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October 29, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-29

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kl I~u I ( t .1i 1E~ fd9:l.,S1I( Ii AN D .VN FI L IT ~ 1Y 5 s1 : Q A E T h IELD IN TJ I l AY SE S ION BEtUl l IN
JULL U il IiI) IN~:.I B W;zI I)AX 'I Y;O';I
{Reolvd: h aU I~t Th dse ~iC1tie~ ts Islcad (bf 3indscaI Journa lo be (lei faiy I
(raiidel hiren" Rill Be s3'hec~akr at Seventh IAnuital Menri
D)isused Members of the Cambridge unive rsity deating teamn who will meet the Moeh Press Dinner un PMo
Varsity trio tonight in Hlli auditoriumii. Le t to right: Patrick Devlin,
te M s ic i a s han d Co n i dg d ea te 8c o 'c lo c ke yfn d-G-ff r elLl o d . r e a w u d e t t J u n , Mrta s w l c a h t n g t a ' l c - - - l s s a e e x p ec (t e d in A n A r b o r t h is U io
in Hill auditorium on the question Uonn 0rgstrfrtesv nt p
"It ,olved That tis house pities its d IIL F U 0 IV Fnea tin fte Fnvriv~,~~
grandchildren" in the annual interna- u r @r9 rJU @litliresclb of Michigan wich opns-0 ans
tional debate staged under the ause- IH UIL Uor r itU. three day ssion today a the (owingI
pices of the Oratorical association. p'nion.hewl
Senator James Coees will preside. P3C1 1T IN 81 [KAM f S1C1Hh , G[0D [O CO01101 Among the principal speakers for fI kE tet'
The English university will e rep- he onention will he President Car-
resented by Geoffrey Lloyd, Patrick -oc okLite r ori ihc n " y
D~evlin, and M\ichael Ramsey; while Iei 'otui Junlo teAei rn '11wor
RaymondI L. Alexander, '27L, Elmer Vowil'sTitlaLun a')s'sociation . atRegenta i J. E.id Iprinti;ilIas
Salzman, '27L, and Lyman J. Glasgow, Of TIroosh Fjires A 8 O'l('Jckt ,mif li i on lrseiit eia sscain ReetJ Lpiga
ToddVars ''im Aer~olrialoi;, eal ; Grove Pttrson, editor of the defnite p
'26, will uphold the debating ,honors TdY, TrsTneAispktos'oledo Blade; Prof. Preston W. los- ing held
of Michiga. -on of the history dopartment; and u ell
Tickets Stil Available FIGHTING CONTINUES NEW BU3CUG T REECTED I Prof. Fdson R. Sunderland of the Law letedtoi l
Tickets for the debate will e soldI-___ Shool part. I
from 1:30 to 5:30 o'clock this after- (By Assciated Press) (;; ' ec t ef s) Prsident1 to hlet; Ininbers
noon at the box office in ill audi- I as" c oih a h nua ~so Itru.A ilnsiucag f 0PRS c,2.Anurldnii..R 11IN cku.Covr
centsdzon willn Gehe adassessed. The proceeds ax :1p ap ftoUniversity dinner given in lhonor of Death".
tarendzon.beweeiGrecebnd assessed.ithe1 The i opaxrpcalseds()the Press club, President. Lit tie willAy
will be used to send a Michigan de- garia, with commissioners of con - c'hr tsxvprop;'P'd today la the; outlne to t he eltors the xadiinist ra- Dne
bating team to England next year. To ciliation for the regulation of al oaWloa v I ;1daintros;(1115comm itte b Live rgra 01. which le will carry out [honiel
date, no Michigan team has gone cnficsAntie alIn.ma.1 ne~sol iito ' 0the it bya frte lniversit y. his adress will thell do di
abroad and if the trip next ,year is of the fruits of the settlement of the offer MiCchigan intrnalistorthiillntt10 ::
successful, Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, Balkan crisis by the councilothe T iir aie0advlu of theopr iiyt erteUiesysIj'
h d of te I ilc s e kn (ep r-League of Nations . t e B l a h m o t c, m i au f t e o p ru iy t e r t e In v r.y : o c
hedon thoes tuhatit weaigecoeathe IGiving ia spur to te aka taebioardr eli 'i'd in 1. 1.124 reveniue act, 1new he ad. B ir.
nrert, hpes hat t wil beome he 1. v;ere e lasied by representatives Shirley Aft. s"mith, Secretary of the otf 1uglik
custom to sendl a Michigani team I ambition to elaborate the security
abrad nnully Lat ya~rtheat-pact, Ithe council ihprobably will undr-1 f thie rcily, the Ameic(ani l B ar a l-niesity, and .F.Ba, a eler years op
tnacatheOxford-A Michigan i-take to estalf"1i'inl1 rinciplis to euari c 01 (')1Itit' lmz (fteBado eeis iemloo n'
Lac tth n ~I u 'sinanJ imr~ sceduledt to speak before the news- '2
the Balkan statesmen in handling any ioir, bt( i n:JGlmrKrner, I' 50fl, ,
teratonl dbae as rete thn hefuture difficulties and will exert. il Jr.,01of11h' barid, .,d the (:oilifitce paermen tonight. fhoever, it wasjrole.Ilei
ttendance at any other intercollegiate hf.ol eunbet actinatrilered yesterday, that Secretary Russi
debate in the United States, Professor isifune ohvIh ocro ;~udI1 lj~ll l itito fe milli may be unable to attendl on ac-
Trueblood said yesterday. About cuiyaremn itcemnyspoexuntua' nes ircev~ of detainment in the pprDet"
3,500 were in attendance. plomentedl not only by a Balkan ar ] i g! sipruilrai than oitem- ,Q'~ina chosen ti
Lunceon rratgedrangement, but also by security pacs plate'd il tlto pro gitafl of Dirctor Atrterglr none r-I1,925 pro
Following the debate tonght the bewe(te etoso uolo I' 1' ~de rain of speeches the delegates wiiidacel
Engisme wil d ntrtane a aThus will it hasten the convocation Mlx R lormer aid thlit' ldget iburea h abiioMihgnte opera.
of a disarmament conference which ~ad dlisa.pprved requests fr $190,100 Gordon
formal luncheon at the Union by the thIoan rtclhiu soeo I'. 'tot bate in H ill aditrium as guests o the part
Oratorical association and members of ol1i 'ilf~ l ~ilup~.. OC the public speaking department. Onha
Delta Sigma Rho, Alpha chapter. Mom-i the hopeful. results of the achieve- ar fi neruxt Year, andli hs brought Iti con h in~ ilb evdago, a
hers of tihe fraternity from other met of seurity. n ie 1IOiceiI 111111fr1m1he Ih Repulbican i a 6 oclock instead of 6:30 ocloki role thisf'
chapters who are at present n theI The Balkan criss which came at arIN n1( 1 )111)l'ial it'i.>iiorf0 the con as published is the pro,,ramks fo I'll(
campus are invited to attend the font- the psychological mlomen~ft in the new iitccthliat they would fight, to 1111514 covention The f
tion Reervtios shuldbe adepeace impulse given to Euro~peani pl-lt bd't recomfiendiWroiI5on this The first session of theeoviifonti taen by
through the president, Burton B. Sib- tis has taken on international sig-1 point.1 will be opened t 2:15 o'lock this the opea
ley, '27L nificance which entirely oveshadows Soi(itiI r (regasmered that the afternoon following lunceon mieet- Thee wi
The Cambridge team is heralded as tecoficoatoereclndiul w)10i' ~as very important to theI ings of various organiza tions hich'2, ea
superior to the Oxford team which (Ie- garia. t rn iry and ex pressed the oin ion j are represented n the general g ati-1 '27, and
Four great powers, France, (Ire t ttiti ei iiitvol ota rn.'hw ra),ae h lci . h e
bated here last year. All the debaters * i Ih Ieai- et SO dspt ae'n.Tes rt 5ar:t1 \jcii h (
have had political expeiience and I Britain, Italy, and l Japan and six ls-i Move ;o;ii , larger appiopiat ion., Se- igan daily new spahei'pblisher, teI year inc
have bad extensive experience in dto- ser powers representing both thei Erl 'triiy i eloitb has recommnended that Michigan assoiation of weely pin-1 edy role
bating. They have debiated nearly a I ropean and American continenifteju 11210h (-Y of th board(ihe Iept lishers, and the Inland (i1v lypess, Walke
screofcolgetemsintiscontywhich together make up the inemier-- I to at least 16(1 Iieners. I Presiden1t, A. I. Miller' of the Ba:ttie I book xi
ric hi ria eeo ai ship of the council, solitinly cog- ---- Creek Equirr fews wii officially w xomen's
sic hi arvlhr avlneltei'ed their C-on it ion and fhle ilil (I'open te three day meeting by deiv- I h
of subjects. By vote of the audience ''vi II th
the team lost to the University of iniiation thlat hencrforthi con iliact un A 1, ct(I flIe'ing a keynote slehofwcm tItanth
and arbitr'ation and not futltlunici'^ eeats ndco
Ind (iana trioI~ in a (deb)ate on the lroh-i iedlgts n h
bition question, and lost again by al(of cannon mu tst 1l.ie ':'ot id toy r ,r.fsians Aeil to 'elk Toda fore fit i
close margin to the University of Chi- lhen tdi~iut s arise etween atcs~j i George It. Averill, publiher of the been pro:
cago' team onr a different subject. T -n Greece's 1112m that she I.d invaded;Ii'Today.' BirmigimamEccentri, will open1 the there be
1-owever, in both cases the raillery, Bugrafrresn fdftnt la-nr oran of the a fernoon b addres,;- 1tie rehies
wit tiness, and impromptu speaking ly grateld on11tie('oail('il, OV' I 11(11i eig tie gron O" '.Jouraism Stu-good in
blit yof thle Englihillfli'1was a rev- Iher (of which acked M. '-rianI in lali si C{;v+, ill Ihe . If11121i Poi'l unit y id'ents in r WY ekyiv Fel.''ollow-;and sue
elation t the audiences,. reports say. I(e aa inthti.Wsirdei l (II i0~ lei'11t S Io iia.i" mppliatinfor ing 1is5talk there will 1be50someIimtun woe b
gerous rdoctrine to pursule ait1p)1icy odvtdtticsino h 1,ot hrs,
Vsitlors flavOe txgerence ty YtPib nrrna h i
invaionevenin he cse f aleglidatter P'eited, and Charles ). I
trlwas born in('anmbridge andl later'f provocation, ho iililta10elni~i" as ci t 11' it a ijid onifltecamrpsfor Cameron, editor of tie church (depa rt The c
tr o a . ttJe ) h ni e st , i as Iu at the displosal o(I at ions fom'r t'e rg- I i4,1 11f) x l"u I' lli to e who alply now m n , o h e r i e s il s e k i t h
attended th university 1 n was ed -' "erit ofthe DetroitNew1mill erty istcure
catged first at Repton, where he istud-, Ilat ion o qu0arrels by conciliation ad and a0 V('oI c c his i'i m fy I lie poI 'The Chi'ch as a Sore of the res
a' n'ritrat ion. 1 cI $2att frteo :50)"ews''A fter a discssion o(Iliii; r
led-,chiefly the classics, continuing i)fv1;(e l re% hitnwl
ths fede m ci gI The hlimit oh' GO hour i lx(ed by te't p c Ir t~ n o s u w l ei t a h
ths ml ltl'reringtheuniiversiy e anto
c (ouncil lor withdra wal of hall It'ro1ops i 't thbe tiumd ,Ia .of I aft 'rnooim on
ie also ,ui lhd law, and was elected lelulT'el:, l irtda f h fo T eie l
toohc nteUnion Last, March, hay-. fronm thle respect ive irt i' rS "~~2bs'i'.d vl ntdy(f t'he 'Te ewi pa per is an ( igan ofGo,,, hiuie
ing been ia re ulal' speaker at debates at8 'ci'trrel(rmowxia:1111 f Imt'lIijller'' numbear wereio o tta o
since Is entrance in the university l time, and it is they) that the coune1Ii' ne:~')Il for It ,10ll y iminerwr this ubec, the dle aes will visit Tyu
o utioso moendmcaymltary agents imuist telegraph Ito Twtablfo est I'i'lrlrdy. mnapiat o w~~or fmdr eorcpoints of interest n the ealepu ;enu-.,sponyou
i Pa ris whethler illinfact evacu at ion hIT",tbesfr oenaplcnt ents of the journalsm depart ment
il prixiil, 1nd iber 'hOal isml. IRamsey are out. iedinthe libby of AngelIhav1\'leen 'nc'iretlas 'tites for th~isto tilee f
11z ace' 'e ive in local pltisand arebeennaiceriniediceist.
hihtcs be all mnd en thle first fooi' of Unier- I vi iting nowvslapermnen. ie is no
Iar (ih"'iiread, for the present ant in-i ~yhl.Ttohrtalsaet rlsr
xta a t san 1'r te ou e o1 SOFIA, ul aria, Oct. 29-It is of Thhl he oh r a le re 1- lle main speaker for the annmal vi. n t t n o h u e o otd r h ign ei g ac ,t ec rfir t tim
('in~:n: HIis additional interests tidally aniinoned that fote Ceeokh '; 1 I'dofatte engieeriangNarcth ie r-II hivi vrity Press c11111dinner tomior-
miecl'ria ltrtue cuchac ii-1 pned fire oiulgtar ifroticrIot fti 15 te1tro n orhInvr ow igt wll be D. Morri, Fi hein, Ithis yea
''tceta "eadliertuechuch. h No. ., at 1 A. Mx. today. ,ne1 i, tie square in front of Je.,itoi' oItthe.Jou1rnaI (f the Amrican f
the I Abcstry, and( in thle lobby of the I .ldcm't ol ai'tion, ho is to dlvr,( h~l

(;co '''?y i loyd was ;born in Londlon, All N , t. 2[> ---'flz i r c ;; ti'e. IIr tis-xlcibot il:al xr~ ntideli De Q I' c - 01)1ci 11 (co
Ic'ig~ 'rni ol eg o ebefrveden-were mtt acked iby Iulg a rm'ian Ifor'c 1On! ogle w herepaymens on !101' .lxguos''s thn New splaper.' ' Dr . Co1Iiahl
thiis morning near' Itaiii ha, it z5 (If -Il;iI tiii "10flOle i si ~iwl)isarcg ized 11bth i'-ay ilel I f
115-: itew ibfridg;e unio 'u z~i' i4Tb'100 iwilt be open from 8 ,it y on mundiocl lte'a ro, stu~ ohdy00
i.g ~' 1 r tlr niof the past yeal'r, leilly i s t1 (m ' I50 iti 4o(lc.AsW_' h
I'; 0 Iiil,; x.,''t f D'.ll'r- ': t nit o'cock As far a 'm . 111(1ei'giadiat e and a gridu ate w r h
I3a- li :1tI tSul h-..ast South-! his!' nmi hc h Il~Oi ~( lIm11,101a~' l h iprsaf's dn tIh uhMdi~ olg
1Xr ' ' the('isrvtryentret n Blgai', 1t rtfltble tro out, tn l t ' AII(li alisi~an will be sta- of thze i'niversitv (of Chicago. f-__
t; <1'ie lestsgrvia-iie interest in 1924 ie 1'l at {aC x o t.ao ut f; ivye, unit's s outhl of thle b . ide.r, Ib l (11t110blo li.F's he n w l a d ' s Ile m di a t
t t < i ; r Il Icctizal In10uI le dents (of the camxpus at 310 o'clockl_ t
11~~~~~ aaa ce oiisBlwnssoe o 'k terr'itoiry.
-- ii o in i nr umdaymornuig in tile vest aisphith"'nx -I
t ' Irm).IU'~~i Il H~IIL F ISoT o "lie Arit ofPrI pa ing 11t. , c, t
Patrick BIevhiii was eduzcated at IlON ),O'. ".AlEia (le-(FLMJ1 rL
It elg1 (W";i';patch rzz:a
1 z .i.!': bi, z'e h:icame to Chris't's i. (gabomlo oIot l i IIU
call' go. lie h~~'s 511eke ,"istill uishel (i I cs ithuc wxhilie the Gre'k Iroolp ,y~~ f fIlTArneIuvnhxqlil~hi
i' lx ~ e s a s e k r b t t teIwere withL -a swiflg fi°oni B~t g iii I ,i{ JM IOnI f fbii te. rogI'amn mt Il he 1,b Ia iqi - m1I Ai
,',:r .( .wt't 9 n i'row nighlt, in atddition to D.Fs
i~ < lehr.Astaunch Con-tacketritoyb Bhilarasmr ing '~xy - I ; atilletil'
sci-vtivehe ha uphld th Torytra-I taced byBulga'ian. is i j iii1z{,in, willhonci-e Grove e Pa'v tePttern, Olilol
dillon and hs pcial tp hesoyhtae It is bl~ie~vedLthle evacu'atio"n imust]ml ' : lis i , at ion, ct opeedI10 1((1 Bmio-/h il 10..miv's
beenimpeial lohi hav cttsei, (111 dcomptlleted, OIil''TheNew ArzsI oc r,) cy." Tn'I'lpro- Will :siio?
Oil 11h()-.I ional and imperial___ poll115y''sI 'lay forL'the first band grain will mt Iso include a bief mi ddres s ymlic~li
tb's. Ine .as read history for the stll-a'i'li ey{>mizr1o be eld1011t;il7'30Igr
^011 1 IIO mdisa tdy 7 I''- ' 11memory' of til te t D1)r. Ma ';cn Lco- be Pr Int Il
hnn)scus n sa resent sud- a" e 'pS eaks ' " toii 11iHie Uion)I. Mellers "of!- I)~y liiurtozi. ;MxClig1t
i'11h law.l''s'm bnd list are invited as I Dunring thle session tomlolroW-, the totile
-a o Fo et of lZUU' ~ge;~stho 10var'sity nlisicimuis. Rob- (fconventlionwill convene in, ggeneral in the v

-sp1)111 For Orcliestra, Tryout;
1bCr S11"11Ile (os-Umitd
This farn
11'tnr S'li lt r, direc0tor 'of the
)cia ha :t night announced th-e
Sa-;t of "T'ambliourine'', the
trO1 pi'oduction o1' Minies, fol-
tie ,,,-elec'tion andl first re-
tliis, week of those who will
roles in lthis year's musical
Tr:.o. sts foi' (le cast havel
khingt o,), the~ir lines since last
ml,. withIit(le assignment ofI
ipa'I s, rehearsals am'e now be-
daily. The cast numbers 10.
( lohring, '27, has been se-
Dplay lie leading juvenile
will silim and dance several
La st yeari Gohring took the
ack Hloughton in "Tickled To I
are U- r ; Female Lead
W,1arner, '27, will interpret
nei femnale i'ole in which:lie
'ansidherable daneimng through-
ho1w. WaI'ner was "Peaches"{
''Tiekiedl 'l'o Death".
IHilt, '26, who took the part
1-a1l, the high priest, in last
}ea.'i'll 1viib the leading sing-I
ainlui'ine". Robert.I-Mender-11
will plaiy the heavy feniale
'e portlrayed the plart of the
countess in "Tickled To
Stanley Lewy, '28L, has been
he leading male dancer in the
l('tin loHle was a feature
in tile chom'tis of last year's
,Ibbotson, '27, who played

IThe Athletic association an-
nounces that a limited number
of tickets for the Navy game j
ill he placed on sale at the adl-
Iminist ration building at Ferry
Ifield today at 4 o'clock. Tickets
w ~ill be sold only to students who
jhave not plreviously purchased j
extra ticmkets on their coupons.I
ICoupon books must b6 present-
ed in order to obtain tickets.
This block of tickets are those
Iwhich were hield for the student
Iallotment and have not been
fcalled for.
Business Manager.
Charges Bused On Language Used In
Public Statements Criticizing
Air Services
* (By Associated Press)
WASH-INGTON, Oct. 28.-An army
general court-martial assembled to-
day in an old building near the capital
to try Col. William Mitchell on
charges drawn up by the war depart-
mont, specifying violation of the 96th
ar'ticle of war, on eight counts, based
on1 language he used in public state-
ments criticizing administration of the
ainy and navy air service.
When the court filed into the hasti-
ly prepared quarters, assigned it,
there were 13 members present; all
selected by Sec. Dwight Davis. With-
in the hour, three had been ousted,
one by request and two 'by decision
of their colleagues. Behind the re-1
tirement of the three and responsible
(If ProfessorthTo isbeen-a year Ih narft'l lsit PLW± L~L~~L~311


Fresman Lit Elections Changed
iNext Tuesday at 4 O'Cloclk
In Hill Auditorium



Complete reorganization of the
methods of collecting and handling
class funds was authorized by the
Student council ' at its meeting last
night at the Union. The new system,
which goes into effect at once, will
place the collection of dues in all
classes on a uniform basis and will
facilitate rapid and accurate handling
of class money, in the opinion of the
Class treasurers of all classes of all
the schools and colleges ,of the Uni-
versity will be required to open ac-
counts at the office of the treasurer
of the U~niversity. These class treas-
urers will be provided with a uniform
set of .receipt and voucher books and
will be required to give receipts to all,
students paying class (dues. Stubs for
these receipts must be presented whenl
the treasurers deposit the money to
the accounts of their respective
Arrange Voucher SYStem
When class funds are to be spent,
the treasurer of the class will be re-
quired to fill out a voucher and pre-
sent it at the office of the dean of
students, where the expenditure will
automatically be approved. The
vouchers will then-'be turned over to
the treasurer of the University. No
effort is being made to regulate or
oversee the expenditures of the class-
es, but the great confu~sion due to the
lack of uniformity of methods of
handling class 'funds will be - elimi-
Tuesday, Nov. 17, has - been desig-
nated by the council as class cdues
day, whoel the various treasurers -will
collect the dues of their classes. A
meeting of all the treasurers will be
held at 5 o'clock next Wednesday at
the Union, when the new system will
be explained by members of the coun-
A recommendation that a fund for
the purpose of sending the Varsity
cheerleaders to all out-of-town games
be organized by the classes was pass-
ed by the council last night and will
be sent to the various treasurers today.
The council took this action after it
jwas determined that it would be im-
possible for either the Athletic asso-
ciation -or the Varsity band to include
the cheerleaders in their personnel
for the trips, due to restrictions bind-
ing the funds of both organizations.
This matter, as well as that relating
to the fund for the Burton: Memorial

cbeen given another comedy pIlans of (lie defendant and his coun-
year. Isl
r'on NewHen amedWhen Maj. Gen. Charles B. Sum-
our ew Mmi Nmedmerall asked the court to excuse him,
ouir remlainlig pairts will be I the strategy of the defense achieved
T sudetswhowil aper i 1a victory, The record of the army
,aforthefirt tme Kochea. veteran, one of the most outstanding
ill be portrayed by Otto Ko.h in point of service and merit as well
Nylend, '26;, Valenltine Davies, a eirt frn a takd
ticharil Lutes, '28. Davies Hasassemscit frankdastaiced.wh
-autthor' of the production this H a ecie sa fie h
"knew practically nothing about avia-
d will take tile leading coni .(ion" and with hostility to Colonel
wit Lues s hs prtnr. Mitchell. The blow obviously cut
Everett, '26, who wrote the de n asdtegnrlt e
[h Dvie, wll pper i th'dCare his inability to sit as a member
'chorus. Iof a court in trial of an officer who
opinion o1' Mr. Shuter more had attacked him personally.
as been evidenced in the cast Thhe first court member to be un-,
'uses this year than ever be- seated was Brig, Gen. Albert J. Bow-
,he 19 year's that the opera has ;bly, commanding officer of Fort Bragg,
scouted. "Seldom, if ever, has N. C., Colonel Mitchell through his'
yenaparntat ths tae f counsel, Rep. Frank R. Reid, of Illi-
rs inig such clover actin ,and n ois, challenged General Bowley's
igimlg by mieniilels of th - cast, right to serve and gave in support ofI
;l uniformity andi b .iliiant his statement that the general was
rbotbh' te 115aiid woImen's;peuiebadanhotlqt-
prjdcdisdan otlqoa

he rniaice yeteriay (ins fom spechhe eliere atchimes, which was started last spring,
11oruses 'I'o Be Selected !Greenville, N. C., several hours after will be taken up at the meeting of the
Lo'uses ai'e rapidly i'ounding';his appointment to the court at Wash- treasurers next Wednesday.
ape, dir. Shuter stated, with' ington had been announced.,
'ut that the final selections Maj. Gen. Fred Sladen, was the tar- Consider Bind Finances
e large num~irber of tryouts will' get for the one peremptoryr challenge A night wire to the Chicago' alumni
)uedl withinuia few days, the court laws allowed a defendant association was drawn up by the
ill ibe 24 fit each of the two to file, to which no argument is per- council and sent to Chicago last night
s this year as compared to a mitted. No reason was cited for the to the effect that band trips to the
36 in "'hickled 'To Death". I challenge of the West Point com- Wisconsin and Illinois games had so
is for' the opera orchestra no-' mandant and friends of the defend- depleted the funds of that organiza-
in unustlally large numbers 'ant explained that there was no per- tion that it wviil be impossible for the
fst call this week and prac-' canal reflection intended, band to be present at the Northwest-
iow being held( regularly. The ern game at Chicago unless the Chi-
:a will be costunied for the ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 28.-Cornelius cago alumni donate the money neces-
oe ins the history of the show, Vanderbilt, Jr., wealthy newspaper sary, to raise the bsand's finances to
r. owner, who has been confined to hisI the required mark. The wire ex-
hiotel here with an infected jawbone, I pressed the regret of the council that
,IN, Oct. Gab--The Berlin Muni- xvwas reported as resting easily today. such a request is necessary and ex-
otuneil wiill be controlled by' - plained how the t uo earlier t rps had
:int arid1 :;loiailists for the! PANAMA, Oct. 28.-A message says exhausted the funds previously sup-
i' year;;11by reason of the Sun- tlhe U. S. S. Seattle has damaged her plied for the transportation of the
'tion, but Ithe Communists propelling machinery, is traveling at mnembers of the band.
e (only real victors, increasing a reduced speed, and will arrive at IChiange Election Date
i t.; from 20 to 42. ' Balboa Wednesday. The date of the election of the fresh-
man class of the literary college -was;
G" ir, S R (% G AM IN T R Ychanged to 4 o'clock next Tuesdayi, at
GaS RO RA V l A'IlST RI Hill auditorium, and not next N kuOnos-
F U IVER ITY O GR ET A V Y day, as was previoutsly annoir.ne.
Change was made necessary by a co~n-
flict with a, concert to be given <'t the
gan wjlIl w conie flue Navy to' Waterman"; professors and instruc-. auditoriunm Wednesday. Ten r.ien
bis"' A"Iri v with the largest tors of the University were the officersl from the junior honorary socitie, il
of the student sailors-Michigan and ; be appointed by the elections commit-
priot; 1011 ill th11 history of the tleiayfrtmtn the erydy tee of the council to a: sist in handling
ity. Wit hinl (1he cover', whichb of th'e war. the freshman literary and engineering'
)w .1 salilboat. oil a mroonlit sea, Pictures of Curtis D. Wilbur, Sec- I elections, due to the large number of
c'al of the Navy, amid which will rotary of the Navy, officers of the votes that are usually cant at such
ted iii the11miizeI amid luem ofI United States Naval academy at Ann- meetings,
L, will be, 95 pages, devoted j apolis, and coaches and players on I The subi-committee of the Student
game and to Michigani's part I (lie Navy team, illustrate the section council will be appointed ait. the next
work of the Navy duiiig 1917 1 devoted t~o(lie Naval academy. All , meeting of the council, next Wednes-



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