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October 30, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-30

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it- I







Col. Mitchell Fails To Escape
Trial By Army court Martial
(By Associted Precss)Iion of th court law office, Col. Blan-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. - Every ton Winship, without objection.
move to escape trial by an army court ,Whether in or out of the court cham-
martial on charges of conduct pre- ber, the deliberations ended always in
judicial to military discipline resulted quick de-;osis against the motions of
in failure today for Col. William the ueienso.
Mitchell and his counsel. Colonel Mitchell's plea that he had
The prosecution proceedings,start- committed offense triable by a court
ed yesterday by court martial con- vhen he issued the statements at San
versed by direction of President Cool- Antonio chargin the war and navy

VOT1E OF 57 TO 05
(3ratoril Ass ocIIat on iresident Gives
Address of Welcome In
A udihjrium
Cambridge debaters, upholding the
affirmative side of the question "Re-
solved, that this house pities its
grandchildren" against the Michigan
debate team last night inM Hill audi-
torium were declared victors by a
vote of the audience following the de-
bate. Cambridge received 573 votes
while Michigan was given 205.
About 2,500 were in attendance at
the debate. Sen. James Couzens pre-
sided as chairman, and Thomas C.
Dixon, president of the Oratorical as-
sociation, under whose auspices the
international debate was staged, gave
the address of welcome to the visiting
Michael Ramsay sounded the open-
ing note of the debate as the first
speaker when he stated emphatically
that man's "power over nature" is
leading to his degeneracy. He point-
ed out that the rate at which science
has progressed in the past is nothing
to what it will progress in the future.
"In order to have a stable civiliza-
tion with the progress of science" he
said 'ran must offset the disadvan-
tages of scientific progress with a
spiritual progress."
Ramsay explained that the great
physical comforts and conveniences
that science has given to man are
only serving to cause his physical
decline. "In the Roman empire, he
said, civilization declined because the
Romans ceased to work, they used
slaves to do all the work--man in the
future will use the instruments pro-
duced by science to do his work and
will himself degenerate.
Elmer Salzman, '27L, first speaker
for the University, presented argu-
nlents against the contentions of
Ramsay and pointed out to the au-
dience the advantages of science. HeI
talked of the development of sanita- i
tion, playgrounds, and physical educa-1
tion. In refuting the Cambridgej
speaker's contention in regard to
liberty, Salzman said "Science is giv-
ing people liberty rather than depriv-
ing them of it. Man has a freedom
today to choose his own occupation
and the methods of transportation and
communication has added much to his
Ile then pointed out that the grand-
children of the people will be safe
from attack for the United States isl
immnune from outside invasion. To1
further this point and offer a protec-
tion against the "Yellow peril" he
suggested the possibility of an Eng-
lish and Aimerican alliance as a de-,

idge, and based on the colonel's
charges in public statement s relating
to the army and navy air service ad-;
ministrations, swept forward rapidly
with plain indications that the court
would clote for findings probably this
Numerous pleas entered in behalf of
the air officer by Rep. Frank R. Reid
of Illinois, his civilian legal advisor,
availed nothing. The court left the
chamber several times to vote i
secret on contentions advanced by the
defense counsel. The members re-
mained seated behind the bench just
as often, however, accepting the opin-

deua tiet; withincompetency, crim-
m:le - negligence and almost treason-
able admiinstretion of the national de-
fense-the act for which he is charged
with violation of the 96th article of
war was 'overruled by the court al-
t at tlie einning of today's ses-
The deClision on this point estab-
lished the legal competency of the
court to sit in judgment of the ac-
cused, and a plea that he had been
within constitutional right, exercis-
ing only the privilege of free speech1
when he published the statement, were
quickly rejected.

- - -


Wlil lIe Greeled By Conmwittee Chosen
From Varsity Band; Parade
At 2:31) O'Clock
Greeted at the station by a commit-


. F. Adams Of Yale Advises Slice
In Rates; Bil To Come Up
Next Week
(By Associated Press)
WA C'HNTT ONT O 2o 9 rdtin)

Pcrformace Is Second Appearancec
Of Production In Mid.West;
Pay At Whitney
Tonight Minne Maddern Fiske,
Chauncey Olcott, Thomas Wise, James
Powers, and a number of others will
offer Richard Brinsley Sheridan's
comedy of manners, "The Rivals", at
the Whitney theater, signifying the
opering of the annual series of the
Michigan theater league.
This production, under the manage-
ment of Hugh Ford and George C.
Tyler, toured the whole country last{
i year, with the same cast. It is one
of the plays that make up the con-
tribution of the theater to the Ameri-
can sesquicentennial year, the sec-
ond of which, "The School for Scan-
dal", also by Sheridan, will open very
soon in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Fiske appears as Mrs. Mala-
prop, and Chauncey Olcott, known for
his Irish characters, plays Sir Lucius
The character of Bob Acres is
handled by James T. Powers, and that
of Sir Anthony Absolute, by Thomas
Wise. Lotus Robb does the part of
Lydia Languish, a role played at one
time or another by Viola Allen and
Julia Marlowe. Marie Carroll is Lucy.
Captain Jack Absolute is played by
Donn Cook, and Julia by Jean Ford.
Fred Eric as Faulkland, Gerald Rog-
ers as Fag, George Tawde as David,
and Herbert Belmore as Thomas, the
coachman, complete the cast of char-
The performance at the Whitney
theater tonight mark the second visit
of "The Rivals" to middle western
cities. After its presentation in this
part of thetcountry, the play will be
taken into the southern states.
It was in the absence of actable
native drama of the Colonial periodl
that the American stage turned to
Richard Brinsley Sheridan for its in-
spiration in the celebration of the
150th anniversary of our beginning as
a nation. Sheridan is recognizedi as
one of the most brilliant dramatici
writers of the eighteenth century, and
was also a man of unusual senatorial
ability in the English parliament, be-
ing a contemporary of Burke, Pitt, and
Fox. He was a strong adherent of the
cause of the American colonies when
that question was engaging the atten-
tion of British statesmen. "The Ri-
vals," his first dramatic work, was
orriginally produced Jan. 17, 1775,
only a few months before the begin-
ning of the revolution.
Warrick Vi s
First Opera

J. E. R'ehards, Of The Alpena News,
Will Open Morning Session:
Elect Officers Tomorrow
Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of,, the
iournal of the American Medical as-
sociation, will be the principal speak-
er at the University Press club din-
ner to be held at 6:30 o'clock tonight
in the assembly hall of the Union.
His subject will be: "The Doctor

-onvention Opens In Afternoon With
Battle Creek Editor Making
Keynote Speech
Outlining the relation of the press
to higher education and advancing
educational issues for the editorial
support of state journalists, Pres.
Clarence Cook Little addressed the
seventh annual dinner of the Univer-
sity Press club of Michigan last night


W.AbtIIINUTU , cL. u.-Zu',Lin 1 tee of the Varsity band and the
of the maximum surtax rate from 401
- clarion trunmpeter s, the navy band
to 20 per cent in the new revenue law, from the Great Lakes Training sta-
retention of the estate or inheritance tion is exeCted to arrive tomorrow
tax with greatly modified rates, and i-t v o
removal of the $10,000 limitation in! mornig. Little in the line of displayJ
the provision allowing deductions will be shown before noon, the bands!
from earned incomes, were recon- rehearsing privately in anticipation of
mended to the House ways and means tie large parade in the afternoon.
committee today by Prof. Thomas F. I
Adams, of Yale. Members ot .e navy band willprob-
MAdams sae.vdwt h rs- ably be entertained at noon at the
Mr. Adams served with the treas~-
ury department in an advisory ca- Union.
pacity when taxation of incomes was Michigan's Varsity band viii meet
at 1:2o'lcin orshalfrte
initiated, and for more than two hours ia w:20 o'c-loc in Morris hall for the
today the committee, which will start'n warmnig-up drill, and march to
work on a new tax bill next weekFerry field shortly before 2:30 o'clock.!
consulted with him on all of the main The navy musical organization will
points in dispute. His views were parade down the field first in regula-
solocited by Republican and Demo- tion military drill. The regular clar-
cratic members and the full commit- ion trumpeters will announce the en-
tee of 25 members listened attentively trance of the Varsity band, and a I
to his responses. quartette of trumpets from the ranks
He appeared before the committee of the band will answer. "The Vie-
primarily to recommend repeal of the tors" and one verse of "Varsity" areI
limitation on the amount to which; to be played before the game, and
the 25 per cent reduction allowed for then the band will halt at the eastj
earned incomes may be applied, and end of the flold and play "The Star
to urge that. the -statute of limitations Slpangled Banner" while the flag is
applying in tax settlements, now four being raised, One verse of the "Yel-
years, be reduced, and that salaries low and Blue" will follow.
for internal revenue officials be in - letw n ialves tile new system of
creased and their term of office forming the block "M" will be used.
lengthened. Members follow each other in squad
In reply to questions of committee formation i making the letter, al-
members lie endorsed proposals that. though dhe fiial appearance shows
the surtax rate be cut to a maximum the regular Michigan initial as before.
of 20 per cent, that the capital stock An intensive practice was held in
tax be eliminated, and if necessary Morris hall Wednesday night in prep-
that the corporation levy of 12 1-2 per aration for the activities Saturday,j
folowed by drill at Yost field house.

31iinnie Madden Fiske
who appears as Mrs. Malaprop in the
performnan ce of Sherid an's "The Riv-
als," at the Whitney theater tonight.
Perisimn, Cady, Patterson, Albracht,
ktoddard, Glover, And Sawyer
Are Selected
Seven chairmen and 29 members of
the junior literary class committees
were appointed yesterday by Stanford
N. Phelps, president of the class.
Dean W. Persing was selected as
head of the social committee, which
will consist of Helen Reece, Helen
Ruth, Minerva Miller, Wilma White-
head, Margaret Seaman, Andrew W.
Klein, Glenne W. Young, and William
A. Ruble.
The class book will be in charge
of Smith H. Cady, Jr., who will be
assisted by David W, Johnston, Stan-
ley C. Crighton, Eleanor Verdier, Vir-
ginia Fox, Elliott M. Chamberlin, and
Gertrude Bailey. The publicity com-
mittee will be handled by W. Calvin
Patterson, chairman, Robert Y. Kee- C
gan, and Mentor A. Kraus.
Cnrl E. Albracht was appointed to
takZ e charge of the auditing, with John
Burnham, John W. Hay, Jr., and Wil-
liam F. Graham as assistants. Ath'-
letics will be under a committee of
Ford Stoddard, chairman, Herbert T.
Abrams, Jr., Wilton A. Simpson, Da-
vid C. Vokes, and Leland S. Wilcox.
Frederic S. Glover, Jr., was named,
head of the finance committee. Those
chosen to work with Glover are:
Stuart Hf. Sinclair, Hugh Chalmers,1
Jr., Helna I11. Knapp, and Willard B.
The chairmanship of the advisory
committee was given to Charles D.
Sawyer, with Theodore R. Hornberger i
and Orville W. Johnson named to as-



Diagnoses the Newspaper". at the Union.
Dr. Flshbein, who is recognized as More than 150 newspapermen of the
an authority on medical literature, state registered yesterday for the
has rthree-day conference at the Union.
ma written a number of books in the After the opening session which gath-
medical field, the last published be- ered for dis'cussion of current prob-
ing the "Medical Follies". He stud- lems, the convention adjourned for the
led both as an undergraduate and annual banquet.
graduate student at the Rush Medical Showing the emphasis which is
college of the, University of Chicago. ronngly placed on material gains in
The medical students ,of the campus rnypacdnmtrilgnsn
contrast to moral duty, President Lit-
will be given an additional opportunity tle appealed to the journalists, in his
to hear himĀ° at 10 o'clock Saturday speech, to aid in educating the youth
morning in the West amphitheater, to the right moral sense through their
where he will speak on "The Art of style of writing news stories. In addi-
Preparing Medical Papers". tion to this issue, he pointed out four
In addition to Dr. Fishbein, the others to the attention of the dele-
program will include Grove Patter- gates. These were: The selection of
son, editor of the Toledo Blade, who students on a personality basis in
will give an address concerning "The addition to their scholastic record;
New Aristocracy". Mr. Patterson, a, the proper emphasis on team work as
noted journalist, was formerly con- illustrated in competitive athletics;
nected with the Detroit Journal until 'the necessity of building our civiliza-
the time of its consolidation with the tion for youth instead of middle age;
News, when he became editor of the and the treatment of the exceptional
Blade. individual as contrasted with the
Alpena Editor Will Talk training of the average student.
Throughout today the convention Expresses Appreciation
will devote itself to general groups The opening address of the evening
and luncheon meetings, the morning was given by Shirley W. Smith, see-
session will be opened by J. E. Rich- retary of the University, who express-
ards, editor of the Alpena News, who ed an appreciation to the editors for
will speak on "The Problems, and their co-operation in obtaining ap-
Practices in the Small Daily". propriations from the legislature for
After discussion on the subject mat- the University.
ten presented, the second address of Regent Junius E. Beal was the third
the morning will be delivered by Prof. speaker on the program at the ban-
Edson R. Sunderland of the Law quet. In the course of his speech he
school on the subject: "An Appraisal welcomed the t members of the Press
of English Court Procedure". In this club on behalf of the board of regents.
lecture Professor Sunderland will pre-g Dean John R. Eflinger of the literary
sent the findings of an investigation I ed as toastmaster at the
which he conducted during the last banquet.
summer in England concerning speed- Thcovninwsfiialop-
seruster Eg ninng itish Ise d-ed yesterday afternoon by A. L. Miller,
ier justice in the British Isles. 'editor of the Battle Creek Enquirer
Following the adjournment of theNews.rIf heynate CreeEqer
morning discussions special luncheons News. In his keynote speech he ex-
wingeserdusstonssecgrouswihionpressed the need for discussion of
will be served to the groups within newspaper problems. The first speak-
the convention itself. These organi- er of the afternoon was George Averill
zations are: Michigan Associated of the Birmingham Eccentric, who
press, Michigan Weekly pulisher's as- spoke on "Journalism Students in the
sociation and the Inland daily press. Weekly Field." He pointed out the
Round Table Topic In Afternoon importance of the small daily or
The afternoon session will be spent weekly as a training ground for the
in the discussion of round table topics, graduate, and also stressed the need
the opening address being given by for trained reporters, and the value of
Prof. J. L. Brumm of the journalism schools of journalism, In the discus-
department, on the subject "Profes- sion which followed the address, the
sionalizing Journalism". The discus- delegates advanced opinions on the
sion of this topic will be lead by'How- StudentJournalist, the weekly, pub-
ard P. Jones of the journalism de- fished by students of the Journalism
narm~n_ hn asfrmerlv maaa department last year, and expressed


11;5 alt, " 1cent be cor respondingly incr easea .
fensive balance of power against the
world. -
Patrick Devlin devoted his time to A merican Legion
expounding to the audience on the I~l GiveDa ce
freedom of the peoples of early civili-iWillGfiancei
rations as compared with the freedom I
of today. He also alluded to the in- To aid in the raising of Ann Ar-
struments. of destruction in war pro- bor's quota of $3,900 for the American
d muced by scienc '26speaking for Legion endowment fund, the local or-
icyman aheld the6 rinciple that ganization will give a dance tomor-
the growing tendency is to simplify orchestra has been secured for the oc-
aid localize democracy. He said that casion.
man is not becoming materialistic, _asIn._
and is relying upon his own ability to Damascus was famous in the nlid-
prduc atculture, and religion. Dmsu a aosi h i-
De t , cs tue, re liin . die ages for its silk and linen fabrics;I
Deotnghis time to refuting the henc e h name "danmask."
arguments of his opponents, Geoffrey hence
Lloyd talked of sanitation, principles
of here ity in regard tohchoosing Frayer Sees Leag
the Roman Empire. and the yellow In Control C
peril. I
Raymond L. Alexander, '27L, re-
viewed the fears of the world morally, In mobilizing and directing the
biologically, and psychologically. He
showed ways to prevent injury from overwhelming public opinion of the
fears. world, lies the chief strength of the
Five minutes was given to each League of, Nations, is the opinion of
speaker for rebuttal in which the Prof. W. A. Frayer of the history de-
arguments of the opponents were re- partnwent, who characterizes the pres-
futed. Following the debate the ent crisis in the Balkans as "the most
visiting debaters were entertained in- critical in the history of the League."
formally at the Union by the Ora- Hitherto the council has been some-I
torical association and the members what timid, he says, as their power
of Delta Sigma Rho. has been uncertain. Now, however,

Navy Eleven. Is
En Route Here
ANNAPOLIIS, Oct. 290--The Navy
football squpd, 37 strong, with coaches
and attendants, making a party of 50,
left shortly after noon today for Ann
Arbor, where the Navy meets the Uni-
versity of Michigan Saturday.
It costs approximately $40,000 to
operate the steamer Majestic on a
single ronid trip between Southamp-
ton and New York.

lue Strength
f Public Opinion
ance of all trade or financial' rela-
tions, the prohibition of all inter-
course between their nationals and
the nationals of the covenant-break-
ing state and the prevention of all
financial, commercial, or personal in-
tercourse between the nationals of
the covenant-breaking state and any
other state, whether a member of the
league or not." Professor Frayer ex-
plains that neither Greece nor Bul-
garia could carry on the war very
long without borrowing money, and
the powers, if ,necessary, would re-
fuse to grant them credit.
Professor Frayer does not believe,
however, that the matter will go that
far. If the belligerents do not abide
lby the league's ultimatum, England,
France, and Italy may be called uponI

ro.ser i wara :,sist him.
William Warrick, '27,,lhas been LTT E iL
awarded $10 as first prize for the best
poster submitted in the Union Opera1
poster contest, it was announced last
,night by E. Mortimer Shuter, director _
I of the opera. The leading poster, to
gether with eight others entered inT
the contest will be displayed tomor- Affair To le Made An Annual Event;
row in the window of Graham's book Music By Detroit Or hestra
store on State street. j- '
Maurice Lichtenstein, '28, received . President Clarence Cook Little and
two tickets to the opera for the see!Mrs. Little and members of the law,
ond best poster, and Walker EverettI school faculty will be guests of honor
'26, co-author of this year's opera, was at the dance to be held in the Law-
awarded one ticket for the third yers' club next Saturday night. At-
' choice. tendance otherwise has been limited
Warrick's design wrill be used on; to students of the law school. More
the prognams of "Tambourine," as I than 125 coupleshare expected to at-
well as on the music scores, and the tend.
billboards and posters in all of the Earl Walton's orchestra of Detroit
cities where the opera will play this ( will supply music. The lounge room
winter. The creation is that of a! of the club is to be utilized as a
gypsy girl brilliantly garbed in a pavilion, and decorations will consist
dancing pose holding a tambourine. chiefly of palms.
In the foreground are the shadows of It is the purpose of the dance com-
two musicians playing upon stringed mittee, under the direction of Erwin
instruments. Haass, '27L, to make an annual event
Photographs of the cast and both' of the informal Lawyers' club dance.
choruses taken in their most becom-
ing costumes will be on display in the BATAVIA, Java, Oct. 29. - Three
Union lobby in a short time, as well persons were killed and 50 are miss-
as the costume drawings done in col- ing following the collapse of a bridge
ors by Lester, the opera's costumier. near Medan, Island of Sumatra.

ing editor of the Evansville,Ind., a wish that the project be continued.
Press. Cameron Defines Church News
The relation of the newspaper to The second speaker was Charles D.
the legislature will be pointed out by Cameron, editor of the church depart-
Harry Whitely, state senator and edi- ment of the Detroit News, who gave
tor of the Dowagiac News, who will an address on "The Church as a
speak on "The Press and the Legis- Source of News." He defined church
lature". After a discussion of this news as the presentation of facts of
topic the convention will adjourn the actual progress in the religious
from its afternoon session. field; and not as remarks about
During the morning session tomor- church controversies, nor the promul-
row the routine business of the con- gation of church propaganda.
vention will be conducted, including "The Newspaper as an Organs of
the reports of committees and the I Government" was the subject of the
election of officers for the coming thirdaddress given by Prof. reston
year. Slosson of the history department.;

Party ,Sweeps
All Of Canlada,
OTTAWA, Ont., Oct. 29.-In theI
elections throughout Canada today!
for 245 seats in the House of Parlia-
ment, the conservative party made
sweeping gains, W. L. MacKenzie
King, head of the liberal government,l
went to defeat in his own constitu-
ency and with him, even on incomplete
returns went seven other cabinet min-
In Nova Scotia, out of 14 seats, the
conservatives have elected 11 mem-
bers, and the liberals 3. In New

"T'he government," hie said, "is divided
into three departments, conventional-
ly' however, it should be divided into
five, groups, namely: executive, ad-
ministrative, legislative, judicial, and
informative. The last named has not
been recognized, and is not part of
our political thteory, but it could very
easily be so." The newspaper, as he
explained it, is an organ of govern-
ment, such that, without it, democracy
would not exist.
I New Books Given
To Union Library
By Dr. Chase, '99
Dr. O. D. Chase, '99M, of Chicago,
has contributed a valuable collection
of "Messages and Papers of the Pres-
idents" to the Pendleton library of the

A Frenchman has invented a mia-
chine for limbering up the muscles of
the fingers for pianists.

that power has been put to the test,
and if the league is successful, as hlej
states there is every reason to believej
there will be, it will be the greatest
triumph it has ever had.
"With public opinion so strongly
behind the league," Professor Frayerj
asserts, "the governments of Greece .
and Bulgaria know that the leading



IMichigan's present stadium seats 45,000, of
which onli 1 7,000 are betmeen the goal
posts. The illinois stadium, ith 67,000,
SA!' rA Of nn fl iLnn. -6iL A-I J'

powers will adopt physical measures

to send warships, not to fire, but to .

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