ESTABLISHED 1890 -d 41w -ddL, +qqr t r ii, MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 32 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, \VEDUNESDAY, ()C'1'0PIH'1t 2::, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS ~- a ~ UNIlVERSITY RADIO STATION PRESENT1S OPENINGPROGRAM IN ITI AL SER s,'i OF BM-NONYTILY 1'I!?f5 nOt P A FTUR-ES TALK t I T'I'LE MUSIC -BY BAND COLONEL DRIGGS DECLARES AIR FORCE IN SERIOUS REBELLION Believes That D~evelopmient Of Aerial Tran sportation Rests WiV IV Coining GenlerationI port ationl, the speaker said the de- velopmnent in the air should he placed in the hands of aivators. "It should rnot he placed in the hands of its op- MICHIGAN SPEAKERS1 FIN.ISH PLANS FOR' CAMBRIOCE DEBATE VARSITY D:EBA TERS WHO WILLI OPPOSE BRITISH TEA M THURSDA Y LEAGUE COUNCIL TO INVESTIGATE BA110LKAN DISPUTE University Activities Ilepreseniil Yost, 11at esShaiw, Reeves; Solo iBy 3rs. Freman Byj Stating emphatically that the air! ponaents" lie said "but in the hands of force of the United States is in rebel- ftrienids. The cavalry and artilleryl lion, Col. Laurence L. Driggs, told i ,a~s certed to compete with aircraft as an instrument of war, andI those in his audience last night in Hill audi- I clBarge do not like to admit this. The torium that successful pursuit and battle ship has ceasedl to be useful dlevelopment of aviation rests with the Ia eea ljnewao o n coming generation. His lecture Wa5 an in aenrairpefenseapopnafombon the second of the Oratorical prograni which will sink any vessel on the sea. course. Prof Feix . Pwloski oftheThe Navy issltadily dleclinedl to al- Pro. FlixXV.Pawowsi, f te jlowT the av iat ors to prove their con- Aeronautical Engineering department, centions, but the sensible thing to do introduced the speaker. William C.* is to have a fair test. The people Dixon, '26, president of the associa- aeitrse oailta swa tion prsi~ed.they want. If one boy in a $20,0001 I"Progress in the field of aviation airplaniecasikabtlshpine has been spectacular" said Colonel I sime batle s.coi inl lrgs"but the situation today int add ti ieta odton Dsthis country is a serious situiation. change." One arm of the service is in open re-I Colonel Mitchell was, then referred volt against the Army and Navy de- Ito by the Speaker. "Since Mitchell is partments, and has attracted the at-I now under court martial it is best tention of the people of this country. that I niake ri o statemients concern- The men who are in charge of the dec-1ijg him. I will say, however, thatI velopment of aviation are aged men the pilot" are 100 p ~r cent back of who are capable and experienced-but Mitchell for his bringing the question EiN l1Sl! TAlfSAID TO COMMISSION WILL REPORT CAUSES, .RESPONSIBILITY, AND INI)DE NITY Radio broadcasting from the Uni- versity began last night when speak- ers, representing the (ifferent fields of important University activities, joined with locale musicians, from 9 until 10 o'clock, in producing the first of a series of bi-monthly programs to be broadcast from the University station on the fourth floor of Univer- sity hmall. Speker wh adresed he atin-the young clamor that they are not of aviation control be fore the public. Speaerswho ddrsse thenaton-directing the development of aviation ioryasteplshvebnudr wideaudenceof adiolisener into the best advantage, It is a pursuit; the direct ion of min who are not the program last ,night were Presi- for the young to (develop, for the corn- famziliar withl aircraft. Thle pilots (lntCarne ok itlDr ir ing generation to develop." themselves %vant to (develop aviation. Icy A. Haynes, director -o1 the Un- Pointing out that aviation is a new They know the methods and psychol- versity hospital, Wilfred B. Sassoc-, science which has already revolution-" ogy of aircraft. and it should be left general secretary of the alumniaso-ieth exsigmtosotrn-fr1011odvlp. lation, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of theiZlth exsigmtosftrn-orIhmtdvlp. political science department, and Coach Fielding 1=1. Yost, director of the intercollegiate athletics. ( !IM DY C U I E T N I N DVSO Musical selections were introduced i l m o [uo 111I T N IN 0 SO ' between the speeches, in order to add variety to the program. The Varsity I ViE P A S I I E L C U E band co-op~erated in playing and sing - ing a number of Michigan songs. Two I violin solos were played by Mrs. Mar- ^--- ian Struble-Freeman of the School of "'~T~e 0Caiberiy TIriangle", "Creature Of Iteqnpests for Speakers Exceeds Thj~tt Music, Lao's "Andante" and WieniawA Imnpulse", andul"spring" Open t of P1rei ious Years; Financed shzi's "Capriccio." Otto Koch, '27, Club Season 'lHiroimigh l'ikersity sang two) selections, "College Days"- and "When Night Falls Dear." SL.TC E SA D R F C L YM NT PA President itle i isRearks" Preidet Lttl inhis"Reark" IComedcy club will open its season at I Eac~h year, fin accordance with plane expressedl a hope that UniversityI broadcasting may serve two major oh- 8:30 o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswel1l of the Extenwion Division, 3000 free ' jects-first, to give former students Angell hall with a series of three one- extdension lec(tuires are to be givemi a few remiindecrs of. the spirit of the! atct plays, all (directed by members of throughout time state.'. These lectures campus, vaiid seconflrto "acquaint citi- j the club.' The "plays are *"Ili C Cam- arc tree to t he public, as they aro yens of the state with the. Univer- fel rage yA A ime .S inanced by the 1I. ivers;it . Th 'e lec- Eity's polici sond in, Pesi Gilbert's "Creature of Impulse", and tLures are delivered by imien regularly dent Little Said, "We want every boyI "Spring" by Colin Cartpbell Clements. I enrolled oi. th~e faculty. and girl in the state who is physi- "Spring"'awisca ~to jazz life, Ordinarily, there are perhaps 1,500 cally, mentally, and morally able to treating of the meeting and parting of! requests for these lectures every year. undergo the (discipline and hard work incden touniersty raiing tohav a sailer and a girl uinder the influence This far, there have been receivedl at an opp~ortunity to receive that train-' of spring, is directed by Valentinec the Extemsfom officec, three timics as iug. Davies, '27, and will be played by many requests as can he granted forI "EBut",' he pointed out, "it is not I Thomas Denton, '28, andI Miss Amy; the coming lecture progranm. In as- kind or fair to admit to the University , Loomis, '22. Miss Loomis who grad- ;assigning lectures it is riot a case ofl a boy or girl who is physically, or1frtcotc is evd ra mtaluprarlo on whuated from the Sargent School infiscniirtevel Gea care throutgh immaturity or lack of self New York, has p~articipated in several l xrie ose~ tta qial control, is unprepared for the moral broadway productions. Last year she (istribtit ion of this service is inadle problems incident to life in a uni- directed the annual Junior Girls' play, I throughout tihe state (during the year. versity." i andl this season she has the~ direction n I h#e snisaller d(istricts particularly, Dr. H aynes then told of the newI of Masque's citfort. ~3,80,00 iuivesit hopita an it Daves lso(lirctsGilert' oCea y one lecture is assigned to a coan- $3,00,00 nivrsiy osptalanditsI avis aso iretsGilerts "rea (munnity. 111 every ease, efforts arc complete modern equipment. In ex-' Lire of Impulse" with Phnyllis Loughm- jm7ade to uniiit e the organizations iin plAining the hospital's worth to tihe lto, '28, Barre Bill, '26, and Mary Lou; any one center askinig for these lee-i 'tate11he decla red that 15,000 patients; ? Miller, '26, participating. Tfhe Gilbert tures. per year c-ouldl be provided for, and( play is a farce with a profundity of A glanim at the I et nrc ]programi 50,0006lpatients could be givein medical wTitty dialogue, for this weei, ftakcen as a typical week. examinations in the same period. "The Camberly Triangle" is .being showing,;thec diversity of interests in The influence of the alumni of aimndrce b agrtEfigr 2, comommntit ie of thte state, displays, thle institution such as the University was with a cast including Neal Nyland:, fact that six speakers- are to lecture treated by iMrin. Shaw in his talk. "Thme '26, James Martin, '27, aind Margaret in five cities of t he state. Prof. S. F. Alumni association," he declared, Geddes, '26. The Milne piece is a (ltingerich of thme English department, bhsleenm reorganized in aim effort to sophisticated bit in his customarily is, lec.turing before a Kalamaazoo audi- brzing: the academic idealism of the; light style. once on "B lrowning." G. E. Myers of Unmiversity in closer touch withm what 'T'ickets, which may be purchased at! tme School of Education, will give a is suipposed to be time more practical, the door are priced at 50 cents for vocat ,ional lecture in Grand Rapidls. hard-headed idealism of the busy the orchestra and at 35 cents for the Prof. W. I.. Carr, and Prof. Francis D. alumnu s." balcony. ('urt is, bot Ii of time Schmool of Educa- t.ees JIiscusses World Prolenis I It has also been announced that the! tiomm, are speaking at a (district mneet- Ini speaking of the Locarno settle- Comedy club will bald tryouts this' ing of the Michigan State Teachers' 'merit, P'mofessor Reeves told the radio, Friday and~ Saturday, and all students'! sp~cianiw, to Ile held in Grand Rap- audience that ''this settlement which1 who wish to try out at that time are} ids. I'i.of essor Carr is also speaking seems to usher in a new era for Eu - requested to attend the plays tonighit, in Saginw, an(:IDr. Curtis; in Detroit. ropq will have a profound effect upon; as aml oppomrtunity will be given them i Prof. T. f). Mitchell of time Schoch Of thm ae of the world anmd hence up- I immediately after thme performnce to 'Iiysical Edumcatiomm, will also address oi timefrue of the United States sI mucet the members of the club amnd la Sa ini,.w gathering of teachers on aind the p IrosperWIity of the American learn what they are expected to doo "Connmunhty Recreation andi Play- peop)i-." Ile showed that the Versailles; for th'o try outs. groumnd.." treatz-y of peace with Germany was the kind of treaty that could not make in lander Will Appear Tomorrow In for lastinig peace. It was dedicate( by the victorious powers. The settle- Original Art Cover VW ith Increased menit made at Locarno, however, he1An paintedl out, was arrived at through E VolumeAn Improved Staff System conciliation and moderation. Coach Yost told the listeners about ~ ltvi ni.~me4l 'o ihtedul TRUEBLOOD DIRECTSI f'ai ibrrlge Trio Made Up (1£ 3iciaat' Rajuxscy, Geof rey L1loyd And _ f Mich rgan's debate team, which will enigage time Canmbridge trio in thle an- nual international debate Thu csdawv night ini hill auditorium, bas its plan of att, ck comp~lete, annomncememit wvas nulre yesterday. Ray 1L. Alex- anider', '27L1, L yman GIlasgow, '26, amid Elsner Salzma n, '27L., who nmtke up l the local team, eceived thIeir training for the debate under time persomial di- rect ion of Prof. Thomas C. Trutie- blood, of the public speakinig' depairt- merit. E"nglish ien Skilled Speakers Reports received by the officers of!I the Oratorical association indicate that the 1Englism teamn has become, lby continual practice, exceptionally pro- ficient im impromp~tu speaking. The team as been debating in the U3nited Mtates for some t ine amid is now ('011- pleting a schedule of 26 debates with I mid-west colleges, necessitating that the Engishmen debate nearly eveiy'y nighmt in the week. The Cambridge teaum is mnadle up of: Mvichael Rain- soy, Geoffrey Lloyd, arid Patrick Dev- liin. Varsity lExperweed Ray Alexander caine to the Uni11-1 versity from thme Yale Michigan high school in 1920. After rneceivinig his A.B. degree lhe entered the Law school. I I-e is anmemuber of the Adelphi Hllouse of Representatives, of which organiza- tinhe served as speaker for one year. li194 e represented the University in the Central league debates, anmd this year took part in a faculty stu-! dent debate. lHe acceive(I Phi Beta Kappa on graduation, andl is now pre Ae'~(ni of the Alpha chapter of Delta Sigma Rhbo. Lyman Glasgow comes from Spen - cer, Iowa. He attended the high school tiere, and later graduated from Kern-I per Military academy of Missour-i. lie is a imember of the Adelphi blouse of IRepmresentatives and irepresented that society on the freshman debating; teamn. He. was a debater in the Mid-.I west league. 1Ice was chosen varsity cheer leadler for two consecutive yearis.I lie is a nmember of Delta Sigmna Rho. Elimer Salzman prepared fori col- 1 lege at Yuma, Colorado, high school and at Ann Arbor, being a member of the debating team in both schools. lHe is a mnember of Alphma Nu d(ebatizug society and represenited that omganizaL- I tion on time freshmmanm debating team. In 1924 lie was a member of time MVid-l west (debating teami, and was a memr- I her of the Cent ral debatimig league teams in 1925. He has received his IA.B. degree and is now a ;junior law student. lHe is also a member oif D~elta Sigma Rho.j COLD EPIDEMIC DUE TO CARLSNES ORSYTHE1 BE ONT AI n9 i HaCe f, I .t1I I l'AJ C1' KPl~ CAILLAUX POLICY DEFEATS MINISTRY President Doumtergue Must Pick flan to Form New Government With- out Rellablte Support i ( I' ' i : I' I I ACTION MUST CENSE Indications Show That France And England Are Combining To Strengthen Covenanit PA INTT2VR R' DI74.TNSg J 1 *11'.3 1 I I 1 11, i 11 A. L~i LC1I JLJ V .'s JU.aj JI ''iI' slike afao~tt i ga;-n<, one (By Associated Press)t muret igIt t'us an ~Ay cean ~ PARIS, Oct. 27.-M. Painleve's min- It1it Iit 'k( rrleads,'' ad lobset a-lrern^toistry, which was constituted April 16 1 thl I, i4 o o' ~ri ii Al n rlast, and took up the administration, I~~~~~~~~~ ~ tFasi'rO eliie t~ ~ oI rance 's complicated affairs to sue-c address104nih ibr1nehil audi- I ccc the lfeririot cabinet, ended its toriui. "'vts1 ordha'Itlayrs ami career todIay, whmenitime premier sub-t I~~~~~~~~~~ gods dtli aescesu u-I mitted his r'esignation and that of hisc lie t i ltoi~ bl t. rtitata teyI colleagues to Presidemit Doumergue. obtainiilnthie ficld aid in tlIe class-I roo 'fte~tttitod \vijcJ , man as The fall of thme ministry was due to t owards his v orix, while ini college, M. Caillaux's financial policy, his re- will l a r_ rlyo(lt emnei whether or" not. sistance to a capital levy, to which M. he i il e a'itec'isint lt' u~ues IPainleve rallied after the radical con- world" t Mayr (aumhel stledtha prh-vention at Nice that adopted a resolu-t ably the greatest, problem wiiicii the tion favoring it. Oine of the most dif- I stiiudent tfacer, is I f?,tt ofchetia fici It political crises in its history Iacr pi7m'sio m' if woi' y;72r l, thatno-r',"II4now faces the French republic. liner ccfittof It)e ,iidatSO0t x!' tr'« Pres.ident IDoumemgue has the taskt cilh (A'ttlyemaa''Ile -cusso picking a Imvan to form, a new gov- aftCt ayea ii olege li ecoiit ngerimuent; without a reliable majority for thi (?ndtioni, bea reniarled tiatI to sup~-port it. rhme president hurried "psi;('i< itah o il over tuidents inl the for'malities incident to the formation, 1t -1,er owoeing hi mt lle ort is jof the new cabinet, conferring this af- altogethllm' too striong.'' Ile,'"Vent. O111 em'uoen with most of the persons usu-' to~fV eso~ rI alpoI ally consulted in a cabinet crisis, and of the Ii t litI) 01 Sicim t (i't'tce'loitigt'-- lecturne was the riot, and the chairman of the financial fat rt of r 'rt i i to be g iven by lintfe commission of the Senate and Chain-I )proflt iaetiec in X' ioti s profess ions hem', were later called before the pres-I Whrlo will at tnii to help the ,tdtents ident and questioned by hium regarding solve t li i pro)1r,(ill.I the financial situation. All express-' - ---cod hope that the situation would be Editor W ill Talk i uickly cleared.twl e M aas To ]Vl'cl Body pre idenit of the radical group tmr row morning, after which it is expect- cet le will summon the man chosen to DrM~otrris, Fishiu'in, edit or of the form the new government. The gener- journal of tthIle Aittericani Medical as-; al impression tonight is thmat it will be ' sciaicrt,\Vil ,adres sudets ndM. Painleve. I fa ceity of te medicail school at 10 Tfhe premier in the new coumbination 1 iill likely have the collaboration of oclock 'Satui'day ntati'miig in the west Itbe active support of M. 1-Lerriot, and a.itiphmit teatrme of the iMedicaf building. M . i'iammd will probably be asked to I lie ,;utbject has bewen atnounced as remain as minister of foreign affairs. >"'lit" Artt of Preparint Medical jI"The meeting held by the different political groups of the Chamber this, VlC'S." I afternoon developed a wide diverg- L), I F'.i: hbeim is altm the editor of ence of views as to the solution of tt geja. a d flee author of mnany the cmrisis, shmowimng that the mew cabi- ' iot; andt] i te ra on edical sub- ! net, howevemr constituted, will have j ect 5.11 Ii,,,Iti7e Slat urday is given Ito) manoeuvre delicately to find a maj- jmither thelie usprices, of Alpha Omaega ority. There was much talk of a poll- Alplia, national hionorary medical fra-i tical stalmnt, which would require fternity. (iiFriday nightlie will ad- I dissolution of the Chamber and new d ress state journaist, at thle meeting elections, in order to bring oumt a nmai- l of' the 1lriivem's:ityv lli-'ess cub. ority to support a stable government. (By Associated Press) PARIS, get. 27.-The council of the League of 'Nations will send a 'com- mission to the Balkans to investigate the causes of the Greco-Bulgaran conflict. This decision was reached at a secret session of the council tonight, but the program as outlined is con- tingent upon compliance by Greece and Bulgaria with the conditions of evacuation and cessation of hostilities laid down by the council. The duty of the commission will be, first, to determine the facts, second, determine' the responsibility, third de- cide the question of the indemnity, and fourth, study means to prevent a recurrence of similar outbreaks tin th future. A report of the finding will be submitted at the next'session of the council at Geneva in December. Time Liait Expired The tinme 'limit of 24 ,hours within which the Greek and Bulgarian gov- ernments must order the cessation of all fighting and return al troo~s to their respective frontiers, expired at eight o'clock this evening, and the council xill reconvene tomorrow' morning to deliberate on the A'4le, which are confidently expected tem- body compliance with the demand. Nevertheless, the :league's executive body will not be satisfied until its military agents have duly reported that all troops have been in fact evac- uated, and all Wa i e meaures =a doned. M. Brian, pre~ident of the council, again warned the repr son - tives of the comat hat liable infor'mation has been receved ,that the c+nnon -were still thundering. The indications. are strong that France and Greki Britain' a .acting isone ini the preme k efot .to in- cAease the prestigq anid power of the League of Nations, and render it anr effective instrum'~ent for peace. There are also signs,. that, without directly blaming Greece, the, embers of the council are attach;~gip greatest impor- tance to the fact that the Greeks In- vadied 'Bulgaria to a depth of eight kilometres (whichr is about five miles, while the Bulgarians, even on the say so of the Greeks themselves, en- croached no more th n 500 metres (about a third of a mi1 upon Hel- lenic territory. As the severance of economic and financial relations,' which 'the cove- nant authorizes against a warring nta- tion, would require too long a tie o put into operation, there is: new in- sistence in League circles toniht that the council might order a naval block- ade at Athens, should the Greek o-" ernment defy the council's mandate. Eaeh Blames The Other Continuing today to blame the other country for starting the Balkan war, both Greek and Bulgarian rep' enta- tines told the council that they .want- ed reparations. M. Caratanos, 'for Greece, insisted that the real reason why Bulgaria was having trouble with her neighbor was that she had been unable to' comply with the disaruia- ment clauses of the treaty of Neilly, Iwhich made it possible for rovng bands of irregulars to provoke con- flict. lie denied that Greece had commit- ted hostile acts "likely to lead td,, a rupture" within the meaning of the covenant, because the Greek itroops had merely acted on the defensive. , The Bulgarian spokesman chara- terized the Greek advnce as an umi- justifiable aggression, particularly un- fortunate and untimely at the .moment the Locarno security negotiations hm been crowned with victory, and IDJ~ rope had entered upon a new era Itranquility. -_ _ _ _ _ _ Little Ceremonies Attract Nov list Jesse Lynch Williams, holder of the fellowshiip in creative arts for 192544,., Mwill be in Ann Arbor in time to at- tend the inauguration of President Clarence Cook Little,. Nov. 2. The exc ate of Mr. Williams' arrival is not known. IMr. Wiliams is the author of ,a. E ., I . >1 i _ nj i C In spite of the prevalence of colds dunning the past week, Dr. Warren Ei. Foi'sythe, direct or of the lieal thsemr- vice, reports that no compications of any kind have accom pan ied the e pi - demic. Thme colds are troublesomie, but no one has been seriously ill. Dr. Forsythe attributes thme epi- denic to a. lack of proper precaution onm the part of the students since the change in the weather. lie say,; that in nearly every ease umder the care of the I-ealth service, the patient has been able to remembemr being chilled becfor'e the cold set in. M~ost of the cases have e'ither had wet feet or clothing, or had cooled off outsitde between chances. lie added t hat at Ithis time of year' ever'yone should gumard agains t cold:;, arid take pr'ecauitionis inot to b)ecomie , , E I "i. , -1 D1riggs Believes Amnndsen s Scheme Of Exploration Really Practicable thrmee phases of the athletic situationm! t tInnder, I 1 u6 ""s' -ty ..................... -ticket distribution, the team, and will make its first appearance of the I lull 1'lt of imprlioXiiig time appearance physical educationm. Allotment of1 year tomorrow. This issue, which is ; f(1f b iugazine and affording a tickets to alumni for tihe Navy game distinguishedI with a cover of originat i med in 'iiW)t the (ttitksdfouth le work. wa eplindin full. He told of time art work, contains prose andi verse of rimrt studetnts. great number of applications, far articles contributed by studenits sinic A DOW ;Sy~ten was installed last more than could be filled, and of the the opening of the semester. A :iual spring for thelie adtninjstraltive work of ' shuflingariddrawng mthodem-su~bscriptions for the magazine, whose thme publ~ic'ttion, by the selection of af plIoyed in determining the order in first issue will be sold on time canmpus I jiinmor amd senior staff. 'l'hese two) whic thy souldbe illd.f for 25 cents a copy, will be taken at ; hbranches,' whichl cotnsist of five st u- whih tey houd b filed ;a dollar for the five issuies tomorrowI denits each, hzandle b)oth the business ______________ and Friday in thme lobby of Angell hall, I rand editomial work of producing tihe TM=or received by mail at time Priess build- !nmagazine. tme meinmber of the senior1 Our Veah e r ib'b ing. ii Iei staff direct; thme publicatiomn of one of1 chilled. H~e advises those .tlufter illg;I from the disease to spiendl a dlay, if C (ol. 1.,+tvenCe T, Pruig, believes' Lug back up into the air are not possible, in bed, drugs and inedieni. :te ' it. 1 )Ii A tuuts.3'ttlaan tovery great. being of little use against colds I explor'1e tteGt-it~ of acres,!I oh'cu- "The one big obstacle for Amund- - ryi _lieArti 'ciomitoIli senti to overcome with his dirigible SALE OF D)IRECTORIES YiWIl1L CO ''INVDTOI.DA'01,y +Pole bt eeiSpil zbteig eti ; it'l laska 1will be winmd conditmons. I think that by l riitnl i IIt' io'' tasibe lt ~the explorer will snake a great try, A fw cpis o te 12526 todett o o at, tatciumiIsto 'a i;'lii~n amid if lie comes. th rough safely ire Drectopileold t22 Sen oday at the I ;fs- i ill have accomplished somethii Dietr ilb odtdya eIt(rtly itttii iV. rea tt. IPress biliding, accordinig to Fi'edem'iek ' Httie iiH-',is t':o-lutythy e hit+1d I If Amundsem safely traverses Iis 'M. Pheclps, Jlr,'26, bini>ss inaittcar'.?of teraft. tforC('ti i a n Ama itt useumI to s 1.,800 mnile flighta short cut will have IWileji in nrevilus Yearst' e coim e s10 . ... .. -,-, ~ ,,,tnct rsri . * f it ,'.,,, .,h.,, ,a t -s~n + ,.. -n~