ESTABLISHED 1890 Y fri ap all PRESS VOlI. XXXVI. No. 35 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICK; FIVE CENTS FRESHMA CLASSES1 BEGI ELCTION OF OFFCR TUEDA BALLOTING OF FIRST YEAR MEN WILL BE CONCLUDED WEDNESDAY ENDS -YEAR'S VOTING Studetis Found Balloting Who Are Not Euti led to Cast Votes Will 1e Suspended Freshnien of all schools and col- leges of the University will elect their officers for the year next Tuesday and Wednesday, following the election schedule arranged by the Student] council. This balloting will conclude the organization of the various class- es for this year. Any student found voting in any of the freshman elections in which he is not entitled to vote will be suspended from the University by the action of the Senate Committee on Student Af- fairs, acting in conjunction with the Student council, it was announced by the council last night. The doors of 1 'all the election rooms will be watched by members of the council and by junior honor society men, who will achallenge the right of any student to enter who is known to be a member of any class other than the particular elass voting. . The election of the freshman class of the literary college, which is al- ways the largest gathering handled by the council election committee during the year, will be closely super- vised by councilmen and members of the junior honorary societies. The doors of Hill auditorium will be open- td at 3:45 o'clock, 15 minutes before the balloting will start. Only two doors will be opened- and these will be closely watched to prevent upper- classmen or freshmen of other schools from entering. No man student will be admitted who is not wearing a freshman pot, the official insignia of his class. One ballot will be given to each stu- dent as he passes the door. The bal- lots will be of the same type as those used in the previous elections, but will be printed on colored paper. Any protests regarding the handling of any of the elections should be made to the nresident of the council or the chairman of the election commit- tee immediately following the election questioned. All ballots will be filed -n the offices of the council at the Un- ion, where recounts can be made if necessary. FISHBEIN TO ADDESS MEDCLGROUP TODAY; "The Art of Preparing Medical Papers" is the subject of a lecture to be given by Dr. Morris Fishbein, edi- tor of the journal of the American Medical association, at 10 o'clock this morning in the west amphitheater of the Medical building. The speech,' which is being held under the aus- pices of Alpha Omega Alpha, national honorary medical fraternity, is the first of the year for the entire medical faculty and students. Dr. Fishbein is also. the editor of eHygeia and has gained a reputation for himself through his numerous books and magazine articles on medi- cal subjects. His most recent work is "Medlical Follies." Both as an un- dergraduate and graduate he studied at the Rush Medical school of the University of Chicago. Dr. Fishbein also addressed mem- bers of the University Press club last; night at the Union on "The Doctor Diagnoses the Newspaper." Republican Club Hears Pollock WHERE FRESHMEN WVILL VOTE Tuesday:{ 4:00-Literary college at hill auditorium.j Wednesday:I 11:00-Engineering college in room 348 of the Engi- neering building. 4:00-School of Education in I room 109, Tappan hall. 4:30-Architectural college in lecture room of the Ar- chitectural annex. 5:00-Dental school in the lower lecture hall of the Dental building., ( 5:00-Pharmacy school in room 151 of the Chemistry building. MITCHELL TRIAL9 Air Officer May Demand Appearance In Court Of Accuser, Meaning Either Coolidge Or Davis RECESS UNTIL MONDAY (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.---The brief! but lively session held today by the Union Reception Committee Will Aid All Alumni iM embers of the .reception committee of the Union, headed by Karl Craw- ford, '27, will be at the Union and at the Michigan Central railroad depot until game time today for the purpose of :-sssting visiting alumni and others in every way possible. Alumni or parents who have not yet obtained rooms will be directed by the students to the Union, where the rooming house list will be available at the booth in the main lobby. Scores of students have obtained rooms for parents and friends through the list compiled at the Union, but a few ad- dIresses were still on the list last night. It is probable that more room addresses will be telephonied to the IUnion this morning, the committee believes, in which case they will be immediately added to the present list. ALFEDNOYES TO1 English Poet Will (ive Third Number O Oratorical Association Lecture Course WVORKS POPULAR IN U,S. CLUB ATBANQUETI HEADS OF AMERICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL AND TOLEDO BLADE SPEAK SUNDERLAND TALKS Says Efficiency of British Judicial System Is Due to Non-Partisain Control of Court Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the American Medical as- sociation, and Grove Patterson, editor; of the Toledo Blade, delivered the two main addresses yesterday evening at the annual banquet of the University Press club which opened its three-day convention here Thursday. Scientific medicine, said Dr. Fish- bein, who gave the principal address of the program, feels that its future depends upon the co-operation of the press in a plan of education of the public. In an earlier part of his speech he pointed out the shortcom- ings and blunders of newspapers in treating medical subjects. In the second address of the pro- gram Grove Patterson presented the ideas of the "New Aristocracy" as the fifth state evolving from Burke's "Fourth State." This new group which would consist of "all those whose care, would interpret its superiority,I not in arrogance and pride, but in a responsibility to humanity." The opening address on the morn- ing program was given by Prof. Ed- son R. Sunderland of the Law school, on conclusions -drawn from a six months investigation of the English court procedure. The efficiency of the British judicial system, he said, is due to the non-partisan control of the court instead of a partisan con- trol by the lawyers. University Deans Seek Stealer Of Tailor's Dummy Some one, a jovial person no doubt, drunk with the joy of victory, of course, took, in a moment of ecstasy following the game at Urbana last week, a tailor's dummy that had been used for decorative purposes in one of the fraternity houses. A letter, received by Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students, from the assistant dean of men at Illinois, claims the missing dummy to be valued at $50. The same letter went on to say that the owner of said dummy would be very grateful if the stolen article could be located. One or several stu- dents here are under suspicion for having carried the dummy back home. CUT IN TAX RATES ";leijian Favors lReduction in Rates On Low Incomes Rather Than Entire Exemption ADAMS ALSO TESTIFIES (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-The House ways and means committee, was ad-l vised today by Prof. Edwin R. A. Seligman, economist of Columbia uni- versity to retain the inheritance tax at reduced rates, and to cut the incomej rates on low incomes rather than ex- empt the taxpayers entirely. Questioned by Democratic commit- tee members, Mr. Seligman and Prof. Bomas S. Adams of Yale, who testified. yesterday and was recalled today, both opposed proposals to extend the payment of the national debt from 25 to 62 years with a view to making greater reduction in taxes now Mr. Adams declared it was "inconceivable that the European debtor nations will MICHIGAN TEAM OPPOSES NAVY ELEVEN TODAY IN IMPORTANT INTERSECTIONAL GRID CONTEST VISITORS BRING ONE OF STRONGEST SQUADS EVER DEVELOPED AT ANNAPOLIS In one of the most important intersectional football games of the 1925 grid season, Michigan will meet the United States Naval Academy eleven before a record crowd of 47,000 persons at 3 o'clock this afternoon on Ferry field. The Navy brings to Ann Arbor one of the strongest teams developed at Annapolis in recent years. The Midshipment have not met defeat this year, and are entertaining high hopes of keeping their slate clean this afternoon. In the opening game of the season the Navy teaii defeated William-Mary college, 25-0, and ran up a score of 19-0 over Marquette the following week. The only blot on the midshipmen's record this season is a tie game INCREASE SUMMER1 SESSION BUDGETi Beard of Regents Also Makes Decision To Institute Bureau of Business Research; Award Degrees APPOINTMENTS MADE1 with Coach Roper's Princeton eleven. Shapley, star back of the Navy aggre- gation, broke lose for a touchdown in the final period, giving his team a 10- 10 tie with the Tigers. Last week Coach Owsley revamped his team and had little trouble defeat- ing Washington college. With the championship spirit instilled into the squad, the practices in preparation for the Michigan game have been pointing to a victory over the Wolverines. The Michigan team, winning by a narrow margin over the Illinois team IAlfred Noyes, famous English poet, court martial sitting in judgment on wil m e No sa mousran glher ets- Colwill make his appearance here Thurs- S W day night, Nov. 5, as the third speaker conduct prejudicial to military order j t Ortorical association lecture and discipline in violation of the 96th course. Mr. Noyes has become very1 article of war, accomplished little to- popular in the United States through day beyond putting the air officer's his works, and officers of the Oratori- pleas of "not guilty" in the record cal association expect a record break- and denying him the "bill of particu- ing audience in Hill auditorium to lars" he had requested. greet him. During the time the court was in Mr. Noyes has spent a large part of session, from 10:25 to 11:30 o'clock I his life in this country, although he however, word was circulated that is an Enghishman by birth and a grad-. Colonel Mitchell . had under advise- uate of Oxford university. He has re-1 ment the making of a request that he ceived an honorar'y degree at Yale1 be confronted in court by his accuser, ; university, and was for some time pro-1 meaning either President Coolidge, fessor of literature at Princeton. He Secretary of War Dwight Davis, or has contributed to many leading both. This report was confirmed American magazines, including the t later by his civilian counsel, Rep. Atlantic Monthly and the Nation. ' Frank R. Reid, of Illinois, who said When only 26 years of age, the Eng- late tonight that he still was open lish poet had published five volumes' minded about the question and would of verse: "The Loom of the Years," not decide definitely until Monday 1902; "Tle Flower of Old Japan," when the court is reassembled. 11902; "Poeims," 1904; "The Forest of The court proceedings today were Wild Thyme," 1905; and "Drake: an1 enlivened by sharp passages between English Epic," 1905. Mr. Reid and Col. Sherman Moreland, Since leaving the United States five i trial judge advocate. These were pre- years ago, Mr. Noyes has written two cipitated by the defense request for books which have met with excep- the bill of particulars, which Colonel tional success, "The Book of Earth" Moreland had indicated yesterday he and "Wathers of the Sky." Other would prepare, and assertation by Mr. masterpieces are: "The Hidden Play- Reid that the charges as drawn, were er," "The New Morning," "The En- too vague, broad and indefinite, that chanted Island," and "Walking Shad- he could not properly prepare Colonel ows." Critics say that his produc- Mitchell's defense. The recess until timis have had a great variety. Monday was another surprise in the day's proceedings, but was taken on recommendations of both counsellors, F I ALE PR ET who wished in the interim to examine three witnesses who had arrived from Texas., UTE SINIT Colonel Mitchell's pleas of "notI C guilty," were made with the officer standing, smiling and repeating for- lFederzal Grand Jury Charges Miller mally his negative response to each Of Consp iracy To Defraud of the charges and specifications. ;overnmient In addition to taking care of the1 routine business on hand, the. Board of Regents at the regular monthlyg meeting yesterday decided to increases the budget for the 1926 Summer ses - sion and to institute a bureau of busi-p ness, research. Awarding of degrees for work com-I pleted during theSummer session, re-- t ceiving gifts, granting leaves of ab- sence, accepting resignations, andb making new appointments also re- i' . t, cevdthe attnino the Regents 1 The Problems and Practices in continue regularly their debt pay- eat the entiet the small Daily Field" was the sub- ments for 62 years anyway," and he t this meeting. ject of the second talk on the program thought the debt of all these nations The Regents granted $11,000 more given by J. E. Richards of the Alpena would tempt them eventually into war ailowed l-ast summer when they pass- News. While discussing the proper j against the United States. Ialo e sudge ,hn news and editorial content of small While opposing the proposals fa- edon the budget of $224,951.85 The publcations, Mr. Richards urged all vored by Secretary Mellon, to leave adron o s exacues and aded I etirly o te satethefied o in enrollment w as explained as the cause students of journalism, no matter entirely to the state the field of -of the what their ultimate field, to work one heritane taxation, Mr. Seligman as- The increase in the budget. or two years on a small daily or week- serted the present rates were too high. be remodeled, the Regents decided, ly newspaper. He proposed that the federal govern- bde Prof.s . rm fh e ment obtain control over this tax in for use by the pharmocology depart-t Prof. J. L. Brumm of the depart- teIntrs ftentoa nfr iy ment, architectural students and psy- menu of journalism started the after- I the interest of the national uniformnity mn'rhtetrlsuensadpy no proram tpreseting apaper i and give a large part of its collections chology classes. noon program by presenting a paper back to the state. Five Egyptian bronze statuettes and, on Professionalizng iJournalism. I In this connection, Chairman Green a collection of more than 150 volumes newspaper reporting is to become a Inn announced receipt of a telegram from for the library, donated by H. C. Hos- profession, he stated, the prospective the Iowa State Farm bureau opposing kier of New York city, were received journalists must receive a broad, cul- the Iowa Ste F deau oppsing by the Regents. Gifts of equipment tural training to enable them to real- the rfor the engineering college were also ly understand the complex modern The committee also heard further';received from the Kelviator corpora- society which they would serve. The pleas today, for repeal of the taxes on tion of Detroit and the Grand Rapids accomplishment of this aim could be admission, brokers, public transporta- Refrigerator company. materially aided by the formation of tion vehicles and dues. Three more A bureau of business research, to be special classes in the regular literary idunder the di'ection of Dean Edmund curriculum for pre-journalism stu- days of hearings will be held by the E. Day of the School of Business Ad- dents. These classes would 'be con- committee before it starts worI ministration and Prof. Carl N. Schmalz' ducted with the news reporting view- Wednesday on draftg of a tax re- of the same school, was established. point in mind. __._I A. series of lectures by national au- Edmund Booth, a Grand Rapids pub- thorities on forestry was provided for. uIsher, who spoke next on the pro- M EIIIEThe Regents granted a leave of ab- gram discussed the topic: "Are We L sence for the year to G. M. Bleckman Coming Nearer to Our Canons of DFof the surveying department. Leaves Journalism." After answering in the of absence for the second semester affirmative, he attributed the increase !T I were granted to the following: Prof. in ethical standard to the schools of IiA. G. Canfield of the Romance lan- finacia I nn rlii~s-Secnd nnul i~ari Iguage department, Prof. T. H. Reed of journalism and to a sounder fiaca n rosscn nuimrithe political science department, Prof. basis of most newspapers. Gras Will Be Held TonightRh . ts hatmentyPro-. Th atadeso h rga R. H. Curtiss of the astronomy de-' The last address on the program Ipartment, Prof. J. A. Van den Broek was delvered by Harry Whitely, state Led by the Varsity band, a parade, ( of the engineering mechanics depart- senator and editor of the Dowagiac the feature event of Ann Arbor's sec- ment, Prof. C. E. Wilson of the me- News, on "The Press and the Legis- od annual Hallowe'4n Mardi Gras will I chanical engineering department, lature." It was his belief hat a start at 7 o'clock tonight from the Prof. A. H. White of the chemical en- greater attempt should be made by rear of the city high school on Huron gineering department, Prof. A. H.1 reporters to properly interpret poiti- street. Blanchard of the highway engineering' cal news. Prize-winning costumes will be se- and transport department, Prof. H. A. !lected by the judge's committee as the Kenyon of the modern languages de- Four Workers Die parade leaves the high school, and by partment, and Prof. T. H. Hildebrandt the time the procession has reached of the mathematics department. In Coal AMline Fire Main and William streets the winning Resignations were accepted by the !contestants will be assembled at the Regents from Prof. A. L. Troutt of, WHEELING, W. Va., Oct. 30.-Four rear of the line. More than 100 the architectural college and Prof. J. men are reported to have been burned prizes have been received by the prize F. Fairman and J. C. Geneisse, both to death in a fire which was sweep- j donation committee, who announce of the engineering college. ing through the workings of the Con- that there will be awards for first, Appointments made at the meeting stanga Coal company's mine at War- second and third places in each classi- are as follows: Dr. K. G. Franklin wood, near here tonight. fication of costume. The winners of Oriel college, Oxford, as :assistant _ will be announced at the grand stand professor of physiology for the second MEXICO CITY, Oct. 30.-The Mexi- at the conclusion of the parade at semester; Hazel D. MacDonald as can foreign office has instructed its West Park, and prize certifiicates will librarian for the highway engineering legation in Rome to demand investi- be awarded. department; A. W. Hayes as assistant gation of an alleged attack by Fas- The celebration at the park is to professor of sociology for the second cisti on the Mexican consul-, Roul feature "Tihe Flying Witch," a spec- psemester;esand Frank W. Hastings as Court, at Genoa as well as punish- ter that typifies the spirit of Hal- Ijspecial representative of the engine- ment of the guilty parties. lowe'en seen flying over and around ering research department. amlargeoonthre peparey patrmeeso last week, has just concluded a stren- uous week of training for today's game, and is hopeful of continuing its championship pace. Coach Kipke. who scouted the Annapolis aggregation last week, returnd with reports of a powerful Navy tem and the Mich- gan coaches have made a strong effort to perfect a defense for the Navy at- tack. If the field is in a dry condition, both teams will undoubtedly resort to a passing game. Michigan did not have an opportunity to unleash its forward pass attack at Urbana last week, and will unquestionably use the forward pass to effect a score on the Navy. Michigan will have a slight- weight advantage, but will face one of the fastest set of backfield men in the East. Shapley will be one of the most closely watched players on the field. The Navy fullback has proven a sen- rational runner and will prove a men- ace to the Maize and Blue team at all times. Lentz, captain of the Ann- apolis team, is a powerful guard, and has earned a reputation in the pre- vious games on the Navy schedule. Coach Yost will use the same team that faced Illinois last week. Tom Edwards is still : suffering with an arm injury, and will not be in condi- tion to play until the Northwestern game. Dewey, who substituted at guard last week, will start again to- day. Dewey played a brilliant game of football against Illinois, and Is counted on to materially strengthen the line with his 197 pounds of weight. The probable lineup for today's game is: Michigan Navy Oosterbaan.....L.E........ Bernet Babcock .......L.T.......Wickhorst Lovette ........L.G........... Lentz Brown ........C........... Osborn Dewey ........R.G........ Edwards Hawkins......R.T............ Eddy Flora..........R.E........Hardwick Friedman.......Q.B....... Hamilton Gilbert.........L.H...........Banks Gregory........R.H..........Flippin Molenda .......F.B.......... Shapley Referee: David Fultz (Brown); Umpire: J. J. Schommer (Chicago); Field Judge: J. H. Nichols (Oberlin); Head linesman: M. C. Mumma (West Point). All Preparations At Field Finished Final arrangements were completed yesterday at Ferry field for the seat- ing today of the largest crow to as- semble there this fall. The new bleachers, sections, MA, MB, MC, MD, ME, and MF in the northeast corner and section XY in the southeast cor- ner of the stadium were reinforced and the seats painted. The new planks are all numbered in the same system as is used in the north stand. Shovelers have been kept busy the last few days removing the snow from the aisles and seats. Salt was sprinkled on the bleachers to hasten the work. ,ires to and from the press box e been retested and are now in -thfactory condition to oarry reports f the game. Larger Crowd Than Ever To NEW YORK, Oct. 30.-Col. Thomas W. Miller, former alien property cus- todian, for Germany and Switzerland, and three German and Swiss corpor- Wsions w s indicted today by a special W i7 nesIfederal grand jury on charges of con- spiracy to defraud the United States Occupying every available seat, in- government. cluding those in the newly erected ad- The indictments involve the release ditions to the east stands, 47,200 per- by the custodian of about $7,000,000 sons will crowd Ferry field this af- of sequestered assets of the American ternoon to see Michigan meet the lMetal company, representing the saleI Navy. This is the largest number of of a 49 per cent alleged enemy in- spectators ever to witness a football terest to pretended Swiss owners. game in Ann Arbor. In its report, the gramid jury declar-1 The seating capacity of Ferry field, !ed that 1hiller, John P. King, former nominally slightly more than 45,000 Relublican nation-al commnitteeman was increased to 47,200 by the a'ddi from Connecticut, and the late Jesse tion of seats connecting the east sec- Smitb, conllant of former Attorney 1 tion with the north anJ south stands. ie"a amgherty, arranged the This slight increase did not begin to transrer with the foreign defendants metthedemand and between$100,000 in consideration of payments to theni Dr. J. K. Pollock of the political and $150,000 has been returned to of $3i1,ce departmentcwasrtheasschief science department was the echief- prospective purchasers of tickets for . mg alpared before the grand spak (er at a meeting of the Republi the game today alone. ry and waived immunity, the state- cau club last night. Dr. Pollock dis- The 175 tickets that were phaced nuent said, although named as a con- cussedl the methods used in Republi- on sale by the Athletic association ,piratore was ot inicted. <,an chubs at otherunvries par-'onsl yteAhei soito Miller is ('xl)2(tCeh to appear for am'- universities, on Thursday afternoon were sold out rainimenit before Federal Judge titularly at Harvard and Princeton, in less than ten minutes, according Winslow, Wednesday. Although in- part t Michigan to Harry Tillotson, business manager vited to appear before the grand jury ubhican clb payed in time lpresiden- of the Athletic association. It was during its (ehiberations, Miller de- tial election of 1920. expected that 225 tickets would be clined, liram C. Tod, special as- It was decided that a separate com- available at this time, but 50 student I mittee would be organized for uni- coupons were presented on the sistant attorney general prosecuting versity women who wish to join the hese orders were filled fmrst. c _ub._ Michigan's team played before HAVANA, Oct. 30.-Dr. Juan Gui- larger crowds than any other team j teras, one of the foremost figures in in the Conference last year, and it is Cuba's medical world, is dead. 1a iexpected that this record will be skat- - = -=n:- - a -- -f I trnp is season. The large crowds -- BERLIN, Oct. 30.-To offset thej competition of Americans, the Ger- man film industry has set aside the first week of November as a national film week. Only German films will be shown. a large bonfire prepared by the Boy; Scouts. Elaborate arrangements of 600 Bov Scouts bombs, flares, and fireworks have also been announced by the enter- To Usher Today tainment committee for the festival. Refreshments, consisting of apples More than 600 Boy Scouts, coming to be distributed by the girl reserves from cities widely scattered over the l of the Y. W. C. A., and doughnuts by state and in one instance from withoutl the Campfire Girls, will terminate the the state. will be used to aid in isher-