ESTABLISHED 1890 L tr 0an ~aiI . MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XXXVI. 'No. 37 TWELVE PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1925 TWELVE PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS nwwraRren nn nn"n -- S 44 (3 Y 1".. f s .x . aa Y . y t p 4d .t 9 , 5. 3, ? rF, , } f yi , r. j c .r 4' l,,t .{ : e C Y ' ti :Y Sry: 1' 4 R y r S P r4 [ ::i. ' '. LITTLE JOHN MCCORMACK TO BE HEARD IN RECITAL TONIGHT, FAMfOUTS IRISHI TENOR WILL1 ASSISTED) BY S'IINEIDER AND JKENNED)Y BE TICKETS AVAILABLE a Progrant to Open at 8 O'Clock; 'wventt Is Second Nmiaber of Anual Choral nion Series t John McCormack, the internation- ally famous Irish tenor, will be heardc in recital at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium, as the second number in1 the 47ti annual Choral Union concertD series. le will be assisted in this program by Lauri Kennedy, violinist, and Edwin Schneider, 'cellist. There are a limited number of tickets still available for tonight's concert, it wast announced yesterday by Charles A.N Sink, secretary of the University School of Music. Years of experience on the concerta stage in many different countries have given Mr. McCormack the opportunity of becoming known to an unusually large public, and have earned him the alternate appellations "the world's most popular musician" and "the greatest living tenor." It is certain, however, that his appearance' tonight will mark one of the most important musical events on this year's concert I program. The Program The opening numbers tonight are by Mr. Kennedy: "Adagio Sostenuto" by A Pugnani, and "Allemande" by Senail- lie.- These are followed by Mr. CCor- mack's first selections, which will be Handel's "0, Sleep Why Dost Thou Leave Me? and Lotti's " Sentirse il petto acendre." f The next two numbers are again by Mr. Kennedy: Handel's "Sarabande"I and a Rondo by Haydn. Mr. McCor-d mack's next songs are in a somewhatc lighter vein, being "To the Children"g by Rachmaninoff, "Love's Secret" bye Bantock, "Armida's Garden" by Perry, and "Panis Angelicus" by Franck.- More Popular Selections t The intermission will be followeda by three more selections by Mr. Mc-v Cormack, again in a more popularo manner, significant of his native coun-e try. These are "Norah O'Neale" and f "Open the Door Softly" both arrangedi by Hughes, and the well-known favor- ite "Kathleen Mavoureen" by Crouch. There are, again two numbers byt Mr. Kennedy: "Melodie" by Rach- maninoff, and "Vito" a Spanish dance by Popper.e The concluding numbers on the pro-I gram are to be sung by Mr. McCor- mack. They are "Were You There?" a negro spiritual arranged by Bur-a leigh, "Through all the days" by Bar-c bara Hope, and "Thanks Be to God" by Stanley Dickson.r Coolidge Given Data On Shoals (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-Chairman MacKenzie today sumbitted to Presi- dent Coolidge the majority report ofI the Muscle Shoals commission, recom-f mending temporary operation of the 'project by the government if a satis- factory private lease cannot be ob- tained. Many Casualties In Mexican Riot, MEXICO CITY, Mex., Nov. 2.-Five persons were killed and 27 wounded in the course of the gubernatorial election in Yucatan today, reports in special dispatches from Merida, capi- tal of the state, announce. WARSAW, Nov. 2.-Poland is at last to have a resting place for her un- known soldier. A special mausoleum in the center of Warsaw was to be consecrated today. LOurWeatherMan AllotmentOf 6,300 Tickets Entirely Sold Michigan's allotment of 6,300 seats at the Grant Park stadium, Chicago, for the Northwestern-Michigan game next Saturday has been entirely sold out, Harry Tillotson, business mana- ger of the Athletic association, an- nounced last night. Although no more tickets are avail- able in Ann Arbor, the Northwestern seats are still being sold in Chicago and may be obtained by writing to Edward Davidson, ticket manager, Northwestern university, Evanston, or to the A. G. Spaulding Sporting Goods company, 211 S. State street, Chicago. The entire 'stadium has not been sold out as yet, according to reports. Ferry field has been filled to ca- pacity for the Ohio State game here, Mr. Tillotson added. Studnt cou-' pons may still be redeemed, as a lim- ited number of .seats are always held for this purpose, but it is impossible for the Athletic association to sell extra tickets with student seats. More than 8,500 student coupons have al- ready been turned in and there are very few outstanding. Tickets for the Minnesota game, which will close the Big Ten season, are still on sale. RENEW EFFORTS TO FUD ITALY'SDEBT talians and Americans 1eLt to Find Satisfactory Arbitration For Ward Fund VOLTI ENDORSES POLICY (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-The Italian and American debt commission met today for a renewal of the effort to ind a satisfactory formula for the funding of Italy's war debt to the United States, but the first session did not carry discussion beyond ex- changes of felicitations and the be- ginning of consideration of Italy's economic and financial situation. Members of the two commissions grouped around a great mahogany table at the Treasury, talked an hour and a half about the situation in which Italy finds herself, with a debt of $2,138,542,873 to the American gov-- ernment and a stabilized government iscal policy and a balance budget only in the starting stage. Secretary Mellon, speaking for the Americans, assured the Italians that this nation was fully acquainted with Italy's problem and would ask only "a just settlement that will insure economic peace." Count Volti, the Italian finance minister, replied that he recognized that the American policy of holding a nation's capacity to pay as a basis for settlement was a proper one, and added: "In determining the capacity of a" nation, the report of the Dawes con- mission has shown two principal ele- ments-first, the capacity to collect in a country from its people the neces- sary money, and second, the transfer of the money collected in the natioil currency to the creditor country in the currency of the latter." He submitted a series of 21 docu-1 ments having to do with these two1 elements. eRnEnHMI LI ILCTION POSTPONEDBY COUNCIL' Freshman elections in the literary I college have been postponed until 3:30 o'clock Thursday by the Student coun- cil, at the request of Secretary Shir- ley Smith and Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students. The change was made in order that Hill auditorium may be put in readiness for tonight's recital. Other freshman elections will be held tomorrow as has been previously announced . '1-HOP COIMMITTEE PLANS TO ORGANIZE TOMORROW! r THE SIXTH PRESIDENT Yost's Answer To R. Lardner Is Neat Verse Ring Lardner, who was a student of the University in 1900 and 1901, sent a telegram to Coach Fielding H. Yost immediately after the Michigan- Navy contest Saturday, the text of the wire reading as follows: "haven't you any respect for Uncle Sam?" Coach Yost immediately wired back to Ring Lardner the following: "The forward pass is a useful thing, when Benny Friedman does the fling." Many other telegrams of congratula- tions were received by Coach Yost from his personal friends and alumni. MITD;HE[L DEMNDS HIGH OFFCA S ASWITNESSES Col. licks Declares Aftacks Have Not I Weakened Order or Discipline (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-The prose-. cut ion rested its case today in the court martial of Col. William Mitchell, charged with conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, and the defense called in wholesale fashion for witnesses. Col. Sherman Moreland, trial judge advocate, announced that the prosecu- tion rested its case after he had put seven witnesses on the stand and evi- dence had been taken to prove that Colonel Mitchell had personally dis- tributed through newspapermen in San Antonio, Texas, statements charg- ing the war and navy departments with incompetency, criminal negli - gence and most treasonable conduct in administration of the national de- fense. The defense hailed as an important victory today a statement by Lieut. Col. George L. Hicks, chief witness for the piosecution, under crossex- amination that the charges against the war and navy departments have not to his knowledge caused disorder or bad discipline among the Eighth corps area troops. MAY SHIPS BELIEVED LOST DUE TO BIG STORM NORFOLK, Va., Nov. 2.-Port au- thorities here are trying to piece to- gether fragmentary information of disaster to a number of ships in southern waters during the storni which prevailed yesterday and last night. Difficulty of radio communication hindered in the clearing up of the status of ships caught in the storm, but it was indicated that the Ameri- can freight steamer Algiers was a vic- tim of fire and was abandoned by her crew, of which no trace has been found late today. The British steamer Mountpark or Mountroyal broke a rudder 200 miles -By courtesy of the Ann Arbor Times-News. DR. CLARENCE COOK LITTLE yes- tcrda@ assumed the position of sixth president of the University. The new executive takes up his Work, urged to splendid effort by the hopes of ever.,honc who understands the vastness of the taske' which confronts him, spurred on by the imperish- able rnernorp of the great men who have gone before hirn, inspired by an ideal that Michigan should taIc: her placc and do her part as a leader in national education. DR. LIT TLE brings to the University youth, energ ), (xpericnce; the University confers upon its new leader age, stability, and opportunity. IT S1 PER HAPS a commonplace to assert that Dr. Little takes up his duties with the faith of the educational world centered upon him; it is de- cidedl meet that we should wish him Godspeed in the work that he has chosen. 'MORE THAN 55;OOO HARNEW IEXECUTIVE. GIVE INAUGURAL SPEECH FOLLOWING CRMN REGENT BEAL PRESIDES AT FORMALINITIATION The complete text of President Little's finaugural address and of the introductory remarks made by Regent Beal will be found in the Inaugural section, beginning with page nine of this issue. - President Clarence Cook Little became the sixth President of the Uni- versity yesterday morning when he was inducted into office in Hill audi- torium. More than 5,000 students, members of the faculties, Regents, and representatives from other institutions were present when the new executive delivered his inaugural address. The new President was accompanied to Hill auditorium by an academic procession from Angell hall. The procession, led by the Varsity band, was made up of members of the faculties of the University, 28 students forming a guard of honor, members and ex-members of the Board of Re- gents, delegates from 98 schools, colleges, and universities throughout the country, and a squad of R. 0. T. C. students forming a color guard. Presi- dent-Emeritus Harry Burns Hutchins marched in the President's section. On reaching Hill auditorium the band took a position on the east side of the terrace and played until all had entered the building. The trumpet- ers paused at the front entrance and blew a blast signifying that the Presi- rI- dent was about to enter. At thi. sig- nal the audience rose and remained standing until the President reached Y the platform. LECTURETHURSDA1 TheTru mpetps Signal The trumpeters proceeded through Ithe inner entrance to the auditorium, !separated at the rear of the parquet, English Poet Will Be Third Speaker'and went abreast down the east central Of Oratorical Association's land west central aisles.. When the Season Course President had reached the platform the trumpeters again signaled, this EXCELS AS INTERPRETER time for the crowd to be seated. The color bearers :also separated Alfred Noyes, famous English poet at the rear ofsthe- parquet, Ane going { ~down the east' aisle and the other who will lecture Thursday night in down the west aisle. On reaching the Hill auditorium as the third speaker platform they placed their colors on of the Oratorical association season either side of the stage. course, has won special recognition Following the colors, the student i section led by two assistant marshals, inn theUnited States due to his last filed down the two side aisles and great work "The Book of Earth". He seated itself in the seats behind the is at present making a lecture tour reserved section. Members of the 1 of the larger universities and colleges faculties followed the students and then marched to the platform. The in this country and is being received delegates marched down the two cen- by large audiences, according to re- tral aisles and filed to the stage by ports received by officers of the Ora- the center steps. torical association. The President's Section In the "Book of Earth" Mr. Noyes The President's section followed the has for his theme the evolutionary in- delegates. It was made up of the terpretation of creation. Critics say President, President-Emeritus, Re- that not since the production of "Para- gents and former Regents, Deans of dise Lost" has there been so serious the various colleges and universities, an attempt as Mr. Noyes' to interpret and other University officials. through the medium of poetic verse The program was opened by the f the history of man and man's relation playing of a "Festival Hymn" from to God. There are ten parts or' move- Hagg, by Palmer Christian, University ments to the "Book of Earth". The organist. The Rev. Henry Tatlock - genesis of the epic is the Grand Can- then delivered the invocation. yon of the Colorado. . Regent Junius E. Beal, presiding. d Mr. Noyes was born in England but aintroduced the new President and has spent much of his time in this made the induction into ofice Pres- country. He graduated frot 'Oxford dent Little then delivered his inaug- university and later received an hon- ural address. Following the address Mr. Christian orary degree at Yale. In September again rendered an organ selection, 1907 he married an American girl, "Andante (Symphony V) from Bee- Miss GarnettDaniels, daughter of Col. thoven; Reverend Tatlock delivered Bthe benediction; and Mr. Christian Sarmy. In 1913 the poet came to this;played "Finale" (Symphony I) from country to lecture on the famous vierne. Lowell foundation at Boston. Faculty Holds Luncheon Mr. Noyes is heralded as exception- Members of the faculties and the ally well qualified to lecture as he is guests of the University assembled at said to be among the few poets who I 1 o'clock at the Union for luncheon. read poetry in such a way as to in- At this time Pres. W. W. Campbell of terpret its true meaning. the University of California, repre- senting state institutions, Pres. G. D. Olds of Amherst college, as a repre- sentative of the endowed colleges, Regent William L. Clements, repre- ONl nr IoTifHiP senting the Board of Regents, and LEyI Prof. Jessie S. Reeves of the politieal science department, representing the faculties of the University spoke. Prof. P. W. Slosson of the history (Continued on Page Seven) department will address the first meet- ing of the international relations Daily Rates W ill committee of the American Associa- t tion of University women, which will Increase Nov. 10 be heldnext Monday at the Union.1 PROFESSOR CASE RETURNS FROM. EXPEDITION TO SOUTH A MERICA oft' the Virginia Cape and is in tow F. C. Case, professor of historical and back up the east coast to Rio de of another British vessel. geology and paleontology, returned Janeiro. They then directed their A schooner yet unidentified but be Sweegy arom aout Aerica here course south again, stopping as Sao lieved to be the Isabella Parmenter, last weekfrom South America wherendC-has been located off Oregon Inlet, he hs'; eenenraed sncelastAtJ Paulo and Curitiba, Birazil, before tak- e has been engaed since last A ing the steamer back to New York capsized and abandoned. The com- gust in the study of rock of the Per- from Rioimander of the Parmenter, his family rian period, in addition to making ar- (Continued on Page Three) and crew, were rescued Saturday rangements with a number of librar- _night. ies, musiunms, and scientific societies mn that c'rntInent for the exchange of TILLP rn innir geological lit eratuire and specimnens ... I fl IVfl ULS TAGA-AICA COMMISSIOIN w ith t hme U niv erisity. Before going to'jI 0- 1 11 o t n ei~ h s sizr ,e , P o e _ , P P 6 N R E s r C s l n t d a U i e st e N 9H R T SouthI America this sumuner, Profes I sor' Case (lirectedI a University gec- as which resulted in (ecided success Tickets will go on sale today in the A. from te scientif standpoint. State sWASINTON, Nov. 2.-Despite an Professor Case, traveling with his street bookstores for Masques' apparent shifting of the center of brother, John L. Case, general mana- annual production, 'The Cradel Song"' negotiations in the 'acna-Arica ple ger of a Mexican railroad, covered a by Martinez Sierra, which will be biscite arrangements to Santiago distance of 16,000 miles on the South given in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, Lima and Washington officials here Anmerican trip. Callao, Peru, on the Nov. 10 and 11. All seats will be hold to the belief that the problem west coast of South A merica, was the uniformly priced at $1. The play is ( can and will be solved by the com- first town visited by the two men. under the direction of Amy Loomis. mission headed by General Pershing From there they went to Lima and The leading harts in the production in Arica. thence to the copper mines at Cerro are to be taken by Marguerite Good- High authorities asserted today de Pasco, anm1d on to Mollendo, Are- man, as Theresa; Minna Miller, as Sis- that the Tacna-Arica matter has not quipa and Cuzco, acrpss Lake Titica- ter Joanna of tie Cross; Phyllis been and will not be taken out o 1 ca to La Paz, Bolivia. Crossing the Loughton, as Sister 1\arcella; Mar- General Pershing's hands. The situa- high plains -of that country, the pair garet Effinger, as the Prioress; and tion is admitted to be serious, but th proceeded into Chilc. to Antofagosta, Lillian B'ronson, as the Vicaress. climax of negotiations, which is ex twn through the itrate and borax The sets for the play were designed, pected to bring a solution this week ,m(] b y hnt hto Vainnraiso and hv Amy nLomis .nd are heinge xe- is looked for in Arica and not i I 1 ~ '7 L y t f t e n, The lecture will be preceded by a luncheon. Professor Slosson will dis- cuss some phase of the League of Nations. It is suggested that those who plan to attend the meetings read from the following biblography: "The History of the Peace Conference of Paris," by Temperley; "What Really Happened Subscription agreements for The Daily, signed at the beginning of the school year, may be settled for $3.50 on or before Nov. 10 at thePress building, and after that date the charge will be advanced to $4. New subscriptions will be received until that date at the lower price, after which they also will call for the extra charge. Times Editor To I at Paris," by Carl House and Profes- 1 sor Seymour; "Woodrow Wilson and World Settlement," by Ray Stannard Baker; "The Peace Negotiations," by Rnhmrt. an no'- "Tha Trt hahnin+