'I P~AGE EIGHT n _: s._ . -- THE MICHIG~AN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1W' I m - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1925 Number 30 To the Deans: There, will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, October 28, at 10 o'clock in the President's office. C. C. Little. Freshman Women: The discussion group on Campus Organization (letters A to Ii) will meet Monday, October 26, at 4:15, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Blue Books should be handed in at this time. Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women. Freshmen Women: All freshman women who have reported to my lectures on Tuesday or Thursday evening will please meet with one of the freshman groups on-- Monday, October 26, at 4:15 or, Wednesday, October 28, at 4:15 or, Thursday, October 29, at 4:15 In Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, to complete lecture requirements. Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women. University Senate: The first regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1925-26 will be held in Room C, Law Building, on the evening of Monday, November 9, at 8:00 o'clock. Order of Business: 1. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Senate Council. John W. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate. Ann Arbor Art Association: Exhibition of Water Colors by Alice R. Huger Smith in the West Gal- lery, Alumni Memorial Hall. Open week days from 1:30 to 5:00; Sundays from 2:00 to 5:00 from October 21st to November 5th. B. X. Donaldson, Vice-President. Executive Board, Graduate School: There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School on Monday, October 26, at 4:00 P. M. Alfred I. Lloyd. School of Education Assembly: The first School of Education Assembly of the year will be held at the University High School Auditorium on Tuesday, October 27th, at 4:00 P. M. Dean Whitney will speak on, "Tendeiicies and Recent Changes in the Requirements for Teaching." All students are welcome, whether en- rolled in the School of Education or not. S. A. Courtis, Chairman Student Welfare Committee. Inter-Fraternity Council: There will be special meeting of the Inter-Frate'i'nity Council on Mon- day, October 26th, at 4:30 P. M., in Room 302, Michigan Union. It is ex-E tremely important that every member of the Council be represented at this meeting. Philip Rowe, Secretary. To All Seniors:. In order that your picture may appear in the Senior Section of the 1926 Michiganensian it is necessary that it be taken before Thanksgiving. The Editor. Faculty Concert: The first program in the series of Faculty concerts will be given in Hill Auditorium Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock when the following numbers will be offered by Mrs. George B. Rhead, Pianist, and a Quartet, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Lockwood, Violins, Pauline Kaiser, Viola, and Ora Larthard, Violoncello: Ballade in G minor (Variations on a Norwegian theme) (Grieg) Mrs. Rhead; Quartet, D major (Kochel No. 575) (Mozart); The Quartet; Noc- turne, Op. 27, Etude, Op. 25, No. 6 and Ballade, Op. 38 .(Chopin) Mrs. Rhead. Charles A. Sink, Secretary. Psychology 1: Those interested in substituting experimental work for theses in Psy- chology 31 should sign their names on the Psychology Bulletin Boards in the Natural Science Building and appear for the first meeting of the experi- mental group in the Natural Science Auditorium on Thursday, October 29, at 4 P. M. howard Y. 1Mf-Clusky. Psychology of Education, 10 and 11 O'elock Sections: The examination scheduled for Wednesday, October 28, will be held on Miday, October 30. The classes will meet at the regular hour on Wednes- day and problems 58 and 6 and the topic of "The Correlation of Mental Traits" will be the basis of the class work on that day. Howard Y. NClusky Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified columns.-Adv. , ,u~iiililini inullnintlnlulniunilluuulnnilulnnwnunmuunluu'=1 = Like sweeping = under the bed Just as the real housewife will leave no dust hidden in corners or under the beds, - just so does iMiraclean leave nothing in the lightest garments or in heavy blankets to cause odor. In our private plant refinery we make a fresh supply, every day, of crystal-clear, odorless, oilless Miraclean for the per- fect cleansing 'of your garments and household furnishings.c -_ 4 Phone 4213 Unlucky for Spots .r - F samian Lecture: The first freshman lecture in Hygiene for men will be given in Water- man Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, October 29th and 30th, at 3, 4, and 5 P. M. This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical training classes and others that have been excused from these classes. George A. Nay. Physics Colloquium: The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. M. Tuesday, October 27th, in Room 1041, New Physics Building. Dr. O. S. Duffendack will speak on "The Distribution of Potential in Low Voltage Arcs." All interested are cordially invited to attend. R. A. Sawyer. Cosmopolitan Club: All foreign-born students and members of the Cosmopolitan Club are cordially invited to a supper at the Congregational Church, corner of State and William streets, from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock on Sunday evening. N. M. Nalik, Pres. Cosmopolitan Club-Executive Council: The Executive council of the Club meets in Room 302 University Hall at 4:30 o'clock on Monday. All officers and committeemen must be present. N. M. Malik, Pres. Students' Christian Association: Mayor Robert A. Campbell speaks on the topic-"What Are We Here For?" at Lane Hall, Tuesday evening, 7:30, Oct. 27, under the auspices of ....- i METHOD SUGGESTED FO1 STABILIZINGINDUSTRY11 NEW YORK, Oct. 24.-Meetings of! iron and steel manufacturers with a' representative of the department of justice present are suggested by El- bert H. Gary, chairman of the United States Steel corporation, as a means of stabilization of thehindustry with-# out violation of the Sherman law. The Supreme court, he said, in making the suggestion at a dinner of the American Iron and Steel institute Friday night, substantially has ap- proved the attitude assumed by the steel industry 20 years ago. He in- sisted there was no desire for a mon- opoly or undue restraint of trade. "The prices for our commodities we fix, or rather, we allow purchasers to fix, simply because we are reason- ably selfish," he said. "It is because of this natural tendency some of us have thought there ought to be al- lowable some form of co-operation which would be protective against im- position." Mr. Gary's suggestions came after predictions that the United States is on the verge of such great prosperity! wave that steel manufacturers will' get more orders than they can fill. LANSING, Oct. 24.-The state will press several cases in an effort to halt stream and lake pollution, according to reports to John Baird, conservation , director. Is just as important in work as anywhere else. you better service for less II - . t /Mi E IM 141l1 111 10911 1411'IdCI i g - - "" - Economy us once. The MOE LAUNDRY your laundry We can give money. Try 204 N. MAIN. DIAL 3916 11 Excellent Service the S. C. A. Vocational Committee. Hal Williams. WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to appear in this column must be left in the box at the Da~ly office provided fr nat purpose before 4 o'clock preceeding the day of issue. SUNDAY 11:00-Morning service at St. An. I drew's church. 3:00-Hindustan club meets in Lane hall.I 3:00-Philippine-Michigan club meets in Lane hall. 4:00-Union executive council meets in student offices, Union. 4:15-First faculty concert in HillI auditorium. 5:30-Social hour for Presbyterian students at the church. 5:30-Congregational student supper. 5:30-Baptist guild friendship hour. 5:30-- Cosmopolitan club supper at Congregational church. 5:30-St. Paul's Student club meets at club rooms, 420 West Liberty street. 6:00-Supper for students at Harris hall. 6 ;30-Presbyterian young peoples' so. ciety discussion hour. 6:30-Fireside chat at Congregation- al church; Presidetht Paul of In- dianapolis, will speak on "World Religions." 6:30-Baptist guild devotional meet- ing, Young Peoples' Union of Tem- ple church, Detroit, has charge. 8:00-Congregational motion picture service. Ernest Torrence in "The Side Show of Life." MONDAY 4:30-Cosmopolitan club executive council meets in room 302, Univer- sity hall. 4:30-Meeting of Interfraternity coun- cil in room 302, Union. Install Radio Set In health Service Some degree of cheer is being brought to the ears and hearts of those who are confined to the wards of the Health service, by a radio plac- ed there by the Student Christian as- sociation. Musical programs and lec- tures help to relieve the monotony of the long days in bed and, on Satur- days, they hear the play by play re- ports of the football games. Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified columns.-Adv. By always employing a sufficient num- ber of competent barbers, we can assure I you prompt service at all times. THE ARCADE BARBER SHOP 6 NICKEL'S ARCADE r4 UAIY.@ 4'UALITY.O A RiO) The Hunting Season Is On Squirrel and Pheasant October 25 to 30 Rabbit 1 October 25 to January 31 Get your guns, ammunition and hunting clothes at Fisclier's Shotguns from $11.59 to $75.6. Most any style and m;re in stock. Jno. C. Fischer Hardware Co. 1 I I._. Car nival Week 105 East Washington St. Phone 4104 at the C r eyst oneBallroom THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 The Event of the Season Our Annual M A R DI GRAS $1,000 in Prizes'"to be Given for the Most Original Costumes A Riot of Fun - Noise Makers - Serpentine - "Nuff Sed" Attendance Limited Q' UALITY. " G1 I I CA -vs II~lI~lIl~lIIIIIlIII ti FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 4 "'~''~' ~ "ox i = OR WHATL YOU "Cabbage Nte Fo ite' WILL THAT REMINDS US SATURDAY. OCT. 81 11 ii terna iona Subject "Resolved: Thi: Uchate + _. ', HALLOW'EEN Bo-o-o! Who? You? s House Come and Help Us Make It Some Party Attendance Limited Graystone ancing Nightly Except Monday Two Orchestras including TV A XT 0A\1 T\TIT rprPTlV' Pities Its Grandchildren" HILL AUDITORIUM I I ,. I ,