PAGE STX THEIF MICHIGAN DAILY TUESD1AY, OCTOBER t27 1,0)21 r aewiveyraev...s F~iii~p mn Jill xWN v w - r r. NAVY CAME WIL - fLhIIA Tflh lhI Schaeffer, Noted A P'T D fcC znr II'ICCue Artist Will 1 4 2 c T i 7 C _ PROECLORUL "~ '~'"' ~"~FINALSTONIGHT1' ly Jaeques O'(rady another Wolverine player in bringing Great Lakes 'Naal Training Band 0i Michigan's Varsity football eleven a rival player to the ground, invaria Winner lo Meet Schaffer in Matches 1!0 Pieces Will Encourage has relegated thre result of Saturday's for a loss. ioorrow, While Runner-izp Annapolis Eleven tudy ill P y o p encounter with Illinois to the files1 And often during the contest, Brownl and is now concentrating its efforts was one of a host of Wolverine play-, WILBUR MAY SEE GAME {on the important intersectional clashi ers to cover an Illini back, when itj LUMLEY, MEYER MEET with the Navy on Saturday. was impossible to make accurate Michigan will play the most color- Yesterday's alternating rain and computations. Lumley will meet Meyer in the finalI fill game on her schedule next Sat- snow did not permit of an outdoo-r Bo Molenda was another Wolverine match ot the Union billiard tourney urdayagainhstthe United States Naval practice, so Coach Yost sent his play who gave a marvelous exhibition of tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Meyer won r ers through their regular drill in the defensive play. "Battering Bo," as a !ie right to meet Lumley in the final academy football team. The Navy is Yost fild house well known Chicago sports writer has match by his victory over Metler in considered one of th'a outstanding oIThe greater termed the husky fullback, accounted the semi-finals held last week. teams of the east Tboasting victories grt rpartof the afternoons for six clean tackles unassisted and Tomorrow, the winner of the cam- over William tand Mary, Marie workout was in charge of Coach was aided on another, besides snar- pus honrs will meet Young Jake Washingtoncolege, and a rtietgame say ite. waoistrct s th a ing no less that five Illinois passes: Schaeffer in two exhibition matches, Washngto colege anda *ie gmeity in the various formations that G with Princeton. a eployed y.George Babcock and Benny Ooster- while the runner-up will have the op- I is notdefinty known whether e odby the Annapolis eleven. baan were each credited with five in- portunity to play in two games against or not Secretary of the Navy Curtis aronce, but he returned with a wealh dividual tackles and three assists, Willie Hoppe. D. Wilbur will beo able to come to the bwhile Sid Dewey, who went in to fill! There will be two exhibitions tomor- D.~~~~~~~~~ Wilbrrellwillbleboecmewooteeofiibriaiinregadinothor-era of foratiodingtheeneralthe gap caused by the injury of Tom row, the first at 4:30 o'clock at which game, but there are many other offic- IgacusdbthinryoTm ials of AnnpolisI who will witness the Play of Micnhigan s next opponents Edwards, accounted for five tackles 50 cents admission will be charged. contest. Coimadawhoil idshi-and alsts nand two assists, the bulky guard and the other at 7:30 o'clock with the men, Captain Sinclair Gannon, with Na iy th .,playing the greatest game in his ca- admission at 75 cents. Tickets may a at f35paes oahsad Fllowvin-, the instruction, the squad er be purchased at the Union desk. a party of 85 players, coaches and was divided up into three elevens and reer. Both purcaes aeUnteaionaesk. trainers will come here as well as Ad- sent through asnappysignal drill Akn B t partstsare finternationally miral L. M. Knowlton, superintendent for a half hour with the quarterbacks dAn unusual play was made in Satur- d to e ofIte ac a calling for all the plays in their! furtohersinbyhe Iber i 1 tmanahis ivn Th 1lchg News bureau, ,under repetoie. olverine punter. Gilbert kicked off I fute ntel lghttanhs v the direction of Phillip C. Pack, is reto Grange in the second half, and al, Iloppe. At San Francisco, in 1921, thebdirectionhef Philsi C.n Pk,--1F then spri nted down the field and Schaeffer set a world's record of 51 publishing the largest souvenir pro-t. That Michigan possesses one of the tackled the Illini flash. 1-7 average in a 4,000 point game grain in the history of the sport.nItterackhledut hey instlash.ri kame Appear At Uni on Ibet The Daily sell it for you thru !Read the the Classified columns.-Adv. Want AA s MUSKEGON, Oct. 26. - Muskegon COLUMBUS, Oct. 2t.-A throng of high teams during the last few years 70,000 appears assured for the Ohio have been noted for their ends. Mus- State-Illinois ,ootl c re kegon game Michigan its-regular ends, Stoe-21..Thfotbal o fi thr Flraan Ostraa. oterunNov. 21. The ticket sale to dale. II Flora and Oosterbaan. Cotie, running D. Taylor, dispenser, explaine'. in mate of Ooosterbaan on the Muskegon i the neighborhood of 40,000(. Ther num- eleven for three years, is playing end!;heferanntset4i, 400T , ;nei a portion of the time for Zuppke at ber of permanent seats is 64,(j00 and Illinois. In addition Bovik, another the emergency capacity much greater end, is playing that position for North- than that, so there is much room ie. 'The game will mark the final appear- western. Muskegon has two star ends this year. They are Nelson and De- ance of "Red" Gf~ange, as a player. Lore. Jake Schaeffer Young Jake Schaeffer, internation- al star and world's 18:2 balkline bil- liard champion, will play either Meyer of Lumley in two exhibition matches tomorrow afternoon and evening at iahobe s Warm, comfortable blanket robes in t- rtractive colors. As low as $5.00 Felt Slippers $2.00 GW&COPPAHY; JVA G M R1or iW/en Snce a4$ has an appropriate and cleverly de- signed cover and will be profuse with illustrations of the academy and Mich- igan.- The Great Lakes Naval Training band of 100 pieces, which is the same band that John Phillip Sousa made famous duringtthe war, will furnish the music for the Navy. The Navy is coached by Jack Ows- ley, who was a football player at Yale and graduated from that school back in 1905. The year after graduation he became freshman coach at the Navy, a position which 'he held until 1919, when he was elevated to head coach. Bob Folwell, who coached previous %o 1919, is still connected with the team in an advisory capacity. INDIINAMENTOR I11SSUESMAT CAL BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Oct. 26. - Coach Omar Held will issue his firstI call for wrestlers at Indiana univer- sity tomorrow. The Crimson, which won a co- championship with Illinois last year, and the year before, will be minus many of the grapplers who made the ties possible, andno titular honors for the Hoosiers are being forecasted be- fore available material is given a try out. this season was apparent on Satur- day, when Captain Bob Brown cov- ered himself with glory by smashing. through the strong Illinois line time after time to bring down the Illini ball carriers behind their own line of scrimmage. According to careful figurescomn- piled during Saturday's game, Brown made six lean r tacklesunassisted, and on five occasions coupled withI TEAMS MUST PLAY TODAY Forty-one teams are entered in the interfraternity handball tournament which began yesterday. The contest will be straight elimination and the first round must be played off and reported to the Intramural office by tomorrow afternoon. Four men must be on each team, and they must playl two singles and one doubles match. The schedule of first round matches is as follows: Kappa Nu vs. Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi vs. Delta Chi, Phi Sigma Delta vs. Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Gamma Delta vs. Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, Phi Kappa vs. Delta Tau Upsilon,! Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi Kappa Tau. Theta Kappa Nu vs. Delta Upsilon, Theta Delta Chi vs. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Theta Chi, Tau Epsilon Phi vs. Phi IAambda Kappa, Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Sigma Alpha Ep- SE1O019KOSTOS LEADS LEWISBURG, Pa., Oct. 26.-Anthony "Shorty" Kostos, brilliant tackle and captain of the Bucknell team, is the second of the Kostos clan to captain an Orange and Blue eleven. His brother, Joe Kostos, was one of the mightiest backfield men ever turned out by the Lewisburg, Pa., institution of learning. It is the only time in the history of I football at Bucknell university that ,two brothers have hadthe proud dis- tinction of captaining the college el- even. Anthony, like his brother Joe, was graduated by Mount Carnel high school, where he gained undying fame as a grid performer.n= When "Shorty" went to Bucknell he was a backfield man, but Coach Charley Moran, former Centre col- lege coach, converted him into the great lineman that he is today. As a leader, his sterling generalship was uncovered in the Rutgers-Buck- nell game of 1924, when the Bisons upset the football world. by licking Rutgers, 10 to 0. Anthony is also a star on the base- ball field, on the track and on the basketball floor. With a goodly number of fast and scrappy fighters in training and more expected, Ted Sullivan, boxing instruc- tor, hopes to build up a team which will follow the lead of last year's squad and win the state boxing cham- pionship. Training sessions are open from 9 until 5 o'clock. The men skip rope, shadow box, punch a light bag for speed and then a heavy bag for power, do road work, and finish with a few rounds under Sullivan's watch- ful eye. mYans,ma ingign runsI the Union billiard room. Schaeffer of 394 and 278. A short time later t in New York he chalked up an un-j is one of the foremost cue exponents heard of run of 480. of all time. He proved himself to be I talented enough to displace Hoppe, CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 26.-The holder of. the record for 18 years. Jake Turkish Women's association has also has a record run of 480 in actual asked the governmentsthat permission competition.._ be given its members to hold meet-I ings in mosques for the purpose of Next week in East Lansing, the debating questions affecting the pub- Michigan State college will confront lic interest. Colgate and Tryon. 11 I Buy Your clothes Lxclusiv styles and high quality moderately priced VAN BOVEN CRESS -NINC the New Way ' TE N-PAY PLAN Captain Swain did not return to silon, Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Alpha Rho school and his loss is certain to be Chi, Delta Phi vs. Sigma Pi, Alpha felt. J. Held, who won eight straight Chi Rho vs. Alpha Sigma Phi, Phi1 bouts; Clifford Hoffman, and Captain Beta Delta vs. Chi Psi, Sigma Phi Ep- Reed are all lost by graduation. silon vs. Delta Alpha Epsilon, Alpha The schedule will not be definitely iTau Omega vs. Phi Kappa Tau, PhiI arranged until the conference meet- Mu Alpha vs. Phi Chi. ing of coaches in December. Dates are pending with Iowa, Purdue, Mich- DENVER, Colo., Oct. 26. - Wayne igan, Michigan Aggies, Northwestern, Big" Munn, the Nebraska giant, Chicago and Oklahoma. pinned the shoulders of. Joe "Toots" Candidates for the 158 pound event iMondt, Colorado cowboy, to the mat1 are, Lehr, Peck, Drollinger, and Rus- twice in 40 minutes and won a spec- sell Fewel, tacular wrestling match, here last In the 135 pound class Kenneth night. Props, Clarence Forkner, and Phillip Eviston, are available. Forkner was E state champion while in high school WRESTLING CANDIDATES and was an outstanding member of A c thV the freshman team last season. Adteshou eetat Ralph Wilson, Conference champion wrestlng team should meet at In 1924, and:Floyd Childs, who wrest- 7:30 o'clock tomorrow in roopm led last year When Wilson was ineli- 316 at the Union for an organiza-{ gible, are scheduled to compete in tion meeting. Workouts will be- the 175 pouind class, gin at once and all candidates For the 145 pound, Held will have i should attend this meeting. { Ralph Saul, an "I" man last year; H. Tad Wiernan, Asst. Director of Held, and Arbin Wampler. Athletics. Fred Clark, and Stanley Stohr, and LawrenceGireen will turn out for the 125 pound elass. Clark won the in-- tramur championship last season.- Eberlitrepresented Indiana at 115 pou ast year. Other candi- dates inhis event are, William Schoolfield, and Ralph Lynch.J Fisher, White, and Cole, are heavy- weight possibilities. Coach Matt Mann will hold the( fourth weekly swimming meet Thurs- da- night in the Union pool, and will O feature the meet with a water polo contest, which will be staged between the Varsity and freshman teams. This year will be the first that water polo is to be a recongnized sport in the Big Ten, and Coach Mann is* developing the team for the Big Ten competition. PITTSBURGH, Oct. 26.-Max Carey, captain of the world's champion Pitts- burgh Pirates, taken to a hospital Sat- urday suffering from pleurisy, believed to be the outcome of an injury re- 1-1 SUIT or Elimination play for the champion- ship of the interfraternity speedball tournament will begin this afternoon when Kappa Nu plays Tau Epsilon Phi and Phi Sigma Delta meets Phi Chi. There are ten teams which will play in this final round, which will be run on straight elimination basis to determine the chamiponship. California has not been scored upon in college contests, while Iowa has been scored upon by Illinois, Colum- bia only by Ohio State and Dartmouth l only by Harvard. OVERCOAT Weadhams-& Co. Corner Main and Washington I r ti w{/ L ,..y ,1 'J \ a / Y. - :. ,. YYYYY i ge7 A -.-- ._ :_. , , 'Y H '- , -I"1") o_._._...__ _ 1 -I I The "Quality" Air T LIE "Quality" air shows up in all fine things-fine fur- niture, fine automobiles, fine. clothes. It's evident in the Scheyer Tailored Clothes now i. our stock awaiting your in- spection. Fifty-fibe to seenty-fibe dollars j