SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1925 rHEl MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1925 PAGE TIIRE~ ORILL DMONSTRATE NEW VITRLAHEEMONDAY D(mnonstr ation of the new Ortio- phonic Vic'roln viii be made by Ann arbor music stor>es Monday, Nov. 2. This invention is b~ased on priuci- /ls deve5 lolpedl by the Bell Telephone cominaliy in its experience in sound tran ,mission. In commenting on the first public test, mxade b~efore the W estern Flectric company, reviewers in the New York Times al iirm that the orthophonic phonograph is creat-I Will A ttemnpt To Clean UTp .Boston i I Oldest Schooner Plhiladelphia from JIune to December of 1926. To Be Exhibited Since the day she was first made In Phladelpia1 ready for sea, the Vigilant has been In P la e~hp a Iin continuous service as privateer, pirate ship, slave trader, Danish war-;. The schooner Vigilant, former ship and finally as a cargo and pas- pirate ship and oldest vessel afloat, senger boat running among the Vir'- having been built about 1776 in 13;,1- gin Islands. The boat will be rigged timore for privateering purposes, will, up to r lprescnt as nearly as possible le an exhibit at the Sesquicentennial International exposition to be held in1 ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ Wr its actual appearance in its privateer-I ing days. !. Little investment--big returns, The Daily Classifieds,-Adv.1 Christian Science MONITOR For Sale at STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE 1111 South UTniversity 1 Irving Warmohis,D S C CHIROPODIST AD ORTHOQPED)IST. 707 X. [University Ave. Phone 21212: For -Men% I V I, {' Phonie 4310 1 15 IW. asig H. BEN.IM Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today.. I THIS WEEK I inzg a sensation in musical circles':::::.:::::.:"..: which will mark a new era in me- cuaictal renroduct ion of otun..John! Philip ousa is_ qued( as having test- f j": ified thatt this instrument is unique in that it is not restricted by limitedi Lage, limited volume andt: failtire to! n a oeclr he eet ccununon to the old -style phonograph.; I ler A. 'arker V1+N TURA, Calif., Oct. 30.-A sharp! New Engr land's new 11oiiine earthouake shock of several seconds'( ~duration vwas felt at 5 :30 o'clock this iforcemnt director, George A. Parker, morning. Telephone reports from Ihas g0!iO to vwork l cai ing up .Boston, Ban areibaro. i dicate that the whiere col'(il lisz are ;,UPPosed to be' shock wvas felt there also, but no wor'st. fie formerly was captain of (lainag was reprted. the AjasSachusetts state constabulary. Want a room? Read Page Seven Read,.j and usc !}ht. Classified columns.-Adv. Rea i7e Wn an tAds Banstelle PahueTesTuaSSt M1ats 50oc andl 75c Woodward at Eliot Tel. Glendale 979' The BONSTELLE CO. I In the Rollicking, Nove!. Satiric Comedy "The Beggar on Horseback Eves. - 50c to n2.50 G R I Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.511 Sat.Mat.50cto $2,001 26th Big Week ABIE'S IRISH OE LAST WEEKS Sc hubert Lafayette NiUiht CS O$ Nikli~tsS o 3 Bargain slat.,j Thursday, best Scats, $2. Sat. Mlat., soc to0$2."50' Tel,. Cadillac, 8705 The S'TUDEN'T PRINCE: Every Play-Geer Shonld See It! Every :Music-hover Wili Hcar it! .Male Chorus of 63 Girl Chorus of5 SANNHCx ! q + QUALITY.~ 00 Fpl t-- HA#TS! '" ." .._... a r SPECIAL HATS Yale Flashlight with Batery ......... '$1.00 .. M oll ill' store. We ire flt el~eusi 4e maikers of men's liats in iAnn Arbor and we de- vc'e lap'al attention to stu- defalis , We also Clean and 1l1(wk-inmike your o1(1 hats look like men Sav e a Dollar or More at the FACTORY "HAT STORE 6i17 Packar z Street. Phone 7415. 4~r 4QUALITY.O Iia MI - I Others from $1.25 to $3.00 Electric Heaters-Just the thing for additional heating- from $5.00 to $8.50 .Oil Heaters from $7.00 to $11.25. i (Where I). IT. IL Stops at State St.) riM 1 Jno. C. Fischer Hardware. Co. Iilterlaic t1( nulble S ',O wilit ssoci atlo for discriminating "TT I MHRIG H T E O SE S Speoalter J. B. Williams, of Brooklyn, N. Y~ 4.QUALITY 0r V r , t1 A Iz0 IO 105 Fuast Washiington St. Phone 4104 4' QUALITY. F women I i i - ~. In this shop you will always find quality and style smartly interpreted in our ap- parel. Only the best fabrics are seen and we take pride in always having the latest authentic modes. r "The Shop of Personal Scr,icc." 'Millions Now Livipg. Aill sever Die 7 1P. Y. .Sunday Seats Free iNo Collection .. .. . . ,. .. .. ., r SPECIAL NAVY-FRESHMAN MATINEE Snturday Morning at 11 A. M. p LAST TIMES TODAY r i A Knockout! mmmumm "Style Is of Paramount Importance." I 42vv YT 0 i md ff ,1"'e ,: L 1 1 All Seal's 35c,)Chuildren w10cI TONIGHT' . 0: 8:30-, A L ' HODGE PICTORIAL NOVQELTI S tp r_+ v''V1 n d1 A n A .. r +' i . '^' " " y, r D ~.4 .y \, ]fat. lOc. 35c, 59ve Children lUc STARTS SUNDAY MIATINE -GREAT. -ADDED - BILL BEN 'T {l1TDOTP " I "' 0 .l Vl L V7 II -V. 11. WS Ij UAAI~JKTU You Are Sure to U"Percoats Enjoy a.Dip Tailored Latest style ably priced. specially sand c by -olors. R .Y &W. Reason- of 116 Our line of suits is excellent. They are made for us by R. & W.-come in an~d look them over. in "Raspberry 'Romance" fl THU a:ALLAN DQWAN production- paesmo sv-AQ with GLORIA SHE WILL SPLASH YOU WITH JOY WRITTEN BY Alt RICA'S SENSATION ,AUTHO~R CONINSBY DAWSON "Drcss W4eli and Succeed." 'I'o n________ ____ -4-- QLPH4 ZtJOR a+ ;LSSE L-tASK 116 E. Liberty F, pp l I! am R3 .""'_...-. _. i .. . E -Q AT THE HIGHEST SALARIED SINGLE IN KITH VAUDEVILLE~ UT1 TY Y( "'D TJ7rQTrflA III