FT117 MTrHMr.AM lil DAILY MTT'"O " A TT TTlITT T; it.T T']'[;iT') "i 1 f1E)C. { '1 l');1-MA Y, £\UV Ii'.V1U''1 ;;, 1125 1. l~'..j .'..i)i ~ -'-- UNIVERSTIES WILL D lq __ 4' Froin Fifteen Colleges Wil 1YMvcl.-AAt Priniiceton Tio 1)1scuiss W~orld Court Problema HIBBEN APPROVES PLAN Fo'" the first time in history an or- granizedl att, iipt is being ?Wade by stu-I denfts to influence a political issue, aiccording to John 11. lliott, '26, who was the representative from the Uni- .Mitchell Faces Judge In _ ouri Martial s i3 I , I versity at-a conference of representa- l ives of 15 colleges 'at the Y. M. C. A. in :'1,.w, York city. The prime ob- Sject of the conference was.to discuss p ]lan115for a nationWide 'student con-I SfereIuce to discuss the World court, ~ which wil be held at Princeton, Dec. 11 it) 13, as the result of a resolution ~. eas' Ibythe Princeton senior coun- i , t Acring to the decision arrived at ithe preliminary conference, two ' dlte' from every college in theI f.f ~~will attend the conferenceE mdrc aistcr the vote of their institu- 1 ;I P . t} 4t a med in a straw vote which will btu -eld the first week in De- cenb~v.The policy which the con- Sferun(ee ~eps to support is the en- ofi 'ec the, United States into the -AV;rdcourt; upon the Hardin;- I igh es Coolidge proposal. A cornmit- tee will be elected by the convention Sto go t,)\Washington to present the czonclusions reached by the confer- elice to President Coolidge, before ~ Conresstakes action on the World court planl, which was voted to be dis- cussed at the opening of" the coming ,sesion by a huge majority at the last, ~'Congress. p Pincetoni Will Be Host Pres. John Grier Hibben, of Prince- ton university, heartily approves of thp conference and has sent out per- E*sonal letters to the presidents of every university in the country ask- Sing' for their co-operation in the riove- Sment, which it is hoped will crystal- Sline the student opinion on the World Scourt plan. Louis Fox, Princeton, '26, was the 1originator of the proposal and suc- r ceeded in having the senior council ~.of his / university sponsor i he move- ment. It is proposed that one. man ~andl one woman student from each 4.university be appointed to attend the Vconference and enter into the discus- sions. Speakers of internlational note will present. the problem at the open- Sig meeting to be held in Alexander vi.nt WiAc it IGroups Aftr te nitaladd; esses, the con- vocatonwill be split into more than 20 groups o; approximately 20 dele- Sgates each to facilitate freer discus- sion. The p~robleims to be discussedl specifically include. the history of ar- bitraition, the nationalistic ambitions NONE Sl -3~..Lk 4 RI I I rndepartment, who accompanied Profes- 10 0 f 'Case Returns Io aeo h ntdSae xei S LU~IiS Uii I u S Liipuroseof he nivrsiy ~ tion, collected a number of rare bot- r r ii I AB(Continued from Page One) apical specimens in Utah, Texas, and Th ups fteUiest s ae in Colorado. PHI ENrm m or I ped (ition this summer, Professor Case explained, wstobanifpsibl, VIENNA, Nov. 2.-Ninety thousand Bl~lesThik o Tct nd ad annrsspecimens form the giant dinosaur I state employes will go on strike Wed- Fo asOf Past; Considers territory in eastern Utah. AlthoughI nesday if the government disregards Va gtrius Solton a cave-in in this district made it iun- Ianl ultimatum calling for salary in- Vpossibl to secure any of the desired I "specimens, ocnsiderablc geological jcreae. TALKS ON WORLD COURT material was obtained in Texas, which _________________ Professor Case hopes will prove of x- DETROIT THEATRES dob htteCuto ol u-wre vr"In my personal opinion,, I rather ceptional interest after it. has been T,, I EEK tice, suggested as a solution to the Rumors of a cave~in of a huge- problem of world peace, can, in itself, ro3ck, at Jensen, Utah, containing the ehi r ~on~ Lafayette at Shelby ScubrtLafayette Nightm, 5oc to $3 end war, because Aso many of theI dinosaur beds, reached Professor Case biargain Mlat., problems it should have to meet shortly after permission had -been 0o)- i Thursday, hest seAts, $. sat. Mat., 5oc to $2.5o would not be strictly legal," said tained by the IUiversity, from the Un- Tel. Cadillac. 8705 Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-sIited States department of time interior,!The STUDENT RINC tory department, addressing the to .work in the beds early last summer. Every Play Goer should see It! Young People's Religious union of the' Upcn reaching Jensen, which is sit- ' E1very Muskc-lover wilt Hear 10i- Unitarian church, Sunday night. His uated on the Green river, it was found Mvale: Chorus of 60 Girl C horn s of 35 subject was "How Can We Obtain that there had been 'a cave-in, even 9j Eves. - 50e to $2.50 World Peace?" greater than reported. 1 R IGwed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 Sat. Mat. 50ic to $2.00 Professor Slosson said, however, Limited time and funds precluded! that the World Court was the logical (h osblt fdigaywr n1 I W intuetforth settlement of i-jtednsu ertr even in thel LAST 2 WEEKS ternational legal questions. He add- event that'some of the displaced rock] ed thiat the problem was not so muchl should be removed, which, Professor ;FinAl Performance NOV. 14 iegarding the form of a high tribunal, Case explained, was a tremendous as in the creation of effective mna- !task in. itself. Trhe expedition then N1911 ~l~HLusth4 &to. chinery to enforce its (decisions. The proceeded to Texas and worked upon BonsIel Playou seu iu e 5f iid 75C various plans submitted for the abol- the Triassic beds in Dickinson countyI Woodward at Eliot Tel. Glendale 979-1 ishment of war were presented briefly: 1'for some weeks, which resulted in tile {The BONS JTE'LLE CO. preparedness, non-resistance, pacts, finding of a quantity of fossil bones, I h olcig oe.StrcCmd compulsory arbitration, treaties; out- Iseveral of which may prove of unusu- ' lawry of war, world state, and. thel al value. "11he3Beggar on uorSe a 'f League of Nations, the advantages Carl 0. Earlanson of the botany __________________ anld detects of each being pointed out. "Lack of tact and bad manners,, nothing less, have been the cause of great wars," Professor Slosson con- TODIAY-8WDNSA tinued. "We must be willing to go WE EDA more than half way with the other rations of the world in our future n eg otiation s. W e certain ly can n ot p r n t a y n o e w s w h c b y a t and common sense in our diplomacy,1° could be averted." Following the talk an informal dis- cussion was held on current topics suclh as the Locarno pact. _____________ ________________ Patronize Daily Advertsers.-Adv. MICH-IGAN-NAVY FOOTBALL PICTURE TODAY Under New (SEE MlIIGAN MARCHING TO ICTORY Management Here's Comedy-Drama of The Emory building, a low~ warqi ouse-i uk"el ll uge si(t~fing a stablie iliore than a temlpe of justice, is the scene, in Washington, of the court nlartil l cf Col. William11 A. Mi(l~cliIV stormny petrel of the air service, on the charge iof insubordination. It is shown above. hInset. (left to right) aire: Col. Sherman Moreland, judg e advocate, and Lieut. Col. Joseph McMullen, assistant judge advocate, the dlefendant, Colonel Mitchell, Rep. ! 'R . Reid of Illinois!! his civilian counsel. of the countries involved and the ecoo-lg nomic principles upon which a solu-I tion must be based. WE WILL FURNISHI YOU WITHTFlIE An International weelk will be held in Ann Arbor the first week in De- REST cember during which a straw 'vote on the question will be taken and speak-,l em's of national prominence will speak: to the student body. At this time, S th etmn ftecmu ntheATTrlE5 question will be ascertained and th el M%,R A ~ A ' P ~ delegates appointed to register thatM 0'I" 3'n."NLE P C S expression in the conference. '/V R FO Y URS CA EN G M NT HEIDELBURO, Nov. 2.-An impos-;,C ing sarcophagus, erected as a monu- IAIA Fl1 IYPESHOP ment to Friedrich Ebert, Gerniany's first president, was- unveiled in the3L 711 N. UNIV. cemetery here Saturday. 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