohio State !women will with their Women's women's> work. Iowa and Cornell are usdmilyss or30poiislorDorothyleaueWilcingxehaMar-sedalncesrodinn thela evenings and drives alya,,leAnn
usda$ai2o50ponsfo0tss(lau bidngMehae risdas.intodug imilar coufrsesd tar rod etluceRuhnoz eaAnnbs daydtiesnsgalsrus ao gas
tem, classifying all points according1 $175,000 and received $5,00 in per- Ms ldet a tre i eA l, een Fowlner, arnc l arn hetatiades.usn us ofl
to four types: first major offices re-! sonal gifts. The building has just honoary degree of Master of Arts IrlLioeGrnr rne a-i e ie
ceiing15 points; second sub-major bVeen completed and is of Gfothic style last June at tire University of M[ichi- nb, Rutelr uttAnnarGaen, r
offices receiving 15 points; third, I in architecture with four towers and gan Florence Fster, and Margaret Sea- I~ ~ e~retel
minor offices, receiving 10 points; 1 two wings. We are tremrendously in- man.--- JeZag~sel
and third, sub-minor offices receiving i terested in it and have placed the 1 I T A(IllD Q D q-oin ni. himn E- ~ ~ uaL re~
fiejoints. Membership received two dedication date at Nov. 30, the same' ir/ IVfd !iIt~l uia DIoser, Leona Sherman, Ruth _ rn the wold
points. Lists under these headings; day on which the new football stad-I auI, Margare. Shran, Ellen John-
are published in thre women's hand ! ium will be dedicated. ;f~TfhI~APTIU iV on, Feirea.i 'tn ml p
Our ousng sste .IFedeicka ',tititop iiulil Op
book. The limit of pit"o n n Ou osigsse or w~omen is CONINUESW H IT 1 enheimn, and Lueile roli.
woman is 30. Howeverfr the oe report ,similar to that here, the studeits liv- iakce-up- Caicne Shiland, chair- 17
states that exceptions nmight be made, in dormitories, league ihouses, or their man. Alice Calender and Elizabeth black
by a petition to raise the nunmber of isor'orities. Since we have only 14P4 <Anna Arnoldeg'es7,uchlativran qualthe
points< to 35 in case of over-lapping; women enrolled at Indiana we are not, social service committee of tire ni- i lcii -l. 1;ic urir.c(hail eresSpeltvei uaiy
offices or temporary activities. If a' Yet faced with thre problem (f provid-I versty Y. W. C. A. will appint a list: illi; lays 5 li(<i1Cz assistant; An- 3th ord-fm u
woman over-steps the limit of 30 j1ng a large womnr's buildinrg as of wonen to take charge of the Christ- geie XWilson, Pbylllis Johnison, Alice.NL3
points she is penalized the number of Michigan is. The Studeznt's building nas workshop from 2 to 5 o'clock 0iilcox, and IDonna lI:sesty n. 'oyi r
points in excess. Ohio's' point sys-j and the Assembly hall, which has a ! every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurrs- (Y E
tem was drawn. up by Mortar Board j capacity of 1500 people meets our1 day afternoon, rid magazunes to help them in the I
and approved by the Women's Self; needs." The workshop opened lulst week workl. A nra I ouisr' Buck, 26, is give best service and
Governing organization in contrast to In conclusion Mdiss Wells stated that making scrap book:; for tire hir chaildrefnie emuitcwih u-lngstwer
the point system of Michigan which the systenm of women's government is ait tire University hospital, and will;de ni,'8 adVoe oehk, By Panedsre o 10
isi iehns of cmiteeap-also similar totahee their organ- continue its activity as a part of tle '2, as assistants. Rubber ends, per do. 1.20
pone y the president ofte Wo- :ization diffe ring gonly ringu name, being'social service work of tire Y. W. C. A This is onle camnpus activity in a elalelr
men' legue th chirmn ofwhih clle omn Slf-American Lead Pencil Co.
mens eaueth c'aima o whchcaledth Wmens eaue ndSef-until Christmras vacation. This week which fr eshnres womsen can take part, dozren 220 Fifth Ave., N. Y.
is a member of the board of directors.' Government association, they will start dressing baby drlls. ------
Va'ssar college reported a system on Mrs. John B lodgett, of Grand'; "We are hopinrg to dress at least! Mrs. 1 ,. J. Wtte. o SeattleWs.
a ten point basis. Each woman is Rapids, Michigan, who was present l 100 dolls," said Miss Arnold, "andI we' has a most anr analfarid sorewat
ttmited to ten points a semester; whilei as the official delegate of Vassar col- are looking to the University womren dangerous ocetpatrion. She is a "gyro-
freshmen are linmited to five the first lege yestemday at the inaugurationI for help." I techianl," zneaing a fireworks repet,
semester and seven the second. Vas- ceremony for President Clarence Cook A request has been sent out by the and she frequently stages gigantic
sar maintains a census bureau which Little, has donated a Euthenics build- committee irr direct charge of tire(displays of fireworks or' military shanm
,rates the activities according to time, ing to Vassar whinch will be thre largest workshrop for' donations of cloth and battles.
honor, and responsibility. At Michi-' building on thre campus withnthe-ime cxW
gan the rating is done by the pointI ception of M~ain hall.
not carried out in such detail as oursI well-born," stated Mrs. Blodgett, ( l
though more activities are listed. Vas-{I"while euthenics means well-living.;P r a e tW vniA
sar gives more points for membership One might say then that eugenics Paan ntvevn
than Michigan. The Vassar systenm is lIa
~now being revised. out in such detail. Several points
The Iowa system was formed on the are given for' large ctlices, but no at
basis of eight points instead of ten.; tention is paid to committee work.; S pecil eeme t
The system proves to be similar to! The Iowa chart is published in the .
Michigan's though it is not worked form of a small report. I Marcellig - Manicuring~ - Fiacials - Shampooing
____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ _ ____ ___ ___Phone 7171
RECEIVED AS GUESTIS --- Lue Ack eau t'y S .oppe
-330 Maynard St.Mt There's a whale o.
PEOPLE TO EAT H-ERE. _____________________________________________________________ _______________ I Avoid this lain. h
your school-both

Velvet Jumper
Of particular interest right
now are the two-piece frocks
of velvet-frocks made entirely
of velvet or inl combination.
with silk, balbriggan, or nov-
elty twills. These form very
serviceable outfits especially
for the college girl.
The rich colorings of the
velveteens are very flattering
and becoming - burgundy,
burnt orange, green, poudre
blue, red, brown, navy and
black. Try on several of these
frocks -to find how beautiful
and chic they are!

g - - --- -- There wvill be an important meeting
of Theta Sigina at 8 o'clock tonrior-
1 , frow night at the Delta Delta Delta
' house.
j Sophomfore women who are inter-
-~estedl in taking p~art in tire clown
Athrena literary society wl hold i band for time sophomore circus are
an intiaton bnque will6 t asked to sign the baind poster in Bar-
anintainbnutfo 6to ou gymnasium or to communicate
o'clock Tuesday Nov. 10, at the with Arleine Unsworth at 9517.
Haunted Tavern. All members who
expect to attend should call Sarah Kappa Phi will hold a supper meet-
Baicker, '27L, 8756 imnmediately and inig at 5 :30 o'clock today at Wesley
leave names. hail.

-- r -
,r J ,



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